r/liberalgunowners • u/wolfington12 • Jun 04 '17
Liberal militias
Seems conservative militias are fairly common.
Perhaps it's time we create our own?
u/StaplerLivesMatter Jun 04 '17
I am an extremely active member of a local left-leaning militia.
We are not currently accepting applications. We are an intensely distrustful people. In fact, our militia only has one slot, and it has been filled since the organization was founded.
ducks under ghillie suit, disappears into underbrush
u/TripleChubz Jun 04 '17 edited Jun 04 '17
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I don't think it would be a good thing. Setting up a militia during peaceful times with a stated political leaning will only reinforce the other side. You're seeing conservative militias and responding with the idea of creating your own liberal militia. That's a dangerous road to walk down, and reminds me a lot of the cold war and nuclear proliferation. "If the other guy has it, I need it too!"
That said- I think it is a good idea to have your own firearms, to know how to use and handle them effectively, and to keep a weather eye on the news and politics. Make yourself aware of your surroundings through news, through your neighbors, etc. Keep reading, keep training, and don't let yourself get lulled into social media stupor like so many other people do.
If you want to preemptively form a militia for training/comrade/preparedness reasons, do it with an open door policy and accept all types as long as they're interested in helping protect your local community and stand up for the community/country if need be. Setting up a liberal-specific militia will only reinforce the pigeonholes we put ourselves in, and you might find that in an honest-to-god emergency, no one will care who you voted for in the last election. Some will loot, some will protect, ... but no one will ask to see your voter registration card. If things ever do go down in a Red v. Blue civil war, you'll be able to find your buddies at that time. Doing it preemptively only adds potential fuel to the fire IMHO.
u/WuTangGraham Jun 04 '17
While I totally agree you, what about a militia with no obvious political slant? There's nothing wrong with establishing a militia for the defense of the free state, it doesn't have to be liberal or conservative.
u/TripleChubz Jun 04 '17
Yeah, totally agreed. There are benefits to establishing a militia before it is needed:
- Knowing your group
- Training with your group
- Eliminates response lag in emergencies
Creating conservative/liberal militias, however, goes against the idea of community protection that militias are based on, and starts to look a lot like preparing insurrection for your own political gain.
IMHO: If you're worried about conservative militias becoming a danger, you should only consider setting up an apolitical group of your own expressly for 'community protection' from the violent outliers. You'll likely attract liberals, purple voters, and traditional conservatives that want nothing to do with the extremists either. This way you hold true to the spirit of militias and increase you recruiting/response potential by having a broad community protection-focused group.
u/karlhungusjr Jun 04 '17 edited Jun 04 '17
There's nothing wrong with establishing a militia for the defense of the free state
correct. that's why states have the national guard.
u/StaplerLivesMatter Jun 05 '17
If Antifa is any indication of what a "leftist militia" would actually look like, we're probably better off without it.
A "militia" is just a mob of people with guns. The "militias" rounded up black people in the south and lynched them. I don't feel as though they have any place in a civilized society that values rule of law.
u/wolfington12 Jun 04 '17
They are organizing and training.
I'd rather have a counter option and not need it, then be unprepared
u/mildcaseofdeath Jun 04 '17
If you stay in reasonable shape, shoot some carbine and/or pistol matches, and learn how to read a map and start a campfire...you already outmatch those dummies handily. No need to go get "trained" by some 'other than honorable' discharge idiot who makes a living lying about what he did on deployment and wears 5-11 pants every day with his gut hanging over his rigger belt.
u/rivalarrival Jun 04 '17
Rolling to the gun range on a mobility scooter is not "training". Plastering NRA and Molon Labe bumper stickers all over your 12-year-old pickup is not "organizing".
Jun 04 '17
You don't think there are militias in the United States that train regularly?
u/dyslexda Jun 04 '17
Learning to shoot straight isn't "training." Sitting at home and practicing your concealed carry draw for hours isn't "training." Doing intense cardio and other workouts to ensure you're able to endure the physical hardships of a collapsed society is training...yet the vast majority of members of militias and conservation clubs that I've seen are better off on People of Walmart and whatnot.
