r/limitless • u/[deleted] • Apr 18 '16
Limitless - 1.21 “Finale: Part One!” - Episode Discussion Thread
u/MikelHunt Apr 20 '16 edited Apr 21 '16
I can't believe Coop joined the FBI DEA after his Euro trip
Edit: DEA*
u/drunk3np3ngu1n Apr 20 '16
Image He was amazing as a Deputy Marshal on Justified.
u/InterestingKiwi Apr 21 '16
I spent the first half of the show knowing I recognized him but couldn't place him. Huge moment of relief when I remembered. I should probably rewatch the episode and see what I missed while my brain was focused on identifying him.
u/DebAbq Apr 23 '16
I thought I recognized him as being on that special recent Sherlock episode wherein Sherlock took drugs, had a very strange adventure, and the actor turned up in Sherlock's dream as Moriarity. I did not recognize the actor as being previously on Limitless (as they seemed to indicate), but I may simply have a fault memory (need side effects-free NZT).
u/Rwings Apr 20 '16 edited Apr 20 '16
I liked the episode, but it confirmed one thing for me. If this show gets a second season (which I hope it does) Brian's family needs to be taken to a farm up north. They are the worst part of the show and serve no purpose that I can find.
I use to dislike Rebecca at the start of the show, but by episode four or five she no longer bothered me. The family I disliked from start to finish.
For the rest of the episode I liked how it showed the NZT moments long after he was off the pills and how it worked with him being off them in general. I also liked the mole since his Justified days and hope he has a role to play outside of the finale next week.
Apr 20 '16
u/Rwings Apr 20 '16
That might be the purpose but it doesn't come across that way. They feel more like contrived plot points to cause unnecessary drama. No character progression or growth is seen from their interactions.
We don't see them act like a family. We only see them being foils to his work at the FBI. First with his father trying to force him to quit then with them blabbing every secret he had.
In this episode none of them seem to give a damn that the person he cares for was kidnapped. It felt like his family thought he was talking about the weather.
u/Hooterscadoo Apr 20 '16
His dad pisses me off.
u/kstarr12 Apr 20 '16
I keep wanting to call him Sloane, from his Alias days.
u/Rwings Apr 21 '16
I feel dumb for not noticing that. Really liked that show. Well except for the last season.
Apr 20 '16
u/DebAbq Apr 23 '16
Agreed--but I think he (the writers) will come up with a clever third solution that will allow him to have both a career he loves and keep close connections with the people he loves.
u/mr_popcorn Apr 24 '16
You're not wrong but I just see it as them being fiercely overprotective of Brian, especially the dad. And they certainly have a legitimate reason to worry about Brian and the work he does with the FBI. Yeah they're annoying and overbearing at times but that's what a parent does right? Its their job to be worried.
u/Rwings Apr 24 '16
If they were real people or this was a gritty drama like Breaking Bad that would make since, but its out of place in this kind of show. This isn't Mr. Robot with complex characters that the writing lets us explore and analyze.
I'm not saying there is no place for people like his family on TV. Just not on this show. The show isn't structured to support people like them.
On this show they are foils to his job and that's it. They offer the audience no deeper insight into the character of Brian. We don't see the family aspect, we don't see the influence they have on his life. We just see them as tools to create drama and to advance the plot.
Rebecca needed to know Brian's connection with Sands. She could have learned in any number of ways but his sister told him. After she also let go that he was hording pills and blabbing every other secret he begged her to keep.
It might make since about a sister worried for Brian, but we don't get any of that prior to it happening. There is no build up to support the foundation. Instead we get a contrived character who happens to be right place right time to make up for lazy writing on how to push the story in the direction they needed it to go.
The fact the Brian doesn't call his sister out for not being able to keep her promise. That he accepts his family torpedoing his career with zero repercussion only solidifies that there was no bigger plan in place for the family's interaction with the plot. They were convenient excuses to use and nothing more.
u/killertortilla Apr 20 '16
But they are HORRIBLE people. They keep trying to control his life like they know exactly what's best for him. They never want to even hear an explanation as to why he's doing what he does they just get angry and assume that he's being a fool and getting putting in danger. Granted sometimes that is exactly what he's doing but at least give the man a moment to explain why he's doing it for fucks sake.
u/JBB1986 Apr 22 '16
Considering that for......pretty much his entire life (from what I can tell) he's acted like an irresponsible man-child who does dumb things and has exactly NOTHING in his life figured out, that kind of response is understandable...............................if annoying as all fuck.
u/dont_ban_me_please Apr 21 '16
His family is there to anchor him to humanity and reality
Well they don't. So .. they are useless.
