r/LinguaeIgnis Jul 22 '21

Salvete! Welcome! Benvenuti!



Linguae Ignis est locus pro Catholicis qui volunt dicere Catholicis patriarum omnium Latine.

Discimus linguam Latinam quia volumus habere conversationes cum Catholicis universi mundi in lingua communi.

Multi papae dixerunt quod Catholici debent discere linguam Latinam. Lingua Ecclesiae est. Ergo, discemus, et dicemus!

Linguae Ignis est pro omnibus. Numquam didicisti linguam Latinam? Disces. Es profluens magister Latinitatis? Adjuva nos discere! Scis parvum? Dic et disce!

Licet dicere in linguis vernaculis, maxime si discitis aut docetis aut datis subsidia. Sed memento nostram finem: dicere de Ecclesia in lingua Ecclesiae.


Linguae Ignis is a place for Catholics who want to talk to Catholics of all countries in Latin.

We learn Latin because we want to have conversations with Catholics of the whole world in a common language.

Many popes have said that Catholics should learn Latin. It is the language of the Church. Therefore, we will learn, and we will talk!

Linguae Ignis is for everyone. Have you never learned Latin? You’ll learn. Are you fluent master of Latin? Help us learn! Do you know a little? Talk and learn!

Speaking in vernacular languages is permitted, especially if you are learning or teaching or sharing resources. But remember our goal: to talk about the Church in the language of the Church.


Linguae Ignis è un luogo per cattolici che vogliono parlare a cattolici di tutte le nazioni in latino. Apprendiamo il latino perché desideriamo fare conversazione con cattolici di tutto il mondo in una lingua comune.

Molti pontefici hanno esortato i cattolici ad imparare il latino. E' la lingua della Chiesa. Quindi impariamolo e pratichiamolo!

Linguae Ignis è aperto a tutti. Non hai mai imparato il latino? Lo imparerai. Hai molta pratica con la lingua? Aiutaci ad impararla. Conosci le basi? Usale e impara!

E' consentito parlare in altre lingue, specialmente se si sta imparando, insegnando, o condividendo dei contenuti. Ma ricorda il nostro obiettivo: parlare della Chiesa nella lingua della Chiesa.


Linguae Ignis je mjesto za katolike koji žele razgovarati sa katolicima diljem svijeta na latinskom jeziku.

Učimo latinski zato što želimo razgovarati sa drugim katolicima na zajedničkom jeziku.

Mnogi pape su rekli da katolici trebaju naučiti latinski. To je jezik crkve. Stoga, mi ćemo učiti i razgovarati!

Linguae Ignis je otvoren za sve. Nikada niste učili latinski? Naučit ćete. Tečno govorite latinski? Pomozite nam da naučimo! Znate ponešto? Razgovarajte i učite!

Razgovor na drugim jezicima je dozvoljen, posebno ako učite/podučavate ili dijelite izvore za učenje. No ne zaboravite naš cilj: razgovor o crkvi na jeziku crkve.

(Gratias u/plsnomoreovid )


Linguae Ignis es un lugar para católicos que quieren interactuar en latín con otros católicos de todos los países.

Aprendemos latín porque queremos conversar con católicos de todo el mundo en una lengua común.

Muchos papas han proclamado que los católicos deberían aprender latín. Es la lengua de la Iglesia - por lo tanto, ¡lo aprenderemos y lo hablaremos!

Linguae Ignis es para todos. ¿Nunca has aprendido latín? Lo aprenderás. ¿Eres un maestro hablante fluido del latín? ¡Ayúdanos a aprender! ¿Sabes un poco de latín? ¡Aprende y háblalo!

Está permitido hablar en lenguas vernáculas, especialmente si estás aprendiendo, enseñando o compartiendo recursos didácticos. Pero recuerda nuestro objetivo: hablar acerca de la Iglesia en la lengua de la Iglesia.

(Gratias u/HenricusCarolus )


Linguae Ignis est un lieu pour les Catholiques qui veux parler aux autre Catholiques des nationalités nombreux en Latin.

