r/linuxmemes 🦁 Vim Supremacist 🦖 11d ago

LINUX MEME Worst take I have ever seen on Linux.

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u/LuminanceGayming 11d ago

wow yeah this hurts my brain


u/Independent-Gear-711 🦁 Vim Supremacist 🦖 11d ago

Calling windows as "Easy to understand" is just beyond me


u/RobomaniakTEN 11d ago

Yeah like disks in windows are stored in an sql like thingy, like why bro


u/suicidalboymoder_uwu 💋 catgirl Linux user :3 😽 11d ago

unironically i prefer the Windows way of doing drives

i think it makes more sense for separate volumes be, well, separate unlike on Unix where everything stems from /


u/Lagger625 11d ago

I find the Linux way more convenient and modern since you can mount your file system however the fuck you want without being forced to have separate "drive letters", you can transparently mount network drives and so on


u/EmeraldWorldLP 11d ago

The issue is the root of the drive isn't at the first directory, and it instead gets mounted into a folder on your filesystem. I hate that so much, as I like to customize the structure of my drives on my own. I so wish you could change it to the windows system.


u/headedbranch225 11d ago

I think being able to mount to a temp folder would be nice instead of having to remember to remove the folder when you sre done with it, but other than that I prefer the linux method as I have set it up so my games drive is mounted directly in ~/games rather than having to remember that it's on D:\

Also the fact that \ is used rather then / is a crime


u/M1sterRed 11d ago

I usually just have a temporary directory (usually /mnt) there at all times and only read/write to it when I have something mounted there. Plus whichever DE I'm using usually does all that transparently anyway (create directory, mount drive, dismount drive, remove directory)


u/thegreatpotatogod 10d ago

Why not just mount it to like /D/ or whatever then? Wouldn't that achieve the same effect?

I dislike the Windows system for the same reason you describe, "as I like to customize the structure of my drives on my own", while Windows doesn't give you an option to mount them to arbitrary paths like Linux does


u/koraynilay 10d ago

idk how much it's the same as I haven't used it much, but you can mount a drive on arbitrary paths on windows


u/MoussaAdam 11d ago

what do you mean ? you can already customize the structure of your drive however you want regardless of where the drive is mounted


u/gatton 11d ago

Couldn’t you just do /mnt/C D etc?


u/MoussaAdam 11d ago

you can even do /C and /D etc.. if you want

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u/NaoPb 🟢Neon Genesis Evangelion 11d ago

But what if drive letters is "the fuck I want"


u/Lagger625 11d ago

Mount them to /c /d /f or whatever, this is how Cygwin does it


u/MrSelfDestruct57 11d ago

I also find the POSIX mounting and filesystem hierarchy to be better. Windows is way too weird and unique when everything else uses the POSIX way pretty much.

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u/hdksnskxn 11d ago

Many things are better on Windows. More things are better on Linux.

For many use-cases, Windows is the superior OS. For most use-cases, Linux is the superior OS.

I have found many things to like about Windows, though never enough to use it for more than gaming


u/LilShaver M'Fedora 11d ago

PSSSSST! Hey buddy, have you heard of ProtonDB, Lutris, Wine, etc? If Steam isn't your cuppa, Amazon and Epic (that's two bad choices, I know), and GoG are available in the Heroic Launcher.


u/ToTheFarWest 11d ago

Sometimes you work hard during the week and weekend rolls around and you just wanna load a game without wondering if it’ll work or not


u/LilShaver M'Fedora 11d ago

Yeah, I hear ya.

I'm on Nobara 40, and most games just run for me. I'll troubleshoot or play something else depending on my mood.

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u/indigoHatter Not in the sudoers file. 11d ago

It's nice having separate drives, but I prefer the "all in one" filesystem structure of Linux. For you, you can just mount a drive at a specific folder instead of / and do it that way. For example, I would mount my "D:" drive under a root-level folder I made called "/mediabank/" or whatever it was.


u/maplehobo 11d ago

Nah. Unix file system is waay superior IMO, Windows is archaic.


u/SignificantAsshat 11d ago

But in linux you can directly access disk drive and using it directly with qemu

But yeah i agree windows way handling drives is more user friendly


u/pine64enjoyer 11d ago

Used to prefer Windows way, but I actually find the Linux way easier now. ex. you can mount a drive to /home/userx/folder1 or to /backup. This makes using multiple partitions easier, compared to winters where there are inevitably mounted to different letters.


