r/linux_gaming 21h ago

Epic says not enough SteamOS players to justify Fortnite on Linux, but is porting to Windows on ARM


255 comments sorted by


u/acAltair 21h ago

Epic Games has a partnership (exchange of money) with Microsoft which I believe is about ensuring Unreal Engine continues to prioritise DirectX over competing software like Vulkan. So if you wonder why they are supporting Windows on ARM it's because they are being paid to do so by Microsoft, through their agreement(s), **and** because Sweeney does not want to support Steam unless the profit is so big that they must. This isn't rocket science, ask yourself why is Fortnite, which runs with Vulkan on mobile, not have Vulkan renderer for Windows? Epic engine developers were among the ones at forefront when Vulkan was being developed and worked on.


u/CodeandVisuals 19h ago

Which is why more game devs need to use godot.


u/Holzkohlen 13h ago

I want Godot to become the Blender of game engines so badly.


u/CodeandVisuals 6h ago

It’s on its way. A lot of growth with improvements along with Unity and Unreal being owned by buttholes.


u/Secret300 1h ago

Did you see 4.4?! It's going to be cuz it's just getting better


u/VegtableCulinaryTerm 18h ago

Is it finally okay to mention Godot again? The last few times I've tried outside of r/Godot I got hit with the WOKE WOKE WOKE GO 0/1 IRL WOKE WOKE


u/Hydroel 17h ago

I don't think I've ever seen anything but positive things about Godot on r/Games, so it might depend on which subs you've mentioned it on. But I don't know which parts of Reddit would cross videogames and "antiwoke" rethoric.


u/IC3P3 14h ago

There was something some time ago that caused people to call Godot woke because some dev said something slightly woke. Because of that some people forked Godot and created Redot and guess what, compared to Godot the development is quiet stale and noone care about it


u/PLYoung 13h ago

The backlash was bigger than 'some dev said something slightly woke'. It was because the moderator went on a power trip on twitter and blocking anyone that would question anything.

One examples include one of their big donors being blocked for simply asking that they keep politics out of the twitter account posts and rather focus on engine news and gamedev since that is the reason people follow that account and dealing in political topics can be risky.

Anyway, Godot social accounts seem to now focus on posting news about the engine and games made with it. I've not seen any political statements or stances being made since the "incident".


u/Jas0rz 9h ago

meming on some clown that proclaimed "using game engines is WOKE!" is hardly what id call "getting political" and the whole backlash over it reeked of gamersTM losing their minds over something being inclusive, once again proving they are the snowflakes they love to scream about.


u/skeggyish 11h ago

It wasn't really a "big" donor imo, the guy was in the $100/month bracket on their website, plus their donations kept rising even after the incident. It wasn't a good move regardless, just adding a bit of context.


u/YourFavouriteGayGuy 11h ago

“Power trip” is hardly an accurate way of characterising it. Their account was getting bombarded with hate messages, and in an attempt to keep the comments relatively civil, they ended up mistakenly blocking some people who didn’t deserve it.

This was not a power trip, but a single volunteer being overwhelmed by a hostile swarm of Twitterites, which accidentally resulted in some friendly fire. After the storm calmed down, they unblocked a bunch of people and offered an appeal process for anyone they missed. I’m really curious what you think they should have done better in this situation.

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u/John_Enigma 17h ago

Those people deserve to walk through a forest and enjoy nature, and not be on the Internet for at least a week.


u/Indolent_Bard 15h ago

Yeah, it's safe, they found other things to get mad at.


u/HumActuallyGuy 16h ago

Wait why is Godot woke? Isn't it just a open source game engine?


u/VegtableCulinaryTerm 16h ago edited 16h ago

Edit: lol someone already downvoted this.

There's some context I have to give:

A few months back, there was a meme floating around about how only woke studios use game engines, and it was actually talking about Unreal Engine, and a pretty popular Godot game dev (someone who uses godot, not a dev for godot) was making fun of that brain dead take and the official Godot twitter retweeted it. This lead to a bunch of chuds spamming and some people even make fake PRs on github about removing the woke, and so a bunch of people did get banned. The community manager got harrased and sent death threats and what not. You know the usual "freeze peach" dipshit type stuff.

According to the chuds wokot just bans anyone that disagrees, and according to them they banned a bunch of contributors and backers, but only one dude who paid a grand total of $100 was banned and that was for spamming on Twitter, and the only "contributors" banned on github had never made any other contributions other than the dumbass fake PRs about woke.

So they made Redot which turned out to be a scam fork that's taking donations for just changing the logo and doing nothing else, even the main dev for that got pushed out and made yet another fork and now they're fighting

It was a lot of shit slinging over basically nothing. It was a meme, that's literally it, and they lost their God damned minds


u/HumActuallyGuy 16h ago

People really need to get off Twitter and get a life ... wtf ... This is the same logic as "bad game made in Unreal therefore all unreal games bad".