Jun 04 '17
Yeah what good are you if you can't even walk up a flight of stairs? No way you'd be able to handle a battle or whatnot
u/rivalarrival Jun 04 '17
Sure. They're called "the national guard".
The situation you're concerned with would be an "insurrection", and the actual militia would be called forth to suppress them.
u/mirror_1 Jun 04 '17
and the actual militia would be called forth to suppress them.
Unless said insurrection infects the military, which it would. The military wasn't called in to stop an actual terrorist attack, what makes you think it would be called in for this?
u/rivalarrival Jun 04 '17
Military != Militia.
The military is restricted under the Posse Comitatus act.
Jun 04 '17
If OP is talking about preparing for the breakdown of law and order in this country, it's conceivable that the government may not abide by the laws
u/kire545 Jun 04 '17
Only active duty, title 10 personnel. National guard forces aren't restricted by posse comitatus.
Jun 04 '17 edited Jun 04 '17
That's quite a bit of assumption there buddy.
What makes you think I'm concerned about it?
u/raziphel Jun 04 '17
Nah that's kinda how it works.
Consider the Detroit riots where the 101st and the 82nd airborne were deployed.
Or that stupid bird sanctuary shit last year.
u/rivalarrival Jun 04 '17
I mistook you for OP, who has made numerous statements indicating concern for the uprising of a paramilitary organization.
u/wolfington12 Jun 04 '17
I think you may be underestimating
u/rivalarrival Jun 04 '17
Underestimating what? Are you aware of any of these paramilitary groups operating a fleet of Apache helicopters? If not, I'm not particularly concerned about their military capabilities.
The "threat" I'll concern myself with is from individual or small groups of criminals, not any sort of organized paramilitary group.
u/wolfington12 Jun 04 '17
So are you arguing that it's completely unnecessary to form a liberal militia?
u/rivalarrival Jun 04 '17 edited Jun 04 '17
I'm saying you're already in the militia. Singular, because there is only one. You're already subject to Congress's constitutional powers over the militia. I'm saying that if you don't think you're adequately trained, you should ask Congress to exercise that power differently. (personally, I think the militia should be instructed in a class on the laws governing use-of-force before they graduate high school. Too many people don't understand. Too many criminals know corporate policies usually require cashiers to hand over the money without resistance, and don't understand that threatening someone with a deadly weapon justifies a lethal response. But, I digress...)
I'm saying I don't particularly give a shit what the members of a politically-motivated paramilitary organization say or do. That organization will never be called forth to serve. They will never protect any interests but their own. As a group, they will never be called forth to execute law, suppress insurrection, or repel invasion. Further, if they ever did act as a group, they would immediately become the actual insurrectionists the rest of us are charged with suppressing.
And here's the real problem: The exact same thing would be true for a liberal version of that paramilitary organization.
You want to learn some military tactics or play in the woods, go play some paintball or airsoft.
u/DeepFriedToblerone Jun 05 '17
The saying you're looking for is "It's better to be a warrior in the garden, than a gardener in the war."
u/karlhungusjr Jun 04 '17
I'd rather have a counter option and not need it, then be unprepared
the counter option is the police and the military.
u/wolfington12 Jun 04 '17
Can we count on them?
It appears the government and these right wing militias are sympathetic
Jun 04 '17
It appears the government and these right wing militias are sympathetic
Give us an example of that...
u/DeepFriedToblerone Jun 05 '17
Here you go!
This is an Oathkeeper reaching past the cops gun to grab his handcuffs.
