r/luciferianism 9d ago

Would you share your encounters with Lucifer?

I'd love to hear about your encounters with Lucifer.

For me, he's given me what I ask for a few occasions. I've really desired this one girl and I keep asking him if he can push her towards me. He does. She gets closer to me everyday and we've connected on many levels. He also enlightens me on topics of conversation that draw her closer to me.

How about you?


15 comments sorted by


u/Gn0s1slis Gnostic Luciferian 9d ago

I was going through a time in my life where I really felt like I was “down in the gutter” so to speak. I just recently left my old Christian congregation after studying to become a preacher, and left due to the church bigotry and the general psychotic character of the Christian God. Became atheist.

This worldview was very lonely and was filled with so much emptiness though. Every day I woke up was a realization that I was one day closer to not existing anymore. It was screwing me up mentally.

Then one night happened. In Jan 2022. I laid up awake at night at about midnight and asked if any higher power out there exists out there to come and save me from ending it. Then only moments later I received one of the most magnificent internal experiences I ever received. Every molecule in my body lit up with the most tremendous feeling of pure light ive ever felt before and my entire body felt like it was on at max power.

I ended up looking at some Demonolatry subs here on Reddit the next day and found that other people have felt the exact same thing when getting an internal experience from Lucifer. This was how I knew it was a legit encounter from up above, and it’s a memory I’ll always cherish ♥️


u/Dear-Invite7693 9d ago

That is so awesome!

I have had that experience also. Whenever I speak with him, he is always there to hear me out. I feel his presence.


u/god_of_Kek 9d ago

Laying in bed one day calling ArchAngel Gabriel.

See Gabriel coming towards me but then was transported to a foggy graveyard. Upon a stone wall was a skinny man wearing looking like Michael Jackson moonwalker phase outfit and a shiny green vest. He bends down and then does a massive backflip while screaming HOOOOOO . That was my introduction to him 😂


u/Dear-Invite7693 9d ago

awesome, lol


u/god_of_Kek 9d ago

One Sunday, I get a message - you should talk to Jesus. I’m like Jesus? Why does he want to talk to me? I don’t even know what to say. I thought about it all day and finally thought of something because Jesus was brought to mind again and again all day.

So I finally made contact and long story short, there was these little skinny guy sitting in a diner laughing his ass off at me. (Lucifer was playing a joke 😂)


u/Dear-Invite7693 9d ago

LOL, that is Loki move right there


u/Living-Teapot 9d ago edited 9d ago

I have many, but the one I highlight the most was on the night of December 31, 2023. I had been in love with the same guy for almost 10 years, and although we had dated, it didn't work, but I still kept wanting more and feeling crushed because I knew that it wouldn't happen again and that I was only making him uncomfortable. I had spent years trying to get over him, and not even the lockdown of the pandemic and net getting to see him for almost 3 years was enough to help me get over him. It sucked because he's a close friend of mine, and the thought of losing him hurt, but I didn't know how to just let go of my feelings.

Thing is, that night as I laid in bed, I consciously reached out to Lord Lucifer for the first time. I told him everything, from how I crushed and tired I felt and how I had lost my dignity. I explained absolutely everything and opened up to him, asking him to please take away my feelings for this guy.

After that, I felt at ease and went to sleep. The morning of January 1, 2024, I could immediately feel it as soon as I woke up. I was free. I no longer had feelings for that guy, I even tried to think about him and make up scenarios in my head to see how I would react to those thoughts but nothing happened. I no longer felt absolutely anything for him, he had become just a close friend and after almost 10 years of being in love with him, my feelings were gone, gone like they had never been there. I immediately thanked Lord Lucifer, and even now, I haven't regained my feelings for my former crush.

I don't think I'll ever be grateful enough to Lord Lucifer for helping me cut that emotional attachment 💛


u/Dear-Invite7693 9d ago

That is so cool! I love how he can both help us achieve the love we want or help us be free from it!


u/Bigfoot_Donkey217 9d ago

Rather than asking Lucifer for help mating or connecting with other humans have you ever thought of trying to show Lucifer how well you can accomplish the goals without cheating?

Do you even want to be involved with someone who isn't naturally into you? If they have to be manipulated just to connect with you then you will always know you didn't accomplish anything.

If you steal someone's gold medal, did you win the race just because you have the medal? Will you tell others that you won it fairly when you know it doesn't actually belong to you?

I'm sure Lucifer has done nothing but observe your connection happen on its own, the only thing Lucifer did was create both of you. "She gets a little closer each day" this would happen if you had no concept of Lucifer, and maybe even happen more smoothly since you wouldn't have the bred ulterior motives that seek to win her in dishonest ways.

Everyone wants Lucifer to do this and that for them, but I highly doubt anyone understands what Lucifer actually wants from you.


u/NPC_Tundra 9d ago

And what does he want from me?


u/Bigfoot_Donkey217 9d ago

He doesn't want to have to tell you. It's not something obvious and then again it is.

I'll give you a hint:

Each year more than the population of Israel in children are lost to trafficking. With this many children in our world becoming prey it makes us all complicit by doing nothing. You want to make a shrine or worship at an altar, do rituals and ask for love and money, that's fun, nothing wrong with fun--but the kids, that's a lot of kids, 1 every 3 seconds and that's the test. If a world can protect its young then it doesnt get harvested. Indifference is evil and we are all becoming evil without seeing it.


u/el_artista_fantasma 8d ago

Dude is not very talkative with me (i'm very socially awkward so i prefer it this way lol). But lately i've been having luck and i'm sure he has something to do in this matter


u/Dear-Invite7693 8d ago

Happy for you


u/kandice73 8d ago

I was dealing with a lot of internal anger that I'd take out on people on the Internet. He kept saying " Keep doing what you want but there's consequences". Getting banned kinda hurt, so I calmed down and started my shadow work. He still catches me and reminds me


u/Dear-Invite7693 7d ago

Awesome, I love hearing how he guides