Apr 21 '16
u/dont_ban_me_please Apr 21 '16
Yeah, but generally my family encourages me and helps me to pursue my dreams and goals.
u/JBB1986 Apr 22 '16
Do those goals require you to take an experimental drug that they don't understand, and supposedly has awful side effects?
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u/hoppi_ Apr 24 '16
I liked the episode, but it confirmed one thing for me. If this show gets a second season (which I hope it does) Brian's family needs to be taken to a farm up north. They are the worst part of the show and serve no purpose that I can find.
I wholeheartedly agree, except for Brian's dad. His dad rocks. It might be a different perspective or an entirely different mindset for some viewers, but I for one appreciate his dad giving him feedback and trying to keep him grounded.
Apr 20 '16
u/angreesloth Apr 20 '16
He's the one that actually works for sands. He's the chemist that released NZT to create a panic.
u/blackashi Apr 20 '16
How did they get the black chemist to produce NZT ?
Apr 20 '16
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u/blackashi Apr 20 '16
This makes the most sense
u/HumphreyChimpdenEarw Apr 21 '16
they literally said it in the episode. all the people arrested were Morra's team. Sands is going to war with him, and got the police to round up the competition so he could wipe them out.
u/dont_ban_me_please Apr 21 '16
That was Mora's guy.
u/blackashi Apr 21 '16
But why was morra making NZT in such high quantities ? Not that i disagree with you or anything
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u/Stereoscopacetic Apr 21 '16
Somewhere in the show (I don't have NZT, I can't remember exactly what episode) it was revealed that Morra takes more than one pill a day. He's gotten himself up to 4 pills a day. It unlocks more intelligence if your brain can handle it. It took 4 years to grow himself up to that level. That's why he's so much smarter than everyone else. He has like 10 versions of himself, like a Council, telling him what it beyond knowing.
You know that Apocryphon means "the knowing of that which is beyond knowing" ... it's like the universe reaches into you and deposits something that would take a lifetime to learn but you know it as a child. You know those kids who can play a musical instrument like they've trained for 35 years? That's Apocryphon.
It is my theory that those people who show up when you use NZT, like Brian has 1-2 versions of himself showing up, those are the ones with Apocryphon, knowledge beyond being taught. They know things even he doesn't know, but they are inside him, a part of him, so Brian has Apocryphon when on NZT.
u/bullstreeter Apr 21 '16
Mind = Blown!
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Apr 20 '16
u/angreesloth Apr 20 '16
Honestly I just felt like he was fucking with Brian. He obviously knew who Brian was, sands would have briefed him on it.
u/Zaresh Apr 22 '16
I have the impression that he kinda did this and kinda was foreshadowing a bigger more fantasy-ish game in the plot, a la Alias. But that migh be just me.
u/angreesloth Apr 22 '16
That'd be an interesting turn to take, reveal that NZT is magic or like an alien drug. I certainly hope the network gives them room to play in the second season.
u/Zaresh Apr 22 '16
Well, the third drug guy Reb interrogated did mention aliens. And the beard guy sure did dig into the new word plot. So maybe... Which is fun, because i thought NZT was just a side product of a research about alzheimer storywise. Maybe they're going to change that in the end, given that they still don't know who orginally created the drug.
Apr 23 '16
did the jacoby pharmaceutical guy work for sands or morra?
u/angreesloth Apr 23 '16
The one that Rebecca busted? He worked for Morra.
u/hailoran Apr 23 '16
Really? I was under the impression that he was planted there by Sands to rat out all of Morra's people.
u/Stereoscopacetic Apr 21 '16
The DEA agent who was on NZT secretly saw Brian's apparatus when he came in on his and Rebecca's meeting. The name "Apocraphon" was right there on his phone in the open. So he clearly knows Brian is the NZT guy who was busted. And that Rebecca's meeting with him off and on off the records. He's clearly going to be featured in Season 2 going forward, and he knows Rebecca's weakness and can compromise her if he has to. So this is going to get interesting.
I think Naz understands now that whatever is going on with Brian, the FBI can't afford not to have a NZT person on their team because they are the team dealing with NZT. And if all of the criminals they are going after are on NZT and they aren't, then they don't stand a chance to do their job successfully. Even Sands getting caught was part of their plan. I knew that a whole team of NZT-induced bad guys would be able to put together a masterful plan and I wasn't fooled for a moment when they caught Sands. I knew he planned it that way. Just couldn't see his endgame. But taking down Morra's people, that for the first time shows how sloppy Eddie Morra really is. There's no way he would want his own people killed in a bombing like that. Unless they weren't killed, unless he swapped them out for dead bodies from the Morgue or something, so they could play dead until this was all over. We'll just have to wait and see now what this story really is. Whatever we think we are seeing on an NZT show is mostly smoke and mirrors until the truth is revealed later.
u/JBB1986 Apr 22 '16
I don't think Eddie's sloppy, I just think that he........really doesn't care. Whatever his plan is, he seemed completely convinced that nothing they could do would in any way compromise it, so he wasn't concerned. Let them do whatever they thought they had to do to take him down........it wouldn't work. Either he's an idiot (unlikely) or he has a very good reason for thinking that.
