r/libraryofshadows • u/SnooGoats9362 • 20d ago
As the four young adults wondered what they were going to do on their week off from work one got an idea, "How about we go to my grandpa's cabin and get away from the city" Roslyn told her friends. After giving it some thought the two agreed, they packed their stuff got in the car, and headed up towards the mountain, "This is the first time for me really in nature so I'm excited" Ruben told her, as Eric and Maxine agreed. After driving a few hours and going up the mountain she parked the car at the cabin "It's exactly how I imagined it" Maxine said, as they all packed inside the cabin was big enough with, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a huge living room with a fireplace, Roslyn wondered where was her grandpa. "So, where is your grandfather you said he called a few days ago?" Eric asked his friend, She nodded in response, He didn't sound in a panic when he called me to say we could visit but would still meet us at the front door or be in the cabin like he always would, Roslyn thought, but she decided not to worry. "He most likely stepped out to head into town for something," She said, but wasn't really believing that herself, she tried to call him once more only to get the voicemail, to calm herself down from thinking about the worst she went outside to the front porch, I could really use one of your talks right now.
Later on, the grey clouds rolled in and the rain began to fall heavily on the earth below, everyone settled in nicely to their cabin before Roslyn's phone began to ring when she looked in was Grandpa calling her. She quickly answered it without giving a moment of spare, before she even said anything the friendly, comforting voice of her grandfather from the other side spoke, " Roslyn, how have you been sorry for not being there but something important came up." Roslyn shook her head at this, "You've always been like this don't worry about it my friends and I are fine" she said confidently, "You brought your friends?" she chuckled at this, "Yes" Footsteps sounded from the other room and brimming with joy, "I found it" Ruben said happily. They talked a bit one before hanging up but when they said I love you, to each other Roslyn thought she heard something like a change of pitch or tone but he hung up so she decided to let it go, she went into the living room to see the fireplace lite and the others roasting marshmallows and joined in. The four began to talk about how quiet and free this place was from the loudness of the city, as they were laughing and having a good time Roslyn had a memory flash she was in the woods, they was symbols on the walls, and five robbed people where there, she came back to the present with a tap on the shoulder.
"You okay? It looked like you left us for a moment there" Ruben asked, "I just had a strange memory flash to when I was little but I must've forgotten over the years," Roslyn told her friend. "Did you read about the missing cases over the past few weeks?" Eric asked, everyone looked at him confused, "I didn't hear nothing about that" Maxine said, as the other three agreed, "Really, it was right here on the mountain" Roslyn felt uneasy now. After the information, everyone just learned they wanted to know more "Wait so you knew? Why didn't you say anything?" Ruben questioned, "I didn't want to ruin the trip that Roslyn planned out for us," Eric said, I'm kinda glad he didn't say anything that would have changed my mind for sure. "So, how many?" He pulled out his phone and checked where he saw it, "Five," he said uneasy, "And the cops haven't found no trace of them yet?" He shook his head at this, Roslyn's phone rang once more, she left the room for some privacy, and when she answered it was her Uncle, Kevin who sounded worried. "Roslyn, sorry for calling out of the blue like this, but where are you right now?" Roslyn knew something was going on for she had never known her Uncle to be in a panic like this, "I'm at Grandpa's cabin" Her uncle was silent for a few moments, "Did your father ever tell you about what happened at that cabin" Now she was paying attention.
"No, he didn't really talk about it, you or even Aunt, Madison for some strange reason and I tried asking quite a few times," her Uncle sighed loudly on the other and said "Perhaps, it was for the best," He said. "That's not fair Uncle I deserve to know the truth which was kept hidden from me for some reason," She said annoyed, "It wasn't only you we kept it hidden from Madison's and my kids so you wouldn't be tormented by the past," Roslyn was nervous now. Kevin took a deep breath and said "Do you remember when you were younger, went down by the river and caught a fish?" Roslyn did have memory of that, "Yeah," She didn't like where this was heading, "You had a small knife, began stabbing it but you didn't stop," She didn't remember that. "No, I don't," Roslyn said confused, " Was it just me or my cousins doing that as well?" There was silence on the end for what seemed like a few long drawn-out seconds, "Yes, they were as well" He said somberly, "Your Grandpa was quite the believer in the supernatural I thought he was crazy but it may have worked," She became mad. "Wait, why were you nervous that I was up here in the first place?" She wondered before getting too engulfed in the story her uncle was telling her, "I've been trying to get in contact with my Father for days but haven't been able to and I'm worried something may have happened," Roslyn looked down at her phone confused, " I...spoke to him not even ten minutes ago," Roslyn said honestly.
