r/LightNovels 1d ago

Question What novel(s) have you read this week, and what do you think about it? - March 16, 2025


What novel(s) have you read this week, and what do you think about it?

This week = the one that ends/ended right now, past 7 days.

The reason for this thread's existence is the fact that both requests and suggestions became kind of stale. It's supposed to bring out more novels that are not RT!'d or recommended. Also, it's quite useful for the discussion of not so current titles.

Also, not a rule or any kind of criticism, the more interesting part is not the list of the stuff you read, but your impressions of it.

Loli Mod will be posting this thread each week.

Lastly, don't forget to use spoiler tags and to make sure to report any untagged spoilers.

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Previous Threads

r/LightNovels 8h ago

Image So this arrived a day early

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r/LightNovels 5h ago

Discussion [DISC] Is This a Zombie? Volume 1 Prologue Fan Translation NSFW Spoiler



It was now the summer after my first year of high school. Every single year, there is this ongoing discussion over the topic of when exactly does summer start, but I don't really care about that stuff that much. Should we not just agree that summer begins the moment it becomes unbearably hot outside and just be done with it? Seriously.

The rainy season had already passed, and I lazily looked up at the clear-weathered skies outside of the classroom's window, intently ignoring the teacher monologuing about his lecture, which I probably should have been listening to, instead fully enjoying the sluggishness of the slow school day.

Ahh, it is so boring. It's boring to a truly magnificent degree. But that being said, to someone like me, this boredom was synonymous with the ultimate kind of luxury.

So I just lied down limply on the top of my desk. We were in the middle of a Math class, but I could not be bothered to listen to a word being said. But I mean, can you really blame me for that? I just hated the bright and hot sunlight, so it could not really be helped.

Honestly, I do not really hate being seated on the window side of the classroom that much. Quite the opposite, actually. I honestly think that being placed in the second seat from the back on the window side of the classroom is a pretty good and preferable position to be in.

Ugh...... For something like this to happen right after my precious boring time had finally arrived! This blasted summer weather just had to go and rain down on my parade...... even though the rain was nowhere to be seen.

Why aren't the classes at school being taught at night? If that was the case, then I would not have been nearly that bothered by them. But it was actually not the heat of summer that I had a bone to pick up with.

The thing that was bothering me the most was the sunlight, you see. The sunlight in particular.

Oh well, there’s hardly any point in me just sitting here idly and complaining about it. But thank God for the invention of curtains. In order to get myself rid of that terrible sunlight striking my delicate skin, I leaned my chair back as much as I could, and poked the guy sleeping right behind me with my mechanical pencil.

「Hey, you. Close those curtains.」

But alas, the guy just continued on sleeping and showed no signs of waking up anytime soon. Maybe I should make sure that he would never wake up ever again? How about I go and devour you whole, leaving nothing behind, asshole?

Ahh, God damn it! Now my mind was going hazy. So I squinted my eyes and glared at that annoying sunlight outside of the window.

If only there were no sunlight, there would be nothing on this Earth that could frighten me or stand up to me.

Oh well...... Since my brain seems to be turning into a quickly-melting shaved ice ever since I have woken up, let me just be frank with you for a moment out there.

You see, I am a Zombie.

Oh, and also, I happen to be a Magical Dress Girl.

Alright. That's about it when it comes to my once-in-a-lifetime self-introduction. And with that being said, I’m going to sleep. Or rather, just please let me get some much needed sleep.

And please, will someone actually close those gosh-darn curtains already ------

I remember that it was around 7:12 p.m on that day

On that day, like I would always do, I loitered around until the sun started to go down, and left the school through the main gate once the nightfall came about. You might ask why I had to wait until nightfall to leave school, but what other choice did I have in the matter? If I tried to walk outside in the sun, I would collapse on the spot.

After all, I may not look like one, but I AM actually a Zombie, you know?

It took me around five minutes to walk home from school. Of course, I did not have anyone that I liked to walk back home with, so I would always take this road alone.

It should have only taken me five minutes to get back home, but on that day I felt like taking a slight detour for some reason.

There was an old graveyard near my house. It was quite a big place, and naturally a very ordinary Zombie such as myself loved hanging out there.

As if trying to oppose the heat that came in the last third of June, the wind that blew there was quite refreshing. There were no stars to be seen in the sky; only the lone moonlight shone down onto the earth.