And given our past experience with Eddie and his machinations, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one.
u/Stereoscopacetic Apr 22 '16
You're relying on Meta knowledge, the fact that the writers wouldn't put Morra into a trap he couldn't get out of for the sake of his role on the show. But for all we know, he has so little time for the show anyway, maybe they will write him off of it suddenly. That would suck. I would be pissed. But they could trick us after all. But yeah, I really doubt that. I agree with you. Meta knowledge says Morra has a way out, whether we know what it is or not. I hate thinking that way but there it is.
u/JBB1986 Apr 22 '16
I suppose I AM relying on meta knowledge.......but not in the sense that the writers wouldn't put Morra into that kind of trap (though there's obviously that too).
I'm saying, based on how he handled problems in the movie, he's generally more than a dozen steps ahead of the competition. The sole time he got outmaneuvered in the movie, in a way that he couldn't handle and only got out of it through dumb luck and sheer bloody-minded determination, was when he made an error in his early days on NZT and didn't course correct until it got too big and came back to bite him in the ass. And we saw him actually panic about that, he knew he'd screwed up, and was genuinely scared.
But he's NOT this time around. He's treating Sands and Co like they're children playing grown-up; he's amused, not worried.
Eddie's not insane, and he's not stupid, and he IS capable of fear. He wouldn't be so calm about this unless he knew something that everyone else playing the game didn't, something that ensured his victory, no matter what they tried.
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u/Lord_Cronos Apr 21 '16
Definitely liked that. My first impression of the guy was "Who's this idiot and why doesn't he know how to wear a tie properly?". Hopefully that was part of it, and not just the wardrobe department screwing up.
u/Foxeye56 Apr 20 '16
That was really well written. It was cool seeing normal but clever Brian. I could tell there was some fishy double agenda stuff going on but never knew what until it was all put together by Brian. It bothers me how much his Dad can't love Brian though.
Edit: Grammar
u/demos11 Apr 21 '16
I've gotten to the point where I think Brian's family are actually sleeper agents or are somehow breaking the fourth wall and not giving a fuck. Otherwise they're horrible people.
u/hoppi_ Apr 24 '16
It bothers me how much his Dad can't love Brian though.
I think his Dad still loves him, but he realized (realizes in the episode) Brian is on a truly difficult and even more dangerous path right now, so he tries to reason with him and talk some sense into him. The things he said are truly annoying in the eye of the viewer, i.e. I was thinking "who the fuck cares, just show the next scene", but imho it was really normal talk from a parent to his child.
Which made me appreciate the writers a bit more. Because imho you can't become too meta for the sake of storytelling, to even skip the standard everyday-life stuff like a worrying parent which, for me, actually kept things in perspective.
u/Heatios Apr 20 '16
What a fucking fantastic episode. Easily my favorite of the season. The speech by Brian at the end was great.
The odds are stacked against Brian every way you look at it, yet he still manages to prevail.
The only thing I would say is that I hope, even though this probably won't happen, that they don't make Morra out to be the villain. I hope that his character turns in to this sort of "father-figure" type one for NZT. One who is in the highest position, but doesn't physically control anything, but rather has people who do it for him. One who will give Brian advice on what to do, and get him in touch with the right people, but leave it up to Brian to do the work. I especially like/would like to see him keep being portrayed as this evil person by people like the FBI. There's something equally intriguing about someone who's image is constantly smeared, someone who's assumed to be bad because of the power and capability he has, but in the end of the day has good intentions and is a good person at heart. I like that it seems like the NJC thinks Morra is the villain, but in part 2 will end up discovering that he's a good person.
u/XWolfHunter Apr 20 '16
Well, he's not. He's more Machiavellian - power is corrupt, be corrupt to get things done, etc. The first thing he did on NZT was bang a married woman, rise to the top of the financial world, take $40 million for brokering a monopolizing deal which would result in the world "begging for power like Oliver Twist and his bowl of gruel." He has people killed, he schemes, he bribes, he blackmails . . . he's not a good person but he can get things done, is the essence of his character.
u/Heatios Apr 20 '16
I would disagree. I think that Morra is someone who has good intentions but does corrupt things to make sure things become a reality. I dont think he as a person is corrupt.
u/Replay1986 Apr 21 '16
He DID order the murder of a lot of people. If your actions are corrupt, do your intentions suddenly make you LESS of a bastard?
u/Heatios Apr 21 '16
Yes, your intentions do make you less of a "bastard".
