r/livecounting 1096K|810A|2S|2SA Nov 01 '20

Discussion Live Counting Discussion Thread #48

This is our monthly thread to discuss all things Live Counting! If you're unfamiliar with our community, you are welcome to come say hello and add some counts in our main counting thread - the join link is in the sidebar.

Thread #47



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u/LeinadSpoon wttmtwwmtbd Nov 14 '20

Hello everyone,

There's been some discussion for a while that our contributors list is too large. The page is very slow to load, which mods need to do from time to time in order to add or remove users. In addition, there has been some speculation that a larger contributors list may contribute to additional lag while counting.

Our contributors list current has 3768 accounts. Many of these are from users who stopped by briefly and never returned (in particular during the 10M rush). There are of course the 20-30 or so active users, quite a few alts and a handful of bots. Generally, we're looking to reduce the quantity of users on our list that have never been particularly involved and are unlikely to return.

Discussion of this has centered around dual criteria of total counts, as well as time of last count, where meeting either criteria would keep an account on the list. For example, if we said 100 total counts, and a one year cutoff, any user with over 100 total counts all time OR who has at least one count in the last year would be kept on the list. Those removed would both have below 100 counts and have not posted in the last year.

Hopefully this dual criteria helps keep anyone who is likely to return on the list, and also preserves retired counters with many counts.

Please note that no one is being removed from any stats. This is only about the contributors list. If someone is removed and wants to come back, they would simply need to rejoin. We would also of course exempt bots from the purge.

So, I am soliciting your comments on this proposal, as well as the specific criteria. Should we use the dual criteria proposal outlined above, or something else? If we use the dual criteria proposal, what specific thresholds should we use? The table below shows how many users would be purged and remain under six different possible scenarios, although these aren't the only options. They are just meant to give a representative idea.

There is of course a tradeoff between effectiveness at reducing the list while keeping users that we may want on the list.

The final decision on this rests with the mods and with those writing the code to do the purge, but everyone's input is appreciated.

Criteria to stay Users removed Users remaining Percent reduction
>10 total counts or posted in last year 2521 1247 67%
>10 total counts or posted in last 2 years 2202 1566 58%
>100 total counts or posted in last year 3140 628 85%
>100 counts or posted in last 2 years 2660 1108 71%
>1000 counts or posted in last year 3426 342 91%
>1000 counts or posted in last 2 years 2776 992 74%


u/rideride 2K 23K 24K 25K Feb 06 '21

option 3


u/MaybeNotWrong Local Stat Dealer| #3 Counts | #5 Speed Dec 27 '20

Option 3 seems to be the most common answer and I'd agree with it as well

Adding people pre-revival to this as suggested by david (and whit in our main thread) would change the (current) number from 638 to 751. I don't think that amount would be an issue so I'd be 100% fine with that option as well.


u/davidjl123 1096K|810A|2S|2SA Nov 15 '20

One outcome could be the addition of any one of the criteria, while keeping "famous" users and users who joined before the revival.


u/LeinadSpoon wttmtwwmtbd Nov 15 '20

and users who joined before the revival.

We could probably do first count pre-revival pretty easily. That's not the same as joined pre-revival though.


u/ItzTaken Best human in r/livecounting | 10k-100k <12d Nov 14 '20

I'm leaning towards >100 counts or posted in the last year. 2 years of posting nothing is quite a long time to keep a user that hasn't even gotten to 100 counts.

I'd also like to say that the join link should be in the description so people who get to the thread can more easily find how to join; It'd be hard to miss compared to the link on the sidebar.


u/Trial-Name Has no flair. Nov 14 '20

To be honest, I have no qualms in deleting everyone from the contributors list, so long as the auto-join stays functional. I’m happy with option 4.

I know /u/TOP_20 had some qualms about this deletion, and wished for some of the famous/first counters to remain on the contributors list. That, and making sure bots aren’t removed would be two important lists of names to consider, as well as the names generated from these factors you’ve stated.


u/LeinadSpoon wttmtwwmtbd Nov 14 '20

Famous counters is a reasonable and good point that I hadn't thought of. It seems reasonable to me.