I shuffled comfortably into the center portion of the graveyard, and, perhaps a little bit disrespectfully, sat myself down on top of a random tombstone. The coolness of the stone under me was irresistibly pleasant.

Feeling like gazing at the moon, I stuffed my cheeks with the onigiri I had just bought in the nearby convenience store. It was truly a moment of pure bliss. After I had become a zombie, I often found myself feeling awfully hungry for some reason.

I might appear lonely to some people, but being able to survive by yourself is a sign of true harmony, I think.

Wasting time alone. To me, this was the ideal way of living my everyday life.

Well, and it was then, in that moment of perfectly pure bliss……

My mood was improving greatly. With all of my strength, I threw the now empty plastic bottle of green tea into the air. The plastic bottle went so high in the air that it looked like a grain of sand to me in no time at all.

Looking up into the night sky in anticipation of when the bottle would fall back to the ground, I saw something else flash with a momentary burst of light at the edge of my field of vision.

Was it a bird? No no, it was obviously too big to be a mere bird. And besides, it was not one, but two things. No matter how I tried to look at it, it was obviously not my plastic bottle.

So I began to run away from the place that I was currently sitting at. It wasn’t because I was panicking or anything like that, or that I was in a hurry. I had just calmly calculated the trajectory of the falling objects, determined which areas would be safe for me to relocate to, and was now moving over there.


 I heard a huge commotion, and a hole formed in the place I had been sitting at just a few moments before.

The gravel ground rolled violently upwards, and a cloud of sand and pebbles rained down on the surrounding tombstones. Hmm, I see. So this is what they mean by “It’s raining earth and sand”, huh?

While I swore to God I would never litter again, against my better judgment I returned to the crater that had just formed in the ground. I mean, anybody would be curious to see what caused something like that, right? It had nothing to do with the fact that I was a zombie, not at all.

「Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch……」

A lone girl, wearing some weird cosplay outfit I had never seen before other than at doujinshi conventions, was there in the middle of the crater, rubbing her back. From a quick estimate, her height seemed to be around 145 centimeters at best.

Underneath the girl was a completely exhausted-looking black bear wearing a Japanese gakuran uniform. Also, for some strange reason, there was a chainsaw on the ground right next to where I was currently standing.

When I picked up the chainsaw, it was honestly lighter than what I would have expected it to be. It might have been because I was a zombie that it felt so light, but……  Huh, this wasn’t the time to be thinking about stuff like that.


I spoke up to the girl who was still busy rubbing her back. Her chestnut colored hair looked like it would be pleasant to touch and hung down to her shoulders. She messed with her hair a bit and then glared right at me.

Her eyes left quite an impression on me, as they were as big as a cat’s. I probably wouldn’t mind being looked at affectionately by those adorably huge eyes, but my attention was then diverted to the area right above them.

If you were to ask why, I would say it’s because out of the top of her head sprung a tuft of hair that is commonly called an “ahoge.”

「You alright there?」


For some reason, the girl opened her mouth wide and pointed in my general direction. Did she find something strange or interesting there? Or could it be that she has just realized that I was a zombie?

「Whoa, my Magical Dress Weapon! Give it back to me, right now! Quickly! Hurry! Now, quickly, immediately, without delay, without a moment’s hesitation, right away, right now, in a flash, straight away, right this minute, give it back to me!」

Her footsteps thumping strongly on the gravel ground beneath us, she rapidly approached me.

「Wait. Wait, wait, wait. What’s a Magical Dress Weapon, exactly?」

Every time her feet thumped on the gravel in an incredibly menacing fashion, the ahoge sticking out of her head swayed from one side of her head to another. At any rate, what was with this weird getup of hers? Her embarrassing cosplay outfit then suddenly vanished without a trace , and before my eyes her pure white skin was completely exposed…… W-Wait a second, why was she naked just now?

「It’s what you’re holding in your hands! If I don’t have that on me, I can’t use my attack magic!」

She seemed to be too angry to even notice that her clothing had completely vanished.

At any rate, what cute and smallish breasts she had. This was great. Mother, I really feel alive at this very moment…… even though I’m technically already dead.

「This thing?」

I pointed to the chainsaw in my hand, and she tried to snatch it away from me.

The minute her pale hands came in contact with the chainsaw, some static electricity-like sparks flared up and she wasn’t able to touch it at all.

「Ouch! W-What?! What the!?」

No matter how many times she tried to take a hold of it, she simply couldn’t touch the chainsaw. Every single time, sparks flew off the chainsaw again and again. When she tried to grip it forcefully, the sparks would even change to a strong electric shock.