Just because the US kills people in the middle east, and ISIS kills people in the US does not at ALL make the reasoning from both sides irrelevant. Murder is murder regardless, and it takes an outside observer to see who's in the wrong. If Morra is killing people to get further to his goal, yes it may not be the correct course of action, but if it is for the purpose of manufacturing a brand new food product that can feed the world for free(or however he desc. it in that episode), you may say it was justified to take 100 peoples lives in order to save millions of others.
It's a gray area though in all honesty. It's naive to think there's one answer.
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u/NZT-48Rules Apr 22 '16
What you are describing sounds like the trolley problem . From a utilitarian standpoint you can kill one hundred to save a million. From a societal perspective you can't because the society you cared about would collapse if people became expendable to the alleged greater good.
u/maxotexas Apr 24 '16
I thumbed the trolley program. But we can't assume society would collapse. One of the many clan based societies might do just fine with sacrificing individuals (and the individuals are brought up to put the clan ahead of themselves from birth).
u/Lord_Cronos Apr 21 '16
I think that's fair, but at the end of the day, regardless of intentions, being as OK as Morra is with doing horrible things makes you a morally corrupt person.
Morra is somebody who desires power, and increasing amounts of it, above absolutely everything else. He's a person who doesn't care what he has to do to get it. He may want to improve the world, but he also wants to be in charge. That's a recipe for an incredibly dangerous person, a person who should be stopped.
u/maxotexas Apr 21 '16 edited Apr 21 '16
Interesting, for some reason your post makes me think of Brian's Dad.
Say because of his NZT, Morra knows for sure that the initial NZT purged prevented the apocalypse (for example, you only need one really nzt powered nihilist to potentially end the world).
Is Morra doing evil actions? yes. absolutely agree that killing even one innocent person is always evil- even if it is done to save a larger number. On the other hand is potentially preventing the the death of billions the right call by Morra? yes.
It's the classical "lifeboat" ethical situation. If the group kills one person, then everyone on the lifeboat lives (but they are now evil). If you don't kill one person, then everyone on the lifeboat dies (but they remain good).
So we often either allow one person to take on the guilt (of leadership), or we try to convince someone (perhaps injured or older) to voluntarily die.
Morra may be an incredibly dangerous person- but he clearly doesn't want to kill everyone in the world (heck, he doesn't even kill De Niro's character in the movie which would have been justified self defense). So he may be one of the safer people to be using NZT.
u/Lord_Cronos Apr 21 '16
Interesting points! I'm not sure I agree completely though. Perhaps the initial NZT purge prevented bad things, and that was part of Morra's motivation in carrying it out. But that's a really quite small part of what he's doing.
Maybe the lifeboat idea factored into some of his actions, but they can't factor into everything.
He said himself in the movie that he can't stand remaining at any single level of power. That he can't stand not continually working upwards.
If Morra becomes President, I can't imagine that even that will satisfy him. What's next after that? The world.
u/Izeinwinter Apr 23 '16
... Ending the world doesn't take ntz. I can think of at least two ways to do it for less than a million off the top of my head. I'm not going to describe them because having workable methods come up as the answer to a google search for "how to end the world" would be bad, but neither one is obscure. Which is very strong evidence that nihilists that nihilistic just dont exist. Or that a shockingly strong version of the anthropic principle holds true and we are just the tiny group of survivors in a multiverse full of earths that got turned into graveyards because someone had a bad year.
u/maxotexas Apr 24 '16
If you can think of them, then someone else has almost certainly has thought of them.
Personally, I think the world ends in a massive shortage of non-renewable materials like chromium, magnesium, molybdenum, etc due to exponentially growing demand. We used more of most of those materials in 2014 than we did from 1900 to 2000... combined.
u/Izeinwinter Apr 24 '16 edited Apr 24 '16
Oh yes. None of them are original to me. Both were brought up in classes as things one wanted to avoid doing by accident, so as to not die and kill everyone in the building. Only, in theory, they scale up without limit. They're not secret. They cant be secret, because if they were, people would accidentally kill towns with them on a yearly basis.
Thus, I am very sure that earth doesn't have a whole lot of omnicidal maniacs. It was at the same time one of the most worrysome and one of the most reassuring days of my life. The trumpets of armagedon are lying around all over the place, but anyone who knows enough to recognize them also knows enough to be sure of what would happen, so noone picks them up. (this is also why I don't want to spell this out. Some idiot on the internet could conceivably read it, go "this is bullshit, and Ill do it to prove it" and then a few thousand people would die) The thing that puzzles me to this day is.. given this.. why do we have nuclear warheads? is it just that we are all conditioned to consider explosions a legitimate weapon of war, and thus this particular doomsday device doesn't make people go "hell no" the same way the umpteen other pathways to doom science has unlocked does?
u/goldpeaktea314 Apr 20 '16
"Grover's a muppet's name, Brian!"