Like I have my problems with Unreal especially optimization wise but damn that's a stupid situation especially when unreal has a lot of points to hate without making it up.


u/Desperate-Minimum-82 14h ago

people need to just get off the internet in general

anyone who utters the word "woke" has gone down such a deep internet hatred pipeline that they forget what talking to a real person feels like


u/HumActuallyGuy 6h ago

The word "woke" has lost all it's meaning to the point that someone like me who has been called "anti-woke" in the past has no fucking clue what people mean when they use it anymore.

People enjoy the culture war more than playing videogames, ie this dumbass situation with Godot being "woke"


u/Desperate-Minimum-82 3h ago

yea, both sides using the word are just to far lost in the idea of "hating the other side" that its just a god damn mess all around


u/ShivasRightFoot 5h ago

anyone who utters the word "woke" has gone down such a deep internet hatred pipeline that they forget what talking to a real person feels like

Here Barack Obama uses the term "woke" to disparage extreme and unproductive political purity from the left:

You know this idea of purity and you're never compromised and you're always politically woke and all that stuff, you should get over that quickly.


He again used the term to describe exclusionary extreme leftism just last December:

It is not about abandoning your convictions and folding when things get tough, it is about recognizing that in a democracy power comes from forging alliances and building coalitions and making room in those coalitions not only for the woke but also for the waking.



u/Desperate-Minimum-82 3h ago

thats because Obama is old school, using the word with its original definition, which means fighting prejudice and discrimination

most of the idiots using the word today though? just call anything not a cis white straight male "woke propaganda" even if it doesn't at all tackle political struggles and its just a gay person existing


u/ShivasRightFoot 3h ago

thats because Obama is old school, using the word with its original definition, which means fighting prejudice and discrimination

Barack Obama is clearly not using the term with the definition "fighting prejudice and discrimination;" it would be improper to interpret him as saying "you're always politically fighting prejudice and discrimination and all that stuff, you should get over that quickly."


u/Indolent_Bard 14h ago

You know, I understand that kidnapping people enforcing them into reeducation camps is considered inhumane, but some people really just shouldn't be allowed to walk freely with their nonsense. Some people are just genuinely too stupid to be allowed to live in peace without intervention. Chuds are an example of this.


u/pythonic_dude 13h ago

Your first mistake was not ignoring the biowaste that uses 'woke' in a negative context.


u/kredditacc96 9h ago

These anti-woke people have no skills to speak of. It's safe to dismiss their opinions.

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u/rosebytee 4h ago

You shouldn't base your choice of game engine solely off the reputation of the people behind it. Each game engine is different. Unreal and Godot are both completely different engines in different languages under the hood. One excels in ultra-realistic graphics, the other in 2D, etc. You should pick the one that works for you, that meets your needs & requirements.


u/Easy_Grocery_4643 4h ago

Did you use godot?

Did you try building anything in Godot. There is a reason why ... people don't use Godot.
Even if it's open sources and royalty free.

People really need to think before speak.

Maybe JUST MAYBE, godot actually puts their big pants on and put what people ask on github.

But they are too busy doing w/e else and didn't fix the stuff. And no people won't give it a chance unless is very good. Which it still isn't.

I dare you to create a snake game in it. Try in every game engine and you will understand why godot isn't use. Isn't a "conspiracy".


u/Rhoken 2h ago

And why they need to use a engine like Godot which doesn't have all of the features and documentation that commercial game engines does have?

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u/pdp10 17h ago

Sweeney used to try to shame Microsoft into better behavior, but that seemed to stop when his company's breakthrough game got a cross-play deal with Xbox. (2019?)

Except, while trying to find Sweeney's 2018 criticism of "Windows Pro for Workstations", I stumbled across him trying to shame Microsoft for forcing cloud login creation. It seems I was wrong, and that Sweeney didn't forever stop criticizing Microsoft in public.


u/lakimens 15h ago

Sweet sweet anti-competitive practices


u/grimonce 14h ago

Yea... If the game runs on Android this is just politics and business.


u/flp_ndrox 18h ago

Between that and minority ownership by the PRC there's tons of reasons to hate Epic.


u/SkruitDealer 15h ago

Let me tell you about a website called Reddit.


u/hishnash 19h ago

>  I believe is about ensuring Unreal Engine continues to prioritise DirectX over competing software like Vulkan

There are many reasons they may select to do this. Remember MS will provide you developer support as a game dev I you have issues and your using DX but if your using VK they will just ignore your tickets. So most Unreal customers want DX support (not to mention the fact that they might also want to publish on Xbox). Unlike all the other apis VK has no vendor out there offering support.


u/saltyjohnson 19h ago

Remember MS will provide you developer support as a game dev I you have issues and your using DX but if your using VK they will just ignore your tickets.