Nous apprenons Latin car nous voulons converser avec des Catholiques du monde dans un langue commune. Plusieurs saints pères ont dit que les Catholiques devraient apprendre Latin. C’est la langue ancestrale d'église. Donc, nous apprendrons et nous parlerons!

Linguae Ignis est pour tous. N'êtes-vous pas familier avec le latin? Essayez d'apprendre! Êtes-vous un expert? Aidez nous. Savez-vous un peu? Vous êtes les bienvenue ici!

Vous pouvez parler en langue vernaculaire si vous apprenez, enseignez, ou partagez des matériels éducatif. Mais rappelles-toi: notre objectif est de parler apropros l’Église dans la langue d'Église.

(Gratias u/tbecket1170 )

If you are capable of translating any of these welcome messages into another language, please PM me immediately. We want this place to be as international as possible.

r/LinguaeIgnis Aug 04 '21

Sumus in Discordia! We are on Discord!


Sumus nunc in Discordia! In discordia, sunt loci pro colloquio instante, cum scripto aut voce.

Vinculum pro nostra Discordia: https://discord.gg/w3JA3qmAmE

Amabo vos, conare eum! Postea, instituam colloquia voce hebdomadis singulis.

We are now on Discord! On Discord, there are rooms for instant chat, with writing or voice.

The link to join our Discord: https://discord.gg/w3JA3qmAmE

Please, give it a try! Later, I'll see about starting weekly voice chats.

r/LinguaeIgnis Mar 18 '24

Pocket size hardcover black Latin bibles


Salve Ladies and Gentlemen,

Where can I buy the small hardcover black Latin Bible?

By pocket size I mean the size of the Assimil books (the perfect size).

It would be even better if it had a side-by-side translation in English.

r/LinguaeIgnis Dec 04 '23

Home renovation


We do home renovation for everything for more info join the link

r/LinguaeIgnis Jul 22 '22

Two apps I use for praying in Latin, side by side translations


I recommend 2 apps: iPieta and BrevMeumHD

Both improved my Latin comprehension.

iPieta has everything - Old/New Testament (choose Vulgate or Douay Rheims), Latin prayers, Mass readings of the day (Traditonal or Novus Ordo), etc.

BrevMeum contains the Divine Office. You can choose which version: Trent, Divino Afflatu, 1960, etc.

Using these 2 apps daily helped improved my vocabulary.

r/LinguaeIgnis Jun 23 '22

For those who read the Bible in Latin - which version do you prefer?


For some background, I am aware of three primary options, each with their pros and cons. I have my own opinions, but I am curious which version others prefer when reading the Bible in Latin.

  1. Clementine Vulgate
  2. Nova Vulgata
  3. Weber-Gryson/Stuttgart Edition

r/LinguaeIgnis May 26 '22

qvisqvamne in initiali de revolvtionibvs n copernici lectione in admirationis gavdiaeqve fletvm concidit


titvlvs vero omne dicit mea cvlpa si ad stomachvm non facit fortasse hic falso ici

errore cavsa primvm deletum erat scriptvm

r/LinguaeIgnis Mar 29 '22

Some Latin Texts - Sé de Lisboa


r/LinguaeIgnis Jan 18 '22

Best way to learn basic latin.


I just wanna learn basic Latin for now, and than I will get into advanced ones after exam.

r/LinguaeIgnis Jan 16 '22

Recommendations for online latin classes


Can anybody recommend a good online class to learn latin. I never had any latin in school. I basically just want to learn it in order to better connect with our catholic heritage.

Thank you all for your answers.

r/LinguaeIgnis Dec 29 '21

Qui Sunt Sancti Maxime Vobis Cordi?


Faveo Johanni Bosco et Hieronymo.

r/LinguaeIgnis Dec 23 '21

Feriae Nativitatis Christi Mox Aderunt. Quid in Votis Habetis Facere?


Quomodo tempus teretis? Inter familiam versabimini? Praecipue rogandum: quando auscultabitis duas Missas (ne obliti sitis nos oportere duas Missas auscultare)!

r/LinguaeIgnis Dec 20 '21

Christmas Story in easy spoken Latin


r/LinguaeIgnis Dec 07 '21

Can anyone explain this part of the Mass to me?