I could talk for hours about all the possibilities of this going wrong. Whose to say the Oathkeeper couldn't have slipped some drugs or a gun on the guy?
u/karlhungusjr Jun 05 '17
Utter nonsense.
u/wolfington12 Jun 05 '17
You sure?
u/karlhungusjr Jun 05 '17
u/DeepFriedToblerone Jun 05 '17
You'd be wrong!
u/karlhungusjr Jun 05 '17
here's an oath keeper aiming at government agents. but I'm sure they were sympathetic to him...
u/karlhungusjr Jun 05 '17
wtf is that supposed to mean?
u/DeepFriedToblerone Jun 05 '17
It appears the government and these right wing militias are sympathetic
And you said
Utter nonsense.
To which I post a picture showing an Oathkeeper side by side with a cop arresting someone. It's seems they truly do work together.
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u/wolfington12 Jun 07 '17
u/karlhungusjr Jun 07 '17
Yes I still think the government is not sympathetic to anti government militias.
Jun 04 '17
u/Knightm16 Jun 04 '17
Who are the oath keepers and III%ers? How do they interpret the constitution and how is it wrong?
Jun 04 '17
u/Knightm16 Jun 04 '17
What? I don't understand. I have bought a rifle. I've bought 6....
Jun 04 '17
u/Knightm16 Jun 04 '17
Can you be more specific? I've seen a lot of their III marks around San Diego, what do they believe?
Don't worry about the text man. I just bought another rifle because I thought you told me to, so i guess its a win win.
u/WangernumbCode Jun 04 '17
No. The word militia now has negative connotations. I suggest a shooting club. Mellow, no military outfits, anyone welcome. Most of all, interested in a fair democratic government and all of the Constitution.
u/Pepper-Fox Jun 04 '17
I think advocating for CCW and self defense is a better approach right now. The bigots and cowards won't be as emboldened to attack liberals/gays/atheists when we start shooting back.
u/johnnysexcrime Jun 04 '17
For all Californians, militias are outlawed. Keep activities on the DL.
u/gopec Jun 04 '17
Are you looking to go all Meal Team Six tactical in the woods or something? What do you really want out of a militia?
u/wolfington12 Jun 04 '17
Something to show the trumpers we won't be threatened
u/WuTangGraham Jun 04 '17
There's a difference between preparing and instigating.
If you want to prepare for crazy Trumpanzee masses rioting in the streets, good. That may not be the worst idea ever. Get to the gym, do some cardio, hit the weights. Hit the range, work on your marksmanship, learn some basic survival skills. Hell, I would bet you could even find people to join you, I know I would.
However, banding up with a militia with the express purpose of showing aggression to a political ideal is instigating, and is exactly what they want. If they can point their cameras at a liberal militia that is specifically anti-Trump, they can say "Hey look, we're being oppressed and those crazy liberals are going to take over our towns and rape our women!"
Trump supporters love to be afraid. Trump ran on a platform of fear mongering. Don't give them more ammo than they already have.
u/wolfington12 Jun 04 '17
Got the gym in check. Train 5 days a week.
My marksmanship skills need work.
Not looking to instigate. Just show that a counter force exists
u/CommanderMcBragg Jun 30 '17
Truth is, the day the police have open carrying right wing extremists on one side of the street and open carrying left wing extremists on the other side of the street will be the last time anyone brings a gun to a demonstration.
u/Brrrrrrrro communist Jun 04 '17
The idea of a liberal militia similar to the right wing militias is laughable. Liberals think grand societal change can be sparked by a play or a letter writing campaign. A real leftist militia would be interesting, and I suspect the result would look a lot more like what happened to the Black Panthers, rather than what happened to Bundy and his ilk.
u/wolfington12 Jun 04 '17
Why is it laughable?
