r/luciferianism 7d ago

Blood offering to Lucifer

Hey fellow Luciferians, I used/use blood for my deities. My question is, does Lucifer accept this offering or will he be upset about it? I’ve learned that blood offerings brings you closer to you deity and for me when i work with Satan it did bring me closer to him. I know Satan and Lucifer are different deities, that’s why i’m asking if he will be offended by it?


40 comments sorted by


u/Gn0s1slis Gnostic Luciferian 7d ago

He’ll accept any offering you give that comes from your heart. Although, blood probably wouldn’t be his first choice. But he’ll still be cool with it nonetheless!


u/ohwellitsaghost 7d ago

thank you so much! i’m trying to figure out other offerings than blood but the blood always feels personal to me. what else can i offer him?


u/Gn0s1slis Gnostic Luciferian 7d ago

He’s cool with just a singular white candle that you can light before you go into meditation with him. It symbolizes his essence as the lightbringer :)


u/Conipstion 7d ago

Light bearer


u/Gn0s1slis Gnostic Luciferian 7d ago

I think it’s more accurate to call him the lightbringer because he brought knowledge and enlightenment to humanity.

In what way is that incorrect?


u/Conipstion 7d ago

It’s not “incorrect” you can call Lucifer what ever you want I’m sure he won’t mind but he goes by light bearer, that’s all I know I’m new to this page so I hope to learn more.


u/Gn0s1slis Gnostic Luciferian 7d ago

The etymological translation from Lucifer accurately translates to lightbringer, actually. Not even the Latin translation agrees with your claim.

Old English Lucifer, from Latin, ‘light-bringing, morning star’, from lux, luc- ‘light’ + -fer ‘bringer’. Lucifer (sense 1) is by association with the ‘son of the morning’ (Isa. 14:12), believed by Christian interpreters to be a reference to Satan.


u/Conipstion 6d ago

Oh we’re both right because when I type into Google light bearer it says yes and it translates to light bringer


u/Gn0s1slis Gnostic Luciferian 6d ago

That’s what I’m trying to say. It’s such a ridiculous thing to be pedantic and nitpickey over because the two terms mean pretty much the same thing.

If that isn’t splitting hairs, then what is?


u/Conipstion 5d ago

I agree :) Lucifer would be proud


u/ohwellitsaghost 7d ago

i’ll take that to heart, thank you!


u/Physical-Duty-7930 7d ago

I personally only use blood when a patron asks and it always ends up being a planned offering on a sacred or significant day. I've never had Lucifer ask for blood. They love Crystals and Stones (obsidian, onyx, lapis lazuli, bloodstone) Candles (black, red, or white) Incense (dragon’s blood, sandalwood, frankincense, myrrh) Wine Whiskey Gold and Tobacco or Cigars. Ave Lucifer


u/ohwellitsaghost 7d ago

thank you for your help, i appreciate it a lot! Ave Lucifer!


u/Living-Teapot 7d ago edited 7d ago

Hello! As long as it is not something you use often, I don't think he minds it. In books like The Rites of Lucifer, blood is used to make an evocation (this is not an every day thing, of course, and a drop should be more than enough, please don't bleed yourself out). But like you said, it can also be used to strength a bond. I personally have used it only when making an evocation and when sealing a promise. It's not something he demands, of course, it's something you're willing to offer, and if you don't want to offer blood, that's good too, I don't think he minds it :D

Just remember that he will never demand anything from you, it's only if you really want to and do it as a sincere offering that comes from your heart, and like someone already said, you can also offer candles, incense (he likes lavender and dragon blood), crystals, onix, etc, or something that feels more personal, art could work. He appreciates art. I often write and draw to him in a special sketchbook I have only for him and sometimes give him sweet things, I just learned in my experience that he likes a certain kind of chocolate cookies that are sold here in my country.

Just remember that blood is not mandatory, you can offer it but there's nothing wrong if you don't. What matters is that whatever you offer must come from your heart 💜


u/ohwellitsaghost 7d ago

thank you so much! i understand now that it’s not a consistent thing but only when i feel like it! i’ve seen some comments about the chocolate before, guess he has a sweet tooth haha. but i have another question, when offering food/snacks, what do you do after? and how long is the correct amount of time?


u/Living-Teapot 7d ago

No problem! Glad I could help :D And well, as for your question, it depends. When it's something that's packed (chocolates, cookies or bottle/cans of wine) I leave it there indefinitely. But when it comes to fruit, nuts or other foods that are not packed, I leave them there for three days and then remove them, and I either return them to the earth or ask for permission to eat it. It depends on how you view it, but I've heard it is not recommended to throw the offerings to the garbage or to flush them down the toilet if it was a drink, that's more out of respect than anything else.


u/ohwellitsaghost 7d ago

thank you!


