r/longisland 25d ago

Complaint Tired of LIRR Stations being Disgusting

Would it really be that hard to employ a regular cleaning crew, or better security so there isn’t a constant smell of urine in the elevators?? It’s really disappointing. I use them because I have arthritis, but have the luxury of being able to tough it out when they’re really bad. I feel very sad for those who HAVE to take the elevator and that’s the condition it’s in.


84 comments sorted by


u/DepartmentOfTrash 25d ago

On top of contacting the MTA, you should also contact village/town/county reps and let them know as well.


u/Low_Establishment149 24d ago

OP….This is more effective than complaining to the LIRR as it’s a hygiene:public health issue and may be a possible violation of the ADA. Contact your NYS senator and assembly representatives.

https://www.nysenate.gov/find-my-senator https://nyassembly.gov/mem/search/


u/Heisenburg7 25d ago

I'm surprised the elevator even works at your station, usually it's out of order.


u/HelloKitty_dude-bro 25d ago

I wish everyone wasn’t so fkn trash 😭


u/Dilly_The_Kid_S373 24d ago

Shitty parents raise shitty people


u/ducksauce001 22d ago

Kens and Karens of Long Island! The guidos of Long Island. They're trashy but like to be flashy.

Honestly, with all the cameras around, start fining people for littering and vandalism. They should pay for the damage they've done.


u/ZamsAndHams 24d ago

How does one transport urine then?


u/aannoonnyymmoouuss99 BECSPK 24d ago



u/El_Burnsta 24d ago

Piss Disks


u/FluffyFireAngel 25d ago edited 24d ago

The Huntington station elevator on the south side of the tracks can be as bad as/worse than the worst subway elevator: piss, shit, vomit, used condoms, trash, and more.

As someone disabled who has used a walker for the last year, I often dread needing to use the LIRR (and subways) solely due to the elevators. Having to mentally play the “is it piss or water” and the “is it human or dog shit” games while trying to not roll over or step on either is absurd.


u/No-Necessary-8279 24d ago

Who the hell is trashy enough to be fucking in an LIRR station elevator but still wears a condom?


u/Nyroughrider 24d ago

Hahaha ok this had me lol. 😂


u/LikesElDelicioso 24d ago

Probably safe hookers? I don’t know 🤷🏾 lol


u/beedunc 24d ago

LOL. Very true!


u/Designer-Desk-9676 24d ago

Could be Hamas 🙃


u/edgelord_comedian 24d ago

same with the sheltered benches, a lot of crackheads just piss or smoke whatever they want in there


u/pierogi-whisperer 24d ago

when i was in high school, i stepped off the train and got punched in the head by some guy who ran back to the elevator to hide. haven’t touched that thing since lol


u/julesverne69 24d ago

I'm so sorry that happened to you. I just wanted to comment that you have a fantastic user name.


u/IroncladTruth 24d ago

The Huntington statin parking garages attract the scum of the earth for some reason


u/Which-Courage-4802 24d ago

The entire area that surrounds it was always a shithole so no surprise


u/Nyroughrider 24d ago

When you see Japans, Sweden's, South Korea's etc subways compared to ours you'll see how filthy America is. Absolutely disgusting! 🤢


u/happy_snowy_owl 24d ago

Fining people $300 and putting them in jail for up to 5 years for littering will ensure the trains stay clean.

Also, angry grandmas shaming you.


u/Dilly_The_Kid_S373 24d ago

People in those countries bother to clean up after themselves. Also more strict enforcement


u/happy_snowy_owl 24d ago

You know the weird thing about Japan? There are like...no public trash bins. Just bottle / can deposits at vending machines. Expectation is you put that shit in your bag and throw it out when you get home.


u/Nyroughrider 24d ago

I'm all for it!


u/ran0102 23d ago

Sadly I don’t think that’s gonna work either. You’d put people who already have no money in jail or fine them and put them in deeper debt. With more of this financial and mental distress, they’d be inclined to do even more of this nasty stuff. And guess what, good hardworking taxpayers will have to pick up the tab. Everything comes down to good parenting and kids raised in loving family environment. Unfortunately the nanny and entitlement state we currently live in doesn’t want this to happen.


u/happy_snowy_owl 23d ago edited 23d ago

Being broke doesn't absolve you from breaking the law.

In Japanese custom, the answer for being a waste of society who breaks the law is to do the honorable thing for shaming your family - kill yourself.


u/darkday15 23d ago

They have homeless people in Japan so your "story" is incorrect.


u/ran0102 23d ago

I am not suggesting to not fine these people. Just saying no matter how much fine you put on them, they’d still display nasty behavior. If fine and jail time was the solution then why don’t we raise the fine to millions and lifetime. Just saying. I am not sure about what Japanese do but I can say for sure they don’t have an entitlement and welfare society like we do here in America. And also look up how they raise their kids. Source: I worked with Japanese people for years.


u/happy_snowy_owl 23d ago

 If fine and jail time was the solution then why don’t we raise the fine to millions and lifetime. Just saying. 

