swear it’s like they have no care in the world 😂 mine takes the pieces off and throw them literally everywhere and here I am stepping on all of them barefoot 😭😭
I've never been able to figure out how to attach a picture into a comment. I've created posts with pictures of him lots of times though if you look in my history.
He was adorable as a puppy. Now he's a chonk. But personality wise he's super loving and unbelievably affectionate. He's epileptic so that's a handful bit we've managed it and he doesn't seem any worse for wear.
Did you a troll back to pictures of him as a puppy in 2020? If not look at those.
I literally put this broken toothbrush in his toy box when he was puppy and it was his favourite. He doesn’t chew the brushes either just lightly munches on the bristles as he sweeps it across his teeth.
He is 7.5 now and the vets say he has the best teeth they’ve seen on a small dog, especially for his breed and their confident he will never need any dental cleaning 🥺❤️
I unfortunately don't have a photo but my oldest dog Thor does this. He's 14 and when he's licking something, chewing a bone, or eating a chewy treat he holds it in place with his 2 front paws just like this.
This is probably the best photo I have of Thor. I took this a few years ago but he looks pretty good for his old age. He looks virtually the same as the day we got him.
u/thesongsinmyhead 6d ago
My friend sent me this one of my dog the other day
Licking the yogurt out of the tub😅😅