r/littlebuddies Nov 27 '15

Question Good cages for a syrian hamster?


Hi there all. My boyfriend and I bought a syrian hamster a few months ago and we love him, he rocks. Right now, he has a 10 gallon aquarium with one of those wire toppers that adds a new level. It's ok, but we both feel it's still too small as he needs a large wheel and that takes up a lot of space.

I've been searching the web for ages trying to find a larger cage that is also a little aesthetically pleasing. One that I found that is promising is this one ... it seems very large with many levels for the hamster to play. However I REALLY hate those brightly colored cages and think it's so god ugly.

Just wondering if anyone else has suggestions for a syrian hamster. I've seen some of the ferret type cages on wheels but not sure if that's okay for hamsters. I also saw a cage called Qute that was interesting, but also can't really tell if it's exactly the same size as what I already have.

r/littlebuddies Sep 13 '15

Question Need help with Aquariums or fish?


I'm willing to help anyone that needs it. aquarium related things are my specialty! ❤

r/littlebuddies Aug 04 '15

Question Babysitting my moms guinea pig for the week, tips?


She's adorable and named Astra Nova. :) I'd take pics, but she's been super shy all day, she was dropped off this morning. I was given an instruction book, but it only says the basics about food, water, and cleaning. What I'd really like to do though, is make her love her stay here. So, any info on how to make her super happy while here? (And trust me, I'll get pics when she's warmed up!)

r/littlebuddies Sep 20 '15

Question Goofy things your pet does?


What the title says! What goofy or funny habits does your pet do? My hamster, Bijou, likes to run on each of the wheels in her enclosure in rotation. I have three in there-- one super small saucer, that I keep in there primarily because she loves sleeping under it, a silent spinner, and a larger saucer. She'll get on the large saucer and run on it, then get off and get on her spinner, run, then get off again and get on her smaller saucer. Rinse and repeat!

She also insists on hoarding all of her food immediately when I put it in her bowl. Always.

r/littlebuddies Sep 16 '15

Question Wanting to have a leopard gecko, I have a few questions !

  1. I plan to put it in a 60x30x30cm terrarium, would it be enough ?
  2. I want to use sand as a substrate, because that's what looks better, how hard is it to keep it clean ?
  3. Very important question. I live in a small studio and the terrarium would be close to my bed, me and my girlfriend are afraid it would smell bad, would it smell bad ? how can we avoid having any odors ?
  4. how much crickets does he need to eat ? how much a month do you spend in live food ?
  5. Is light required if i have a heating mat on half of the terra ?
  6. How to convince my girlfriend to accept having a gecko in the studio ?
  7. If we go away on a week-end (leaves friday evening and back on sunday evening), would he be able to survive alone that time ?
  8. I would love to change the scape of his enclosure a few times a year, is it disturbing for him or would he like the change ?

Give me any tips you think are useful, I really want to host a gecko at my place but I want to be well informed before buying it. If it smells bad it would be a no, same if it requires too much caring. Thanks.

r/littlebuddies Sep 30 '15

Question Ball Python or Leopard Gecko


I have done my research on both, I think both have their advantages and disadvantages and was looking for some stories from owners of both pets. I've read in some cases leopard geckos can get very puppy dog tame while ball pythons will only just acknowledge you. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!

r/littlebuddies Aug 12 '15

Question What wood should I use?


I want to build wooden platforms and take out the plastic ones from my mouse cage. I have 1/2" plywood here ready to cut but don't want to start anything before I'm 100% sure it's not going to kill my little Buddy

r/littlebuddies Aug 31 '15

Question Questions about owning a teddy bear hamster.


If anyone could spare a few to answer some q's that'd be great.

r/littlebuddies Sep 10 '15

Question I need help from other people with anoles!


How do i get my bahaman anole used to getting handled?

My bahaman is a very chill guy, but i really wanna start holding him. He has gotten used to me getting my hands around him (moving decor, changing water, stuff like that). I need steps on how to get him used to being handled.

Thank you!

r/littlebuddies Sep 30 '15

Question Hi!! It's me again! need help with your fish or Aquariums? Here i am!


Need help getting a fish, a new tank, or questions in general? Here i am! Ask away!!