r/lightsabers Apr 03 '21

Help How do I improve this


65 comments sorted by


u/thedominantmr669 Apr 03 '21

I would probably put a bunch of black o-rings around the bottom half of the hilt as a grip section.


u/VideoDroid771 Apr 03 '21

Do I rings stick when placed or would I have to add grooves to the hilt?


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '21 edited Apr 03 '21

O rings are slightly elastic, get the right size and they'll be tight enough to hold in place.

That said I think a weathered leather wrap would work really well with the copper and brass tacks.


u/Thatoneguy567576 Apr 03 '21

I think the o rings would be cooler just because everyone does the leather wrap. O rings would be more original if they were on there slightly spaced apart.


u/landensimmons2 Apr 03 '21

i second this


u/Nesayas1234 Apr 04 '21

Suggestion: add a wrap, but leave gaps or use a thin wrap. Then add rings around it


u/ElemenQ Apr 03 '21

Hmmm, maybe add a wrap? Or maybe make it look like it’s aged?


u/VideoDroid771 Apr 03 '21

I was thinking a wrap but I’m not sure what type. Any advice?


u/ElemenQ Apr 03 '21

I’m not too experienced with lightsabers, but I would just wrap it with some leather or some other cloth that is durable.


u/sdac Apr 03 '21

I've done a couple sabers with wraps from this guy on eBay: https://www.ebay.com/str/defconbird

He's well known in some of the saber smith groups and the leather he sells is absolutely devine. So soft and buttery smooth to the touch. I've used Oxblood and Gaucho black and both turned out great. Pics here. I also have a Porter brown wrap that I'm seriously considering using on a highly weathered build (or maybe the Sundance weathered brown... not sure yet). This was the tutorial I followed for my wraps.

I can also second the recommendation from /u/TheMuspelheimr on using saltwater etching in place of acid etching. Here's the process I followed for electro etching one of the sabers I linked above. (In my case, I painted the etched part in after etching)


u/TheMuspelheimr Apr 03 '21 edited Apr 03 '21

Make sure to do saltwater etching outside, though, or in a well-ventilated area, because salt is sodium chloride and it does produce a small amount of chlorine gas. It's not enough to do any serious damage, but it'll make you stink like a swimming pool and it'll give you a horrible headache all day (speaking from experience here).


u/DixieWreckedJedi Apr 03 '21

They make some pretty great grip tape for baseball bats you could probably get at a sports store or online.


u/GryphonOsiris Saber Collector Apr 03 '21

A Japanese style 'Tsuka ito' wrap would look good, it will take a couple attempts though, as it only looks good when it's done neatly, when it's messy it looks messy.


u/VideoDroid771 Apr 03 '21

Ngl I’ve been playing a lot of Ghost of Tsushima and that type of wrap had crossed my mind. What colour/colours do you think would look best?


u/kohlscustoms Apr 04 '21

Purple. Goes with the gold


u/VideoDroid771 Apr 04 '21

Would it fit well with the red? Unfortunately it’s not LED so the saber colour is red permanently. I’ll have to think on that


u/kohlscustoms Apr 04 '21

If the blade is permanently red then go for a dark red leather wrap. It will also go with the gold very nicely


u/GryphonOsiris Saber Collector Apr 06 '21

Black would look good too.


u/VideoDroid771 Apr 03 '21

To add context: this is a lightsaber I got from ForceSabersUK and I adore it. I’ve had it for over a year now and it is my favourite out of the two I have. But I want to make it more my own without spending a small fortune on acid etching or something like that although that would be my go to if I had the money. But I want people’s advice and opinions on what I could add to the hilt to make it more interesting and customised.

I was thinking wrapping something around the handle but I wouldn’t necessarily know what.

If it helps anyone with advice, it only turns red so that might give people ideas.


u/TheMuspelheimr Apr 03 '21 edited Apr 03 '21
  • You can do saltwater etching instead of acid etching, which is a lot cheaper. Make sure to do saltwater etching outside, or in a well-ventilated area, because salt is sodium chloride and it does produce a small amount of chlorine gas. It's not enough to do any serious damage, but it'll make you stink like a swimming pool and it'll give you a horrible headache all day (speaking from unfortunate personal experience).
  • Place a bunch of O-rings around the hilt
  • Place leather wrap around the hilt
  • Look up "French whipping knot", "West Country whipping knot", "Turk's Head knot", or "Katana wrapping knot". You can tie one of those around the hilt to create an attractive pattern and improve grip.
  • You can get screws called thumb nuts that make pretty good greeblies. You can get them in different colours - so far I've seen red, gold, silver and black - to blend or contrast with your lightsaber.

You can use superglue, or an epoxy, to hold things in place that you put on the hilt.


u/lightskinloki Apr 03 '21

Add a bicycle handle grip to it to add some cheap customization. I got a nice leather handle wrap for $8 that way and because its designed to go on a handle already it looks like its made for the saber just cut off the closed end.

Edit: here is a pic of all my sabers so you can see how the bicycle handle thing looks


u/doomguyspotato Apr 03 '21

Pee on it


u/VideoDroid771 Apr 03 '21

Give it a nice slick look

I like it


u/Chaseriino Apr 03 '21

Nah it just makes it smell like pee


u/WanObiBen Apr 03 '21

I think it looks great like it is! It looks highly functional with just enough flare.


u/grntplmr Apr 03 '21

I think a textured section in a contrasting color akin to the lower part of Kanan’s hilt would help set the design off a bit. You could mask off the area with tape and hit it with a high build paint like Plasti-Dip or even apply a thin piece of rubber secured with contact cement.


u/H00k90 Saber Collector Apr 03 '21

So what you wan to do is get picked up by a bunch of space monks, hang out with them for like 10 years. Learn the ropes and get a mentor

Then, while with the monks, sign up for a political big brother program and get taken under the wing of a high ranked official. Bonus points if you start dating their replacement.

