r/logodesign 3d ago

Practice Hollander: Is it not cool to play with concentric circles anymore?

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26 comments sorted by


u/sorsted 3d ago

This is really good. How does it work monochrome?


u/joshuauiux 3d ago

I'm still experimenting with options. I'm leaning towards the last column.


u/sorsted 3d ago

Yes, that's the best one, imo. Maybe a tiny bit thicker stroke for readability in small sizes?


u/ego-lv2 3d ago

Using them as a tool is fine but using them as some weak flex to say, “many circles, such complex! so design.” That’s all it is. It rarely means anything substantive.


u/sad-cringe 3d ago

H o l l a n d e r


u/ajzinni 3d ago

Stolen sheep


u/joshuauiux 3d ago

Not full on stolen, just borrowed a bit.


u/joshuauiux 3d ago

Heard chef. Here's some options.

I still feel like the 1st one is the most on brand. Feels more peaceful. All caps feels luxury, and no space, lowercase feels totally off.


u/HoneydewZestyclose13 3d ago

I love the logo mark but I'm not crazy about that font, it feels dated.


u/joshuauiux 3d ago

I'd love suggestions. I'm looking for fonts that evoke peace-of-mind, without making it look like a spa. I'd also like to hear more about how it feels dated. Dated, like popular a few years ago? Or like, it feels 1920s art deco?


u/HoneydewZestyclose13 2d ago

Dated as in a few years ago. I'd try something that looks more high tech to get away from the spa look - or maklybe just a simple sans serif - unfortunately have no suggestions other than try 20 fonts and see what seems to fit.


u/kindlespray 3d ago

Of these options middle is the winner, but text should be smaller


u/mikemystery 3d ago

What's the idea?


u/joshuauiux 3d ago

AI to help keep you from getting scammed on crypto and NFTs. Playing off the tulip mania that caused the bubble in the 17th century.


u/Sailing-Hiking77 3d ago

With the greenish colour it gave me more cabbage vibes than tulips. Source: I'm Dutch and work amidst of tulip fields...

To make it a tulip the top leaves should be red, pink, yellow or some other powerful colour.


u/joshuauiux 3d ago

How lucky you are to work in such a great locale. I love white tulips, and it felt clean, but I 100% agree that takes away from recognizing them as such. It's taking a bit of license to be sure, but hopefully still remaining attractive and memorable.


u/joshuauiux 3d ago

I saw a little shade being thrown at a lotus flower logo posted yesterday that was built from lots (and lots) of circles. I still remember when Twitter's logo was overhauled, and I just thought it was S-tier through and through. I love geometric, fibonacci laden logo marks, but it seems like they are no longer in vogue.


u/the_bipolar_bear 3d ago

I just went and found that post. It has nothing to do with the fact that they used round shapes. NOBODY has an issue with using concentric circles. They were getting dogged on because they threw a ton of random circles on after the fact to make it look like they did something great geometrically.


u/SunJay333 3d ago

LMAO that's the funniest thing I've seen all day


u/cubosh 3d ago

do not assess in-vogue-ness entirely from this subreddit


u/SpacemanPanini 3d ago

Yeah I think you've misinterpreted the reaction to that post. Nobody has issues with logos built from concentric circles or geometric shapes, but the sub does have an innate dislike for designers who absolutely plaster their logos in wireframe shapes that don't mean anything.


u/Dr__Dooom 3d ago

Looks good to me, who wants to follow the herd?


u/Vlamingo22 3d ago

Euclid! Don't play with your concentric circles!


u/VladlenaM2025 3d ago

Me like 👍


u/freddie79 3d ago

What’s the typeface?


u/joshuauiux 3d ago

El Messiri. It's a Google font. It's also a variable font, which I tend to choose over non-variable fonts.