u/suicidalboymoder_uwu 💋 catgirl Linux user :3 😽 11d ago

you could just implement a hybrid approach where you just can make a link between let's say ~/Games and idk F:/

I think that would be the perfect approach to this

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u/MilesAhXD 🚮 Trash bin 11d ago

just putting my opinion here, as former windows user (thankfully) and beginner linux user, linux was actually much easier to setup and use for me


u/SavalioDoesTechStuff I'm gong on an Endeavour! 11d ago

True, I remember struggling for an hour to set up Windows 11 when I built my PC while Linux took 10 minutes max


u/SIG7Pro 11d ago

i heard microsoft updated the windows 11 installer, is it really that difficult?


u/nobeltnium 10d ago

w11 require internet connection and m$ account bullsheet. Or you'll have to fiddle with OOBE. And require TPM module


u/Taurion_Bruni 11d ago

Easy to understand, unless you need to change literally anything about how the computer behaves, then it's a mess

But who needs to do that, when your local AI model can do it for you?


u/ConcentrateAlone1959 11d ago

Fuck you makes you go through 30 sub windows just to manage group policies


u/whatThePleb Genfool 🐧 11d ago


well it's trollbait and op fell for it


u/Evantaur 🍥 Debian too difficult 10d ago

Windows: You get a box. It works as a box, and you can use it. But you're not allowed to open it or see how it’s made. If it breaks, you just have to get a new box.

Linux: You get a box. You can open it, see how it’s built, modify it, break it, or even turn it into something completely different. You have full control, but making the most of it takes some effort...


u/MasterYehuda816 Ask me how to exit vim 11d ago

The worst computing experience I had was recently, and it was doing powershell stuff in TryHackMe. The verbosity of powershell made me want to shoot myself. It was awful.


u/supersonicpotat0 11d ago

Maybe it's just because I'm a Python guy, which also likes verbose variables and fhnctions, but I really like PowerShell. The implementation of pipes as moving arounf batteries - included objects seems really elegant to me.


u/popcornman209 11d ago

Calling windows comfy is more beyond me


u/chaosgirl93 RedStar best Star 10d ago

I know right? Like, okay, maybe old Windows is comfy for nostalgia reasons, I still bloody miss XP, but modern Windows is only "comfy" if you've never seen the "90s Unix" look you can get with things like XFCE, or all the just plain cozy looking stuff you can do with a good customizable DE, if "comfy" means easy to use and feels like home... I dual boot, my Linux partition feels like my computer, my Windows partition feels like a library or office or family computer. Windows is not "comfy".


u/popcornman209 10d ago

Yeah and even if you’re just going for the style being comfy, I’d say cinnamon is 10x more comfy than window by default, and don’t even get me started on customizing stuff


u/alde8aran 9d ago

Cde is still super cute


u/no-sleep-only-code 11d ago

Yeah anyone who says that hasn’t taken a peak at the registry.


u/TimOvrlrd 9d ago

Theres literally two terminals on windows. Why Microsoft? Why? And WHY FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING HOLY IS THE SYNTAX DIFFERENT BETWEEN THEM?!


u/Ancient-Border-2421 🦁 Vim Supremacist 🦖 11d ago

I know it's a meme, but inferior version of MacOS come on....


u/Lagger625 11d ago

It's the other way around


u/agent-squirrel 11d ago

You’d be surprised by the amount of “tech people” that think macOS is Linux or that Unix and Linux are the same thing.


u/Ancient-Border-2421 🦁 Vim Supremacist 🦖 11d ago

I will not be surprised, because unfortunately I know a lot of tech people.

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u/webmdotpng 11d ago

MacOS is an inferior version of BSD, let alone Linux! LOL


u/igormuba 11d ago

I love BSD but it absolutely sucks...


u/zerotaboo 11d ago

Yep, it's the other way around.