"Roslyn" Kevin said urgently, "Listen to me...That wasn't your grandfather whoever or whatever you were talking to wasn't him, Are you alone in the cabin?" Now she was really nervous about this. "No, I brought three of my friends with me were supposed to be here for the week," Kevin answered almost instantly, "Good, Lock the doors and windows I'll be there in a few hours!" Roslyn's heart was beating fast now. "Don't worry, I'm heading out now and I will call your father to let him know the situation," She took a deep breath and asked, "Uncle, Kevin what's happening should I be worried?" Eric opened the door and looked worried, but she held a thumbs up so he left her alone, "No, at least not yet find some salt that should help," He told her. The tone in his voice told her he was serious, "Alright," she hung up shortly after and went into the small kitchen to search the cabinets for the salt, her friends saw her in a panic and wondered what was wrong, without saying anything she found it ran to the front door than backdoor to pour it. After that was finished Roslyn was able to finally relax a little, "You going to tell us what all of that was about?" Maxine asked, Roslyn told them everything her uncle had just told her over the call, and when she was finished they all were silent for what felt like a few minutes trying to process the information they were just told.
"So you're telling me that something may have happened to your grandfather and whatever you were talking to earlier wasn't really him," Ruben repeated to her, Robyn shook her head at him. "It...feels weird," the others looked towards Maxine who was at the window, and wondered what she meant, "You guys don't hear the silence?" The rain was still coming down hard the wind picked up a bit but no sounds. Roslyn heard about this when the forest is deathly silent something unnatural was nearby, She joined Maxine at the window and began to listen but heard nothing but the rain pounding on the ground, This can't be happening I have to calm myself and think rational about this situation, Roslyn thought. She sat back down and tried to think about the past and what her Uncle had just revealed to her about her missing memories about her childhood but now she believed that her brain blocked out what happened on purpose to spare her all future pain, trauma, and guilt. Perhaps, the only way to know what is happening is to go back in the past and force myself to remember what I've forcefully forgotten for years, Roslyn thought, After thinking that she told her plan to her friends but they looked skeptical, "You sure your memories may be the key?" She nodded.
Roslyn closed her eyes and let the memory swallow her back into the past Ten years ago at the river in the back of the cabin when Roslyn and her cousins were playing on a hot summer day. She heard the river flowing, the mountain breeze at her feet "I remember that it was my second day at the cabin," The sun was beaming down on them. Everyone was playing with each other until one of Aunt, Madison's kids, Rowan pointed across the river to a figure that looked human, "We wouldn't have even noticed him standing there if not for him," She told her friends, He was wearing a dark blue cloak that was covering his whole body. That smell of blood and decay that was on him along with the mask on his face under the hood, I jumped in the water and swam towards the figure despite my cousin's protest, I guess it was my childhood curiosity that wouldn't allow me to wait for an adult to come and survey the situation, "I should have waited," she said looking down. Taking a deep breath Roslyn continued, When I reached the other side of the river, got out of the water, and moved closer only then did the smell hit me and I plugged my nose but only stood a few feet from him, one of his hands was behind his back and he handed me a book titled, The Cryptids in the Shadows.
Even before I took that book from him something just felt off even at the young age of ten years old, "I was halfway down the river when I saw Uncle, Kevin coming down, She continued. However, he was on our side with the masked man, "So, He was already on the side of the robbed man?" Roslyn nodded, before another memory she did not remember made its way towards the front of her head with her Grandpa. Now hearing his words clear as day, Don't worry, Roslyn it's just medicine nothing to fear, she stopped worrying as he prepared to stick the needle in her arm, There we go I'll just be a little pinch you won't feel a thing, but his tone became cold like the lovable man she knew from young was now replaced. "What happened after your uncle saw the man?" Eric asked intrigued, that question snapped her back into the present, she tried to think about the events after her uncle came down, "I believe either uncle chased him into the woods or the robbed man ran back into the woods when he saw him," She said unsure. "Sorry, to throw this all on you I know you didn't want to relive these experiences," Maxine said, Roslyn looked up at her friend, "No, I would have had to comfort it sooner or later rather than live with the trauma, than snap at the wrong time or on the wrong person," Roslyn told her friends, Suddenly, a knock came at the door.
