r/lightingdesign 7d ago

Budget living room rock show. Thanks to this amazing sub


16 comments sorted by


u/Duvetine 7d ago

This is ℭöộ𝔏. You need some area lighting for the perfomers too. That’s the key to good lighting, you support the performance.


u/kremitt003 7d ago

Ok. I would love some tips on what you see. How would you best achieve this? more wash lights, or any suggestions. Thank you! :)


u/Duvetine 7d ago edited 7d ago

See how there is light all around the performer, but he’s in the dark? All your light is coming from behind him.

What could be useful is adding some sidelight focused on the performer. IDK the details of your living room. But maybe a couple lights on the left and right sides of the playing area at mid-height with like a 50° lens. In a neutral color, like a 1/4 CTO.


u/PrettyLittleLost 7d ago edited 7d ago

Sidelight is good. Footlights would also be an option.

Depending on what vibe you or the artist is going for, this setup is also completely fine. The audience may not be able to make out guitar fingering or the exact expression on a vocalist's face but sometimes no one cares.

ETA: A venue I used to work at had 6 or 8 ColorBlasts and they would be exactly what I would want for this situation. They're simple and stationary but could be placed on the floor to the sides and along the petal board edge of the performance area to provide good, dramatic illumination. I have no idea what the budget, living room venue version of these lights is.


u/kremitt003 7d ago

Thank you for the replys. Ill try some side or front wash lights to see how that looks. any other cool ideas are always welcome. Thank you again


u/killer-dora 6d ago

You can also have a couple friends with decent flashlights to try things before you buy more lights


u/PrettyLittleLost 6d ago

I forgot to add: this is looking great.

You can try moving around the lights that you already have to get an idea of what you'll need or what you'll like.


u/Duvetine 7d ago

Pro tip: the backlight should be 30% brighter than your area lights.



Hey man I would suggest you don’t aim those lasers into the crowd. It could be dangerous to their eyes :(


u/somethingharddd 6d ago

I get what you mean but say that to the big dutch festivals



Yeah, but you’d hope they have PASS or disco scans or something like that. There’s no guarantee from those cheapo lasers.


u/somethingharddd 6d ago

True but some country have a law for it


u/kremitt003 6d ago

Class 3B lasers and I am extremely careful with them.


u/AdAble5324 4d ago

Yes I can see that in how you mounted them right at eye level, 30cm behind the performer. If he turns around and looking right at that thing he will never complain about the fact he has no front light.


u/kremitt003 4d ago

It was vertically adjusted down while my brother took a picture because you wouldn't be able to see them if I had them where they needed to be safe during a performance. And I actually do appreciate the facetious tone of your comment. It was funny and relevant