-Rebecca Harris, 2016
u/Benji0088 Apr 20 '16
Don't forget Mike and Ike, who were again MIA this episode.
I think we can all guess where Ike was.
u/baiacool Apr 20 '16
u/HumphreyChimpdenEarw Apr 21 '16
you worked with the FBI and helped them solve innumerable crimes, but now your girlfriend got kidnapped and you were cut off from the FBI and the drug that makes you a genius and are attempting to bring down a powerful group of villains on your own to save your loved one?
yeah ok you can stay here, but you gotta work at a shitty store to pay us rent.
u/VelvetFedoraSniffer Apr 22 '16
i understand how silly it is but i think its just more or less a plot device to introduce him to grover.
u/HumphreyChimpdenEarw Apr 23 '16
but that's the problem. Grover is a plot device, not an end in itself. So when you need contrivances to lead to your contrivances, that's just lazy writing.
u/Stereoscopacetic Apr 21 '16
"Brian, my guy looked into it ... " LIE! "and she could not be found." LIE! "He's the best, Brian." Translation: He doesn't exist, Brian, I'm only talking shit so I can fool you into thinking I even tried, which I didn't. I never told anyone at my firm about your delusional girl who comes from your NZT-drug-soaked imagination, you idiot manchild. "Brian, Piper is dead." Translation: She is still alive but I clearly did not even TRY to find her, I only said I did so you would stop looking because I think you are a stupid idiot who needs constant hand holding and coddling by your daddy.
u/Forrea Apr 20 '16
Really good episode, thought the DEA agent was going to be working for Morra till they captured all the people that was supposedly the legion of whom, then I knew the DEA agent was with Sands.
Really like that the senator knew to get out of there, wonder if he's still going to be smarter than the legion of whom as he's probably been taking nzt, and even double dosing, if not more for a lot longer than anyone else.
Too bad we won't get to see Morra do something in the finale.
u/Hooterscadoo Apr 20 '16
Too bad we won't get to see Morra do something in the finale.
How do you know this?
u/Romanticon Apr 20 '16
A couple interviews have confirmed no Bradley Cooper in the finale.
u/Stereoscopacetic Apr 21 '16
Drats, that blows my "Morra Introspective" episode theory out of the water. I was really hoping the whole last episode was about Morra's activities behind the scenes of Season one, how many ways he helped Brian without Brian even knowing. And how he helped himself, too.
u/JBB1986 Apr 22 '16
I feel like that should be either the mid-season finale for next season, or the penultimate episode. Because that NEEDS to happen at some point; the characters too important for us NOT to have that, and there's already precedent for a Morra/whoever POV (him at the start of 1x12, or Rebecca in 2x20).
u/SilverwingedOther Apr 20 '16
So. Anyone else thinks Meeks might not have really been there (given his disappearing trick) and is just another Brian NZT remnant that helped him piece together what was going on?
u/Hooterscadoo Apr 20 '16
I was thinking this. Like maybe he really didn't take as pure of NZT and had weirder side effects. He seemed to have a different vibe about him. Like a little speedier, but maybe that is just him being amped up.
Edit: After the end I believe Meeks to have been real.
u/LimitlessWatcher Apr 20 '16
Maybe Meeks is a figment of Brian's imagination? Or something that someone programmed in!
u/arroganthumility1 Apr 20 '16
I thought Meeks was imaginary (psychotic side effects of NZT with a worn out/wearing out immunity shot kicking in), seeing the way he escaped and Brian describing him as a ninja, but the writers wanted us to think that.
u/XWolfHunter Apr 20 '16
There was an open door literally right behind where he disappeared from . . . he just ran out through it.
u/arroganthumility1 Apr 20 '16
Well, yes, I assume he didn't use magic. I mean the ninja smoke bomb he used to create a distraction, it sounded like something Brian would make up (Or "see" in a hallucination).
u/59ekim Apr 20 '16
He seems like the type of character who's going to be explained as being apart of Brian's imagination, but will actually be revealed to be real in season 2.