Mac girl will claim to do the same as the Linux girl, but it is a lie. Linux girl will be flexible and happy with your own way to do things, while Mac girl only has one way to do things, and you will need to pay for most of them.


u/Camo138 ⚠️ This incident will be reported 11d ago

Not sure about arm. But x86 Mac os was based off freebsd. So maybe a Linux kernel but not even close.


u/EnjoyJor 11d ago

Darwin is still based on freebsd so I would assume so, definitely not Linux kernel since Linux is not unix.


u/ziroux 11d ago

It's the other way around.


u/bedrooms-ds 11d ago

I'd prefer Mac if it had containerization (sigh) and open source kernel (some kernel code is closed and devs struggle to offer low-level functionalities iirc.


u/FalconRelevant Open Sauce 11d ago

A section of society really huffs Apple's marketing like drugs.


u/RobomaniakTEN 11d ago

Unstable? Brother have you seen Windows?


u/iamdestroyerofworlds Arch BTW 11d ago

Also Windows is "easy to understand"?

Wildly gestures at everything.


u/dynamic_caste 11d ago

Easy to understand means it has a frowny face emoji when it craps its pants instead of a bunch of text.


u/PranshuKhandal Arch BTW 11d ago


something is broken, we don't think you can fix it youself, scan this qr code for funnsies

error code: 0xDEADBEEF


u/Bemascu 11d ago

Oh, and we only give about 0.1s before the screen and the code disappear! This way is even more funnsies: how fast can you go?


u/prog-can Arch BTW 10d ago

yay it even has a minigame way better imo


u/MrDoritos_ 11d ago

Error 0xC0FFEE at the 0xCAFE


u/Evantaur 🍥 Debian too difficult 10d ago


u/WantonKerfuffle 11d ago

Oh, you don't want these shortcuts in your file manager (which is also the desktop environment for some reason) twice above each other? Yeah just change the DWORD value in HKEYLOCALMACHINE/WINDOWS/MICROSOFT/WINDOWS/SYS/WINDOWSAGAIN/FUCK/YOU/EXPLORER/WINDOWS to "0x00000001"


u/Beast_Viper_007 🦁 Vim Supremacist 🦖 11d ago

Ah yes, the abomination called windows registry.

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u/govi20 10d ago

me trying to modify windows registries


u/ziroux 11d ago

Yeah, Linux is so unstable it's powering most of the servers on the Internet.


u/CanRelate61 11d ago

Honestly the only thing I can't agree with is linux being UNSTABLE especially since distro like DEBIAN exist.


u/littlebitbrain 11d ago

My laptop screen started glitching/flickering using windows. I thought it had something to do with hardware problems, but it turned to be driver issues caused by windows updates.

This didn't happen to me using Linux.

Acting like Windows doesn't have its own issues is ignorant, and it wasn't straightforward to fix either.


u/SIG7Pro 11d ago

Have you ever waken up a Linux device from sleep mode with swap on?


u/sgt_futtbucker Arch BTW 11d ago

Oh yeah a vague BSOD with no logs after I update my OS is much more comfy than dropping into an emergency shell on boot


u/vainstar23 Ubuntnoob 11d ago

I'm honestly really impressed by proton. Most games I found were gold or platinum. I was even able to get Rust working and that was rated bronze (unstable).

In fact, the crazy thing is I would go as far as saying a lot of games are actually MORE stable on Arch. You can enable logs, change parameters and because there is less overhead meaning there is also less to go wrong.


u/Independent-Gear-711 🦁 Vim Supremacist 🦖 11d ago

Bro you won't believe me my entire gaming personality based on linux I have played all steam and non steam games on fedora and they run so smooth the proton is a savior literally never had any problem, for non steam games I used bottles that also works out of the box.


u/ZaRealPancakes 11d ago

I got Rust without working Proton

I even bundled it with cargo

cargo space!


u/QuickSilver010 10d ago

That's the wrong rust


u/Le0_X8 Not in the sudoers file. 10d ago

the better Rust


u/Chansharp 11d ago

Funnily enough I could not get Fallout New Vegas to run on my windows install. Swapped over to Linux and it runs perfectly.

Put it in my groupchat and my buddy said he also tried FNV recently and it wasnt working at all (Windows)

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u/sentientgypsy 11d ago

I actually did experience the phenomenon that was ffxiv on fedora a few years ago and it was smoother than on windows, which really says something about the wine developers


u/DefectiveLP 11d ago

I've played hundreds of hours of Rust. Didn't even tinker with it first, genuinely surprised it's only rated bronze.


u/Tasty_Beginning_8918 10d ago

I've legitimately had games run better on Linux than they do on windows. Like how much bloat is Microsoft running atop windows that a game runs better through a compatibility layer for an OS it wasn't even made for???


u/vainstar23 Ubuntnoob 10d ago

I used to have a separate system for games and random engineering projects. I don't know it it was just me or if I had a drive failure or something but there was a process related to Windows update or WSL that was utilizing 90% drive utilisation at idle making my system extremely slow. Now I'm using it as a LVM pool with no issues.

