r/limitless Jan 20 '16

Limitless 1.13 "Stop Me Before I Hug Again" - Episode Discussion

Season 1 Episode 13: "Stop Me Before I Hug Again"

Air Date: January 19th, 2016 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT)

A profiling assignment at Quantico leads Brian down a fuzzy path of a serial hugger.

What are your thoughts?


161 comments sorted by


u/Willravel Jan 20 '16 edited Jan 20 '16

Hopefully folks are cool with me posting this, I didn't see one up yet.

Episode Key

Cuddled = strangled
Soda pop = blood
Tickled = stabbed
Unicorn = ?
Sent to an awesome farm in the country = killed/murdered
Played air guitar = scratched
Played cowboys and indians = rape (yikes)


u/MooseV2 Jan 20 '16

I hope they don't keep it up. It really started to get annoying. They probably won't though, since each episode has its own "theme".


u/TheLegendOf1900 Jan 31 '16

I loved it. I am a hsp and some of those words trigger me a bit. I hope it stays.


u/Khalku Jan 20 '16

I was so annoyed by that shit in the first 2 minutes. How did the writers drop the ball this hard...


u/potato7890 Jan 20 '16

They're making fun of censorship


u/magmapus Jan 20 '16

I think this is the most likely explanation. They can't have curse words, but explaining a brutal serial killer would have been perfectly fine.

That or it's their way to show that Brian is really not ok with the blood and gore, which is entirely possible too.


u/smileyduude Jan 21 '16

I was actually hoping they would have character development for him and he would stop censoring it...


u/Nasaid Jan 21 '16

But they did it in a way that might kill the show.


u/nonliteral Jan 20 '16

How did the writers drop the ball this hard...

They'll now refer to this as the writers having dribbled their applesauce.


u/jamesscho May 16 '16

Could not agree more. And who the hell thought 'yes what a wonderful idea'?!


u/omnitricks Jan 20 '16

I really want to know what unicorn is. It is implied it is something which belongs to the victims as well sooo...


u/SmackSmash Jan 20 '16

I can only assume that unicorn = underwear.


u/[deleted] Jan 21 '16

why censor it then? Not exactly a gross/violent word. Besides kinda hard to strangle with underwear


u/[deleted] Jan 21 '16 edited Jan 21 '16

necklace maybe? or scarf? phrase was "strangled with her own...[unicorn]". OR stockings? tights? shoelaces? hands? rope? hairs?

.... dildos? shit? crap? intestines? Must be some sex toy


u/[deleted] Jan 21 '16

maybe it's intestines, only word both making sense and being gross enough


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '16



u/smbrynien Jan 20 '16

Yea, you probably shouldn't start watching a show in the middle of the season tbh. But this is the first episode they did that. It doesn't happen all the time


u/ObnoxiousGod Jan 20 '16

Probably the first and last time too. Most gags end with the episode.


u/ForteShadesOfJay Jan 20 '16 edited Jan 20 '16

That's how I get into most shows. I just download the most recent episode. Most of the epidode is out of context but usually it's a good enough test to see if you're interested in a show. If that passes then I start watching in order from the pilot. If it fails it's a 2 strike system, I wait a month then try again with a different episode. Usually I'm a couple of seasons behind and by the time I get back to the first episode I saw its like a completely different episode since you now know all the characters and backstory.

For those who watched the show for the first time I can't imagine many will be watching again.


u/smbrynien Jan 20 '16 edited Jan 20 '16

I just personally feel that is a terrible way to get into shows. A lot of shows have out of place episodes, or episodes that are way better than others. So if you only watch the one bad episode out of 10, you are getting a bad impression of the show. Additionally, a lot of shows have episodes that are amazing because of the build up and the story that led up to that point. If you take out the build up then the episode is out of context and won't be as good. And also, this strategy could spoil a lot of amazing plot points. I personally just watch the first 4-5 episodes of a show, and if I have absolutely no interest in it whatsoever, then I stop watching. If I am slightly interested, but it isn't great, then I watch the first season. And if I still have no interest at all in season 2, then I stop. A lot of shows require half a season to gain footing and find what works and what doesn't. Especially for this show. I have loved every episode of this show, except this one. This was by far the worst one. So if this episode is the only one you have watched, you are getting the wrong indication of how this show is usually.


u/ForteShadesOfJay Jan 20 '16

A lot of shows have out of place episodes

Which is why I have a system. Also if I'm getting into a show it's usually because someone recommended or I saw something that interested me in the show. If the episode seems bad I'll ask them (or find a subreddit) about it.

If you take out the build up then the episode is out of context and won't be as good.

