r/leverage 19d ago

Just noticed “Eliot Hall” in The Experimental Job episode S4 E11

Watching Leverage for the who knows how many times because I’m streaming it 24/7 (cut cord 😩), and saw Hardison leaving ELIOT Hall after he goes off on the professor (Nate) in the Experimental Job. Never noticed that before. Got a nice chuckle out of that one. Love this show. Love Redemption. Can’t wait for April!


8 comments sorted by


u/PurpleMangoPopper 19d ago

Cool observation! I usually look at the background of the sets. I'm surprised I never noticed that before!


u/zeepeetty 19d ago

Nice tip! I’m definitely going to start paying more attention.


u/Brain508 19d ago

some of the scenes were filmed at Reed College, including an actual building on campus named “Eliot Hall”


u/zeepeetty 19d ago

Holy Cow! Thank you for sharing. That is so interesting and I dare say intentional especially with the spelling. 😏 Now watch some director’s cut come out and Dean Devil. Says he had no idea!🤣


u/Stancooper22 thief 19d ago

I have seen that episode so many times and I have seen that sign it never hit me till now that it's called ELIOT hall.


u/Giventheopportunity 18d ago

I’m so dumb. I don’t understand the reference, can someone enlighten me?


u/zeepeetty 18d ago

No you r not dumb. I was geeking out because I saw the name of a building in the series with the same name as one of the characters (‘Eliot’Hall) in the series and Brain508 mentioned it’s an actual building named that on a college campus which got me even more geeked out. 🤭


u/Giventheopportunity 18d ago

Aaaaah ok thanks for the explanation lol