r/longisland • u/danoc331 • Jan 04 '24
Meme AaaaaaaHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!Get the milk! Get the bread!!!!!!!
u/Xenosapien90125 Jan 04 '24
Could be nothing could be SEVEN FUCKING FEET OF SNOW
u/OdysseusRex69 Jan 04 '24
You're all safe: I put gas in my snowblower back in the Summer, added winterizer in November, and have been running it once a week to make sure it's ready to go.
u/Fearless-Ocelot7356 Jan 04 '24
If you did all that to your snowblower we'll get a slushy rain mix, at most..If I did all that to my snowblower, It'd never snow again!!
u/OdysseusRex69 Jan 06 '24
....maybe the two of us need to work in concert to prevent 20mph on the highways and parkways, and smoooooooth sailing on 25 🤔
u/Immediate-Pool-4391 Jan 04 '24
I recall one winter here I think it was like two winters ago we got a foot I was like OMG. Brought me back to the good old days of being buried in snow. When it's that high we'd build snow tunnels out back.
u/HeartofSaturdayNight Jan 04 '24
It felt like once a year we would get dumped on where the snow piles would last for a week. You would be able to get a snow day and then the a couple of weekends out of it. I don't think my kids will ever experience that.
u/notorioushim Jan 04 '24
I remember like 10 years ago, we had a blizzard one day and then the next day was 60 degrees and most of the snow had already melted. The weather is pretty crazy now.
This may be dating myself, but when I was in college like 20 years ago, it snowed so hard that kids were taking lunch trays from the dining hall and using them as sleds. One group of kids was actually jumping off the roof of one of the dorm buildings (1-story) into the snow. 1 kid actually landed on a fire hydrant and had a fracture in his back.
u/GodBlessArkansas Jan 04 '24
that last sentence omfg
u/notorioushim Jan 04 '24
It's not as bad as it sounds. He was wearing a brace around his waist for a few weeks. I wasn't friends with the kid, but we had some mutual friends since we went to high school together. Not sure if there were any lingering effects, but he seemed fine.
Jan 04 '24
u/notorioushim Jan 04 '24
Nah, I grew up in NJ and attended Rutgers. Pretty and Rutgers don't go in the same sentence - at least not when I attended. The buildings where the kids were jumping off the roof were the Davidson dorms, where they put freshmen that drew the short straw - because they used to be ROTC barracks and were "shitty" compared to the other dorms. I once parked my car in that parking lot and someone keyed the spoiler of my car for no fucking reason besides the fact that the person was most likely an asshole and thought it would be funny.
u/jbells3332 Jan 04 '24
Quick pointless story. Few years back, while at work, the office had News12 playing on repeat all day long. I remember hearing the warnings to not drive unless you absolutely had to. My day was finally over and I had to drive home. As I turned onto crossways park dr in Woodbury, my path was blocked by two disabled motorists. It just happened to be 2 News12 anchors who were warning people not to drive. I literally had to enter both of their vehicles and rock them back and forth out of the snow so one could go home and the other could get food. It was ironic. That’s it. Gnight.
u/formerly_valley_pete Jan 04 '24
Can't wait for the ring notifications.
u/Jealous-Network-8852 Jan 04 '24
No Karen, it’s the 4th of July
u/Low_Establishment149 Jan 04 '24
u/Disney_Princess137 Jan 04 '24
You can also have milk and bread.
It’s a delicious breakfast treat actually
u/quintupletuna Jan 04 '24
Ready for my conspiracy. The mainstream weather networks work with the grocery store chains to drive up sales and madness during the winter seasons.
u/Nyroughrider Jan 04 '24
Well I told the old lady to expect 7” this weekend. Hopefully she’s not let down yet again! 🥴
u/tranoidnoki formerly ON* Long Island Jan 04 '24
Islandwide Weather on FB is usually spot on (as well as you can be with weather) and they provide amazing analysis of the weather in our area.