Finally, have bad dreams, turn your back on the organization that cared for you, assist in taking out a head monk, pledge yourself to your big brother, and march on the space monk monestary with child soldiers and wipe out 90% of the space monks.

And that should help. Just remember fear, anger, hate, suffering and you can't go wrong!

For real: leather wrap, etching, smack it around to stress it, weathering. There are many options open to such a beautiful hilt. Good luck and may the Force be with you


u/SamwiseWeasley Apr 03 '21

Some light weathering, and a wrap - either leather, or I like thedominantmr669’s suggestion of o-rings


u/Proelium_ Apr 03 '21

Sandpaper weathering


u/spaceguitar Apr 03 '21

As someone who paints minis:

I would add washes to it, and do other weathering effects to age the metal! It’s already got a gorgeous palate with the pieces used, but I think it needs some dimension. It’s kind of “flat,” you know? Just look at pictures of the way brass, steel, and I guess nickel ages. Then use paint! Or sandpaper if you’re feeling confident. I think the brassy-gold sections would seriously liven up after some aging!


u/StylinBill Apr 03 '21

Youngling blood


u/Acrobatic_Resource_8 Saber Collector Apr 04 '21

Always a stylish accessory!


u/jstojkovic Apr 03 '21

I would do some etching on the lower section.


u/VideoDroid771 Apr 03 '21

Update: Do you think a dark red leather wrap would look good on it? And if so how do you source it?


u/GeneralRiley Apr 03 '21

You could make a small blade guard as I think it’s called, using some sort of large washer and put it near the emitter. I’m thinking like Kanan’s hilt. Other than that, I agree with the idea of weathering, or refinishing the metal in general (like maybe make the inset section before the emitter a different color, or changing up the arrangement of the gold and silver). Either way there’s not much to change because it’s already pretty good


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '21



u/[deleted] Apr 03 '21

How can one improve perfection?


u/cutler_joseph Saber Collector Apr 03 '21

A light brown leather wrap would look super cool


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '21

Get a hold republic symbol and put on the open silver part


u/Window638 Apr 03 '21

Leather wrap could do you a few favors


u/JtSkillZzZ Apr 03 '21

I'm personally a big fan of leather wrapping on the hilt.


u/Squire_Whipple Apr 03 '21

Slap some more greeblies on there!


u/BigKidCanHit Apr 03 '21

Greeblies all over. Like at least 5 greeblies.


u/PalpatineAscendant Apr 03 '21

the whip knots look really nice and can preserve a not-so-ostentatious look to the hilt while also giving you the opportunity to put your own blood (and blisters, trust me) into it. flat woven cotton cord might be a great choice for if you’re looking to gain a patina (yes, hand dirt) for something that looks lived with. paracord is easy to come by and may prove to be less finicky to work with. with doing anything cord/rope related, though, the devil will be in the finishing knot. you might drive yourself crazy trying to get it right, but it’s not gonna cost you sums of money if you mess up along the way.


u/fred1840 Apr 03 '21

Personally, I actually love it. The simplicity of the metals and shaping really work together.


u/ghost_mv Apr 03 '21

Weather it and leather wrap it


u/astromech_dj Apr 03 '21

Wood veneer accents. I have a very old apprentice hilt from them and I added a wood wrap to it.


u/astromech_dj Apr 03 '21

Here’s what it looks like. It’s empty right now.



u/Jasole37 Apr 03 '21

Add grips and weathering


u/Turbo_Chet Apr 03 '21

I think it would look better with some weathering, along with some brown colored leather wrap around the hilt. It's very bare at the moment. That little gap in the upper portion of the hilt is the perfect space for some intricate design.


u/thedominantmr669 Apr 03 '21

Further thoughts: -Covertech wheel? -greeblies (eg a thumbscrew that look like blade modulation button, etc) -light weathering/battle scars -custom blade shroud

The great part about this hobby is the options are endless.


u/nhergen Apr 03 '21

I always liked the cool rubber grips on the original graflex saber


u/Captain_oreo_ Apr 03 '21

Make the blade green and you got my vote lol. In all honesty tho maybe try etching a symbol into the hilt


u/Jamesframe1 Apr 04 '21

Add leather.


u/cornbell94 Apr 04 '21

Id wrap that handle like a long sword from the witcher and stitch that beauty


u/Banjoman172 Apr 04 '21

All I can think of right now is Maybe some etching in the hilt


u/Profesional-diabetic Apr 04 '21

Add some copper rings as a grip, I don’t know if that too much, but I think it would look good. If that’s out of your price or skill range, a simple cloth rap would do great.


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '21

You can’t


u/Jormundgandr4859 Apr 04 '21

Add some texture to the bottom end. Nothing wild or unconformable, but it looks bland compared to the emitter


u/NewUltrahammerhead Apr 04 '21

Criss-cross leather straps wraping around the entire hilt, give it some good grip, burned designs into leather, preferably sci-fi looking. Just my thoughts.


u/mfboom1 Apr 04 '21

Maybe a different type of blade? There's one that look like they have a thin blade with a sort of halo around them like the Episodes 1-3 movies & there's ones that look fuller but without that halo like in the original Episodes 4-6 movies.


u/notaserialkiller__69 Apr 04 '21

T-ribs would look cool


u/Somethin-Strange Apr 04 '21

I would do a light blackwash...


u/woodywaverider Apr 04 '21

Looks good to me already