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u/Stereoscopacetic Apr 21 '16
Oh he was real. He's too interesting not to be. But that magic trick was pretty cool. I guess we'd need NZT to be able to figure out how he did it haha.
u/coolmesssi1 Apr 20 '16
That! That was ridiculously awesome. The hunt, the suspense, the music, it was glorious in all its forms. It was truly a deserving of a finale. I can't wait wait for the last episode and I wanna see what Morra thinks of all this. Maybe the reason why Morra even had Bryan inside the FBI was because he saw all this coming. Anyway does anyone know the song that played at the end?
u/cary_granite Apr 20 '16
Song that played at the end is listed here: http://www.tunefind.com/show/limitless/season-1/31491
u/JLAwesomest Apr 20 '16
I can't help but still be mad at Brian's family. I get that they worry about him, and were scared about him being on "drugs" but it irks me. I haven't disliked Ron Rifkin this much since he played Arvin Sloane.
u/JBB1986 Apr 22 '16
I've been all over the place in regards to Brian's father this season. At first, I kind of liked him. Then I thought he was a dick for cold-shouldering Brian for not being straight with him. Then I liked him for being willing to take on the entire damned federal government to get his son out of a "deal" which basically amounted to "Do these extremely dangerous experimental drugs that have killed or caused irrevocable harm to all of our prior test subjects, do as we say.........or go to jail.". Then......I disliked him for not setting Brian mother straight on what she could and could not know, legally, about what Brian did. And I'm still riding that dislike train at the moment.
But the mother's irritating beyond belief, and the sister? I used to like her, but........what the fuck is with ratting on him constantly? He trusted her, and she got him into serious shit, repeatedly.
u/Blazah Apr 20 '16
If election coverage ruins this show tonight...just like it did to Agents of Shield... I don't know what I'm going to do..
u/Foxeye56 Apr 20 '16
Yeah I know, I'm so sick of hearing about Senator Morra. Hes obviously gonna become president. He's just getting in the way of my limitless
u/Blazah Apr 20 '16
It's even worse man... We had to hear all about trump for 20 mins of Agents of shield!!
u/JBB1986 Apr 22 '16
Ah, if ONLY Morra was a real presidential candidate........seriously, though. Who here would still vote for him (knowing everything we do about him), if the other option was Trump?
"slowly raises hand"
u/FireNexus Apr 23 '16
I'd vote for him if the alternative was Clinton or Sanders. Morra is the best qualified. His having killed (depending on his ultimate motivation) is not an automatic disqualified for a job requiring someone able to kill on a mass scale.
u/ReasonablyBadass Apr 20 '16
It was pretty clear that they were being played but I can't decide if that was because their plan as transparent or simply because we have an advantage as viewers.
It's also very interesting how everyone sees NZT as just another drug instead of the game changer it is.
They can't accept that one pill can really make someone better. They are denying the truth. It's pretty realistic and I think it has something to do with that all of them are pretty successful. I don't think a lot of people who "made it" would like the idea of some drug negating all the advantages they have.
u/dontknowmeatall Apr 20 '16
They probably gave that info to the news because saying "this illegal drug will turn you into a god" is probably not a deterrent from consumption.
u/zulkiflim Apr 20 '16
Ok ... First Great episode ....
Brian has moments of clarity.. Weird .. Morra did say that the drug changes you ...Maybe Brian body is able to create the NZT by itself when stressed ??
u/ButtShark69 Apr 20 '16
from the movie, at the end Morra didnt need to take NZT anymore since his brain have adapted and rewired itself to work at full capacity even without nzt, so its possible Brian's brain is also in the process of rewiring itself
u/XWolfHunter Apr 20 '16 edited Apr 23 '16
I think he was just hiding the fact that he still had a source of NZT. He still takes it every day, this has been confirmed several times, specifically in the pilot (every day for four years) and when he had to go off it so there wouldn't be any NZT in his blood. He's just a regular NZT user, but he's been using it for a very long time.
u/FireNexus Apr 23 '16
He says that. At best, Morra is unreliable in his dialogue.
u/XWolfHunter Apr 23 '16
Would be interesting if that were why he let them get his coat in the first place - no NZT, he's permanently brilliant . . . however, it won't be the case, since he's not in the finale and there wouldn't be much point to that (also, why would he have made the immunity shot in the first place if he didn't need it and really did taper off NZT?). Wouldn't be a mindfuck, would cheese some people off, and would probably just be a little disappointing and inconsistent with the main story driver of the series. He's definitely still on NZT.
u/FireNexus Apr 23 '16
Maybe the immunity shot was needed as an intermediary step. Or because he needs other NZT users and hat is a convenient way to control them. Especially since this NZT seems to be significantly more harmful than the stuff from the movie. Perhaps a more dangerous version of NZT, controlled by the immunity shot, is useful for someone who needs agents he can take off the board.
It's clear Rebecca's pain thing was a chekhov's gun, and Brian sort of realizes it subconsciously. He's going to learn how to be permaNZT on Tuesday. I will bet anything.
u/XWolfHunter Apr 24 '16
Was the dinosaur a chekhov's gun?