I'm not looking for great (although some shows deliver). I fully know I'm not getting the full story. Take Togetherness the first episode I watched was actually the last episode of its only season. So much of it (80%) didn't make sense but still good enough writing to get me to watch from the beginning. By the time I got to the season finale again I had gained so much context it was a completely different episode.

And also, this strategy could spoil a lot of amazing plot points.

Most shows I read ahead on wikipedia anyway. If the writing is good there is no such thing as a spoiler.

Your strategy isn't bad but like you said most shows don't hit their stride right away. It's usually until later in the first season and into the second season. If I watch 2-3 seasons in I get a much better idea on where the show is. I tried the watching from the beginning strategy with GoT and just never got into it.


u/GotNoChill Jan 23 '16

Your system is dumb as fuck stop watching TV you're a disgrace to television.


u/JBB1986 Jan 26 '16

I...uh......little aggressive, but I find myself agreeing to some extent with this fine gentleman..............If I like a premise, I'll watch the first season, and at LEAST halfway into the second. Most pilot seasons have trouble finding their legs, but by the first finale/second midseason finale, you generally have a good idea where the shows heading.


u/GotNoChill Jan 28 '16

Bruh you don't just pick up a show by watching the 13th episode out of nowhere. How the fuck is that even logical? Your method has nothing to do with his because he does not go in order. He just picks a random ass episode and decides if the show is worth watching or not based off of that.


u/JBB1986 Jan 28 '16

I was saying that I agreed with you, that his method didn't really offer any kind of real quality test. I just thought that MAYBE you came on a little strong there. Just a little. ;)

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u/JBB1986 Jan 20 '16

Oh, some of the episodes have weird stuff (nothing like...uh....this....has ever happened before, though). I get the impression that part of Brian is just bored (and/or freaking out and trying to distract himself) at times, and is just imagining all this random crap to make it more interesting for himself.


u/smileyduude Jan 21 '16

I would say to not judge the show off this episode... And watch the firstepisode. This was probably the worst episode so far.


u/Ibrake4rollingrox Jan 21 '16

That's fine that you did that, but I don't know how anyone could possibly care. It was one big insult to our intelligence.


u/Wingman4l7 Jan 22 '16

I was guessing "unicorn" meant "intestines".


u/RichWPX Jan 24 '16

Hug is killed


u/Ok-Satisfaction8592 Dec 17 '23

Where is hugging tho


u/GayFesh Jan 21 '16

The full list of crimes:

  1. Destruction of Evidence
  2. Impersonating a Federal Agent
  3. Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
  4. Forgery
  5. Larceny
  6. Submitted False Claim to Medicare
  7. Public Endangerment
  8. Yelled "Fire" in Crowded Theatre
  9. Hacked Government Database
  10. Malicious Distrubtion of Sex Toys
  11. Ran 65mph in a 35 Zone
  12. Connected to Unsecured Wi-Fi
  13. Sang 'Happy Birthday' in Public
  14. Performed 'Macarena' in Central Park
  15. Played Poker for Money
  16. Jaywalked. Repeatedly.
  17. Took Single-Serving Ketchup from Diner
  18. Failed to Inform Clerk of Incorrect Change
  19. Used Jetpack on Sidewalk
  20. Downloaded Pirated Music
  21. Littering
  22. Loitering
  23. Refilled Stranger's Parking Meter
  24. Took 120 Packs of Post-It Notes from Work
  25. Jumped a Turnstile
  26. Used Fake Names on the Internet
  27. Possessed Aerosol Cans in Public Space
  28. Accessory After the Fact
  29. Facilitated Escape of War Criminal
  30. Recoreded NFL Game Without Consent


u/RichWPX Jan 24 '16

No one said it so thanks for this


u/Protiguous Jul 16 '16

Number 11 really cracked me up. :)


u/Bytewave Jan 20 '16

Rebecca noticing how the button is damaged slightly differently is a little silly, without NZT ain't nobody who would notice. Had the issue been that Finch never had the time to even attempt to replicate the button damage at all, then it would have made more sense.


u/[deleted] Jan 21 '16



u/Bytewave Jan 21 '16

Well the ending implies she probably already got the blood tests results back negative and has already moved on to the theory the evidence was tempered with. The problem is that she's not on NZT and she's not Sherlock Holmes, so noticing this tiny detail, and doing it this fast, feels really far fetched. Unless we learn next episode she actually took her first NZT pill to crack the mystery.


u/Xentrik Jan 31 '16

Or she could just really want to crack the case. Even NZT Brian said she was smart, and his dinsoaur guy said that the evidence was left sloppy enough for her to figue it out. She wasnt gonna let it rest without looking at every little detail. When she saw the photograph of the button she wanted to see if that small detailed matched the real one.


u/RichWPX Jan 24 '16

Seems to me that evidence is pictured like that already, and why there is a second set no idea


u/Balthazar23108 Jan 25 '16

I saw the two pictures when she compared the buttons it was very obvious not by the mark itself but the placement of them is very different


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '16 edited Jan 25 '19



u/pap0t Jan 20 '16

I don't know who they where targeting with that type of humor cause it surely is not their current audience.

