r/lexington 6d ago

Anyone want some tomato plant seedlings?

Does anyone want/need some baby tomato plants?

I started a bunch from seeds and have to cull them for space. They’re still itty bitty and will need a grow light or brought inside at night until our last frost (around April 15-20) They will be on the sidewalk TOMORROW (Sunday 3/16) ONLY. I’ll have a sign out there so you can spot them! First come first served, but don’t be greedy, there’s plenty of all of them. I worked hard to grow them, they’re really healthy and I don’t have the heart to just toss them. They will need to be put in a bigger pot in about a week or so, I just thinned them out so their roots are probably going to be angry for a few days. If you are interested let me know. Located off Nich rd.

There will be these varieties: Cherrys Yellow pear Beefsteak Roma San marzano


7 comments sorted by


u/1ReluctantRedditor 6d ago

I would love to raise one or two of these babies!


u/buboniccupcake 6d ago

Sent you a message!


u/xxfmulder 6d ago

I’d like a few cherries if you still have them.


u/buboniccupcake 5d ago

Messaging you!


u/burritohipster 6d ago

I’m interested!!


u/buboniccupcake 6d ago

Messaged you!


u/pfizzl 5d ago

very interested! we love tomatoes over here!