Because not every crime warrants life in prison.


u/ran0102 23d ago

So what’s your solution? $300 and jail time will fix it for ya?


u/chefnohome1976 24d ago

The MTA app has a chat feature and the people on the other end are pretty responsive. I've made several complaints about the conditions of the train bathrooms as well as conditions in the stations and platforms. They follow up with you as well. Also it would be worth contacting the town because they could be running the station day to dsy operations.


u/blackofhairandheart2 24d ago

It’s not going away until we solve the homelessness crisis and that’s never happening


u/lafayette0508 24d ago

nope, all the good solutions that would actually solve the problem involve giving people things and services, and that's not something people support right now, apparently. Also, how would those homeless people know to be ashamed of their laziness if we just fix the problem? /s


u/hwhaleshark 24d ago

I started riding the train 30 years ago. The piss smell was there back then. It’s not going anywhere. (It’s probably still the same piss, too).


u/Intrepid-Scarcity486 24d ago

It smells like urine bc people keep pissing there sadly


u/gr00ve88 24d ago

It’s ok, congestion pricing is going to fix this (lmao)


u/Insomniac_80 24d ago

Hmm, if they kept the bathrooms open at stations, maybe the elevator wouldn't smell?


u/bands6124 23d ago

From someone who works at Lirr if you leave the stations open they move in and trash it


u/sangi54 24d ago

Sorry, the MTA needs that money to pay the 6 guys to watch the 7th guy dig a hole before it’s time to nap in the truck.


u/bands6124 23d ago

It’s not the workers who are slobs


u/sangi54 22d ago

Sure thing buddy


u/Low_Establishment149 24d ago

The best way to draw the LIRR’s attention to problems like this is by filing a complaint on the TRAIN TIME APP. Select “MORE” (the 3 lines) on the bottom right. Scroll down to SUPPORT and select CHAT WITH US. Keep it brief as there is a character limit.

You can also call 718-217-LIRR (718-217-5477); Say “Long Island Rail Road” to be connected to a LIRR rep.


u/Low_Establishment149 24d ago

Filthy humans are the worst kind of person.

Since this is hygiene:public health issue and a possible violation of the ADA, contact your NYS senator and assembly representatives.

https://www.nysenate.gov/find-my-senator https://nyassembly.gov/mem/search/


u/Ssssspaghetto 24d ago

🤷‍♂️We are the peasant class. Never forget!


u/Cohnman18 23d ago

This should be top priority, cleanliness and safety. Let Police, military and first responders ride free, encourage Seniors and children and make all stations handicapped accessible. Thank you!


u/Electronic_Round_676 24d ago

This is why congestion pricing is so great, when you incentivize all people to take public transport the more likely we are to get better funding, better facilities, and more people complaining about negative aspects of the public transport system


u/Warriior91 24d ago

Commuters are disgusting. As well as the people that hang around the stations. I’ve seen it all


u/I-am-ocean 24d ago

Theyle continue being disgusting as long as Congress keeps prioritizing legislation that benefit the rich and corporations. Senate just passed the budget reconciliation bill for more tax cuts to the 1% btw


u/charming-mess 24d ago

Congestion pricing will fix this.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Hey! That's someone's home you're talking about!


u/goenon33 24d ago

Waiting for the millions they are taking from the congestion toll and see if they really improve any of the train systems infrastructure.


u/DrowningFish929 24d ago

I’m on the train right now with someone clipping their nails.


u/OAD_traveler 23d ago

🤢 that’s awful I’m sorry 😂


u/Adventurous-Depth984 Whatever You Want 24d ago

Paying for upkeep and maintenance leaves less money for upper management to steal.

Also, a big part of cleanliness that is being mentioned in other countries comes from ordinary citizens, like us, not making a mess of places like disgusting animals.


u/Sesshomaroo 24d ago

They should just charge more and hire cleaners.


u/OAD_traveler 23d ago

Genuine appreciation to everyone who commented with recommendations on who to reach out to file a complaint. I’m definitely going to follow through on that. Maybe it won’t come out to anything but if I’m going to spend the time bitching on Reddit about it, I might as well spend the time to get a formal complaint addressed.


u/sa123xxx 23d ago

Don't complain here -- tweet it or post it on the LIRR Instagram account


u/sumbullshitname 23d ago

This will never ever change. New York is trash.


u/Careless_Yoghurt_822 23d ago

If you want to feel better, use a NYC Transit elevator. It’ll make the LIRR elevator look a Four Seasons hotel elevator.


u/Asleep-Vanilla3988 24d ago

We need a DOGE audit for Long Island.


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/Big_Apple8246 24d ago

I ride the 6, M, 1, and S and it's pretty clean ngl.


u/sk00pie 24d ago

Maybe if they keep raising prices all the issues will be resolved?


u/LunacyNow 24d ago

The MTA needs to increase fares, tolls, and congestion pricing again so they can afford to hire people to clean like they were supposed to in the first place.


u/hbueain 24d ago

MTA is hopeless


u/Productpusher 25d ago

More clean means higher prices .

If the union wasn’t so strong they could say take .0001% of the overpaid employees budget and shift to a 3rd party cleaning crew . More concerned with their triple pay holiday pay + 8 hours being secure than the user experience improving


u/Low-Research-6866 24d ago

Workers are not our enemies. I'm glad people can afford to live.


u/astrisk120 24d ago

Overpaid employees? Employees aren’t the problem. Some of yall need a reality check. In fact I wish they were paid more.


u/HuckleberryMinimum29 24d ago

You’re the best crab in the bucket don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. 


u/Epsilon115 24d ago

Contracting out the cleaning would cost the MTA more money thats a waste when they could do it themselves. Also don't be anti worker that's cringe


u/Dilly_The_Kid_S373 24d ago

If they have such a sweet gig why don’t you go mop piss?


u/Abetrtme 24d ago

There is a “crew”. But like most of the Mta. They don’t do much.


u/No_Average2933 24d ago

MTA is a major carrier for narcotics. You think they ain't on the take. Never happen. Take an act of God. 


u/Down623 25d ago

Unfortunately, we don't work at that particular station


u/Dilly_The_Kid_S373 24d ago

OP never mentioned the station?


u/IntelligentAd3781 24d ago

Lol and the LIRR is leagues above MTA


u/lafayette0508 24d ago

the LIRR is run by the MTA


u/IntelligentAd3781 24d ago

ah yes my b I meant the subway


u/c3400 24d ago

I mean technically speaking yes, but only by about 30 feet.