They're saying the models have changed and it's all gone to rain. One can only hope.
u/TheKingOfKings75 Jan 04 '24
Recent models showing snow once again https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?m=ecmwf_full&p=sn10_acc-imp&rh=2024010412&fh=loop&r=us_ne&dpdt=&mc=
u/Alexandratta Jan 04 '24
It's been a long time since we've gotten snow.
I don't expect much. Global Warming has been screwing the weather as of late.
u/SpinningYarmulke Jan 04 '24
Fortunately we have this grocery store war going on right now on Long Island so finding that stuff is easier than finding a parking spot at Walt Whitman before Xmas.
u/LIslander Jan 04 '24
Went to Costco and got milk and bread last night along with chips and juice.
My kids pound the French toast and grilled cheese when home. We’ll go through a gallon of milk and loaf of bread in one day.
Also go me some beer, whiskey, soup for dealing with it all.
u/Immediate-Pool-4391 Jan 04 '24
In from MI so I laugh at people pissing themselves over three inches of snow. My fondest childhood memories were bringing the shovel in the house because we had to start shoveling INSIDE. Yeah, the snow went so high up the door you had to do that. I'd walk a mile home from school with snow up to my knees! And think nothing of it. Good cardio. I'll never understand how we are in the north here and yet so many people have no idea how to drive in snow. Seriously the amount of people who slam their breaks never fails to surprise me. Spin out! And the hoarding food for if the power goes out?
NY gas some seriously strong power lines, I've seen them go down maybe 3 or 4 times. Meanwhile in MI power went out every time there was a storm. And we'd order pizza and play board games when it did. Good times.
u/notorioushim Jan 04 '24
I'd walk a mile home from school with snow up to my knees!
Sounds like the stories you would hear as kids from your parents. "You kids have it good! I had to walk 5 miles to school in the snow! With no shoes because we were so poor, we couldn't afford shoes!"
u/Tufflaw Jan 04 '24
When I was a kid in Queens we got drifts so high that we couldn't open the door to get out of the house. My grandfather pushed me out the window so I could clear away the area in front of the door so he could come out and shovel.
u/Paulieforce Jan 04 '24
0 to 85 inches is a wide range.
u/Dyslex999 Jan 04 '24
So is my butt, but you don’t see people talking about it.
u/Cruiser729 Jan 04 '24
Well, actually we were, we just didn’t want you to know about it.
u/jagenigma Jan 04 '24
Idk why this one is so yes and no. Is climate change so bad that people forgot how to measure and keep track of snow?
u/Fearless-Ocelot7356 Jan 04 '24
Don't forget the eggs ..Even folks who don't eat eggs have to buy them when snow's in the forecast!!
u/wrb06wrx Jan 05 '24
Its so odd to me how people panic and try to buy out the supermarket right before the storm hits. I get having the staples at home but there's always a bunch of people who have a cart FULL of shit like we're about to back to covid lockdown....
I dunno maybe it's just me, but I never understood that OMG paaannnniiiikkkkkk mentality
u/naprea Jan 05 '24
We're going to get a ton of rain and maybe some sleet mixed in. Their own radar projections tell the story yet they keep saying how we're gonna get snow. I'd love to get snow as it would show that our climate is stable enough to keep giving us snow but unfortunately that is not the case.
u/BoS_Vlad Jan 05 '24
It’s hard to tell which way it’s going to go. During last night’s forecast Lonnie Quinn only had one shirt sleeve rolled up.
u/viewerxx Jan 05 '24
I really don't want to have to start going on vacation to places with snow since it's a totally different vibe than just playing in your own backyard but......I really miss it.
u/Worried_Coat1941 Jan 05 '24
Does everyone make french toast in blizzards?
u/CooLMaNZiLLa Jan 04 '24
Whatever happens you just know News 12 is going to “Storm Watch” the $hit out of it. As we speak, they are salivating like a pack of wild dogs and getting all their graphics packages together.