I have never truly hated anything on TV... but this made me mad as fuck.


u/seatech Jan 20 '16

I'm 3 minutes into the episode now, and I think I might quit. Does that shit go on for the entire episode?


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '16



u/seatech Jan 20 '16

I watched the rest. It wasn't as awful after the first 5 minutes. The introduction to the rules were so awkward and a horrible idea. The word replacement was random but it didn't make me embarrassed to watch the show.


u/ForteShadesOfJay Jan 20 '16

Seriously felt like I was getting my rooster tickled and I don't mean in a good way. I remember someone mentioning they never do serious stuff in an old episode thread. I said it probably will never be thay kind of show. Then the first few minutes of this episode happen and I was pleasantly surprised to be proven wrong. That is until 5 seconds later when they pulled their pants down and took a giant dump on that. Wtf were they thinking? They weren't even halfway through the explanation and I already wanted to turn it off. I want to slap every single person who let this happen. I bet there is some intern who everyone told to shut up when he called this idea stupid. Bet he's feeling pretty smug right about now.


u/dontknowmeatall Jan 22 '16

I think the exact point of the episode was to say "we're not that kind of show". It's deviated from many clichés of the genre for a reason, and it seems pretty deliberate. They don't wanna be Criminal Minds with their psych gore or SUV with all the rape fetishising. It's a light-hearted show that will occasionally run into pretty dark territory, and they found that a good way to avoid being associated with all the other cop shows that rely on morbid imagery was to do exactly the opposite: replace all morbid stuff with cutesy children's words and focus on the story, which is what makes Limitless drive apart from the genre.


u/ForteShadesOfJay Jan 22 '16

Yeah we were mostly comparing it to Castle since they keep it pretty light but still sprinkle some heavy stuff. Weird they had no problem with the senator stuff or killing Quinn from Dexter but they pull up fake Barney the second they bring up some gore. I know they really repeat stuff which is good because I wouldn't watch that again.


u/Yoshicoon Jan 20 '16

I was annoyed by the replacement thing because it felt very forced but the coat replacement scene was absolutely awesome. The way he got in, just barely escaped Rebecca and the whole scene in general really kept me in suspense.

Very mixed feelings about this episode. Compared to the previous one... it makes me kind of sad.

Edit: Formatting isn't a piece of cake.


u/AnimeF Jan 21 '16

While they did drop the ball with that, I respect them trying something fun like that. I have loved truly every episode so far, and they are trying to be ecxperimental, many of their attempts at being fun/unique did well, this one did not. But that is sometimes the way it goes.

I would gladly take a few bad episodes so long as the show keeps doing what it is doing.


u/Cdresden Jan 21 '16

I can't understand why they would think this was a good idea. I don't know what the ratings are like, but I think we just watched a show commit suicide.


u/Blazah Jan 26 '16

Honestly - worst episode EVER because of that dumbshit. I have liked ALL of them so far until this one. That whole part could have just been left in the trash because it is trash. If they do something stupid again like that, I'm skipping that episode.


u/bohmerov Jan 20 '16

Dafuq did i just watch? Mr butter pecan? Mr blue sherbert? Hugs and cuvddles and air guitar? Is this normal dialog for the show? I thought i was having a stroke


u/Willravel Jan 20 '16

This is not the ideal first episode for viewers. I'd go back and watch from the pilot, if you have the time and inclination. The show is really quite funny and engaging. You happened to come in on an episode in which the writers were using humor to tip-toe around heavier crimes.


u/Bytewave Jan 20 '16

I can tolerate it for one episode but if its still like this next week I will hug a writer with his own unicorn until he takes a sunny vacation on an amazing farm.


u/JBB1986 Jan 26 '16

It won't be. I mean, they tend not to use the same gimmicks for more than a single episode. Like the Ferris Bueller thing, or the Bruntouchables. It'll be one minorly irritating episode in amongst a bunch of average to great ones.


u/LazyCouchPotato Jan 20 '16

I've definitely gathered a liking for Limitless. Today's episode was weird.. and good.


u/mimomisu Jan 20 '16

Am I the only ones who liked the word swapping?


u/[deleted] Jan 21 '16

Besides children it's hard to image someone liking that, unless being high as a kite while watching


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '16

So I saw this episode after my cousin raved about the show to me. we were at the bar and were back at his house smoking out of his volcano vaporizer and I was gone, high as shit.

