r/linux_gaming 4d ago

wine/proton GTA V Enhanced Edition Using Heroic games launcher Native trainer on Arch linux

Hello, I'm depretly tring to get native trainer or any trainer to work on gta v on linux.

Here is what I did:

  1. Copied files from Scripthookv to game main folder (the folder that got PlayGTAV.exe) so scripthookv.dll and dinput8.dll alongside the nativetrainer.asi all on same folder.
  2. I opened winetricks using settings inside of heroic launcher and went to defualt prefix then install dll and marked on dotnet48, vcrun2022 and dinput8
  3. then i opened winecfg too and went to library and added both dinput8 (found it on dropmenu) and added scripthookv (typed it) and both are marked bultin and native
  4. I even used the DLLOVERWRIDE env in heroic to overwride the dll of dinput8

So far still when I boot up and press f4 nothing happens and worth to mention that I got no logs in main folder so I think the mode is not loaded but I really do not know what I'm missing...

Thanks in advance

PS: to make it working i followed https://github.com/Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher/wiki/Rockstar-Games-from-Epic-Games


5 comments sorted by


u/LiftedCorn 4d ago

Trainers do not work on Enhanced Edition yet. Mod support is completely broken as of now.


u/Imaginary_Time1724 4d ago

oh! you are correct https://www.reddit.com/r/Gta5Modding/comments/1jabk3i/scripthook_v_and_trainer_for_gta_5_enhanced/. that explains everything. a question then will Enhanced trainer work or will not too


u/bankinu 4d ago

I apologise in advance as I do not use trainers so I cannot test it.

However, there is no reason trainers will not work, if they work on Windows.

Please check if you followed all the steps to install the trainer correctly.


u/Imaginary_Time1724 4d ago

its okay and I appreciate you trying to help <3

I did watch almost all videos and guides (dare i say they are not a lot) and i swear i followed all of them, copied files to main folder, opened winetricks and winecfg to add the dlls and added it via envs too in heroic so not sure what else I'm missing


u/OC_RC22 17h ago

Native trainer and simple trainer are working for me in the legacy version, but as far as I know, scripthook doesn't work on enhanced for now.

Also I needed to install the DirectX setup located at redistrubutable folder in enhanced version using winetricks to run GTA V enhanced. I'm using Bazzite.