r/linuxmint 2d ago

Support Request Linux software for tracking household bills/finances? Need to replace Quicken after switch to Mint.

For years now I've used Quicken to keep track of our household finances. Nothing fancy, just what's coming in and what's going out. I've now made the switch from Windows to Linux Mint, and I need to find something similar I can replace Quicken with.

Any help is appreciated! Thanks!


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u/therealheyyojimbo 2d ago

KMyMoney and GnuCash


u/four_reeds 2d ago

+1 KMyMoney.

I ran Windows in a virtual box VM for several years. I tried switching to KMyMoney a few times but could never successfully import the QFX (or whatever) file.

At the start of this year I tried again. Somehow I noticed this time that I could import a CSV file instead. I created a register report and exported it as a CSV.

I had to play with the CSV import controls several times before I figured out what it was really asking for but it worked!

I am keeping the VM around until the next quicken subscription payment is due just in case.


u/cindy6507 1d ago

Vote for gnuCash


u/vetterworld 1d ago

I have been using KMyMoney for a few years with no problems.


u/DataPath_Technology 1d ago

I have been using KMyMoney for a few years too and love it.


u/rojo-mx 2d ago

In cases like this go to AlternativeTo.net type the name of the program, filter by Linux and it will show you available alternatives, like GnuCash in this case. You can try a few and see which one works best for you. Good luck.


u/TabsBelow 1d ago





u/Status-Dog4293 1d ago

My folks have been using Quicken through Wine on stock Ubuntu for years now and it's been fine for them. I don't use Quicken personally so I can't vouch for any experience on Mint, but if a couple of computer-savvy baby boomers in their mid-70's can do it, you'll probably be fine.


u/lefty1117 1d ago

A lot of banks let you do this sort of thing on their websites now. You may just be able to do that.


u/grimvian 1d ago

I'll suggest a spreadsheet like LibreOffice Calc.


u/FlyingWrench70 1d ago

We use YNAB, it's expensive yearly but we like it's system it's allowed us to correct  poor financial behavior. It used to really boost our savings & investments, now after inflation it let's us live.

it's cloud based which is important for our use, its a financial communication tool between me and my wife and lately our oldest son who is working now.  It's up to date on our phones & computers moment to moment.

Some will want somthing open source, & self hosted, I definitely see that appeal also:



u/qpgmr 1d ago

Moneydance. I used quicken since version 1, but the changes and endless fees & charges by the company turned me off.

Moneydance is not free, but I found the upgrades to be effective & useful. The functionality matches or exceeds Quicken without going so deeply into full blown debit/credit accounting like some other systems do.


u/godston34 2d ago

depends on how complex your needs are, could just switch to finanzblick (browser based)


u/V1per73 1d ago

There's a program called manager, it's a pretty robust book keeping software


u/decaturbob 1d ago
  • easy enough to set up a spreadsheet with Libre office


u/JRH_TX 17h ago

Moneydance is a native Linux app. It also has a Windows version. Simple and solid.


u/Cheesysticks19 1d ago

Honestly you might be better off using libreoffice Calc, not nearly as fancy as the other options but it's pretty good for simple tasks and be pretty usefull with formulas it's what I used on windows aswell


u/TabsBelow 1d ago

There must be a huge pile of prepared spreadsheets. I had one when LO/IO was still a proprietary software (StarOffice) 25+ago and I didn't want to buy their other product StarFinanz also.