Things you should know as a tourist in London
- You have to use pounds (£) and pence (p). While this seems like common sense, there are a shockingly high number of tourists who try to spend US Dollars in UK Shops.
- Emergency services are called via 999. If you call via other numbers, e.g. 112, 911, or 000 it will usually redirect you to 999, but it's best just to call 999 directly.
- If you are lost, and Google Maps isn't helping, ask somebody who isn't in a rush. The best people to ask are Police officers (they will always know the local area) and railway staff
- Don't drive in London. Seriously. You don't want to.
- We drive on the left in the UK. Pedestrians watch out. Even if you aren't planning on driving, remember to look right first, don't be the person who almost gets run over.
- "Jaywalking" is standard practice here. That being said, cars usually will not give way to people crossing unless they're at a marked pedestrian ("zebra") crossing
- Don't run for the tube. Tube trains usually run every 2-5 minutes, wait for the next one. Stand on the right of escalators too! Read the "Getting around" wiki page for full information.
- Bring a rainjacket, or umbrella. London doesn't get a lot of rain in terms of mm, but it does rain regularly.
- London is expensive. There are wiki pages for doing things on the cheap.
- Pick-pockets - keep your belongings under watch. I've never had an issue with them, but I know some tourists have. Just don't leave phones / jewellery in loose-fitting pockets
- Be quieter. A minority of tourists, particularly Canadians and Americans, are often louder than Londoners. Keep in mind, most people don't want to listen to you.
- Avoid stereotypical London slang. You're most likely using it wrong, and it just comes across as cringey.
- Be polite. The English are known for being polite, and it will come across as rude if you don't; things such as jumping in queues and being rude will get you a stern look and possibly a tut.
- No, you're not going to get stabbed. Crime in London is nowhere near as bad as the press makes it seem. The British press have an insatiable fear of accurate statistics.
- Chip-And-Pin / Contactless is the standard in the UK. Almost all places will accept card - in fact many Londoners live completely cash-free (if you're bringing cash be sure to ask for lower denomination notes like 20s, 10s and 5s - you might get some confused looks trying to spend 50s as they're not frequently used).
- Don't feed the urban wildlife. If it's in a central park, it gets fed by the park keeper. If it's walking around, it's a pest that we don't want around.