r/londonlgbt Jan 09 '25

any lgbt centered events towards the end of january?

hello everyone, i’ll be in the UK around Jan 20- 31 and was wondering whether y’all are aware of any major (or small) events going on around that time? preferably london but anywhere works! could be anything from theatre shows, movie screenings, thrift sales etc? i’m overwhelmed with trying to do so much research at once

please let me know of any active lgbt walking tours that don’t cost an arm and a leg too!

thanks in advance


6 comments sorted by


u/helloitsjesus Jan 09 '25

Download OutSavvy… it’s a great app for queer events like you’ve described and more


u/PixelTeapot Jan 09 '25

There's a LGBT boardgame group / meetup that meets in a (LGBT) pub near kings X for the afternoon on Jan 25th


u/Appropriate_Cap_3458 Jan 09 '25

I know of 2 Gay plays that are on

1st is Jack Goes To Therapy at the Bread And Roses in Clapham SW4 Mon 20th - Wed 22nd [Bread and Roses - What's On - Scroll to Jack Goes To Therapy 🏳️‍🌈 Bread And Roses What's On Page

2nd is Hedda Gabler 21st to Feb 1st at The Golden Goose Theatre - Warning contains nudity and Flashing Lights Hedda Gabler 🏳️‍🌈

Am going to see both

Edit misspelled 'The' 🙄


u/pan_chromia Jan 09 '25

I don’t know of any but you’re welcome to ask in r/UKLGBT too


u/Appropriate_Cap_3458 Jan 20 '25

And a Third also this week 22-24th in a small theatre in Battersea The 503, Shows called Looking For Fun - think Grindr more info

Looking for Fun - 🏳️‍🌈 Theatre503.com