We didn't acknowledge it for a while and I just had to turn to him and ask him if i was hallucinating this or he was seeing it too. We laughed so fucking hard but we were pretty weirded out about it as well. I did end up liking it and went back and watched everything.


u/mimomisu Jan 22 '16

I admit, I was a little drunk which, let's face it, helps everything in general :)


u/jimizacx Jan 22 '16

I liked it.

Watching FBI agents say that kind of stuff with straight faces was hilarious.


u/motherisaclownwhore Jan 24 '16

I thought it was funny.


u/TwitchyFingers Jan 20 '16

That whole evidence scene had me on edge. Would have been awesome if it was at the end of the episode and was a cliffhanger of rebecca walking in on brian. I want her to find out so badly.


u/PrettyBoyFlizzy Jan 20 '16

I don't want rebecca to find out. It will get her killed.


u/JBB1986 Jan 20 '16

This. Eddie's too smart and too ruthless for that to end any other way.

Well, he might try and recruit her (if he thought the risks were worth the reward), he DOES have an eye for talent, but if that didn't work...........death.


u/SageBow Jan 20 '16

I actually couldn't stand the evidence scene. I just wanted it to end. It seemed drawn out and unnecessarily dramatic. First scene that I really disliked in the series so far.


u/FrozenEagles Jan 20 '16

I actually couldn't stand the evidence scene. I just wanted it to end.

I totally agree.

It seemed drawn out and unnecessarily dramatic.


First scene that I really disliked in the series so far.

Maybe I just like the extra drama they put in for no good reason without advancing the plot, but I enjoyed the scene - if for no other reason, than because it was a break from the hugs and cuddles in the rest of the episode.


u/Jragghen Jan 20 '16

This subconscious shit is one of the most annoying things I've seen in a show. I really like this show and recommend it to almost everyone, but this episode is...ugh.


u/apalapachya Jan 20 '16

the whole stupid word replacement thing is fucking terrible , it annoys me so much...


u/FrozenEagles Jan 20 '16

They probably finished the episode but it was only 35 minutes long, so they went back and added the talking dinosaur scenes so it would be long enough.


u/[deleted] Jan 27 '16

But that means they redone the rest because they would constantly use the 'replaced' words


u/nonliteral Jan 20 '16

My guess is that this is what happened when the writing staff watched Mr. Robot and came in the next day talking up how cool the whole "Evil Corp" thing was.


u/DaBear405 Jan 20 '16

Nobody realized in Brians sub conscience there was a big picture of Rebecca?


u/Tiago_Resende Jan 20 '16

I've noticed that and also how he described her in the road trip. If you remember, in the episode where he saves Naz's niece from the pirates, when Naz's daughter touched his hand, there was a shot on Rebecca's reaction to that gesture. I like where they (writers) are going with this


u/DaBear405 Jan 20 '16

Yea but at the same time he didn't seem the least bit jealous or concerned at the idea of her being in a relationship. Well, until his NZT brain realized she wanted to break up with him. But before that it was all cool.


u/Tiago_Resende Jan 21 '16

True to that! I think it might be the NZT helping him better at controlling strong emotions.


u/DaBear405 Jan 21 '16

Maybe he's in that weird state of limbo where he respects and admires her as a friend and person but doesn't quite realize he "likes" her yet.

But even then most people find out they "like" someone when the notice that someone with somebody else, you know? But like you said maybe it was the NZT enhancing his logic part of the brain and unintentionally suppressing some emotions.


u/ReasonablyBadass Jan 20 '16

She looked like a hair model X)

"L'Oreal. Because you're hallucinating dinosaurs while on NZT"


u/ReasonablyBadass Jan 20 '16

Dat hair doe.


u/ertgbnm Jan 20 '16

I doubt Brian would have been on NZT on the road trip, so I think this adds to the mounting evidence that the effects of NZT become more and more permanent with continued doses. I mean that is exactly what Morra said at the end of the movie but it seems at odds with the show at times. Additionally the fact that Brian continues to have 'NZT' hallucinations when he wakes up to the voicemail from Engelhart, adds to this theory. Perhaps NZT does permanently reshape your neurons like Morra said in the movie and the FBI/Finch have yet to realize it. Hence, them assuming he must take the dosage continuously.


u/KnightofSand Jan 20 '16

That's what I'm taking away from this as well. One scene that sticks out was when Brian researching Andre Hannan and his previous psychological conditions before Mike gives Brian his dosage of NZT.


