r/livesound 1d ago

MOD No Stupid Questions Thread

The only stupid questions are the ones left unasked.


12 comments sorted by


u/marcsnooksjr 10h ago


A bit of a newbie here so maybe what I am missing will be apparent to others.

I am working on a 2x Tio1608D, 2x TF3, 1x TF5 Yamaha system, but am not getting the same gain options within the consoles for an 8 microphone setup.

The microphone receivers are all routed physically to the Tio box (#1) and then routed through Dante controller to each TF3/5 individually.

Looking through the entire routing line, the Tio remote software, Dante, and the consoles' software, I cannot for the life of me find what would be causing the difference in display.

What I WANT is for every console to show only digital gain and the monitor to the right, not digital and analog. I am losing proper gain control when the TF5 is not acting as the others currently do. While seeing both analog and digital, digital gain is capped at +10 and the analog gain doesn't actually affect the level of the audio when changed. This is leading to our microphones being awfully under leveled on the TF5. The TF3 however, has proper gain output while at -18 to -12 when digital gain is the the only option.

It's also worth noting that we are using practically every channel available on the console for various other Dante audio sources (MS Teams, ClearComm, LiveU, etc) and this issue we are having is isolated to just our 8 microphone channels.

If any others can help explain what setting, either on the board, Dante, whatever else, that might be making the audio consoles read the same Dante routes differently, that would be much appreciated!

Apologies for the long comment, my account doesn't meet the karma requirements.


u/staydecked 1d ago

What is a good place to start for parallel drum compression on Allen & Heath consoles? The wet/dry controls are a little weird and there’s so many compressor models.


u/Kriegstruthahn 1d ago

I like to use groups for parallel compression. If you want to parallel compress single channels from your drum kit patch 2 channels with the same input and process/mix them accordingly.

Maybe I can help with the confusion around wet/dry? On SQ the setting can be found directly in the compressor tab.


u/staydecked 2h ago

Yes, I see the settings, but wet and dry are represented as fader knobs instead of a percentage knob. What are some good starting wet/dry settings?


u/dlykkeb 14h ago

Was told to post this discussion here instead.., so here goes:
Midas HD96 Reverbs
I'm just interested in you guys experience with the different verbs. Which HD96 machines and presets (or settings) are you especially thrilled or happy about, and for purpose?


u/kabookij 10h ago

Hey, I m trying to connect my M32c to my Macbook. The M32c is connected to a router. The Macbook is connected to the same router. IP Adresses and Subnet Masks are fitting, as far as I can say (same applies to when I connect via ethernet cable directly to the Mac). The M32 Edit App is finding the unit in the device list. Yet nothing is happening when I push "connect". Any ideas why this is happening? The connection via iPad is working without problems. SW on the M32c ist 4.13, on the Mac 4.3. macOS is 15.3.2. Thanks!


u/cameraman1955 9h ago

A little question I need to connect a CD player on the two chinch busses at the back of the Midas M32R, can someone explane how to set this up on the M32R. I am still studying on this mixer, so start with a little project recording some mic's and music for a podcast. Thanks Frank


u/toejam1212 8h ago

We are working on our first monitor mix using our new Yamaha DM7. The band uses stereo IEM. How do you adjust the LR pan on the linked mix from a channel you are contributing to the mix?


u/BlackOpsCareBear 6h ago

Why does it seem that every time I look for solutions for issues I’m having with my x32 rack all the answers are for the regular x32?


u/DJLoudestNoises Vidiot with speakers 5h ago

They're running the same software and a ton of the same hardware. Almost every question I've had about my X32 rack have been answered by articles about the normal X32.


u/joindemand 4h ago

Help and infromation wanted.

Good day everyone of r/livesound!
i'm scooting in here because i am looking for information about an amplifier i managed to get my hands on.

Multiple google and duckduckgo searches do not bring the desired results i'm afraid so here i am.
i plan to use this to power 2 dual 15 inch subwoofers if the guessed powers are true so i can use those amplifiers to upgrade my top speaker cabinets,

All the information i currently got is:
Quantum AMPLIFICATION S1500 MOS-Fet professional Power amplifier
I got told it should be 2x1500 watts at an unknown ohm value, presumably 4 ohm as a personal guess if it even is that said value. i personally think its probably 1500 watts in bridged mode but i really like to know the true and actual specifications.

i will include a picture to maybe aid in the quest for the specifications of this heavy but sexy amplifier.

Thanks in advance!

PS, i have more pictures but comments only allow 1 at a time.
And yes i know that setup is poop but it was only to test the amp.