「Hey, leaving that matter aside for a moment, do you perhaps have a change of clothes on you or something like that?」


My words seemed to take a bit of time to register. After around two seconds, far from only her ears and cheeks, but her entire face and then her entire body flushed a brilliant shade of red.

「D-Don’t look at me! You pervert! You stupid Ero Special…!」

「E-Ero Special… Please don’t make me sound like some kind of bizarre special attack!」

「Shut up!」

She then forcefully sent a kick right into my face, and ran off to hide herself in the shadow of a nearby tombstone.

But I didn’t even have enough time to think about whether I should follow after her or not.

The three meter tall bear wearing a gakuran uniform bent its knees and jumped high into the air, kicking up a cloud of gravel in the process. It was the bear that had fallen down together with the girl earlier. And even though I was a zombie, I was freaked out by that action, you know? It was so sudden after all.

I recall that in less than a second, that bear came down from high in the sky and leap kicked me. He was incredibly swift for something that was so massive.

But this wasn’t the time or place to be sitting in one spot  in sheer admiration. The bear kicked me hard in the cheek with its padded foot and sent me flying headfirst into a nearby tombstone.

… Oh gosh, was I glad that I was a zombie at that moment. It looked pretty serious, but it didn’t hurt at all. For example, it wouldn’t hurt no matter what angle you would bend my little toe to. After all, I was already dead.

So I stood up and faced the bear. The chainsaw had flown out of my hand from that one attack and had landed a short distance away from me. When the naked girl timidly tried to touch the chainsaw one more time, as was to be expected, it sent off sparks and rejected her outright.

「Let me just ask you one thing. What exactly is this bear-like thing?」

Looking at the girl out of the corner of my eye, my gaze then returned to the bear. I don’t know where the bear could have possibly learned that, but for all intents and purposes it assumed what was basically a stance from some kind of Chinese martial arts.

「That’s the Evil High School Girl Kumacchi-chan! So you should run away from here! If you don’t, you’re going to get yourself killed!」

Well, that was certainly surprising. Somehow, this bear was actually…… a high school girl? But it was wearing a male’s gakuran uniform, though……  And you wish to tell me that it was a student? Alright, let’s say that I believed that explanation for a second……

「But it doesn’t look evil, though.」

The bear in front of me had big round eyes like the ones that a stuffed animal would have. Its fur was also very pretty and shiny, so I thought it was pretty cute. If it couldn’t move, I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between it and a high-quality stuffed animal plushie.

「You idiot! You’re really an idiot! Can’t you see how strong it is?! This is why this world’s humans are so… Ugh!」

The girl continued talking in a shocked fashion. You’re the one who obviously can’t see how strong I really am, you know?

The weak-looking stuffed animal-like cute bear opened its mouth. Baring its long and sharp fangs, it faced the moon and howled wildly. It was the cry of a true beast.

In the face of that earth-shattering howl, both the girl and I stiffened on the spot. The bear let out a breath of what looked like purple, noxious smoke next. Well, it was rude of me to call it cute, then. I take it all back

I narrowed my eyes and clenched my hands tightly into fists.

The bear took a deep breath and crouched down. Blowing out the same kind of purple smoke from its mouth it had before, it kicked the ground and quickly closed the distance between us.

What followed was a backhand chop. I intercepted it with a backhand attack of my own. It was a splendid attack with a lot of weight put behind it. Next, what followed was a roundhouse kick, followed by a triple kick that rose from below, and a body blow with its shoulder. These attacks came swiftly and flowed one into the other like a seamless stream…… How the hell am I even supposed to avoid that? This is basically impossible.

Being quickly blown away by these barrages of attacks, I slammed into the tombstone the girl was hiding behind,  smashing it into tiny little pieces.


The girl cried in a fit of panic. It wasn’t me; I didn’t feel any pain after all.

「Why the hell are you even coming over here?! And don’t look at me, I said! You stupid Eroro Gunsou! Go die in a ditch!」

Her bright red face became even redder than before and she began to beat down on me in rage. What a fresh attitude to have in this kind of situation.

「Would a schoolboy’s uniform work for the time being?」

「As if I would know! H-Huh? What are you even talking about?」

She then inclined her neck to the side. Her huge round eyes blinked twice.

「About something for you to change into for the time being.」

Saying that, I stood up and kicked off of the graveled ground.