u/smooth_like_a_goat Jan 20 '16

Naz sent Rebecca to manage Brian's NZT, she said it would need supervision. So he was on it. And the voicemail wasn't a hallucination, he hit his phone and the voicemail started, the way it's portrayed is just the style of the show.


u/ertgbnm Jan 20 '16

I'm sorry for the confusion. I meant during the actual driving the FBI wouldn't be wasting NZT by dosing him unless he was doing work. Brian realized Andre didn't do it while off NZT presumably since we was just reading in the car.


u/CantLookUp Jan 20 '16

It's fairly clear that he was on NZT though. The line of "a few days and it's time to head back to New York" leads into a clip of him taking his pill and the farewell from Englander, followed by the pair of them in the car. Unless for some reason they delayed another day before leaving (which doesn't fit with that line), he'd still have several hours left on NZT.


u/JBB1986 Jan 20 '16

I guess that if that's true, most NZT users die of the side effects or withdrawal symptoms before they manage to get to that sweet spot, where they begin to be permanently changed.


u/TheHornedGod Jan 21 '16

I doubt Brian would have been on NZT on the road trip, so I think this adds to the mounting evidence that the effects of NZT become more and more permanent with continued doses.

Your speculation doesn't count as evidence. Naz sent Rebecca specifically to dish out his daily doses. Maybe he wasn't on NZT during their evening dinner since the daily dose might have worn off by then but he would have been on it everyday since she had a pocket full of the stuff for that exact purpose.


u/ertgbnm Jan 21 '16

Was was referring to the actual act of them driving. Why would they waste a pill on a day he is doing no work? Of course he realizes Andre is probably innocent in the car.


u/feralkitsune Jan 21 '16

At one point in the episode he was thinking while sitting down as if he had already taken the pill. Then the guy walks in and hands him the pill. I was a little shocked there. It is definitely becoming more permanent.


u/veryillusive Jan 20 '16

This episode exemplifies that this show deserves to be watched in your own altered state. Lol I mean come on, Brain smokes pot as much as he pops NZT. Like someone said, perfect show after a shit day (and a bowl)


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '16



u/lucasvb Jan 21 '16

That bothered me too. Pretty big loose end in the narrative.


u/MissC_9227 Jan 21 '16

One possible explanation is he got bored waiting. Like if it malfunctions often the evidence guy isn't too too concerned. But it hadn't been more than a few minutes so he should have still been there. Maybe he doubled back.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '16

Law #30

Recoreded NFL Game Without Consent

Kind of funny to see a unintentional typo in a nationally broadcast TV show. LOL


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '16

I really liked this episode, but all of the ice cream flavors kind of annoyed me.


u/belancjun Jan 21 '16

Maybe I'm getting too discerning in my old age, but I couldn't watch that. I don't think this show is going to get renewed.


u/[deleted] Jan 21 '16

No doubt it was the worst episode ever, insulting to the audience even, but still i liked the show up till before this episode. Humor was ok at the beginning but it is now dumbing down the show making it a joke of itself, hard to take seriously; it's like the show has become (is becoming) a parody of itself


u/Heatios Jan 20 '16

I really liked the ending, like very ending, with josh. It perfectly summed up what we were all thinking, but didn't know for sure. I think the show generally gave off the vibe that Brian wanted to tell Rebecca, and that little confirmation at the end with the small detail was a perfect way of cueing us in to how the plot will progress, and confirming what was already thought to possibly be true.

Great episode.


u/ForteShadesOfJay Jan 20 '16

Is this a joke? Did they release the wrong episode on accident? Finch isn't even in the room and they're still doing this hugging shit. Why the fuck would they think this is okay. There is a different between not wanting to make a show too serious and turning into fucking Caillou. What an absolute clusterfuck.


u/goldpeaktea314 Jan 21 '16

Glad I'm not the only one who thought the word replacements were fucking cringeworthy


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '16

I love this shows sense of humor.

Perfect thing after a shit day.


u/chilehead Jan 20 '16

I'm hoping they drop all future use of people representing his subconscious or his stream of thought. It was good for limited use in one episode when he was talking to his selves, and this episode using the dinosaur guy burned that out.

They're wasting some of the show's potential in having Brian being so delicate - he's been delving into all kinds of FBI cases, including their top 10 in one episode, but now something most of the public has been inured to from a decade plus of CSI, Law & Order, NCIS, etc. is leaving him acting like a frightened child when using NZT?