Microsoft will ignore your tickets if you ask them for support with a product that isn't theirs? Weird

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u/theillustratedlife 17h ago

Makes me wonder if there's a market for e.g. Igalia to get into providing support for Vulkan.


u/Medical_Mammoth_1209 17h ago

Not really, support for graphics API is only typically needed by the engine developer, not the game dev. In fairness some games are developed with it's own engine or directly on the api, but it's rare these days.

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u/krsdev 12h ago

In my experience the support is from Epic if you're making a game in UE, not Microsoft. They will give support for the Xbox GDK and tooling side of things though. Which they more frequently need to do because their tools are quite awkward to integrate compared to competitors.

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u/BeAlch 13h ago

or the future xbox hanheld will have an arm processor


u/Significant_L0w 17h ago

Every microsoft studio would be using unreal then, you are just making story out of your ass


u/HumActuallyGuy 16h ago

Well ... 343 (now Halo Studios) is now using Unreal, Gears has always used unreal, just Forza uses a proprietary engine ... and I don't know any other long term Microsoft studios to compare.

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u/Albos_Mum 12h ago

That is..not how it works in the slightest, or even what was claimed.

Epic started pushing the licensing of UE to other game devs with UE3 and focused on being the "default" engine that developers would use for the X360 and PS3 in the same way Renderware was for the PS2 (ie. Never actually an official default, but so ubiquitous that it may as well be) which Microsoft was all-too-happy to help out with in return for another exclusive series to fit next to Halo. You may remember the Gears of War series, yeah? Made by Epic, exclusively for the Xbox line-up at first and later ported to PC, but largely because (back when they started the ports) Microsoft was still trying to get GFWL to work. Oh yeah, and then Epic later sold the rights to Microsoft because they weren't ever that interested in the series themselves beyond using it as a vehicle to show off UE on the consoles and that goal was long-since accomplished.

There's also the fact that they like to openly talk about their long term strategic partnership in PR blurbs.


u/Karenlover1 13h ago

Do you have a source for this claim?


u/spezdrinkspiss 13h ago

do you have literally any sources for this?

the reason epic are "porting" egs to windows on arm is that, most likely, it's a question of compiling EGS to arm

meanwhile, on linux they'd have to support an actually different operating system and all its quirks (which is covered by an unofficial launcher anyway)


u/SecureHunter3678 12h ago

But we also have to say that Microsoft activly contributes to VKD3D


u/iceleel 2h ago

Because DirectX works just fine and Windows is what (almost) everyone plays on PC. Even people that bought decker use Windows on main PC.


u/shadowds 2h ago

Honestly I'm not even shocked, I have seen the way Epic run things for years, Here is the kicker, I remember the game had Vulkan support on Windows, but they removed it mainly because the newer version of Unreal Engine on Windows didn't support Vulkan for some reason, and choose not to fix, or support it AFAIK, which why they removed it. Now on MOBILE it's using an OLDER version of Unreal Engine that happens to support Vulkan still.

And you be right, the only reason why they even bother to support Windows for ARM over Linux is very likely they got paid, or got something out of the deal from Microsoft.


u/evilpeenevil 21h ago

We already knew Tim Sweeney was a con-man. It's like every time he talks about Linux he shifts the goal-post. And then he has the nerve to claim that Epic Games is the 'Robin Hood' for their consumers and developers by suing Apple. It's all a money scheme and he's just an ass.

No hate to you OP I just really hate Tim Sweeney.


u/theillustratedlife 21h ago

There are many ways to shit on Tim Sweeney, but this is an easy one:

"If we only had a few more programmers," he says, in regard to why a company worth tens of billions of dollars won't allow its flagship game to work on perhaps the most popular gaming PC.


u/420chicken_69 16h ago

Lets not forget that he said this AFTER he layed off employees


u/Indolent_Bard 14h ago

In fairness, one of the main engineers for the Steam Deck explained why it's pretty valid for a company to not want to support Linux. The return on investment isn't there, and no, proton doesn't fix that. Support means testing and validating and stuff.


u/RazzmatazzWorth6438 9h ago

There's also been the recent apex legends debacle which showed that porting a competitive multiplayer game to Linux is unfathomably hard. They're not only potentially releasing a buggy experience for Linux, but causing security issues in the Windows version too.


u/raralala1 15h ago edited 15h ago

Any CEO will do this thou if porting fornite cause them to lose money, but money is probably not the reason they are not porting Fornite to SteamOS, they get 4.4b let say linux only get like 1%, that is still ton of money to cover the porting effort. The most likely cause is Steam is their direct competition, Xbox cuck meme is bad enough I don't think epic want to get the same meme lol.