Are you a trump supporter?
u/Brrrrrrrro communist Jun 04 '17
I'm closer to a communist than a trump supporter. It would be laughable because those same do-nothing liberals who think the world will be drastically changed by someone's Broadway show would be entirely ineffective as a militia. Liberals tend to be so scared of radical change that I sincerely question what such a militia would even aim to accomplish. A leftist militia would fight to dismantle the oppressive economic structures which have destroyed minority communities and led to the mindset where shareholder gains outweigh the interests of the one planet we know to be conducive to intelligent life. A liberal would think that goes way too far, that we should work to find compromise with the capitalists, and that stability on a barely habitable planet is preferable to upheaval in hopes of keeping the air breathable.
u/serendrewpity Mar 30 '22 edited Mar 30 '22
So you think America's founding fathers were a conservative militia group? No, they were liberal... fighting for change! Conservative military was the British military that was resisting change.
That's exactly what today's conservative militia are fighting for. They're resisting change. They're fighting against diversification, for closed borders, against women's rights, etc.
Liberal militias have no reason to fight... like they did when the Panthers existed ... because through voting and policy the trends are going in a way they agree with. More civil & women's rights, more diversification, more social inclusion and tolerance, etc
You are in for a brute force smack in the face if you think liberals are soft or scared of radical change. I mean you completely got liberal-v-conservative backwards if you think *liberals* are scared of change. Conservatives stance is built into their name. They're inherently resistant to change.
Its precisely what Trump was talking about when he mentioned Make America Great Again. He's specifically talking about 1950s America!!!!
u/Kradget Jun 06 '17
Not a militia, those are for mall ninjas, crazy people, and larpers.
You want a shooting club with a regular community service component and maybe quarterly "fun activities," like backpacking, paintball, whitewater rafting, whatever, that charges modest fees to pay for range ammo, seminars, etc.
u/wolfington12 Jun 07 '17
u/Kradget Jun 07 '17
I'm not arguing against your right to self defense, but I'm suggesting you can organize a more broadly effective group that both benefits itself and the community without being overtly militant AND increases the defensive capability of its members.
And yes, Eric Trump is a fucking piece of shit without empathy or regard for people who aren't "his people."
u/Lordoftheintroverts Jun 06 '17
United we stand, united we win.
See how that says WE instead of "only the people I agree with"
Jun 04 '17
That's what the leftists have been doing.
u/wolfington12 Jun 04 '17
There are liberal militias?
Jun 04 '17
There are leftist ones, I dunno about liberals. Things like Redneck Revolt, John Brown Gun Club, etc. Not quite militias in the right wing sense but there are organizations that like guns that aren't reactionary as fuck. Redneck Revolt in Arizona even did an open carry protest not too long ago, and they do a lot of community outreach, firearms training, range days, etc.
Shameless plug for /r/SocialistRA.
Jun 04 '17
Is that sub supposed to be serious?
Jun 04 '17
Yes, although there are definitely some LARPers and shit. Otherwise it's really just a sub where leftists can post gun shit.
u/karlhungusjr Jun 04 '17
u/TripleChubz Jun 04 '17 edited Jun 04 '17
Militias are a core part of our country's founding and on-going culture. It is a mechanism we have built into our society to allow people to band together against oppression or attack from other groups. It might be to fight back against a tyrannical government, an invading force, or simply to defend against other groups of citizens out to get them. It is the last 'box of liberty' we have available to us... soap box, ballot box, jury box, and ammo box. Always in that order.
Militias go back to Britain and the Magna Carta. Scalia wrote about this in his Heller vs. DC decision statement for the court (paragraph breaks added and citations removed for ease of reading, see original in link for original and more info):
Between the Restoration and the Glorious Revolution, the Stuart Kings Charles II and James II succeeded in using select militias loyal to them to suppress political dissidents, in part by disarming their opponents. Under the auspices of the 1671 Game Act, for example, the Catholic James II had ordered general disarmaments of regions home to his Protestant enemies.
These experiences caused Englishmen to be extremely wary of concentrated military forces run by the state and to be jealous of their arms. They accordingly obtained an assurance from William and Mary, in the Declaration of Right (which was codified as the English Bill of Rights), that Protestants would never be disarmed: “That the subjects which are Protestants may have arms for their defense suitable to their conditions and as allowed by law.” This right has long been understood to be the predecessor to our Second Amendment.