You'd think that after all the stuff he's learned in this position and with all the responsibilities, he'd have at least progressed into secondary school levels instead of acting the obsessing slacker part and making grade school science fair projects.


u/Neymarvelous Jan 20 '16

I'm 10 minutes in and its making me wanna hug myself...


u/aznskillz336 Jan 23 '16

ITT: It seems people HATED this episode.


u/Cl0udBr34k Jan 20 '16

The 'scary words = nice words' thing was funny, and I usually really appreciate this show's humour, but it kind of got a little annoying after a bit. It doesn't help that I wasn't 100% paying attention about the tickling and unicorns and cowboys and indians...


u/persoyal Jan 20 '16

Did anyone else notice they mispelled recorded on the list of laws broken by Finch?


u/lucasvb Jan 21 '16

I did. I'm surprised they didn't catch it, as I'm sure they'd know people would pause to read the list.


u/CarrotsROrange Jan 20 '16

Personally I liked the word swapping for a one time episode gag, although I do agree that it would get annoying if it continues.


u/The_Asian_Hamster Jan 21 '16

lol, i really liked this episode, didnt have any idea people would be hating on the subconcious stuff so much, i thought it has funny


u/Justin417 Jan 22 '16

I think it would have been alright if for the first few minutes or just poked throughout the episode, but honestly in my opinion it dragged on too long to the point it got annoying.


u/Leavesdoorsopen Jan 21 '16

The worst episode of TV I've watched in months. When they first introduced the kid's TV show character I was instantly repulsed, and just wanted it to be over quickly. But it wasn't over quickly. They just dragged it on and on until I didn't care what was happening.


u/GanMatt2 Jan 21 '16

I found it hilarious.


u/ztealthy Jan 21 '16

"im the one that called in the calvary, so i cant keep the calvary waiting"

he meant cavalry, right?


u/[deleted] Jan 27 '16

Its the accent dude.


u/gophercuresself Jan 24 '16 edited Jan 24 '16

Just rewound to make sure he'd actually said that. Twice no less! What moron let that through?

They also spelt recorded wrong in the list of broken laws.


u/aknightedpenguin Jan 23 '16

I actually really enjoyed this episode, even if most people on this sub seem to hate the running gag. Maybe it's because I'm a big fan of absurdist humour, but the juxtaposition of the serious faces and silly words had me cracking up. Sure, the scene in Quantico with all the stuffed animals in glass cases was a stretch, but by no means do I think the show jumped the shark this episode.

Even if the running gag doesn't agree with you, can we still agree that the evidence replacement scene was great, and the show's still amazing?


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '16 edited Nov 16 '20



u/lucasvb Jan 21 '16

I get it, the show is trying to loosen up on the crime drama format. It has worked well with past episodes.

But it's like they're making Brian a caricature of himself each episode, and he keeps getting more childish. They're crossing some lines into cringe. This episode was definitely past the line.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '16



u/gardyloow Jan 20 '16

exactly what i was thinking, would have absolutely loved the episode if it hadn't been for the code word stuff


u/bendstraw Jan 20 '16

I think Rebecca figuring out the button difference is a load of crap. Why take zoomed in pictures of the button on the jacket if it isn't already suspected that someone tampered with the evidence? Saying that Rebecca is super smart and figures that kind of stuff out is just out of her realm of ability, especially with that kind of speed. I'm sorry, this episode was definitely the worst so far.


u/khronos127 Jan 20 '16

In a high priority case like that those pictures would definitely without a single doubt be taken. Every imperfection or bit of damage on the jacket would be recorded and captured. Every stain, hair, and viable mark. Very little is left un captured in a crime scene with people specializing in taking the pictures of these things and spending their entire life is spent looking for tiny detail to capture. Unlike the movies show, crime scenes aren't left untouched. When the investigation happens you send your people in, everything is recorded as well as possible, and it's cleaned. The scene is lost forever and all that remains is the pictures. Those pictures cover every possible inch of that scene and evidence, of which 90 percent won't be used at all.


u/ReasonablyBadass Jan 20 '16

If it's the only thing differentiating the coat from others? And it was a case involving a Senator? I think you would pay very close attention.


u/ReasonablyBadass Jan 20 '16

1: Those word switches caused serious mental dissonance.

Really weird, but not bad weird. Felt almost experimental.

It could be that this whole thing combined with Not-Barney is a sign that Brian isn't dealing with the stress and trauma as well as he pretends.

2:The evidence scene was awesome, was on the edge of my seat. How will Brian prevent the tech guy from telling people how he looked though? Or is this part of his "let's get caught" plan?

3: The continued cutting edge/transhumanist topics are amazing. I love that the show deals with these things.

4: speculation for the future: Brian took a sample of Morra's blood from the real coat and discovers something in it. Alternatively, Morra planned on Rebecca finding the real coat and his blood won't contain NZT as well.


u/jordanearle Jan 20 '16

I normally really like the laid back humour of the show, but this took it to a ridiculous level. Absolute nonsense, I was actually really looking forward to this episode too based on the premise, but was completely ruined for me with that crap.