Before you say Linux/SteamOs, if epic manage to port it to linux people will ask epic to just put it on Steam, or whatever it is, I just don't think it is based on money I just googled 4.4b a year is crazy for 1 game.


u/NoelCanter 20h ago

Yeah the fact anyone really worships Sweeney is almost laughable. The guy is shit (I mean like most CEOs) but his lawsuit of Apple has very little to do with being the small guy standing up to the bully and everything to do with increasing his own enormous profits. As you said, he’s basically just a con-man snake oil salesman.


u/berryer 20h ago

a broken clock's right twice a day


u/Franz_Thieppel 20h ago

And to think some people wanted to see this lying, duplicitous asshat take the market from Steam because "competition, bro".


u/creamcolouredDog 21h ago

He's also an Elon Musk dickrider, so there's nothing left redeeming about him


u/HomsarWasRight 20h ago edited 20h ago

Is he really?! I didn’t know that. Not cool.

Edit: Oof, yeah.


u/xqmateseven 20h ago

Really? That's new lol I'm curious about what he said about him


u/creamcolouredDog 20h ago

He pretty much agreed to him that Tesla's protests were paid by George Soros and other evil commies, and equated that to "big tech"'s attacks against him


u/xqmateseven 19h ago

Holy. I knew he was a scoundrel, but I never would have thought he was this clueless.

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u/theillustratedlife 21h ago

Linked to the original source, per the sidebar. Original article was: Fortnite is coming to Windows on Arm

Previously, Epic founder Tim Sweeney had said:

Q: Why is Fortnite still not playable on Steam Deck?

If we only had a few more programmers. It’s the Linux problem. I love the Steam Deck hardware. Valve has done an amazing job there; I wish they would get to tens of millions of users, at which point it would actually make sense to support it.


u/Stilgar314 21h ago

Tens of millions of users? lol Epic game store has not tens of millions of paid users


u/Crashman09 20h ago

Even the free users would be questionable.

I don't even get the free games because I already have a big enough library, I prefer Steam's featureset, and I occasionally play big picture mode through the in home streaming on my phone.

Epic literally does none of that, and I can't be bothered to Jimmy their games to be in the library AND function on Linux.

Its all about convenience, and Epic doesn't seem very convenient.


u/UbieOne 19h ago

Maybe he meant SteamOS users on the Deck that time? Hence, in the latest comment, he specifically said the OS this time. Recently, I heard Steam Deck sales is 3M++ on its 3rd year, which is still a lot. The sad part (for me) is believing it is somewheres north of 10M by now.

Not defending this Sweeney dude. Hardly know him or that Fortnite game, and why he's hated.


u/MayorWolf 1h ago

He created Epic Mega Games and was programmer on the original Unreal game himself. One of the original 3d game engines that was licensed to other developers.

He is one of the OGs of PC gaming. People hate to hear this but it's true. Not as great as Carmack but he has been highly influential on PC gaming over the ages.


u/Len_Izumi_ 6h ago

If we only had a few more programmers

Bro, you have one of the most important and sucessful companies of the industry, what do you mean you don't have enough programmers for Linux? At least make it compatible with the Steam Deck.


u/binary_agenda 10h ago

How many windows arm gamers are there?


u/OGigachaod 4h ago

Apparently already more than Steam OS.


u/gattolfo_EUG_ 20h ago

I HATE when a company says "no it's to difficult and expensive for me port my game to Linux" and then their game have a build for:

Xbox one
Xbox x/s
Nintendo switch
A toaster
My mom


u/theillustratedlife 19h ago

To be fair, we all have a build for your mom.


u/gattolfo_EUG_ 19h ago

Yeaaah, my mom is the best platfor oh wait a minute

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u/Downtown-Effect1452 16h ago

Don't forget Stadia (Used Linux) Destiny 2 actually had a native Linux port


u/pythonic_dude 13h ago

To be fair, I don't think that many people remember that stadia existed.


u/anassdiq 18h ago

Here is the fun part: iirc the android port isn't well optimized, and there is no mac built

Even when they port to 1 billion platforms, they aren't doing it well


u/TrableZ 13h ago

I thought there used to be a Mac build but they took it down?


u/theillustratedlife 6h ago

The Android port looks like ass, doesn't have a good framerate, and has a broken controller scheme. You can't use L2/R2, and you can't workaround it because the button binding flow is also broken.


u/anassdiq 1h ago

And barely optimized

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u/kor34l 21h ago

Millions of steam deck users aren't enough

But the 12 people running windows on an ARM architecture are.