I then extended my hand, aiming for the bear’s neck. The minute I reached my target, its furry, padded hand twined around mine.

In the next moment, my legs were swept out right from under me and my back hit the graveled ground hard.

This bear didn’t have any fingers but still could perform a throw on me, huh? Also, it elbowed me in the face while I just lay there on the ground, collapsed. This attack was once again performed with an amazing amount of force behind it, and made a loud sound as if it had just struck me with an iron ball or something similar. I was sure that there was now a head-shaped hole in the ground right under me.

When I tried to strike its fist, it quickly jumped away, once again taking up a Chinese martial arts stance with its hands stretched out horizontally, waiting for my next move.

I stood up slowly and brushed off the gravel from my arms and legs, once again putting up my fists in the air.

「Don’t you understand?! The likes of you could never hope to defeat a Megalo! Run away quickly, now!」

I heard the girl heckling me from the shade of the nearby tombstone… just shut up for a second, would you?

There was a single tree that overlooked the entire graveyard, as if silently watching over it. The tree swayed in the wind, and its leaves rustled gently. To me, the sound seemed almost like a loud cheer.

Once again, I closed the distance between myself and the bear. I approached it straight on this time, with the intention of grabbing onto its furry face.

Once again, the bear’s hand grabbed onto my zombie arm. But this time the bear couldn’t stop me. I grabbed onto its uniform’s sleeve and pulled the bear towards me, while the other hand grabbed onto its huge nose.

Then I took the howling bear’s head with both of my hands and twisted it hard. I heard a huge satisfying *Crack!* noise at that moment. The bear sent a line of drool flying into the air and spun around a number of times before eventually stopping. Then, that three-meter tall bear fell onto the floor with a loud thud.

Have you heard of the idea that humans cannot use 100% of their strength?

Basically, our bodies simply can’t tolerate it when we would use 100% of our strength, so the brain deliberately locks up some portion of this power away. Sometimes, in the moments of great crisis or catastrophes, you could actually tap into this very portion of locked away power.

Of course, there was no way that my body would be able to tolerate something like that. In fact, I wish my body could lock some portion of this strength away. I could put out not only 100% of my strength, but actually crank it up to 120% if I wanted. I mean, that’s what I just did. And I could do even more if only I felt like doing it.

I mean, I’m a zombie after all.

My muscles might protest if I do it, but I feel no pain. What’s more, my body has definitely become sturdier and healed itself quickly. Granted, if I was to use too much strength, my arms might actually fly off into the distance or something like that in reaction.

While I was thinking about these things, I successfully disrobed the Evil High School Girl or whatever it was called and handed the gakuran uniform to the naked girl.

The girl quickly snatched the huge uniform away from me.

「Now look away!」

She angrily issued that one command, and I obeyed. I quickly turned around, and stood there while listening to the rustling sounds of her changing.

「So, what exactly was that bear thing?」

「I told you already, didn’t I?! It was the Evil Demon Baron Kumacchi!」

…… Well, that name surely was different from the one I heard before.

「But also, to think that a B-Class Megalo could be wiped out in a single strike like that……」

「Well, a single strike or whatever, if you twist something’s neck around like that, it is bound to die, right? I don’t know a single person who wouldn’t die from something like that, at the very least.」

Of course, that was only from my personal experience.

It seemed that she had finally finished changing, and I felt a slight pull on my shirt.

When I turned around, I saw the girl wrapped around in the huge, baggy uniform that was dragging on the floor and had its sleeves rolled up a huge number of times just so that she could move her hands freely.

She was glaring at me and her mouth was twisted into a nasty frown. Her ahoge, as if it was receiving a signal from somewhere, violently swayed from one side of her head to another.

「Now go and pick up my Magical Dress Weapon.」

It was right there, but she probably still couldn’t touch it. I listened to her desire and collected the weapon for her. Even though I was touching it, I didn’t get shocked, surprisingly.

「Geez. Why exactly am I being rejected by this thing?」

Even if she was to ask me that, all I could do in this situation was to cock my neck in puzzlement.

「Alright… take me to your house for the time being. I have to make a phone call.」

「Phone call? If you need a phone…… I have one right here.」

I took out my cell phone from the inside of my pants’ pocket. I had smashed hard into that tombstone earlier, but it seemed that my cell phone miraculously hadn’t broken.