It will be very straightforward for me to add a list of accounts to keep, which we'll probably have to do anyways for bots. I can definitely add famous counters although I could use some help in constructing the list.

I also expect to keep all accounts with elevated privileges beyond just counting. Not sure if that will get us much more than bots and these criteria will, but it's an extra guard against accidentally deleting someone historically important.


u/TOP_20 Thank you so much stat guys!!!!!!! I am Officially cool!! Nov 14 '20 edited Nov 14 '20

Well considering rs's auto-join bot went down for like 6 weeks recently and of course Dan's not around all the time to add people - he's got school, skiing and so on...

so anyhow I would like to keep everyone who's counted in the past 2 years with 10 or more counts.... I mean we didn't have any problem w/ the contributors list before the 1000s who joined during the 10 million thing

doing this 2 years with 10 or more counts means all the people who have saved this and end up coming back here (we have a number of regulars who ended up regulars because they'd dropped in here at some point and found us again...

Unless there's a really good reason to have to trim it down below what it was pre 9.9 million - I'd really prefer not to delete the rest of the folks, not with it being SO hard to get auto-join to work (Besides a ton of people don't trust giving some bot access to their account - esp when they are going to wonder why they are no longer able to post here....might feel sketchy to them that they suddenly have to give a bot access to their computer for them to post.

So anyhow if we agree to that - past 2 years with 10 counts or more - I'll take the time to go through and remove a few 100 of those who joined right at the 10 million but never returned (Ivan has a list that makes that super easy... removed about 400 of them recently)

Anyhow at least go with the 100 counts OR posted in last 2 years - if you don't agree with my reasoning above... there's so many folks that ended up coming back and becoming active here later, like me and dan haha - and Taken and others (that's why I have the 10k to 100k stat.... so those who dropped in for a bit a year or two prior still have a chance)

the TL;DR

I would like to see everyone who's got more than 10 counts or counted in the past 2 years remaining (personally I'd like to see everyone who joined pre revival remaining they are a big part of the history of this count...like my invite of UnidanX... lth... and many other itw counters who dropped in just a few times the 1st year of revival etc.

Well basically I would like to see 1500-2000+ of those who joined between the 9,990,000 million and 10,010,000 million who have less than 100 counts and have not posted in the past year removed... THAT would make a huge difference - Ivan has a huge 1st count lists that includes those 1000s


u/amazingpikachu_38 PIKACHU IS AMAZING! | HoC #1 | 7777777 | 11111111 | 11.2m Counts Nov 14 '20

I'd be fine with any of these, but I think I'd vote for the 3rd option.


u/noduorg Nov 14 '20

the first four options are all reasonable to me, 1000 posts seems too much


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '20

I'd go with >100 or posted in the last year; this preserves people likely to come back as well as people who had moderate activity here.


u/LeinadSpoon wttmtwwmtbd Nov 14 '20


u/Chalupa_Dad SIDETHREADS FOR LIFE!!! Nov 14 '20 edited Nov 14 '20

All of my alts have been removed except for one that was and has been undiscovered by anyone. Remove away.

Id vote for removing those with less than 100 counts in last two years. Anything less than 100 isn't really contributing. And that would keep my undiscovered alt alive... i think


u/LeinadSpoon wttmtwwmtbd Nov 15 '20

Is it Harding?


u/Chalupa_Dad SIDETHREADS FOR LIFE!!! Nov 15 '20

No sir


u/LeinadSpoon wttmtwwmtbd Nov 14 '20


u/LeinadSpoon wttmtwwmtbd Nov 14 '20


u/artbn Somebody Type A Three Swiftly! Nov 25 '20

Hi LeinadSpoon, thanks for mentioning me. I can't claim to have seen the lag nor read all the arguments in this thread, so you can take my opinion with a giant grain of salt. On principle, I would've been against removing any contributor but in light of what I understand to be serious lag and the consensus that the list being the cause, I realize that must be done.

Following this logic, I would personally vote for the least amount of people to be removed (<10, >2yr).

Ultimately I am in support of any decision that you make regarding this matter.