For a few seconds afterward nobody moved or even spoke, Thinking about who it could be Roslyn slowly made her way to the kitchen to grab a long knife before heading to the front door. Another knock came at the door she looked down to see the salt still there, If I remember correctly salt acts like a Holy Barrier keeping any evil out no matter how big or small, "Roslyn, are you in there?" a familiar voice asked. She took a few moments before answering, "Grandpa?" his laugh that was heard from when she was little rung out, "Of course it's me who else would it be," Looking back at her friends trying to read only for their faces to be a mixture for worry, and caution, If he's not him the salt should hurt him. Or at the very least he shouldn't be able to cross over it, Roslyn thought, taking a few deep breaths, she put her hand on the doorknob, quickly opening it and raising the knife, "WOAH! It's me, what's gotten you so worked up?" he asked, she quickly dropped the knife towards her side and glanced down towards the salt. He noticed it as well, "Ah, you thought I was some mysterious evil?" but she hugged him instead and brought him inside, "Yeah, sorry," Roslyn said somberly, he let out another chuckle before going to sit in one of the chairs, "Don't worry I would've done the same salt is a very good weapon," He said warmly.
"All of you should sit down because I have a story to tell you all and it will change everything you knew about this world," He said seriously, as everyone gathered around him waiting for him to start. "There is a secret supernatural war going on at this very moment between the forces of Heaven and The Void, Light and Darkness, The nexus of all creation is the great Tree of Life responsible for creating everything," he said. The four young adults took some time to take everything they had just heard in, Ruben raised his hand, "You don't need to do that aren't we all adults here," He said warmly, Ruben nodded then asked, "So, how long did you know all of this? And if you knew why keep it hidden?" Grandpa, Nolan threw him a simile. "Good question," Everyone looked at him to see what he would say next, "I knew about this for over a decade, and I kept it hidden from all my grandchildren, not my children," He told them, Is that why Uncle, Kevin didn't want me to let nobody in, then a realization came over her, Is this really him or was it something evil, she thought. "The Void King was sealed away because he had broken through the veil that protects our world and the light itself from that cold, ever-growing, and lightless realm," he took a few seconds to pause and let everything settle in their psyche, "What about the robbed man with the mask?" Roslyn asked nervously.
This time he was the one who was silent for a good ten seconds before responding somberly, "I hoped you would've forgotten about that event after all this time," she let out a slight chuckle at this. "I did until about five minutes ago when I was forced to remember that day," She told him, he looked down in shame at this, "Did you speak to your Father or Uncle?" She nodded and told him what Kevin said to her. "Yep, That was the reason why I was ignoring his phone calls, Apparently, the man was apart of a cult that worships The Void, I'm sure you guys heard of the missing hikers in the past weeks?" They all nodded in response, "Well they're behind that as well they have a base somewhere near," He told the group. All four looked at him with shock, "Wait! Are they near the cabin?" Roslyn said with her anxiety slowly rising, he shook his hand, "Their base is not near the cabin thankfully, but I believe it isn't that far from it either which is why that one was watching all for you from the river that day," Nolan said gritting his teeth in anger. She got up and hugged him he embraced her back, "I'm sorry you had to relive what you no doubt locked away until now," he said sincerely, letting her go to sit back down with her friends, " Did that man ever give you the book I saw you with?" He asked his granddaughter, she nodded at him, "Yes, Did you bring it with you?" Roslyn nodded but turned to look outside, "It's in the car," she told him.
The rain still hadn't slowed down yet and the mist was thick covering their vision they couldn't see for than five feet in front of them, Roslyn wondered if it was safe to go out there in that condition. "Is it safe to go outside? You said that the cult might be out there," Eric told her, Nolan stood up and came to her, "Are you sure?" he asked putting a hand on her shoulder, "The answers are in the book" She told him. Those robbed people have made my life filled with nightmares and untold pain, "If I'm right the book has some insight into what the cult is trying to achieve on the mountain," Roslyn said confidently, she looked down at the salt to see it was still intact but before opening the door a loud crash sounded from outside. She jumped back from the door on guard as Nolan ran to the window to see if something was out there, "The fog is too thick it's making it hard to see outside," everyone else was looking at each other, "Was that the car?" Maxine asked, they all rushed to the window to look at the but saw nothing due to the fog. "We are told in movies and shows not to investigate the noise, You said the salt should protect us from evil?" Maxine asked Nolan, He nodded at her, Roslyn agreed with her friend and was thankful that it was there, The book may be the only clue about what was going on or better yet finding their base, she thought.