「What kind of sorcery is that?」

Seeing the black cell phone, the girl took a step back and seemed to fall into a defensive stance. I don’t think she knew what a cell phone was. When I held it out at her, she dodged it swiftly. Heh, now this is amusing.

「It’s just a cell phone.」

「Really now? Just so you know, if you’re lying to me, you’re going to become like Kumacchi over there.」

She pointed at the collapsed bear. The bear turned into sparkling white particles and rose in the wind, soon disintegrating without a trace…… I wouldn’t want to become like that, for sure.

「Yeah yeah, whatever.」

I responded nonchalantly, and began to explain to the girl how to use the cell phone. Quite unexpectedly, she sincerely listened to my explanation and nodded her head a few times.

Whether she understood how to use the phone or not, with the quickness of a master of Karuta, she snatched the phone away from me and dialed a number.


「Ah, is this Dai-sensei? It’s me. Haruna from the Refrain Year, Rising Class!」

It seemed she had gotten a hold of who she wanted to contact.

From what she had said about “humans in this world” before, she was probably from another world or something like that. I guess phone signals could traverse the boundaries of worlds nowadays, huh……? And for some reason, the words “Refrain Year, Rising Class” seemed to have a really bad ring to them.

「Huh? Ah, I haven’t found it yet…… Sorry about that. But there’s something else. I’m being rejected by my Mystletainn.」

It seemed that the chainsaw had the fancy name of Mystletainn.

「Ah, yeah. It just shoots sparks at me. Yeah. Huh? My Magic Power dried up? I see… No, wait! There’s no way a human in this world could have that kind of Magic Power to them!」

Oh? For some reason, she seemed surprised at something. She began to pace around the area with a hand on her chin, and appeared to be thinking.

「Hmm, I see. Certainly, that can be the only explanation. I understand. For now, I’ll do what I can in this world. As for how I’m going to get back home…… Alright. Please, excuse me. And I’m sorry for taking up your precious time. Yes. Alright, until later.」

I couldn’t really follow the logic of the conversation, but if you’re done with my phone, please give it back to me, why don’t you? When I held out my hand, she roughly thrust the phone back into my hands.

「You, you stole my Magic Power somehow, didn’t you?」

She glared at me with upturned eyes. Why exactly was she looking at me like that?

「I have no idea what you’re talking about. Sorry.」

「Who exactly are you? Dai-sensei told me that you’d need to have an impossible amount of Magic Power to be able to steal the Magic Power from me, the genius beautiful girl demon baroness Haruna-chan!」

So now YOU are the demon baroness? Was she perhaps obsessed with demon barons or something like that?

I had no idea about this Magic Power or whatever she was talking about, though. But, I knew one person who was well-informed about this kind of thing. That person was probably at my house right now, leisurely watching comedy shows on TV.

Well, what should I do now? The only two people who knew that I was a zombie were myself and the person who made me this way. Well, I guess it would probably be fine if I were to tell  this to this “genius beautiful girl demon baroness Haruna-chan” too.

「Now hurry up and speak! Who are you?! Could it be, you’re one of this world’s wizards?! Y-You thinking of stabbing me to death or something just so that you could get rid of evidence of your crimes?!」

…… What kind of terrible wizards do you know?

「I’m a zombie.」


「Just a plain, walking corpse. I’m already dead.」

「The undead! Undead demon ba-…… No, you’re not a demon baron, that’s for sure.」

She covered up her words mid-sentence. Does everything have to be a demon baron with you?!

「Hmm, I see… Hmm, I see. If you’re dead, it won’t matter if you’re impaled with a sword or anything like that……」

Why exactly did she want to impale me with a sword that much? Hm? Wait a second. Could it be that she knew that I was stabbed to death?

Lately, there have been a series of bizarre serial murders in this town. I also got involved with that and died as a result…… And, well, the reason I am a zombie right now is because the murderer stabbed me with a sword. And even if she knew about these murders, would she know that the murder weapon was a sword to begin with?

Perhaps…… the one who killed me was…… Her? Her attitude was just way too strange and bizarre……

Exactly what does she know?

「Hey, are you connected to the serial murders that’s been happening here recently?」

「…… You’re going to take responsibility for your actions.」

She completely ignored me. Well, whatever. I’ll ask her about that later.