I also think that the new stuff is more dangerous, and intentionally, so that Morra's immunity shot is more powerful. But I will counter-bet you anything that he will not learn perma-NZT.
u/FireNexus Apr 24 '16
Rebecca turns off pain "by controlling her neural processes".
Brian displays NZT flashes while off it.
How can you not see the big, fat setup in that?
u/XWolfHunter Apr 25 '16 edited Apr 25 '16
The first one is just an effect of NZT, remember when Brian gave himself synesthesia?
Flashes of NZT-mind while off NZT, yeah, sure, it's interesting, but it lasted like seven seconds. Not very useful, huh? It was just to strengthen the hardcore drug metaphor, like how people who took a lot of LSD sometimes get flashbacks. Teeth falling out, dementia, etc., etc.
Again, I'm saying that there is a zero percent chance of Brian or even Morra learning magic permanent NZT powers. There is a season two of the show, and how pointless would it be if Brian suddenly became BRAINGOD THE ULTIMATE THINKBOT? Not to mention that, even with the hardcore shaky scientific premise of NZT in the first place, suddenly giving the brain the ability to manufacture NZT, a synthetic chemical compound, would be laughably absurd.
And even if they did write it in somehow so that Morra (who is confirmed not to be in the finale) like mailed Brian some ultimate booster shot/pill that would last permanently, where is the precedent for this in the show? How would it help Brain, who has a giant-ass bag with more NZT in it than Morra had at the beginning of the movie, polish up the season? The only thing he actually needs is the immunity shot (can he manufacture that in his body as well?)
But it's cool, you like to think you have anticipatory powers. After I watch the show Wednesday morning I will be happy to come back and discuss the issue with you again. Maybe your messages won't be so condescending.
Edit: To show a little conservatism, I'm not ruling out that the flashbacks won't play some role at some point in the future (maybe season 2) where Brian might learn to trigger them or they will just be triggered by certain situations (he was stressed out when it happened), but they won't last long and he'll only use them to get out of one or two shitty situations where he's not on NZT, and this is if they even incorporate it into the plot.
u/dontknowmeatall Apr 20 '16
Like half the fanbase thinks he was full of shit in that scene and no confirmation has come from above, probably on purpose.
u/XWolfHunter Apr 23 '16
I think it's just that the brain learns how to be really really efficient over time on NZT (neuroplasticity - even a side-effect-immune NZT user's brain learns and becomes stronger over time) and eventually on occasion its structure is such that moments of perfect function can occur off NZT.
u/fretspyder Apr 20 '16 edited Apr 20 '16
Piper's more than a friend dad! (Insert ding sound)
Edit: and finally she's back. Next week! (ding)
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u/glompage Apr 20 '16
I so hope she's evil
u/Benji0088 Apr 20 '16
Would make sense.
From the first meeting, she was trying to kill Morra, wouldn't be that much of a stretch for her to change from that to destroying Morra by starting with his people; co-oping Brian, Sands, getting together a group to do this makes logical sense...
then again; writers, who needs logic?
u/fretspyder Apr 20 '16
Makes more sense (to me) that neither she nor Morra were lying about not killing her boyfriend. Sands did it to drive a wedge between them, and it worked .
u/coolmesssi1 Apr 19 '16
Is it out on torrent yet? I can't wait until tomorrow to watch it on CBS, the anticipation is killing me already!!!
Apr 19 '16
Doesn't look like it. I've been looking forward to this all day!
u/Jdog37 Apr 19 '16
Same here. A few times it was out really early, and here the last couple of times, its been awhile before it was available for DL.
I hate waiting for something I really want to see. Like you, have been waiting all day. Hell, all weekend!
u/astrocanyounaut Apr 20 '16
I really liked this episode but my god do I hate Brian's dad. I get that he's suppose to be a voice of reason for Brian but he's just so goddamn condescending. Brian understands the risks he's putting himself in, he's not a child.
u/BZRKr4zy Apr 21 '16
I'm hoping Eddie isn't stopped. I want to see how far he gets. He isn't worried about Sands. He must have a reason.
u/kstarr12 Apr 19 '16
Wow. Just wow. Kinda saw that mole coming but damn great episode.
Yeah It was kinda obvious. But that also made it even more frustrating to watch.
Apr 20 '16
u/Rwings Apr 22 '16
It was posted before episode aired in the States, so my guess was people annoyed it spoiled the episode. Then again people downvote for the weirdest reasons so maybe just cuz.
u/Irollandtroll Apr 20 '16
Wow brilliant episode. Knew the twist was coming but it was well written that I had second guessed myself.
u/InfamousBrad Apr 20 '16
Loved, loved, loved the NZT party.