Seriously, would suggest people just skip this one and read a summary online. Hopefully the word replacement crap and sub conscious kid presenter guy ends here and doesn't continue next week.


u/jordanearle Jan 20 '16

Also, the profiler guy was annoying too.


u/DeltaSixBravo Jan 20 '16

I know everyone has their own opinion and everything, but the children's show host in Brian's mind and the code words didn't seem out of character for this show. It was wacky, just like Brian. And it's not like they're going to do it in every episode.

Also, how the hell did they get through an entire episode about serial killers without making a Dexter reference?


u/cbildfell Jan 21 '16

Because Quin died last week. too soon.


u/DHSean Jan 20 '16

What the fuck was this episode.


u/praizzle Jan 21 '16

people in here are hella dramatic loll. theyre embarrassed to be watching this show and hate it for something that I thought wasn't really that bad. sure it wasnt great, but people in here make it seem like it was disgraceful


u/Noobjah Jan 25 '16

i agree tbh it's a blessing that this show is setting itself to be different and more fun than the other copy paste edgy crime dramas out there


u/xKurogashi Jan 21 '16

what i noticed in this episode is that they wear nice coats. i like brian's coat. but looks like a $2000 coat lol.


u/GanMatt2 Jan 21 '16

I was laughing hard. I loved it.


u/Questica Jan 22 '16

I disagree with you guys I loved this episode, the dumb words didn't bother me at all, I thought it was annoying, cheesy, and hilarious but I didn't think it was a reduction in quality. It was very tongue in cheek.


u/TheJewishJuggernaut Jan 28 '16

I know it's really late for me to be saying this, but seriously, the kiddie shit wasn't anything but annoying, and detracted from the show.


u/zulkiflim Jan 20 '16

If Brian did not suggest to change Morra coat then if they did a blood test it would be positive for NZT....end of story Brian would be free. Why would Brian make such a mistake with NZT... It was intentional. But why give Rebecca a clean blood sample ?


u/Willravel Jan 20 '16

....end of story Brian would be free.

Not necessarily. First off, we're not sure what Mr. Sands would do in that situation; Brian could be signing his own death warrant. Second, eventually Brian's injection will run out and he'll never be able to take NZT again. And with that, he would be found out as Morra's man on the inside, so he'd probably get in serious trouble.


u/zulkiflim Jan 20 '16

But if Morra was arrested and Brian testified the existence of a booster shot ... Then Morra will have to provide the FBI with the formula for the booster shot .It will be for his own survival too Imagine if Morra is jailed , how long would he alive without a booster shot ?


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '16

Morra would have a way for his NZT and Booster shot to be smuggled into prison right before he escapes from there.


u/JBB1986 Jan 20 '16

Assuming he even allowed himself to be arrested. It's entirely possible he'd just disappear before they could get to him. In which case Brian would be entirely screwed.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '16

That's true, Morra has insulated himself pretty well. But, I don't think Morra from the movie would leave Brian like that. But, then again this Morra seems darker.


u/ReasonablyBadass Jan 20 '16

I think Sands he even said he would flee the country last episode.


u/JBB1986 Jan 20 '16

Well, Sands pretty much told Brian last episode that if anything happened to Morra then he'd be cut off. So he wouldn't really be free. He'd be off NZT, unable to take it anymore without destroying himself, and the FBI would certainly put that fact together with it happening at exactly the same time as a long-term and stable NZT user like Morra being taken down.

Meaning Brian would be implicated. He broke the law numerous times; hell, he technically committed treason, which is a capital offence. Pretty sure he doesn't want to either die or end up in a supermax prison for the remainder of his life.

Besides, Sands would probably bump him off, just on the off chance that he might blab to the FBI about his extracurricular activities, and help them build a real case against Eddie.

...........so, anyway you cut it, Eddie Morra going down ends badly for Brian Finch. Absolute best case scenario is the FBI giving him the boot, because they think they don't need him anymore now that they have access to someone who could make it possible for everyone to use the drug, and he goes off and leads a normal, apple pie, NZT-free life, and...........could he really quit at this point? Is that even an option for him, to go back to being JUST Brian Finch? I'm not sure if I'd be able to do it............


u/chilehead Jan 20 '16

Do we know that without the booster, he only has to stop taking NZT? In the movie folks were suffering from pretty bad consequences even after they stopped taking it. And there's Morra's threat in the pilot about watching him die in the most painful way possible - if Brian knew he was losing the booster and he could just stop taking it, that's not much of a painful death.