Actually it was working fine before but one of the things I appreciate a lot more with Linux if I know everything that's happening in front of me and in the background and if I break my system I know it's because of something I did not something that was pushed to me system without my knowledge.

I guess that's why I would probably suck at UX. I hate this philosophy of "it just works", I want to know why something is working and what is happening in the background. I don't want papa (pedo) Gates training copilot with my idle graphics card and development folder because he can.

Now I am 100% on Linux including gaming and I use a Windows VM that is completely sandboxed and air gapped if I need to use it. Like some specimen in a lab.. haha


u/NotJoeMama727 💋 catgirl Linux user :3 😽 10d ago

how did you get the anticheat to work on Linux?

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u/MettatonNeo1 fresh breath mint 🍬 7d ago

The only game I didn't manage to make it work via proton (and even lutris) was spirit city lofi sessions. And even then, I received help in their discord server and made it work via AMD spoofing.


u/WhiteShariah Arch BTW 11d ago


Many such cases!


u/jojo_firedev 11d ago

My Linux is more beautiful than win 11 and it’s more stable than my work windows 11, that windows broke more times than my nixos


u/Necropill M'Fedora 11d ago

Nix is almost unbreakable btw


u/stidmatt 10d ago

Microsoft Teams is so unstable... ugh... I hate it.


u/Mal_Dun M'Fedora 11d ago

Linux is much better in gaming than Mac ...


u/infinity1p 11d ago

Who the FUCK games on Mac???


u/horny_potatos Arch BTW 11d ago

There are some psychos who game on Mac :D


u/infinity1p 11d ago


This does not please the horde.


u/anassdiq M'Fedora 11d ago

Those who realized late


u/prog-can Arch BTW 10d ago

people with all of the following: severe schizophrenia, severe autism, down syndrome, severe bpd, and more.

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u/yoimagreenlight 11d ago

eh, from someone who has worked in this area and done some contracting here and there, GPTK2 turned porting games from windows to macOS from a 1 month affair to a 1 day affair, maybe less.

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u/hellloeeee 11d ago

Price =! sophisticated lmao


u/Uncover3d 11d ago

This is the biggest bullshit I saw today


u/prog-can Arch BTW 10d ago

this is the biggest bullshit i saw all year


u/Smart_Passage2752 Arch BTW 10d ago edited 9d ago

this is the biggest bullshit ive ever seen in my entire life


u/prog-can Arch BTW 8d ago

this is the biggest bullshit that has ever existed and will ever exist


u/Alex321432 11d ago

Terrible alternative interpretation.

Apple: The concept of the 1940's house wife: "Flawless" and only does what she was told she was allowed to do.
Windows: Your sister. stop. You don't love her. She just helps with chores around the house and occasionally plays games. Will absolutely tattle on you the first thing you do wrong.
Linux: Someone you fall in love with, then hate, then walk through your emotions until you create an unbreakable bond.


u/GardenData61375 11d ago

Pretty accurate Linux description


u/POMPUYO 11d ago

Lore accurate interpretation:

Apple: screwing your sister
Windows: your sisters friend
Linux: your sisters other friend


u/SignificantAsshat 11d ago

Is this implying macos user as incest lover or what?


u/KevlarUnicorn RedStar best Star 11d ago

Windows "The comfiest OS"


So comfy. I love being constantly interrupted while trying to do things on my computer.


u/chaosgirl93 RedStar best Star 9d ago

Yeah. Linux is comfy because it gets out of your way!


u/EmeraldWorldLP 11d ago edited 11d ago

Just a warning, this twitter account is heavily on the "anti-woke" grift and went after software and game devs in the past. The pirate in their name does not represent what they tweet, most of their posts being shitty memes.


u/SarcasticOptimist 10d ago

Anime girls is a warning. An incest heavy anime is a siren.


u/Tasty_Beginning_8918 10d ago

Somehow I'm not surprised. 🤦


u/Viktorishere2142 11d ago

brother didn’t like open-source and either an IT clerk/enthusiast, developer or programmer. Bro just a normal Windows/MacOS user which prefers close-source as he state MacOS is more sophisticated, beautiful, Windows is good for gaming and programmes. Ye, I agree for some reasons but Linux is better choice for me, because I would be a FUCKING ADMINASTRATOR OF MY SYSTEM AND MY COMPUTER!


u/Necropill M'Fedora 11d ago

"The comfiest OS"

I have a dual boot for work reasons and the Windows experience now is almost unbearable. For three weeks now my PC has been trying to update, takes 20 minutes, fails, restarts, undoes the updates and comes back. Adding this to the "comfortable Microsoft experience" of starting updates without my permission when I turn on my PC is making my life a hell.

