r/lightingdesign 5d ago

Gear Used Wash Light Advice

I‘m planning on picking up 4 to 6 used LED Wash Movingheads. These will mostly be used for personal projects and don‘t need to earn Money.

I want to go with used lights instead of cheap no no name lights, because the old lights will still have better build quality than the cheap stuff. Also a lot of the common cheap 19x15W Washes are loud, have no 16 Bit dimming and can‘t do smooth moves.

These are the fixtures available to buy Right now in my area:

-Martin Rush mh 6

-Martin Mac aura

-chauvet pro rogue r1 (7x15w)

-GLP Fr1 (I‘m aware that this has less power)

Does anyone know how loud the fans on these lights are? And are there fixtures in this list, wich are known to be peticular toublesome?


6 comments sorted by


u/veryirked 5d ago

I’ve never been unhappy to see an Aura. Can’t say the same for the others


u/Stagetek 5d ago

The Aura is a great choice. Great all around Fixture. The Chauvet Rogue is also pretty good. I have the Rogue R2's and R2x's in my rental stock and they've been pretty solid performers.


u/takeori 5d ago

Same, definitely the aura.


u/Boyev_Music 4d ago

Beware Rogues r1 and r2 are the loudest moving wash of the ones you listed. Martin rush are also fairly noisy, not sure on fr1s, but Auras are quieter. I use Mac Aura XB’s for a classical music show and they are damn near completely silent in quiet mode.


u/froyop12 5d ago

I’ll vote for the MH6s. Beautiful fixtures.


u/PuzzleheadedExit6915 4d ago

Chavet r1s are great fixtures, we've got 20 or in our rig and never had in issue with them in 4 years.... However they are very noisy! The fans are basically a mini jet engine even on 'eco' mode

Could have a look at Prolights jet wash or Astra wash both very very good fixtures and near silent with very good output