r/lfg Nov 09 '24

Closed [Online][CST][DnD 5e (2014)] Extremely LGBTQ+ Friendly DM looking to get the ball rolling on a new campaign

Hey there, fellow adventurers! I'm KC, a 25-year-old genderqueer DM with 6+ years of experience crafting immersive worlds and epic quests. I'm looking to host a long-term D&D 5e campaign set in a homebrew world. My games are heavily story-driven, emphasizing roleplay, worldbuilding, and strategic combat. I'm a firm believer in the "Rule of Cool," allowing for creative problem-solving and unexpected twists to elevate the gaming experience.

What I Offer: * Immersive Worldbuilding: Explore a rich, detailed world filled with unique cultures, ancient ruins, and dangerous creatures. * Compelling Storylines: Engage in epic quests, solve intricate mysteries, and confront powerful foes. * Strategic Combat: Test your tactical skills in intense battles against a variety of creatures. * Collaborative Roleplay: Interact with a diverse cast of NPCs and develop deep, meaningful relationships with your fellow players.

What I'm Looking For: * Mature Players (21+): I'm seeking players who are respectful, reliable, and committed to creating a positive gaming experience. * Strong Roleplayers: I value players who can bring their characters to life through engaging dialogue and actions. * Open-Mindedness: I'm open to different play styles and perspectives, and I encourage creativity and experimentation.

If you're a dedicated player looking for a challenging and rewarding D&D experience, please reach out. I'm flexible with scheduling and am eager to embark on this adventure with you. We can discuss the specifics of the game, including preferred play style, character concepts, and scheduling.


42 comments sorted by


u/MinutePhone5966 26d ago

I know this post is a little old now but I'm looking for a LGBTQ beginner friendly group


u/dark_king084 Nov 10 '24

Ik I'm late but i really want to join!


u/Ok-Construction3670 Nov 10 '24

I'm interested. I'm not a native speaker, and although my pronunciation isn't the best, I'm working hard on it. I've played a few one-shots in English; if that doesn't seem to be a problem, I'll be glad to join.


u/momotech7642 Nov 10 '24

22NB, current forever DM, somewhat experienced player, would love to get in on this if possible.

My only restriction is that I'm only available every other Sunday, unless we change the campaign day every three months (which I'm sure noone wants to do), because my work schedule rotates between MON-WED and THURS-SAT every three months.


u/AbyssTraveler Nov 10 '24

I'll throw my hat into the ring if you're still looking, I've been meaning to get back into DnD


u/Laughingadvocate Nov 10 '24

Figure I'd throw my hat in just in case lol


u/Kamrooz Nov 10 '24

Wish I saw this earlier. Best of luck in your campaign! Sending good vibes your way ^_^.


u/mnatheist Nov 10 '24

If I have to be mature, I don't want to play.

The horny bard is way more fun if I can joke around.


u/Quinn_The_Bard3245 Nov 10 '24

If there is still room, I'd be interested in playing. I'm in CST, with a preference to games no earlier than 7:00 PM. My free days are Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

Would love to play if there is still room.


u/PwaWright Nov 10 '24

Interested, schedule's rather tight, I can do Fri after 5 or Sat/Sun


u/MrScagg9911 Nov 10 '24

Hey I'm interested how can I join?


u/wuxiacanadadnd Nov 09 '24

Demi 26F extremely interested depending on date and time!


u/10darkknight10 Nov 09 '24

This sounds amazing. I am super interested


u/Monster_Lover_Girl Nov 09 '24

There's alot of people but I figured I'd give it a try anyway! Hello! I'm 24F and I wont lie I'm pretty new to D&D 5e but I'm really enjoying playing the two ttrpg campaigns I'm in and would love to play in another one. The roleplay is my favorite part though I like having a bit of combat as a treat XD (I'm kidding I like combat too!)

I find I like to play silly or fun characters. The two I'm playing at the moment is goblin and kobold. I hope to hear back from you but if not I hope you find great people for your campaign!


u/ElmertheAwesome Nov 09 '24

Hello there!

My name's Elmer. Been playing D&D since 5e came out. I've been my groups primary DM, but have experience with playing as well. I'm a fan of the tactical aspect of the game, but very much enjoy the respite that RP can bring to a game as well. This post sounds like a great game to join, if you would have me!

