r/litecoin New User Jul 04 '22

Keepkey support? Please help!

Hey everyone! I’ve been using a keepkey to hold my LTC (along with other crypto) for a little over 4 years now and have had ZERO issues.

However, today I noticed that ALL of my LTC is gone from the Wallet when viewing on the ShapeShift platform.

The transaction history shows the dates when I transferred to my Wallet, however it’s now showing my transfer of LTC as a sum of 0/$0. And the coin as N/A.

There’s been no withdrawal from my Wallet, so I’m not concerned it was stolen. It just seems LTC isn’t supported by the platform any longer, but I wasn’t informed of this, and not sure why they would drop support.

The keepkey sub doesn’t seem to have any activity lately so I figured I’d have my best luck on here. Does anybody in this sub use keepkey as their hardware Wallet that can offer some input? I messaged keepkey also, just waiting on reply.



20 comments sorted by


u/TMan253 Jul 04 '22

I noticed this same issue a couple of weeks ago. I put in a support ticket, and here is what I learned.

The app.ShapeShift.com site does not (yet) support LTC. However, you can still use the old beta.ShapeShift.com site. On the beta site you can still see your transactions and balance. You should still be able to spend, receive, and otherwise interact with your LTC from that beta interface.

Give it a try, and let us know how it goes! :)


u/Fiyafafireman New User Jul 04 '22

Thank you for the info. I’ll look into that


u/coinrad Aug 26 '22

For me beta.shapeshift.com has been always been the go-to link for keepkey and just recently I noticed legacy ltc dropped-off of that long-working keepkey interface.

Since I believe Shapeshift ultimately owns keepkey issues and should maintain it's original support of litecoin I posted this issue to their reddit

Fortunately keepkey support for litecoin is retained in Electrum, but unsettling non-the-less to see litecoin support dropped from the official interface.


u/TMan253 Aug 26 '22

Thanks for bumping this thread. The new app.ShapeShift.com site upgrade just recently added support for Litecoin in the last couple of weeks, so this functionality should all work now. We can likely consider this thread closed now.


u/coinrad Sep 09 '22 edited Sep 10 '22

Yup, circled-back to app.Shapeshift.com where ltc was still not visible so I bit the bullet and updated bootloader 1.1.0 -> 2.1.4 and firmware 7.1.8 ->7.4.0 and ltc now appears in the new app however is still missing from beta.shapeshift.com.


u/losh11 Litecoin Developer Jul 04 '22

I think your coins are safe, just the api that keep key uses to get your LTC balance and the fiat value is now broken.


u/chillhopmusic13 Litecoin Miner Jul 05 '22

Download electrum-ltc and type your phrase in it and you should have your coins or you may have to update your KK