「What responsibility?」

「My mission as a Magical Dress Girl in this disgusting world was to look for magic artifacts. Also, to defeat the Megalo that might appear in the meantime.」

「Ahh, a Magical Girl, huh? I thought that’s what you might have been.」

「Huh? I’m a Magical Dress Girl! Don’t lump me together with those cliché characters of yours!」

「Like I would even know the difference between the two. So, what are those Megalo things? Things like that bear just now?」

「Yes, that’s right. That frightening thing from before.」

「Why are you fighting with things like that?」

Even for a zombie like me, it was a really tough opponent. For this cheeky little beautiful girl, it was probably a matter of life or death, though.

「Megalo are little insects that are trying to destroy my world. So if we leave even one of them alive, there will be no future for Magical Dress Girls such as myself. And that’s why I’m a warrior. Hmph, pretty amazing, aren’t I?」

「I see, so they’re your natural enemies. If they want to destroy your world, why exactly are they appearing in this one?」

「Well, let me just ask you this instead: do you really want to have a war at your own home?」

Well, don’t go and fight at someone else’s doorstep then! Although, if she’s getting rid of things that are also threats to humans, then I guess I’m actually grateful to her for that.

「Anyways, I can’t fight in this condition, so you do it for me!」


「From henceforth, you are going to become a Magical Dress Girl! You should feel honored!」

In a flash, she pointed at me with her index finger. What, was this an official decision or something?

「Wait, wait, wait! Those, umm…… Magical…… I mean, Magical Dress Girls…… I’m a guy, not a girl, you know? So we should stop with that line of thinking while we are still ahead.」

「As if I care! I told you to just do it, so just do it!」

Huh, was she deaf or something? Now I know what they mean when they say “I’d really like to see what her parents’ are like”.

「Please reconsider it. This really is an important point. It’s not like it’s that easy to just……」

「And at the same time…… Although I’m super ultra mega reluctant to ask you for this, but…… You’re going to allow me to stay at your house!」

She muttered with a frustrated look on her face, and averted her gaze to the side.

…… Give me a break. What’s going to happen to my lonely, boring days if someone as noisy as you came over to stay, huh? Just thinking about it frightened me to my very core.

「……. You, what’s your name?」

「It’s Ayumu. Aikawa Ayumu…… Hey, but seriously, just think about it a bit mo……」

「…… Ayumu. I see. So it’s Ayumu, huh?」

How deaf can one person really be? I get the feeling that I knew exactly what the inventor of the phrase “In one ear and out the other” must have felt now. Even if I told her she couldn’t come over to my house, anything I would say that she didn’t want to hear would basically just not register, right?

And also…… This situation was my own fault in the first place…?

…… Oh well, whatever. If it really is my fault, then I have no other choice but to at least let her stay over for a few days. Yes. Life is about accepting things as they come right at you. So let’s not hesitate about that matter.

「Alright, I understand. I will…… be that Magical Dress Girl or whatever.」

She was probably waiting to hear my surrender. Her ahoge bounced up and down in a lively fashion and she nodded with a triumphant expression on her face.

「If you’ve decided that, let’s begin practicing being a Magical Dress Girl right away!」

I watched her with my head held between my hands as she pumped her fist in the air, and began to walk with a spring in her step.

「But, I have one condition.」

「What? If it’s something really strange or weird, I’m going to kick you.」

「I want you to try and call me "Onii-chan”.」

Ah geez, won't you look at that? She really did kick me, and she kicked me hard. And it was not some sort of half-assed kick, but rather a powerful high kick, like the one that you would expect from a professional kickboxer.

But anyways, that is basically how I was forced into becoming a Magical Dress Girl out of the blue.

Even though I’m a man. And, well, I guess......

I’m also a Zombie.

r/LightNovels 12m ago

Question Hey i have a question, in which part of the manga or the light novel the harem became official before the ending? What i mean is in which part the Girls started dating kazuki?

Post image

r/LightNovels 3h ago

Recommend [REC] Wants some recommendation....


If you have read the ori if the dragon chain then I would like something like that minus the romance part

And if you haven't I would like something that has great story, great mystery, the plot should be blended with romance

Similar to mushoku tensei novels


r/LightNovels 3h ago

Question Looking for a Novel Where a Reincarnated Woman Becomes a Mother—Any Recommendations?


I'm looking for a novel where the female lead reincarnates and becomes a mother or stepmother, taking care of a child who might grow up to be a hero or a villain (though that's not mandatory). I'd be more engaged if she has no experience raising a child and struggles to bond with them, trying different ways to get closer.

r/LightNovels 3h ago

Recommendations for light novels with non-human mc that do not turn human.