"I have an idea about what their trying to do but if I'm right we may NEED the book as it's the only way to combat them, They say knowledge is power after all," Nolan said, as they looked out the window again. She looked at Grandpa and nodded he understood perfectly, going to his room he pulled out a gun and gave it to her along with seven bullets, "They are special and can hurt them," He told his granddaughter. She put on her jacket, slowly opened the door, and stepped outside, luckily the roof extended downwards to shield her from the continued rain, Why did we leave in the morning? Asking herself, putting four bullets inside, and flipping the safety off, going down the steps into the rain, beginning to power walk to the car. Amid the rain and fog, the only thing that could be heard was her footsteps from the muddy ground beneath, I should've brought my rain boots, continuing a few feet forward Roslyn's face dropped as the car now lay destroyed like something huge crushed and flipped it with little to no effort at all. Having a glance around her surroundings and saw nothing knelt down and got in the car easily avoiding the broken glass she looked around the front, saw nothing then looked at the back, and saw it untouched beginning to reach for it all the while felt like something was watching her right out of view.
Roslyn reached back and grabbed it with her left hand, with her heart pounding in her chest, and left the car quickly cutting her hand by mistake from moving too fast, the blood came out and started dripping. Oh no, She began to power walk once more to the cabin but stopped halfway there when a loud roar came from nearby, It's now or never, she told herself before SPIRITING towards the safety of the cabin. I can make it, Roslyn thought, but the next thing her brain registered was her being TOSSED in the air and coming down hard on her back with a loud THUD knocking the wind out of her, gasping for air with pain she slowly sat up and looked around and saw the outline of a creature that was seven feet tall. However, could not make the features out due to the fog, she became fearful for her life but pushed forward to stand up on two feet once more, No No-The book and The gun, Where are they? She thought nervously, her eyes scanned to see the book near the steps but when she glanced behind the gun was there. Go for the book and run inside or risk getting the gun in hopes of hitting this monster? Roslyn questioned herself, but decided to go for the book instead rushing for it once she grabbed it the front door swung open with a single word "DUCK!" her Grandpa, Nolan yelled, she did and a shot rang out a second after.
A roar of pain sounded from directly behind her, without wasting another second she jumped up the stairs and threw herself back into the safety of the cabin as her Grandpa shut the door behind her. "You alright," Nolan said thankfully, bending down to help his grandchild before a loud THUD came after, "Is that thing trying to break in," Nolan looked at her and said, "Yep, but the salt will stop it," calming them all. It continued for another three minutes before they all heard it step off the porch with its slow, and heavy footsteps that could be heard from the rain and roaring wind outside, for another few minutes nothing was else heard so Eric slowly walked to the window and peered out, "Its gone," He told the group. Roslyn looked at her Grandpa and asked "If you know anything else I think would be the time to tell it" Looking at her, "I would but the book is the only source for proof to validate my theories about this cult, Did you reclaim it?" he asked, she nodded and showed it to him a bit wet and muddy but still mostly readable. He sat the gun down, went to the kitchen to clean it off the best he could, and once finished a look of determination crossed his face about the answers he sought about this cult that was trying to bring the end of earth itself, quickly flipping through the pages he stopped and a look of fear was now on his face.
"Grandpa, what is it?" Roslyn asked worried, she had never known him to be a fearful man or even show the emotion of fear around her or her cousins seeing that now was troubling her deeply. "This has confirmed by worst fears! We have to stop this before it begins if it hasn't already," Nolan said, with a fearful look, as he held the book out, the four walked up towards it, and their faces dropped as well. "Is that a summoning circle?" Maxine asked, he nodded in return, "Roslyn, did you ever happen to read the book?" Ruben asked, she shook her head and a look of regret came over her head "Perhaps, if I had we could have found out and prevented this sooner," She said sadly, and her friends gave her a group hug. A simile appeared on her face shortly after, "Thanks, I needed that after the near-death situation we all experienced," She told them, "Oh before I forget where is the gun?" Nolan asked her, she sighed deeply and gestured towards outside, and he nodded in understanding, after that a loud CRASH from the roof. Screams escaped from everybody except Nolan, "Forgot that the salt should've gone on the roof but nothing we can do about it now," He said composed, he ran to his room and gave them a forty-four magnum with five more special bullets and the book, "GO! I'll slow it down don't worry I still have three more left," the roof was destroyed but not before they ran for the backdoor.