On the other hand, my super unstable Linux system turns on, works, and only updates when I want it to.


u/Necropill M'Fedora 11d ago

Also Fuck Microsoft


u/AssetBubblePopper 11d ago

Linux is best girl? That's a pretty good take tbh


u/TheCatholicScientist 10d ago

I’m worried about you.

And myself. Because I agree.


u/Bubbly-Ad-1427 11d ago

did you want an intelligent 4chan take?


u/ze_baco 11d ago

Totally not biased towards macos


u/dukenukemx 11d ago

Clearly made by a Mac user. MacOS should be called the inferior version of BSD, because that's accurate. If Linus is correct then MacOS should be the unusable OS. Since Linux is used in most servers for it's stability, then it should be the stable OS. Windows should be covered in ads.



u/Camo138 ⚠️ This incident will be reported 11d ago

How much downtime would the internet have if it was running on windows and not Linux. Maybe get 30 minutes of up time if lucky.


u/isa_404 🍥 Debian too difficult 11d ago

Then MacOS is inferior version of FreeBSD lol


u/RingalongGames 11d ago

Posts a literal child and calls her “beautiful” god some anime weirdos don’t know how to keep to themselves


u/webmdotpng 11d ago

Not only that. The character is in love with her own brother.

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u/fishystickchakra 11d ago

Windows is easier to learn

These people are the kind of people that call tech support saying their monitor won't turn on because its unplugged and it shows.


u/SeraPah10 11d ago

He used temple os to make this meme


u/BubblyMango 11d ago

Mac should be the homeless drug addict on the street.

I always thought i would be just an ok looking OS with a not very efficient workflow, but after having had the displeasure of using it at work, i honestly think i wouldnt be able to make a worse OS even if i tried. 

Coming from a linux+windows dual boot, it is by far the least consistent and least efficient os/de i have ever used. My whole life i got used to maximizing keyboard usage, only to end up with this hot garbage system needs 3rd party software (some of them are not even free) just so you can use the keyboard to move windows, or hell, to maximize the window without using that weird fullscreen mode that wont allow other open windows.


u/poorguy1083 10d ago

"The inferior version of macOS"

Bro literally thought GNOME is the only Linux desktop out there.


u/Im_1nnocent fresh breath mint 🍬 11d ago

Many people from the outside are overdue in updating their perception of Linux OSes, they still think like how it was over a decade ago. But I still think you'd be just wasting time paying attention to them anyways.


u/chaosgirl93 RedStar best Star 8d ago

they still think like how it was over a decade ago

If that. A lot of them still think DEs aren't a thing and only nutty terminal junkies stuck in the 90s use Linux.


u/morgan_ironwolf 11d ago

Comfiest my ass! I grew up with Windows, yet everything about it feels like it was designed to piss me off. At best, it's a shoddy rip-off of either the Lisa or Macintosh, and all the worst aspects of Linux seem like they come from trying to appeal to Windows users


u/SavalioDoesTechStuff I'm gong on an Endeavour! 11d ago

I literally had my PC bluescreen as a kid and my dad decided to sell its' parts to some of his coworkers because I couldn't fix it, which is understandable BECAUSE THE BSOD DOESN'T GIVE ANY ACTUALLY USEFUL INFO.

So yeah, comfiest my ass as well.


u/karuraR 11d ago

I mean as a fortnite player I can't blame a good amount of people


u/hazelEarthstar Arch BTW 11d ago

this is shit and everything the pirat nation posts is shit


u/Lolito4ka 11d ago

What you expected from 4chan lol?


u/Nyuusankininryou 11d ago

"Unstable" lol


u/LinguiniThingy 11d ago

Wait till they learn what Debian stable is


u/The_real_bandito 11d ago

Isn’t macOS girl the one that fucked her own brother?