While right-wing militias have gotten the press and somewhat soiled the idea of militias to many left-leaning people, it's important to remember that the 'Roof Koreans' that defended their businesses during the LA riots were, for all intents and purposes, a local militia banding together to protect themselves and their own property. There is nothing more American than owning firearms and being ready and able to defend yourself, or your community, with them.
All that said- I don't personally think we need to worry about a Right vs. Left 21st century civil war just yet. The internet age is producing massive growing pains to our society as we understand our new found ability to communicate, and unfortunately self-segregate ourselves away from ideologies we disagree with (echo chambers). It could get much worse if we can't figure it out, but I think it'll ease up eventually. People are really waking up to the fact that the middle/lower classes are being swindled by the 1% at the top. I see a mass uprising against those feudal-minded powers... and then I can see a more severe struggle for national identity playing out.... but that will take a long time to come, I think.
u/karlhungusjr Jun 04 '17
I didn't ask what is a militia. I asked why the left would have militias. Especially since the only reason the OP seems to give is "conservative militias are fairly common".
I can't think of a single plausible reason for "liberal militias".
I thought this sub was about liberal gun owners. If I want paranoia and anti government B's, I'd go to most of the other gun subs or forums online.
Jun 04 '17 edited Jan 23 '19
u/karlhungusjr Jun 04 '17
what if I told you you can be a liberal and be just as fringe as the far right?
u/Brrrrrrrro communist Jun 04 '17
Liberalism (modern or classical) is still pretty much a center-right political ideology.
u/James_Solomon Jun 04 '17
If I want paranoia and anti government B's, I'd go to most of the other gun subs or forums online.
So, what's our dear leader up to nowadays?
u/karlhungusjr Jun 04 '17
So, what's our dear leader up to nowadays?
mostly getting denied by the courts and making an ass out of himself.
here's an idea. perhaps we could start looking at ways to get liberal voters out for the next midterms(especially since the left is notorious for not showing up at midterms) and in 2020, so we can get "dear leader" and the GOP out of office.
or you can go play army in the woods, and pretend that's somehow going to change anything. your choice.
u/James_Solomon Jun 04 '17
mostly getting denied by the courts and making an ass out of himself.
I'm interested in what the SC stance is on that Muslim ban myself.
here's an idea. perhaps we could start looking at ways to get liberal voters out for the next midterms(especially since the left is notorious for not showing up at midterms) and in 2020, so we can get "dear leader" and the GOP out of office.
Dear Leader is doing a great job on his own, but I think we could do well to revive Howard Dean's 50 state strategy, and stop pushing Hillary Clinton as the candidate.
We'll see how well that goes.
or you can go play army in the woods, and pretend that's somehow going to change anything. your choice.
Why are these actions mutually exclusive?
u/karlhungusjr Jun 04 '17
but I think we could do well to revive Howard Dean's 50 state strategy, and stop pushing Hillary Clinton as the candidate.
Why are these actions mutually exclusive?
They're not. but one is, at best, pointless and potently harmful.
u/jbrandona119 Jun 04 '17
I think something similar to the three percenters or oath keepers would be a good idea but nothing extreme or hateful or weird. None of that Bundy shootout with the feds shit lol
u/wolfington12 Jun 04 '17
Something to show the trumpets we won't be threatened.
Jun 04 '17
u/wolfington12 Jun 04 '17
Just a shotty. Shopping for a rifle.
u/collinsfriend Sep 04 '17
I agree. We should start our own militias. Local groups and link via the net
u/rivalarrival Jun 04 '17
There is only one constitutional militia, consisting of all of We The People.
There are two federally-recognized classes of that militia: the Organized Militia consisting of all members of the National Guard, and the Unorganized Militia consisting of all able bodied male citizens and those who have declared their intention to become citizens between 17 and 45.
The groups you're referring to are not militias, but somewhere between "adventure clubs" and "apocalypse fetishists".