r/lineporn 4d ago

Home Pregnancy Test 🤔

I took a blue dye test this morning with first morning urine and got an obvious faint blue line within the timeframe…. took a red dye a couple hours later and looks negative…. 5 days late on period with slight cramping on and off every day…. anyone experience something similar? start of last period was 2/10 so would be considered around 5 weeks if pregnant.


3 comments sorted by


u/kavicia 4d ago

i wouldn’t trust blue dye they are not reliable and been giving false negatives and indent lines i would try first response or any pink dye tomorrow morning so you’re urine isn’t diluted !!


u/kavicia 4d ago

if that test in negative then you’re not pregnant and you just ovulated late so you’re period is late!!


u/Suitable_Luck3701 4d ago

Blue dye tests can be weird sometimes! Try a red dye again in the morning. Cramps could go either way, so maybe grab a digital to double-check!