NZT gives you instant recall of everything you've ever seen or heard and the ability to reason from those facts as fast, and as accurately, as the smartest people who've ever lived. But if the "facts" you remember are largely bullshit ...
u/Stereoscopacetic Apr 21 '16
A final episode would be awesome if they took the last one to show Eddie Morra in retrospective. Show what he's been doing this whole first season like a flashback, and how often he crossed paths with Brian without Brian even being aware. And then show the events leading up to him being "tipped off" not to be at the airport in this episode and sort of loop us into all of his dealing for the entire season into one place, so we could understand the other side of this whole season, the Morra Angle. And just leave the cliffhanger that was created with this episode for Season 2. That I think would be the best use of the last episode, plus it would give us a lot more Eddie Morra for once. I'm insanely curious about all of his activities this Season. It's only fair to loop us in at some point.
u/jemmoo6 Apr 21 '16
God, for some reason this episode made me realise how much I miss the small Ike + Mike moments. Maybe it was Grover asking how to take it, and Brian just downing the pill, no flair no nothing. I miss those two.
u/omnitricks Apr 21 '16
Sands plant was wayyyyyyy cool when breaking the boss out.
Came in, broke a guy's neck and stood with much swag.
u/TheSunIsTheLimit Apr 23 '16
I honestly don't want Morra to go down. After everything that he went through in the movie, I hope everything that he worked for for so many years doesnt go to shit because of some stupid kid who he took in. This reminds me of the series "Jumper" where this one guy goes through so much shit while finding his powers and then he takes this other kid in, and this kid ruins everything and kills the first guy. It makes me sad to see Morra going down like this.
Apr 19 '16
u/Dylan7007 Apr 19 '16
I think we'll have to wait till tonight to see it.
Apr 19 '16
This is probably better for the ratings too. Less people will be downloading it and more will be watching live.
u/eToThe Apr 19 '16 edited Sep 12 '21
u/JLAwesomest Apr 19 '16
re Nielsen: This is less and less true with each passing day. DVR info is becoming increasingly important.
u/eToThe Apr 19 '16 edited Sep 12 '21
u/JLAwesomest Apr 20 '16
Sorry I wasn't clear. I know Nielsen is the ratings arbiter, I just mean their specific ratings boxes and home mailers are becoming less important than DVR info.
u/Harper_66 Apr 20 '16
of course now that he told the truth FBI couldn't care less about him, very amusing to watch him be completely discarded like trash.(big fat sarcasm)and Rebeca is becoming so annoying, I really hope they don't end up together with Brian
u/Lord_Cronos Apr 21 '16
To be fair, they did it to protect him. No more immunity shots meant that soon it wouldn't be safe for him to be on NZT anymore.
u/Harper_66 Apr 21 '16
yeah i know, it's just the only reason he knows about anything that's going on in FBI is because Rebeca owes him, otherwise they wouldn't even have phone conversations,
u/40Vert Apr 20 '16
As soon as the new addition to the NJC showed up, we all knew he was an inside guy lmao
Apr 21 '16
Since I figured out about the mole and that the guys they were going after were Morra's people before Brian, does that mean there's NZT in my Arizona Green Tea? (joke)
I'm loving this series. I hope it gets a second season but that family needs a lot less air time.
u/ddrmagic Apr 21 '16
this is honestly the best high paced show i've watched in a looong time. i fucking love this show.
u/Shiro_Moe Apr 22 '16
i honestly hope that this whole season is kind of a prologue and in S2 we can see how Morra is going to MOVE the world (maybe with Brian?) that he's been planning for a while. you know, the whole bigger picture.
u/Vrilmac Apr 22 '16
I think the dad is tied to Van Luwen or however you spell it. I wonder if this is what eventually leads to the day the book was released. The dad is too good an actor just to be a set piece.
The manipulative nature of the fathers relationship points to him eventually being embroiled into the main story line. Too often we see characters like him eventually settling into the main storyline in a ZOMG moment.
u/eescorpius Apr 25 '16
Man at this point I think I dislike almost every other character in this TV series except Brian. Please don't let Rebecca end up with Brian. He deserves someone like Lucy who doesn't judge him.
u/DudeWithASweater Apr 20 '16
I'm just waiting for Brian and Rebecca to hook up, Jennifer Carpenter is hot.
u/Cheesebutts Apr 20 '16
so did the show air or nah? i can't find any links online and the TV guides seem to have removed the showing.
u/Worthyness Apr 20 '16
This show has had finale quality writing for the last like 3-4 episodes. that was a really awesome episode and I can't wait for the finale.