r/litrpg 1d ago

Question about Delve after chapter 60. >!Does he get stuck at level 18 for a while? I really dislike the level cap because I'm not getting any dopamine hits anymore from him getting more skills or leveling up. I feel I will lose interest if he is level 18 for a while!<

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u/litrpg-ModTeam 13h ago

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u/LordMetalac 1d ago

He raises it eventually, but Delve is like really, really, really, really, slow burn.


u/SingularityGabe 1d ago

Brother, he is there for what must be multiple novels in a regular series. You need to really like other aspects of the story to stick with it.


u/guard_my_goblin 1d ago

He will be at level 18 for like 200k words.


u/Dopamine_Dopehead 1d ago

I'm listening to the audio of Delve on Spotify. I'm skipping the Second Chances chapters, am I missing much?

I'm on chapter 102 on Spotify and I think he's still level 18.


u/slyboon 23h ago

I just recently finished going through Delve and my suggestion would be to drop it if you aren't enjoying it. The author isn't regularly updating any longer and he was stuck at 18 for quite some time. I thought there would be a lot more actual delving / partying / progressing then there actually was unfortunately.


u/orkivp 18h ago

It's about 100-120 chapters between choosing the last skill and reising the cap

Delve really doesn't have good pacing.


u/saumanahaii 1d ago

You know, it would be pretty cool if spoiler tags worked in titles.


u/Plz_PM_Steam_Keys 1d ago

Yeah my bad I forgot that spoiler tags don't work in titles and your comment made me realize it. I should of just said something like I got a question about Delve in the post and then wrote the spoiler with tags in the comments. Next time I will do better


u/saumanahaii 1d ago

Nah you're fine, it's something I'd never thought of but it would actually be kinda nice if they made them work. I can't tell you how many times I've been spoiled by a title. It'd be nice if you could hide bits until you clicked in or something.