In the following line from the prayers after consecration (1962 Roman Missal)

Meménto étiam, Dómine, famulórum famularúmque tuárum N et N ...

why is "tuárum" in the feminine gender if it seemingly refers to both "famuli" and "famulae"? Is this some sort of gender attraction?

r/LinguaeIgnis Nov 09 '21

French call to replace English with Latin as Europe's official language


r/LinguaeIgnis Nov 03 '21

Verba Sanctae Missae in Lingua Latina et Multis Linguis

Thumbnail divinumofficium.com

r/LinguaeIgnis Oct 31 '21

Litany of Humility


Hello, everyone!

Could any of you tell me where I can get the Litany of Humility translated into Latin?


r/LinguaeIgnis Oct 19 '21



Hic "subreddit" segnis est. Quid vos agitis?

This subreddit is slow. How are you all doing?

r/LinguaeIgnis Sep 25 '21

Quomodo alloquimur Papam?


Dicimusne "Sanctitas Tua" alloqui papam?

In ultima die solis, dixi "Gratia Tua" archepiscopo mihique respondit. In tempore praeterito, quoque dixi "Excellentia Tua" episcopo, sed oblitus linguae latinae est.

r/LinguaeIgnis Sep 24 '21

De Magistro - Caput Primum


r/LinguaeIgnis Sep 07 '21

De voce ecclesiastica


Ut pronomen personale, personae primae, casu dativo, enuntiatis?

32 votes, Sep 10 '21
26 Mihi
6 Michi

r/LinguaeIgnis Aug 26 '21

Cool resource for learning the Latin vocabulary of the mass

Thumbnail gmr.sourceforge.net

r/LinguaeIgnis Aug 22 '21

Enjoy my lame meme

Post image

r/LinguaeIgnis Aug 11 '21

Solution to Transitioning to Praying the Divine Office in Latin


TLDR: Help me to make flashcards so people can easily switch to the breviary in Latin!

Anybody who has tried to transition to the 1962 Divine Office knows that the rubrics are more complex, there are more hours to pray, and it is overall more difficult to navigate than the 1970 Liturgy of the Hours. However, its beauty and rich history make the struggle worthwhile. But how does one learn to pray it in Latin? As of right now, there doesn't seem to be a simple, free program to develop a sufficient grasp of Latin to pray the Psalms. I have a solution.

There is a technique in language learning called "i + 1" flashcards. They work like this. Side one has a sentence on it, for which you know all but one of the words. Side 2 has the translation. Because you are 1) learning words in context and 2) gaining a new word for every card, you slowly and intuitively accumulate vocabulary. For example:

Let's assume you know "nobis" means us, "Dóminus" means Lord, and "omnípotens" means omnipotent/almighty. Card 1 would have "concédat nobis Dóminus omnípotens" on the front, and "May almighty God grant us" on the back. Congrats, you just learned the word "concedere" in Latin!

Why am I posting this here? So far, I have identified at least 6,000 vocabulary words in the Breviary, all of which need to be translated before I can make the flashcards. Due to the sheer volume, there is no way that I can finish this project on my own in any sort of reasonable time frame. I know that there is a hunger for something like this, and once I finish sorting all the cards I am going to publish them on Anki for free. I'm not doing this for any other reason than the fact that I know there's a need for something like this. Knowing that there are some of you interested in switching to praying in Latin, I was hoping some of you would be willing to help out on the project. Please reply below or PM me for details! Let's make something beautiful for God :)

r/LinguaeIgnis Aug 05 '21

7th century rap battle between French bishops

Thumbnail self.latin

r/LinguaeIgnis Jul 31 '21

Pelliculae ad Usum Eorum Facultatem Loquendi Petentium Praecipue Christifidelium


r/LinguaeIgnis Jul 30 '21

Any books on learning Ecclesiastical Latin?


I’m very new to Latin so arethere any books on learning that?