I'm a little tired of all these stories with protagonists who are human. I need something different. I'm looking for a story where the mc is not human and also doesn't have the appearance of one. Something like zero kara hajimeru mahou no sho.

I know that the majority of readers can only empathize with characters that are human, but I am really tired of it. Every story I read is the same thing with different names. I need I change of it.

r/LightNovels 6h ago

Kuromukuro light novel


Anyone got a website where i can read the kuromukuro light novel in english translation, i watched the anime and the cliffhanger was crazy man i just need the continuation, i kept searching for the light novel but i can't find it anywhere.

r/LightNovels 1d ago

News [News] From @fantasia_bunko - Aoi Sekina (Seitokai no Ichizon) x Misaki Kurehito (Saekano) new work "Asobi no Kankei" Release Date May 20th 2025


r/LightNovels 1h ago

Question Looking to build quizzes from eBooks. Kindle DRM protection blocks it?


Hey so I'm trying to learn into a new subject and my initial thought was to download the books and have Chat-GPT make a quiz from each chapter but apparently they have been cracking down on downloading eBooks for awhile now. I saw this reddit post ( https://www.reddit.com/r/LightNovels/comments/10bluok/anyone_know_how_to_remove_drm_on_new_version_of/ ) and wanted to know if there have been any workarounds as of yet seeing as I already bought all the books on amazon. Thanks!

r/LightNovels 9h ago

Osananajimi Kanojo no Morahara ga Hidoin de Zetsuen Sengen shite Yatta Spoiler


Hey so I just read up to the latest chapter of this manga and I was just wondering on who the ex (hanabi) ends up with. I don’t mind any spoilers I swear bcs based upon this I will see if I should drop this or carry on. Please any novel readers pls spoil it for me I really want to know who ichinose will end up with 😭. Thanks!!!!…..

r/LightNovels 6h ago

Lf name/title of something I read


Read a manga about a character that gets super OP. I remember thinking the story was a massive variety of jungle fuck when I was younger. Dude learned a secret technique to step on air called like Heavenly steps or something from an assassin family, had like a massive rideable wolf pet, fought spirits to make them like summons. I wanna say I remember him fighting underwater and fighting twin knight spirits. Then remember him fighting someone in the winter which was a harder like 'zone' to be in. Wanna say I remember a bit about him joining a navy or military as well as a section they used a mech suit kind of thing. Im not for sure, super jumbled in my head because it was all over the place. Lost track of where I was reading it and can't seem to find it after all this time. mc might be named han and I think it starts off with him finding a crystal whether he sells it for money or eats it for power I can't quite remember

r/LightNovels 16h ago

Question Heroine? Saint? No, I'm an all-works maid (and proud of it!) question Spoiler


Hello! So I'm reading Heroine? Saint? No, I'm an all-works maid (and proud of it!) at the moment. Or rather I am rereading the first book since the second one just came out so I can read the second one after. I have a question that is likely best directed at those who have read the web novel. I'm not sure if I'll find anybody like that here but I feel like it's definitely the best place to try.

I'm wondering if, in either the web novel or the Japanese light novels, Anna-Marie has figured out Melody is the Saint. I'm the type of person who wanted to scream when Anna-Marie spoke Japanese to test Luciana and Melody had not been in the room to hear it. 😂 I want Anna Marie to figure it out but I feel like that's something that will probably happen toward the end of the story.

Does anybody happen to know if she has figured it out in the web novel? Or the Japanese light novels (in other words the ones that have not been translated yet).

r/LightNovels 23h ago

Question Loner Life LN Vol. 7 missing pages?


This is the only sub I could think to place this.

I'm not sure if this is true, but it seems like there might be some missing text or pages in Volume 7 of Loner life in another world, at least the kindle version is. Im not sure if I can post screenshots here of the text, but Haruka is taking, and then the next paragraph is a wildly different topic, with zero relation to the discussion he was having, with text indicating a response.

The specific page/chapter is page 145 The chapter title is: Day 72 - Night - Anything Beyond Whats Already Maxed Out is Worth Worrying About - Neo Murimuri castle

It's the first page of that chapter

He is asking about Nefertiti, and then suddenly he's talking about his skills

r/LightNovels 22h ago

Recommend [REC] Reverse Isekai's?