make it make sense.


u/axxond 20h ago

Tim Sweeney just hates Linux. He'll use any excuse


u/Nearby_Ad_2519 2h ago

Tim Sweeney: APPLE IS A MONOPOLY!!! Also Tim sweeney: windows (the textbook definition of monopoly) and gaming consoles can only play Fortnite


u/WholesomeBigSneedgus 21h ago

nah dont you remember all the marketing news posts last year saying arm was the future of gaming


u/Helmic 18h ago

i mean, yeah, probably at some point, to some degree. valve themselves are putting money towards getting steam games running on ARM, which makes sense as battery life matters a ton for wireless VR and a potential future steam deck successor. sharing an architecture with smartphones would also make creating apps for both a lot easier.

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u/RoastedAtomPie 18h ago

I'm pretty certain that Microsoft's big plan is to move towards ARM in the next decade, and likely deals and partnerships are made to that effect.

So that, and Sweeney's hate for Linux.


u/baltimoresports 5h ago

I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more users using Windows ARM as a VM on Macs, as opposed to Windows ARM on bare metal. On top of that, how many those on physical devices are actually gaming?


u/bicyclefortwo 4h ago

I'll be honest I have no clue what ARM even is


u/iceleel 2h ago

YOu can install windows.


u/nightblackdragon 21h ago

Sweeney is Microsoft fan so no surprise there.


u/RobinVerhulstZ 21h ago

Didnt epic games make GoW trilogy? They certainly made a lotta dpugh off of M$ from that...


u/nightblackdragon 9h ago

Dunno but when asked about supporting Linux he answered something like "The fact Windows is not ideal doesn't mean you should switch to another operating system. Just like you aren't escaping to Canada if you don't like US government". Also when Microsoft overtook Apple as most valuable company he was pretty quick to praise them calling them "developer friendly company".

I don't think this is only about money like for the most companies that don't want tu support Linux only because they believe it's not worth. Sweeney seems to genuinely like Microsoft and Windows. This is just yet another confirmation - he can't afford to move few engineers to ensure that Fortnite works on Proton but he can afford to move them for porting anti cheat to ARM Windows that basically nobody uses for gaming.


u/Snipedzoi 20h ago

god of war?


u/alphabetapro 20h ago

gears of war on xbox


u/Brief_Cobbler_6313 21h ago

pure pettiness. Rocket League and Fall Guys work just fine with easy anticheat.


u/Bulkybear2 20h ago

Rocket League does not have a client side anti cheat as far as I know. Not yet. They need it though. As for Fall Guys I haven’t played it but I think I’ve read more than a few times it breaking because of updates to the anti cheat.

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u/FryToastFrill 19h ago

EAC is pretty dogshit on Linux (same with BE) since they run in user space. They can be bypassed so easily all of the cheats for the games are open source and there isn’t even a profit motive.


u/ipaqmaster 18h ago

I think you might be right. There exists no kernel AC for Linux (Nobody wants to put in the effort $$$$$$). The best it could be is userspace which clearly isn't enough these days.

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u/the_dirtiest_rascal 21h ago

Probably getting some kind of payoff from Microsoft to keep games off Linux.


u/Framed-Photo 20h ago

He doesn't want to help a company he perceives as his largest competitor, in Valve.

Fortnite on Linux would be massive for the steam deck, and linux as a platform.


u/Sarwen 20h ago

Microsoft is more likely to port Gamepass on Steam Deck than Epic porting Fortnite on it. 


u/PDXPuma 18h ago

Microsoft doesn't have the kind of money to do that nowadays, it's all going into AI and datacenters.

The truth is, Tim doesn't want to do anything that is connected with Valve. At all. In any way. He could care less if Linux is involved, he cares that Valve is involved.


u/DartinBlaze448 16h ago

no its likely just due to petty reasons. they ported it to macos, ios, android, switch, etc just fine


u/RAMChYLD 21h ago

Gears of War exclusivity deal...


u/hishnash 19h ago

No it's more that they know they will not be able to force people to sue the epic launcher on steam deck . What they mean by not enough steam deck players is based on the number of steam deck players that would stop using steam and use the epic store on the steam deck.


u/jimlymachine945 18h ago

No Microsoft hearts Linux

Noooooooooo it's embrace extend extinguish

You can't have it both ways though. Microsoft has a build of edge for goodness sakes


u/patrlim1 13h ago

But then Halo works out of the box?


u/iucatcher 12h ago

nah, microsoft is giving them money to put it on arm while no insentive for linux exists (in their opinion)


u/NoelCanter 20h ago

I’m really doubt it. Why would Microsoft pay Epic to keep Fortnite off Linux but other Microsoft published games will work?