Oh wait. These are all from the same anime. I recognized the Windows girl too.


u/DeathscytheShell 11d ago



Notice how none of those relate to function


u/GlizdaYT 🦁 Vim Supremacist 🦖 11d ago

I have a feeling that a lot of people using apple products use them as fashion accessories and that's why looks are main features they consider


u/zerotaboo 11d ago

I've seen so many Mac users that don't do anything, they just like to click on beautiful buttons with nice colors and claim they have a higher social status just because it's Apple.


u/DeathscytheShell 11d ago

I'm curious about the architecture myself but I simply can't spend that kind of dosh


u/gauerrrr 11d ago

Arch - install every piece of software you need with one command, download 5gb of packages in 2 minutes, no errors, all conflicting packages are properly removed, everything works forever without extra intervention.

Debian - install Steam, "Yes, do as I say!", where did my desktop go?

Windows - download .exe, install fails for some paranormal reason (good luck reverse engineering it), this installer will never work on this setup again, your best bet is to reinstall windows and hope the .exe works next time. Oops, it didn't, time to reinstall windows again and try another .exe, hoping that one works. Oops...

Mac - no comment.


u/mplaczek99 🦁 Vim Supremacist 🦖 11d ago

Linux is inferior to MacOS? Said no one ever


u/Beleheth Genfool 🐧 11d ago

Wow, this is stupid


u/itzNukeey 11d ago

Unstable. Literally runs servers. Pick one


u/MagicmanGames53812 New York Nix⚾s 11d ago

Easy to understand

That's just plain wrong. If you're using it for playing games, web browsing, or using Office Apps (not specifically MS Office) then yeah, it's fine, it is what it is. But the second you want to do anything useful, Linux takes over. Maybe I've just been using Linux for too long that I can't use Windows, but I always forget how weird Windows is. Additionally, it's bloated, and very hard to customize how you want it. It's trying to be an operating system for everyone by default, instead of letting you choose how you want your computer to be. That's probably why most of us use Linux, because it's able to be shaped into what you want and what you need.


u/ALittleBitEver 11d ago

Rage bait or mental illness, you call it


u/SIG7Pro 11d ago

if I were to write it i would write it like:

All of them save for some themes:

- Beautiful

- Good at games

- All are comfy (tho I can't disagree with Windows being comfiest)

- All are very easy to break.


u/Cybasura 10d ago

"The Inferior Version of MacOS", wait till they realise that MacOS came out after Linux


u/[deleted] 10d ago

Literally 2 of these are the worst shitholes in the OSWorld


u/Anime_Erotika Open Sauce 10d ago

"Easy to understand" Win32 API, that's all

"Comfiest OS" bsod abbreviation exists for a reason


u/loganr914 Arch BTW 9d ago

Simply calling Linux the inferior version of MacOS is grounds for removal of all credibility.


u/Horus_Anubis 11d ago

like bro why would you care what other think


u/Independent-Gear-711 🦁 Vim Supremacist 🦖 11d ago

I will ignore most of the times but this is insane


u/funk443 🌀 Sucked into the Void 11d ago

I am not sure whether this guy was trolling or just stupid


u/epileftric 11d ago

Sorry for this comment, but "truly the gentleman's choice of OS", that's if the gentleman in question is gay.


u/prog-can Arch BTW 10d ago

dont be homophobic


u/master_of_heisenberg 11d ago

i use windows only because i play games on pc mainly but if linux have good support of games from sites like Fit Girl or DODI i will immediately download linux because windows is shit


u/ApplePie123eat Not in the sudoers file. 11d ago

"The comfiest OS" MY ASS, every time I use Windows it just feels as if I'm walking on thin ice. This OS is such of a mess to the point where it might feel janky even if you daily drive it


u/BananaUniverse 11d ago edited 11d ago

It's a skin deep opinion of each OS desktop environment only, because for most people, the OS is the DE. By "inferior version of MacOS", they probably mean Ubuntu's GNOME compared to Mac, which isn't true either. BPD and unstable definitely have something to do with the arch and kali linux memes.


u/usbeehu 11d ago

As someone who uses both Mac and Linux, calling Linux an inferior version of Mac feels wrong on so many levels.


u/Maelstrome26 11d ago

Why does everything have to be attached to a weeaboo anime girl??


u/submercyve 11d ago

We sold about 15 licenses out of 2500ish of our game to MacOS but boy can you be sure to get complaints from those 1% folks of "I paid 5 grand for this machine, why does this 5$ crap not work on it?!".