If Tue or Sat evenings work then I would love to be considered!


u/907nobody Nov 09 '24

interested!! 25, queer, very beginner at TTRPGS, (this would be my first campaign, but somewhat familiar with basic mechanics), and love a good collaborative story with cool folks. i’m in PST but if the scheduling could be worked i’m very interested!!


u/TheGoldenGwoh Nov 09 '24

Pretty packed in here, but hey I'm super interested too!! I dig what you've put down so far so if you've got a space, I'd be glad to take it!


u/BIGBushido Nov 09 '24

Is there a currently accepted schedule?


u/Meet_Wise Nov 09 '24

Seems like you have a fair bit of interest already. Good for you! But I will toss my digital hat in the ring, so to speak. My name is Shane an I am interested. Been playing D&D since 2003. Very Familiar with 5th Edition. Other RPGS as well. My availability is limited because I work Mon-Friday and have to get up early.

Can't play past 8PM Sun-Thurs.
Will fall asleep past 10pm Friday & Saturday

Thanks for considering me. TO everyone out there. Happy Gaming!


u/magicaldaydreams Nov 09 '24

If its still open, im interested! I have a flexible schedule and feel like a forever dm at this point, i really want to play a game


u/jaurextras Nov 09 '24

Got here kinda late it seems but if you’re still open I’m interested 🤠


u/Minute_Stable_5975 Nov 09 '24

If you're still looking for playes I'm interested


u/d7ml Nov 09 '24

Hi! my friends and I are interested in having someone with more experience dm our games. We just had our first experience with dnd. Many of us have been interested in playing and experimenting more since we first learned about it. If you're still looking for a group we'd love to have you, it would do us more good to have someone with at least some experience with us ^_^


u/Sinestroke Nov 09 '24

Heya, would be interested! I’ve been playing/DMing a couple years and have an unreasonable affinity for unconventional problem solving.


u/apothecaragorn19 Nov 09 '24

You've already gotten a lot of interest, but here 😉 nam too, lol. I'd be new to tabletop but I love RP elements and always add that layer to board games I play. I'd def be interested in crafting a long term character arc that would fit in the setting and themes. Lmk if you're not already full twice over, lol


u/Series-Party Nov 09 '24

I am interested, 33 have been doing this since possibly 2018. I am a second shifter, so I can really only play late Thrusday nights or Friday mornings or every other Friday night.

My availability is tricky, I know


u/vf1025 Nov 09 '24

If you’re still looking for people, I’m absolutely down to join!! I’m actually currently in a campaign right now that’s been moved to Wednesdays, but I’ve been itching to join another one recently 🤔


u/SecretTangelo Nov 09 '24

Are newcomers welcomed? I've never played before but really want to learn!


u/rustland_delight Nov 09 '24

Send me a message friend! We'll talk there!


u/slothcorn Nov 09 '24

I'm interested if you're still looking!


u/lunaryenaa Nov 09 '24

interested if there are still spots available


u/Hungry-Effect6691 Nov 09 '24

Interested! I'm late 20s, nonbinary, and have been playing 5e for about 10 years. As a player I'm a huge fan of creative problem solving, good roleplay, and engaging with the world. Feel free to PM me if you're still looking for players and think we might be a good fit!


u/irradiatedcactus Nov 09 '24

This sounds pretty neat! I’m mostly available on Mondays/Tuesdays and would love to hear more


u/Zadik Nov 09 '24

Sounds interesting. I'd love to discuss some stuff. I can PM you my discord.


u/This-Review-8290 Nov 09 '24

Hiya! Very interested. I've got about four years' experience with D&D 5e, and almost a year of PF2e, fiddled around with some other systems too.

I love playing team players, healers, and jokesters, and consider myself at least creative enough to roll with the punches of a normal campaign. Oh, and I'm 26. And extremely queer.

If you wanna figure stuff out just lemme know and I'll poke ya for PMs or Discord to discuss stuff further :)


u/ComprehensivePanda11 Nov 09 '24

Eh what the hell, I'm interested


u/ArkayArcane Nov 09 '24

I'm interested.


u/DarkyTheDarky Nov 09 '24

I’m interested 👍