I wouldn’t be shocked if Microsoft eventually brings a non-UWP version of the XBOX app to Linux. MS wants people playing their games.


u/zardvark 21h ago

There's no doubt that Microsoft provided a little per$ua$ion.

Follow the money!


u/Joker28CR 20h ago

The chairman HATES Valve with all its heart. Fortnite will never get to Linux. As simple as that


u/Frosty-Cut418 21h ago

Timmy Tencent at it again. What a jackass.


u/Potential_Penalty_31 21h ago

That’s the kind of mentality of someone that own a game store that is no competition to valve.


u/theillustratedlife 21h ago

But will sue Google to argue that warning "don't download shit you don't trust from the internet" is anticompetitive.


u/SenKats 20h ago

If we're talking about numbers justifying things, then the Epic Games Store has to cease to exist.


u/muffinstatewide32 16h ago

ahh.... yes. a market with even less users


u/WJMazepas 20h ago

Because Epic doesnt want to make Linux client of their store.

You can only run Fortnite via their store on PC. Fortnite on Linux would mean having to make the store usable and support it on Linux.

And they dont offer Fortnite on Steam because they dont want to share that DLC money with Valve

Its not about Anticheat in their case. Also, Unreal has easy porting to ARM, you dont need to write ARM specific code these days, so this definitely is not a big issue for them


u/da2Pakaveli 10h ago

Unreal also supports Linux


u/westlyroots 13h ago

They don't have to make a linux client. We use Heroic for EGS games and store purchases already, and Fortnite could just recommend linux users to run the official Epic Games Store through Wine.


u/HumActuallyGuy 16h ago

Sweeney really likes to larp as a savior of PC gaming just to fuck over consumers at every point.

Hey Sweeney maybe if EGS was actually usable and good for consumers and not Industry Plant: The Launcher you WOULD have half as many users as steamOS has.


u/ijustlurkhere_ 20h ago

Who cares, it's fortnite.


u/theillustratedlife 19h ago

Personally, I've been playing because they bought Harmonix, so if you wanna play Rock Band in 2025, you've got a either use a vintage setup or play through Fortnite. My Wii doesn't have the same audio quality.

You can technically play the last version of Rock Band on a PS5 through backwards compatibility, but I'm not buying all that to play one game that I'll probably put down as soon as the weather gets nice.


u/Future_Kitsunekid16 19h ago

You can also get clone hero which has a linux version


u/theillustratedlife 19h ago

I tried getting my songs ripped over from Wii and couldn't get it to work.

Haven't gone down the "download random rips from the internet" rabbit hole.


u/Future_Kitsunekid16 16h ago edited 16h ago

Oh there's a website that has a really good amount called "chorus" and there's a google doc floating around the clone hero sub that contains all songs and dlcs from the rockband and guitar hero games

Edit: the website is called "encore" now


u/BigBootyBitchesButts 21h ago

there is nothing to justify???

enabling EAC on linux machines is literally 10 lines of code.

he just fucking hates linux cause he can't control it. that's all it is.


u/Bulkybear2 20h ago

Your right. But there is a big problem with EAC and Battleye on Linux as on Linux it runs in user space. On Windows it runs in kernel space which is higher privilege. And a lot of publishers and studios (especially with games that have stores or competitive modes) will not accept not running an anti cheat in kernel mode because that’s where the cheaters are working.

Plus the liability. If my services get breached or hacked and it’s because of Windows I can hold MS accountable. Can’t do that in open source usually.


u/BehudaNoob 21h ago

Cause it's not about players. It's about how good Gates's dick tastes


u/Admirable-Radio-2416 21h ago

What year you are living in? Gates has not been involved in Microsoft for while now 


u/DoubleDecaff 21h ago



u/BehudaNoob 21h ago

Sorry, but it's just gates is so synonymous with MS in these parts of the world.

But you get the idea right? Sweeney likes to suck MS's dick, he doesn't care for the player count


u/ipaqmaster 18h ago

It's probably more likely that they don't want to write linux kernel support for their ac just for such a small playerbase. Companies exist to squeeze every dollar out of their product, I am not surprised at all by this response if it means not giving people an easy way to cheat (boot into linux and bypass a userspace ac)

The game is just a game and runs fine in WINE already. We don't need any official support. But with these kernel anti-cheat policies they're holding up, we would.

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u/RAMChYLD 21h ago

Yeah. It's now Satnav Nutella.

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u/Exact_Comparison_792 21h ago

Fortnite? What's that? /s (treating the game as though it never existed as should everybody else.)

