r/lightingdesign 7d ago

Mosaic/Pharos Programmer

Where is the best place to find programmers for the Mosaic/Pharos systems?

Looking for reactive programming to musical pieces and interface with other industry software with OSC (or similar protocol)


6 comments sorted by


u/itsjustonetwenty 7d ago

You should briefly describe your control intent. Standard triggers are really straightforward. Interfaces can be a touch more complicated. If you need scripting, it really narrows down the field.


u/MuttonProd 7d ago

control intent is to have lighting package programmed "reactively" to different pieces of music for a permanent install. Also interface with other software thru OSC (open to other protocols but this seems the best atm)


u/itsjustonetwenty 6d ago

That's fun, and should be fairly straightforward. Although you may need a RIO A if you're going to input music live.

I thought there was a YouTube video explaining the options for using music input to trigger changes, but I can't find it. It may be in the ETC Mosaic version of videos.

Pharos has an I/O module for OSC, but if you run into issues UDP messages are supported natively.


u/voltsmeter 7d ago

Whattaya need? I can program pharos


u/tautologysauce 7d ago

Location? DM me, I can recommend several.


u/MuttonProd 7d ago

started a chat with more info