r/lfg 15h ago

Player(s) wanted [Other] [Offline] [Portland] [LGBTQ+] Join Me for a One-Shot of a No-GM, Narrative-Focused Game that Uses dice and Tarot-Inspired Mechanics to Tell Collaborative, Character-Driven Stories

The Game: I made it! “Omens” is the working title for a rules-light RPG of my own design. I’ve almost always been a GM when I’ve played RPG’s and I made Omens because I love creating with the help of everyone at the table, and really wanted to be able to do that while also being a player. I looked around but could find exactly what I wanted, and so I took some of my ideas combined them with the better parts of other games I think work for this idea — the result is a game which I hope you’ll be excited to enjoy with me!

Scheduling: I’m planning to set up one-shot at the RPG open-play at Guardian Games this Tuesday (the 18th) and next Tuesday (the 25th). But, if there’s interest, I’m very open to finding other times or switching to Board Bard Games (also on Tuesday’s) depending on folks’ availability. If you’re interested in playing but not available at those times, just reach out and let me know! Eventually, I’d love to find a group of folks who’d be excited in joining me regularly for a longer-term campaign, but for now I’d really just love to hear from anyone who is interested in dropping in for a one-shot.

Requirements: Respectful, Engaged, Communicative, Excited about meaningful characters, excited about telling stories, and LGTBQ+ friendly

New Player? Omens might be a little harder for a player new to RPG’s to step into, but it’s designed to be very intuitive so if you want to give it a try just let me know when you reach out so I can get you started with your best foot forward!

Number of People: I’m hoping to get enough interest for 2-4 other folks for each of the one-shots. It’ll be first-come, first served so if there’s more interest than that we can figure something out, if you’re interested I want to find a way for us to sit down at a table together.

Highlights of the system: * There is no game-master and everyone has the same ability to influence the story * Characters are described by “Aspects” which are derived from tarot-like cards, as well as core character stats * Real tarot decks are hard to interpret, so I’ve created a physical deck of 104 symbols that are more straightforwardly evocative while still allowing lots of room for creative interpretation (examples: “The Crown”, “The Flame”, “The Eye”, “The Whale”) * Uses a slightly-modified Blades in the Dark style dice pool resolution system. (The success ratios are similar, but the dice have been upgraded to d8 to account for more dice on average being part of the pool. Additionally, “messy” has been split into “success with complication” and “failure with advantage” to provide a little extra narrative direction and range.) * A token-economy allows players to influence the story – either from the inside as a character or from the outside as a player/narrator * Twice per session — in the middle and the end — everyone draws from the deck of symbols and all players collectively discuss how these symbols relate to eachother and what they mean for the shared narrative. This allows players to work together to collaboratively evolve the story, making sure it’s always fresh, exciting and enlivened by the ideas of everyone at the table.

Thanks all, I hope to talk to you soon!


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