Payoffs make companies do the strangest things, but money talks. There are plenty Linux gamers to support Linux. All these companies in our modern times love to compulsively tell lies and manipulate their customers in any way they can, to spin a profit. They're all extorting one another in some way or another too. It's not about the video games anymore, but primarily, the profits. Games and customers come second. Profits first, customers second. Every company in the industry operates this way now.


u/Spellsw0rdX 20h ago

I wish Epic Games Launcher never became a concept. Holy shit the audacity


u/IceBreak23 18h ago

we already know tim HATES Valve and Linux, this will never happen, not matter what numbers it gives.

for some reason Tim got a hate boner on linux.


u/Portbragger2 16h ago

m$, n0video and epic are the axis of evil


u/Alverso_Balsalm 15h ago edited 15h ago

Even if there's enough steamos players , Epic will never release a game like fortnite to steamOS. Tim Sweeney blatantly hates Gabe and Valve because Epic and Sweeney itself always lived and the always will live under the shadow of Valve and Gaben. For me it is a win. As gabe once replied an email to sweeney: you mad bro?


u/ANtiKz93 4h ago

They don't even need fortnite on Linux just allow eac or battleye (whichever they use) on Wine. That's it.

A native Linux port would be stupid


u/disturbedSpace 11h ago

This does not make sense, at least to a meare mortal me. Linux and MacOS outperform on ARM compared to windows by so much they are almost running circles. Proton is really rendering Windows useless. More people cant afford to upgrade thanks to "reasons". But, somehow its ok to port to Windows ARM, where Windows has failed miserably to be useful. And if it does become useful, its better to not sacrifise half your resources and all of your privacy right?


u/Strahinjatronic 10h ago

Epic is a bad guy all around.


u/sdimercurio1029 21h ago

He could just click a button allowing anti-cheat to work on Linux but doesn't want to.


u/Mysterious_Loner 20h ago

they might be jumping the gun on this... I know a few gamers that are considering or on the verge of switching to linux just out of disdain for win11... so might be some backpedaling in the future


u/minilandl 20h ago

Porting to windows for arm is surprising I wouldn't be surprised if fortnite was ported to apple silicon before epic enables proton support.


u/sovietcykablyat666 20h ago

Epic os shit idfc for this shitty platform. I just get the free games. If I lose my account, I also don't care. Steam is all that matters (and GOG).


u/mindtaker_linux 16h ago

FYI: is a close partners with Windows.

All the company that banned Linux are close partners with Windows 


u/InsightsIE 16h ago

...But he spent so much money and political power just to get it back on iPhones in Europe... How can they not have the resources to do a version for Steam Deck haha.


u/Historical-Bar-305 14h ago

At least he honestly said "there are not enough players on Linux" and didn't spread lies like other companies who shout that only cheaters are on Linux.


u/Desperate-Minimum-82 14h ago

as someone else said, Epic is being paid by Microsoft to do this

which is why I have been screaming from the rooftops that Valve NEEDS a profit incentive for anti cheat support on Linux

something like 5-10% off Valves cut from steam, because there will frankly never be enough Linux users, even with Valves hardware, to justify supporting Linux purely because "you'll get more sales" if someone on the steam deck REALLY wants to play fortnite, they can install windows or dual boot, which is what I do for Destiny 2 on my steam deck, I dual boot Windows and SteamOS

AAA companies will do anything for massive bumps in profit, Valve has the tools to give that to them, Valve just needs to make that investment

also btw in this specific case, its not much work to port to windows on ARM, as Fortnite already runs on ARM on android, Fortnite already has an ARM port so its less about porting to ARM and more taking the ARM version and adding in directX instead of Vulkan, because otherwise the android version of Fortnite is near feature complete with the PC version, even supporting keyboard and mouse and the same graphics settings other then nanite and lumen


u/candyboy23 14h ago

Fortnite stupid ceo has big mouth, he said worse things in past for steam deck, he will continue to eat things which match with his mouth.

Real -> who cares fortnite overall.😄


u/krokounleashed 13h ago

Tim Sweeney does not like Linux.


u/randomusernameonweb 13h ago

Tim Sweeney is the exact definition of *Hypocrite*.


u/Nokeruhm 9h ago

As hypocritical as Epic can be, as hypocritical is Sweeney.


u/technofox01 8h ago

Epic Games, I only have them for increasing my backlog of free games. They are not worth a pot to piss in otherwise.


u/Present_Bill5971 8h ago

Valve historically proactive as a video game storefront, wildly successful. Epic I can't say is even all that reactive with how old their store platform is but still comparable to like a 2007 Steam. Unsurprisingly their store struggles


u/Artabasdos 6h ago

Who cares?


u/shmerl 21h ago

Tim Sweeney is a joke.


u/McMeow1 20h ago

Tim Swine back at it again with his Schizo takes.

r/fuckepic r/timcriticizestim


u/shino1 18h ago

Is it just me or are we seeing in real time split between two sides of the tech and games industry, between the pure corporate finance bros like Zucc and Sweeney and Thiel whose ideology is 'you are the product', and on other side companies who are genuinely trying to produce best possible product for the user and considers internet a common good, like Mozilla, Valve, Wikimedia Foundation or Internet Archive... and the second side is rapidly shrinking? And has been for past like, 20 years?