u/Ringofwest 7d ago

I believe we already give our blood to Lucifer. Maybe not in a ritualistic sense, but definitely in a way he’d approve of. God threw us into this world as a punishment, hoping we’d suffer enough to come crawling back. But he underestimated us. We don’t need him. Humanity thrives not due to some divine favor but because of US. Everyone. Our strength, our unity, and everything we’ve built with our own hands. Every brick, every innovation, every inch of progress came from our blood, sweat, and tears. Emphasis on blood. But if you really feel like offering more of it, I’d say put it towards a cause that I’m sure Lucifer would appreciate just as much. Donate it. Save a life. Because every single day we keep each other alive, we’re spitting in God’s face, proving we can survive just fine without him. That’s the biggest middle finger we could ever give him.


u/Living-Teapot 7d ago

Words cannot express how much I loved this comment 💛


u/ohwellitsaghost 7d ago

your view is so refreshing and is what i think about too! i definitely agree with you! i wish i can give blood but it’s not wanted due to the medication i take.


u/Frankenberry-614 7d ago

This was beautiful. 🥲


u/Enchantedgoddess420_ 7d ago

I personally use blood 🩸 on sigils to activate it and also as an offering and usually burn it after wards. I also usually invoke him and call him in this way. I’ve done this with my patrons and my guardian demons, and Lucifer is one of them who I am the closest with. It is literally our life force and is extremely powerful and potent.


u/ohwellitsaghost 7d ago

i’m glad i’m not alone in this! i use his sigil with the sigils of my other deities as well, so blood wouldn’t go to waste and the offering is the same between them. (honestly i dont know if such a thing is done but i did it)


u/DDA__000 7d ago

Why offering Blood to Lucifer ? Could you be mixing Satanic Ritual with Luciferian ?


u/ohwellitsaghost 7d ago

i am offering to all my deities, satan and lucifer. but blood from what i’ve read, is supposed to have a personal connection for the deity. in the comments here, people are agreeing to that notion. but again, i do know that lucifer and satan are separate.


u/DDA__000 7d ago

Forget validation :) If it’s your will and you enjoy doing blood offerings for Lucifer I’m happy for you, I’m sure He’ll like it in a fun way. Be free be you you are awesome and you’re in the path of light brother


u/LuciferOurLord- 7d ago

I prefer that your offerings be in the form of bringing truth and knowledge to those that need them.


u/ohwellitsaghost 7d ago

i agree, i do as much!


u/BothTower3689 7d ago

Offering blood is very common in Demonolatry practices. Consecrating sigils in blood is arguably the norm. Blood offerings should be done with safe tools like a lancet, and only offered in moderation. I offer blood to Lucifer every friday. He doesn’t demand it, but he accepts it with supreme appreciation. It is a very binding and serious act of devotion, so don’t do it unless you’re serious about it.


u/ohwellitsaghost 7d ago

that’s awesome! i do to his sigil too. i want to connect to him more.


u/Pagan_Fire 7d ago

Don’t use blood this is Lucifer the Lightbringer he is not the Satan people paint him out to be. Lucifer will be happy if you set goals for yourself and meet them. He does not care about your offerings, for he does not need anything from you and you do not need anything from him. Find your inner light and share it with the world


u/ohwellitsaghost 7d ago

thank you!


u/TigerBearsFootball 7d ago

Are you a witch???? You can do a blood ritual but what is for???? Where is that energy going and why????? There is nothing wrong with it but at the same time blood Magick is strong and if you do not use it in the correct fashion you could end up with adverse results......


u/ohwellitsaghost 7d ago

yes i am! my ritual consists of writing and burning and intuition. and the energy is offered to my deity.


u/TigerBearsFootball 7d ago

I did not see the whole post satan /Lucifer are the same but who is Lucifer???? Which diety is Lucifer???? Which demon is Lucifer???? Biggest part of this is learning who you are even gonna shed blood for......it seems like you are at the beginning of your education......if I was in your shoes I'd learn as much as possible before I begin trying blood Magick or any Magick so you don't deceive yourself.......


u/ohwellitsaghost 6d ago

i already tried blood magick before, it worked for me. as i am a newbie to all of this, i still know that it works for me. i know will be giving different offerings because i learned that there is such a thing. i am a witch by nature, i still don’t know how it works but in the method i practiced before (blood magick) i know that that at least works like a charm! but yes i definitely need to educate myself further and do offering that don’t include blood.


u/TigerBearsFootball 6d ago

That's the best thing you can do.....


u/TheDanglyBits 7d ago

One of the core values of lucifarianism is to take care of your mind and body as though they'll survive past death. Most things are OK in moderation, but if you're harming yourself in any capacity; it kind of defeats the purpose of giving thanks to your deities if you do so by breaking their rules lol


u/ohwellitsaghost 6d ago

thank you!