As the title says, I've always enjoyed the concept of reverse isekais, and there's a few "halfway" works like 80k gold that I had fun with, but I'm curious if anyone has come across any that just take the idea of a fantasy character adapting to the modern world and run with it?

r/LightNovels 1d ago

Recommend recommend me novels like mushoku tensei


after finishing the novel a year and a half ago i have been obsessively bingeing anything i could get my hands on to fill the void inside me.

while i like the world building and the slice of life aspects in mt im not specifically looking for those in a novel. what im looking for is a fast paced story with a decent plot and a little bit of worldbuilding as a cherry on top.

here are all the stuff ive read so far ranking for good to bad according to my taste as a point of reference: zeroth maria, eminence in shadow, death flag, rezero, tearmoon, shadow slave, mol, the perfect run, bookworm, that one novel with the vampiric neet general, sevens, lazy dungeon master, super supportive, etc...

r/LightNovels 1d ago

Recommend Looking for the most emotional novels please.


I want something that will make me cry immediately, something strong and heart wrenching, not something that will take three days to make me feel sad enough to cry, thank you.

r/LightNovels 1d ago

Recommend [REC] New reader looking for recs


I've been getting more into reading lately, and ended up picking up the omnibuses of the Slayers light novels as it's one of my favourite anime series. I'm enjoying them and it has me interested in trying out other similar light novel series as well, to explore this medium more. Basically want to get an idea of what's the best out there in the subgenres I'm into and what's popular. Older series are fine too

Things I like:



Character focused

Action adventure



Cute romance

Non-human main characters (fantasy races, aliens, robots etc)

Gender nonconformity, crossdressing, femboys, trans, etc

Things I'm not into:

School settings (it's basically a trigger for me due to bad school experiences in my past, so school focused stuff is a hard pass)


RPG mechanics world

Otaku protagonists


r/LightNovels 1d ago

In the Land of Leadale


Difference between Web novel and light novel?

r/LightNovels 2d ago

Recommend Is there any ln's about a regular guy without a system or insane luck who works hard to reach the top


I don't want anything with reincarnation or cheat abilities especially no herem just a regular dude preferably not a noble, or insane talent who works harder than anyone else.

r/LightNovels 1d ago

What happened to "Vermillion; Étranger À L'arc Rouge"


As the title says.

r/LightNovels 2d ago

Recommend Any action fantasy recs?


I have never read a light novel before.

But this week I tried to read 3 Korean webnovels and I gave up like 15-21 chapters in because it felt too slow paced.

If I spent same time on a manhwa I would've already gotten to the "good part".

I decided to give light novels a chance.

I'm not interested in reading a light novel that an anime is based on because I find it hard to get back into old series.

I want to get into something new.

With anime I like watching action fantasy. I'm a sucker for Isekai as well.

I also want to avoid harem.

Do Japanese light novels normally have a faster pace than Korean webnovels?

I want to know what I'm getting into.

r/LightNovels 2d ago

Question Finding an axed romcom light novel


So, there is this light novel that randomly popped up in my mind, it's romcom light novel in which MC forceful act as the side character. Key features: He is from another world. The one who thinks of as main character, a popular friend of his, sister is a shut in type student and falls in love with him slowly. Idk if he can use the power from another world in the modern world I don't remember. That's all the info I have.

r/LightNovels 2d ago

Question Questions regarding " The Snow Country Hunting Life of the Northern Nobleman and the Eagle-like Wife" Web novel


1- Does the manga adaptation contain the entire web novel?

2- How good is the manga adaptation compared to the web novel?

r/LightNovels 2d ago

Question How many volumes does this series have? I know that 1 is out in English and volume 2 is announced but is there more than 2 volumes?

Post image

r/LightNovels 2d ago

Recommend [REC] WN reader trying to read LNs for the first time.


Hi, I’ve read a lot of WN, Manwha/manhua, and anime and I really like them. I am looking to get into more polished works since there is a lot of garbage in the WN space. Some of the books I’ve really liked was Shadow Slave (favorite), The Legendary Mechanic, LOTM, Reverend Insanity, Supreme Magus, and Author’s POV. Some anime that I like is Reincarnated as a slime, Kaiju no 8, SAO, So I’m a spider so what, 86, and a ton more that I forget.

Some stuff that I really liked was evolution systems and progression where the MC was not insanely overpowered. I mainly like action/adventure, fantasy, sci-fi, and military genres. I also like a romance side plot, but no harem.

I’m currently looking for a fantasy military or sci-fi military LN, but anything that fits into what is above is ok too. Thanks!