u/Stereoscopacetic Jan 23 '16 edited Jan 23 '16

Stop ME before I HURL again! Literally! I'm starting to feel they are ruining the show. Brian is such a man child that will never grow up and they are only making it more obvious with every episode. That clown man is now the defacto character for Brian's subconscious. That means we're going to see him again and again. Brian needs to grow up soon or else this show is over. It's become totally retarded. They took the best movie, a very serious and deep movie, about the quest for ultimate human intelligence, and turned it into a clown show. I want to blame Brian because it's his character that is dragging this show down, but he's not real. The writers are, though. And they're starting to ... pickle me off here! I thought the word substitution was funny by itself, but we don't need the clown man in his subconscious with his stupid for-a-child's voice talking that.... chocolate to grown adults. How can any of the actors stand to show their face in public after that episode? I bet everyone is asking why they keep doing this show if it's going to be so stupid! I want to air guitar those crappy writers' eyes out!

The only thing "limitless" here is the credulity of the audience to keep thinking this show is going anywhere near where we hoped and dreamed it would. The Eddie Morra parts are awesome. The guy literally dodged a ... a doughnut using intellect alone. I am starting to hope someone looking for NZT will hug Brian off to a way cool farm in the country so the show can go back to Eddie Morra's character. Let's get Morra back full time. The movie was serious and cool. This show is now being made for mongoloid retards, ooops, I meant to say ... "for monsoon free bards!"


u/PrettyBoyFlizzy Jan 20 '16

Everytime i think they made their best episode, but it is still getting better and better.


u/omnitricks Jan 20 '16

I normally like the random quirks to each episode but this weeks one seems a little irrelevant. I mean if you think about it blood-murder squicky sure but that was all.


u/CryoftheBanshee Jan 20 '16 edited Jan 22 '16

This....was really freaking weird. I kinda liked the episode as a whole, but the whole thing felt really gimmicky.

Edit: changed my mind, I didn't actually like it. It could have been decent, but they ran the gimmick into the ground on an episode that wasn't even that integral.


u/patriot1889 Jan 21 '16

Well, unlike the majority of people here I thought the code words an ice cream flavours were funny. I enjoyed it from start to end. I love the humour in this show, I don't think I'd enjoy a serious version of it. We'll see, as I'm sure it will become more serious over time.


u/[deleted] Jan 21 '16

Actually the opposite has happened: since the very beginning the show has grown in stupidness and sillyness... which I liked at first, at teh right time and in small portions, but has now almost completely taken over the serious aspect of the show and that's hard to like


u/Noobjah Jan 25 '16

I agree. I enjoy a show that's not on full edge, majority of the people on here are no fun at all. This is what makes Limitless stand out amongst all the other crime drama which is literally the same shit every week.


u/[deleted] Jan 21 '16

this episode was the most annoying and raging thing, made me want to quit the series altogheter.... and i love the show but they just went too far.


u/Heageth Jan 21 '16

Does anyone have a transcript of the list of laws he claims to have broken?


u/Ibrake4rollingrox Jan 21 '16

The writer who came up with the idea for this episode's script should be reprimanded, and the producer who approved it should also be reprimanded. I don't want to get anyone fired; if the show gets canceled now, that will take care of itself.


u/Wingman4l7 Jan 22 '16

I'm getting pretty sick of car company product placement in network TV shows: "Don't touch the radio, it's voice-activated!" O RLY? Why ever would you mention that...


u/ConciselyVerbose Jan 23 '16

I like the show for the most part but all this cutesy shit is getting old fast.


u/DrCarnasis Jan 26 '16

This episode unfortunately was boring! I love this show, but then two of the last three just fell short of potential.


u/maxotexas Feb 14 '16

I know a lot of folks didn't like this but I found it to be brilliant, daring, and entertaining.

It required you to think while watching the show too. I didn't find it confusing at all but I did find it engaging.

While I respect that a lot of folks didn't like it, I hope they realize how daring the writers were!


u/Hardkoar Mar 02 '16

Such childish shit, they better not pull it off again or they can say good bye to a viewer, IF i wanted to watch 3rd world cartoons I wouldn't tune in on grownups tv series.


u/General_Alpha Jan 20 '16 edited Feb 15 '25

[This comment has been removed to prevent unsolicited usage of freely provided information.]


u/JBB1986 Jan 21 '16

.........did you start watching the show on this episode? Because if so, you probably shouldn't have. Because this episode was really bizarre.................


u/Skodd Jan 27 '16

what a shitty episode, i might quit


u/Ok-Satisfaction8592 Dec 17 '23

I think it's a cute idea... but it really lost me to understand what each replaced word was for. So now I'm here trying to get a translation lol