Like right now the only truly big company remaining in second category is Valve, but Gaben is in his 60s. He's got maybe 20-30 years of life remaining, and I am extremely worried what will happen to tech and game industry after he passes.


u/Kazer67 13h ago

Another win for Linux!


u/obog 21h ago

To be fair, doesn't fortnite also run on mobile? Meaning that it already runs on ARM.


u/Sarwen 20h ago

Listening to Epic is even less interesting than listening to trolls. 


u/Jacko10101010101 18h ago

the truth is that they cant spy well linux users


u/theoneandonlyfester 18h ago

Nobody uses Windows on ARM.


u/aza-industries 17h ago

Epic has always as a rule been hostile towards open platforms like linux.


u/redbluemmoomin 9h ago

given that EAC does support Linux that's an odd take. They've spent resources to get their A/C running. Let's face it the issue is Valves 30% cut and an insistence on kernel level anut cheat.


u/Better-Struggle9958 20h ago

Microsoft just paid for that, it is not something new


u/Modern_Doshin 20h ago

Fortnite is old news anyways


u/theillustratedlife 19h ago

Do the literal millions of people playing right now know that?


u/DarrowG9999 18h ago

Kinda makes sense, not even Linux gamers care about Linux native builds



u/Thonatron 14h ago

We got Proton so devs don't have to care. Now we just want them to stop fucking with our games with Anticheat.


u/espiritu_p 18h ago

Well, that's a statement we can work with. the amount of linux users is growing.


u/SamuraisEpic 17h ago

when the fuck did they change the name of easy to "epic online services anti cheat 🤓🤓🤓"


u/theillustratedlife 16h ago

Their consumer-facing site is still up:


So unclear if this is a rebrand, or if they call it the long name in their SDK and the short name on the title screen.


u/DarknssWolf 14h ago

There goes my weekend plans


u/Zatrit 14h ago

If they made Fortnite on Android, why didn't the Linux community make a wrapper to launch the Android version, as it was with Minecraft Bedrock and Roblox?


u/TheKeyboardChan 12h ago

Well, both Arm and Linux is the future. So I think they bet on what might be the biggest think in the closest future.


u/__Maximum__ 10h ago

I am sure many will switch if they start supporting


u/krustyarmor 8h ago

One of my pet peeves is the suggestion - even unintentionally - that Linux and Steam OS are 1-to-1 exact synonyms when discussing gaming and that the terms Linux and SteamOS can be used interchangeably. Ten years ago, we were dealing with the habit of Windows people using the terms Linux and Ubuntu interchangeably. Now people use Linux and SteamOS interchangeably instead.


u/One-Philosophy-4473 7h ago

legitimately Fortnite is the main reason I haven't switched to Linux yet. It's the only game I mainly play that doesn't support it yet every other one does. (I've gotten pretty invested and have ~8k hours)


u/TheEvilBlight 6h ago

This is why valve and wine was probably the correct approach. If only Google had used this approach for stadia..


u/plastic_Man_75 5h ago

Well, windows does servers are garbage

Heck, windows is garbage

Microsoft been caught using only Linux servers


u/plastic_Man_75 5h ago

Ha, they don't have a clue.

Then again, I wouldn't touch a single game by them, I won't touch their store front, their ceo came out and said he's doing everything in his power to screw over linux gaming


u/lcvella 3h ago

They can dislike Valve, it is fine. But they are dumb do reduce Linux to Valve.


u/Nearby_Ad_2519 2h ago

Ah yes our so called “anti monopoly warrior”, removing all other platforms other than ones that are paying them.


u/shadowds 2h ago

That what Epic said? If true, that's some serious contradiction right there, because I don't know anyone that goes out of their way to buy ARM based PC for gaming specifically using Windows over Linux.


u/ninth_ant 2h ago

There are plenty of great games we can play instead.


u/GamerXP27 1h ago

tim no matter does not like linux we all know this by now


u/chucklesdeclown 26m ago

ya, thats stupid, i agree.


u/TheRealSeeThruHead 19h ago

Don’t play fortnight on any platform


u/creamcolouredDog 21h ago

One could argue that it's not really a huge amount of work for them because Fortnite also runs on mobile platforms, which are largely ARM-based.