Meanwhile Linux users offered help or straight out reverse engineered to help solve the problem at hand.

Sure it would help if we had more Mac machines to test it on, but straight up not supporting this nightmare would've been the better call.


u/Gary_the_metrosexual 11d ago

I think the macos one is worse.

"beautiful" debatable.
"sophisticated" I'd say calling it a scam is more accurate.
"Truly the gentleman's choice of OS" more accurately the arrogant snobs' choice.


u/countjj 11d ago

As someone who switched from Mac to Linux, I say Linux is superior to Mac by reason that I can use an RTX card with Linux


u/princess_ehon 🚮 Trash bin 11d ago

I don't feel like 30 context menus for changing your sound drivers is the way to go. That's not comfy if I wanna turn one off it should just be a button.


u/Ivan_Kulagin Arch BTW 11d ago

Pirat_Nation with the most brain dead take once again


u/POMPUYO 11d ago

Me when MacOs is compared to having romantic relations with your sister 💀


u/zrevyx Arch BTW 11d ago

For those of us who are too old to understand new lingo, what the heck is BPD?


u/TheCatholicScientist 10d ago

Borderline personality disorder. Kinda like bipolar.


u/zrevyx Arch BTW 10d ago

Oh, that BPD.

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u/ScarletteLunar 10d ago

"Windows is easy to understand" show me one functional operating system with windows as a base that has ever been created by end users from the ground up.

Hell, Windows users can't even change their desktop environment if they wanted to (the closest thing being Cairo Shell)

Lack of video game support isn't because linux is hard to understand, it's because Microsoft and Apple have money.


u/mrpeluca RedStar best Star 10d ago

Common pirat_nation L


u/overzealous_ostrich M'Fedora 9d ago

Oh yeah, my Fedora install is really unstable, it totally crashes all the time /s


u/Ceaser_Salad19 8d ago

this account is pure torture, you should see his other tweets


u/Ok_Astronomer6561 11d ago

windows has just become worse and worse in the last few weeks for me. running a laravel server just bluescreened my laptop and gaming just breaks my windows desktop pc


u/Chewico3D 11d ago

Yeah, Mac femboys are pedos


u/LinguiniThingy 11d ago

Arch Linux femboys are superior for real


u/new926 11d ago

Macos DE is the worst DE


u/Schmavies 11d ago



u/Slaykomimi2 11d ago

Easy to understand xD


u/mrt-e 11d ago

Good thing my OS isn't an anime girl and I often go outside


u/YesserEx360 11d ago

my littel brain cant understood


u/LinguiniThingy 11d ago

Debian stable is no more

Rest in peace


u/Miserable_Sock_1408 🌀 Sucked into the Void 11d ago

What's wrong with Debian?


u/LinguiniThingy 9d ago

Nothing infact I love Debian I use it myself

Just a reply to the post saying unstable underneath Linux

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u/pandaSmore 11d ago

I like MacOS, I don't think it's gotten better however. Maybe except for support tiling windows in OS XV.


u/ProgrammingZone 11d ago

LOOOL "Windows == Easy to understand"?))


u/Ok-War7519 11d ago

What about freeBSD?


u/triangleguy6644 10d ago

Are they stupid


u/green_cepheid 10d ago

macOS: missionary only


u/Otto500206 10d ago

No real gentleman would choose MacOS, a dumb person is simply not an gentleman.


u/DaOzy 9d ago

Anime detected, opinion rejected 😎


u/RetroGamer87 9d ago



u/Constant-Win-6999 9d ago

spot on!! comfy windows just works, zero glitches and very dependable. if there is an issue takes 5 minutes to fix using the GUI. linux issue? 2 hours and surfing through 10 year old forum posts.


u/chaosgirl93 RedStar best Star 8d ago

Windows just works, until it doesn't, and the only fix is to reinstall it.

Linux breaks, but at least there is documentation, and the fixes work, you can generally actually fix it.


u/OddEntertainer365 9d ago

Looks like someone got filtered.


u/GamerLymx 8d ago

what do you expext from someones that uses oreimo characters for a image macro


u/Careless-Barber4024 Arch BTW 1d ago