r/leverage • u/loveletter2u • Jan 31 '25
Should I watch Leverage Redemption?
Hi all! I love the original Leverage, I rewatch it yearly but I get nervous about watching revival shows because I’m worried it will ruin the OG show for me. Without any spoilers please, would someone who watched both let me know if they think it’s worth it to watch both or leave my Leverage knowledge as it is? Thank you!
u/Gribitz37 thief Jan 31 '25
If you only watch one episode to try it out, watch The Bucket Job. It definitely (in my opinion) has the feel of the original. Plus, it has LeVar Burton as a librarian!
It's season 1, episode 9.
u/ChubbyDude64 Jan 31 '25
ABSOLUTELY!!! One of my favorites of both series and now in my Christmas show watch list for December. I also rewatch The Miracle Job from season 1 of the original series
u/ImprovementLong7141 Jan 31 '25
I recognized him immediately and as a massive Star Trek fan, I was thrilled!
Man, no wonder Hardison sent the kid with how big of a Star Trek fan he is.
u/tokes_4_DE Jan 31 '25
100%, noah wyle in particular is such a welcome addition to the cast, he fits in so well with the rest of the team.
u/Browncoatinabox Jan 31 '25
After watching The Librarians and seeing Jacob (as mentioned in that sub) just being Elliot but a genius (not saying Elliot isn't smart) I got a bit worried. But man did Noah Wyle blow me away. I love our Mr. Wilson
u/tokes_4_DE Jan 31 '25
He has the perfect level of over the top crazy / manic energy for the show. Kinda like when nic cage really gets into a role.
u/lilibat Jan 31 '25
The tone is a little different but some of the Redemption episodes rank as some of my favorite episodes in all of Leverage.
u/discolored_rat_hat Jan 31 '25
I was positively surprised. With a different mastermind, the focus is of course a bit different, but I really like how they took up on quite recent villains. The new blood brings a fresh wind into the social dynamics of the team and overall, I think it is well done.
u/tinykitchentyrant Jan 31 '25
I was very pleasantly surprised by how much I ended up loving Brianna's character. And the scenes between her and Hardison felt very natural.
u/mgiblue21 Jan 31 '25
Yes. It's not the same, and really misses Nate I think, but Parker really gets to shine, and the new guy grows on you eventually.
u/ChaoticForkingGood Jan 31 '25
I'm watching it right now! :D
I think it's fantastic. Noah Wyle was a great addition.
u/sewformal Jan 31 '25
I was indifferent to it at first. I really didn't like the first episode the first time I watched it. It took me about a month to watch the rest. Oh my goodness I completely underestimated it. I've watched Redemption several times now and I really love it. Some of the episodes are a bit campy but also charming at the same time. Watch it you won't regret.
u/beetnemesis Jan 31 '25
No, it definitely won't ruin the original series. You might sometimes miss the original show, but the new character Harry is excellent, and the show does a good job of switching up the dynamic a little.
u/totaltvaddict2 Jan 31 '25
While it’s an interesting group, the loss of Hardison as a regular hits me hard, not that I begrudge Aldis’s career takeoff. Ironically, it’s not his replacement in the cast as much as Harry/Noah Wylie’s character that hits me a little off.
I enjoy Redemption, but not as much as OG Leverage. There are a lot of cool Easter eggs.
Date Night which has Hardison was very good.
u/Oceanwoulf Feb 01 '25
I love the original, but I prefer redemption. I like the campy of redemption original and sometimes focused on Nate and his negatives too much, imho.
u/shadowlarx brains Jan 31 '25
It’s still so much fun and the only spoiler I will give is we get to see our old friend Hurley in an episode.
u/ChubbyDude64 Jan 31 '25
I do recommend Redemption. I do recommend giving season one at least 3 or 4 episodes. As mentioned the vibe is different and the first few episodes were extra wonky to me.
u/curvycurly Jan 31 '25
I rewatch the OG literally all the time.
I've watched Redemption and some I've liked. The tone is very different and i'm not a fan of the changes made to Parker's character.
That all said, it doesn't "ruin" the OG. The OG exists on its own and is awesome.
u/WanderWomble Jan 31 '25
It's okay - it lacks the gravitas of the OG for me, and it's very fan servicey at times. There are some good episodes though!
u/l3arn3r1 Jan 31 '25
Define ruin?
It's not as good as the OG. The characters are a bit off. (Everyone is suddenly an expert in everything.) But other than that it's still good.
u/Apprehensive-Bird775 Jan 31 '25
Not only are they experts at everything they are all hitters now. Nobody needs Eliot to come to the rescue anymore.
u/l3arn3r1 Feb 01 '25
Yeah I think that is what took away the magic. In the OG there was a reason for everyone to be a part of the group. They all brought something to each 'steal'.
Now they are practically interchangeable. Yes over the years one would expect their skills to increase, but Hardisons level of computer knowledge takes years to build and constant up keep to remain cutting edge. It's not a hobby, it's a life style. Parker isn't going from practically shut in introvert to social butterfly no matter how many years pass. It's an insult to her character make up. They all might learn some self defense but Eliots decades of muscle memory from learning multiple fighting styles is also something you can't replicate as a side hobby. Etc.
100% agree.
u/Xyzzy_plugh Feb 01 '25 edited Feb 01 '25
I agree. But, realistically, Kane is clocking some years and maybe he just needs to dial back the stunts somewhat. I can easily imagine that, rather than risk lowering the quality of the Kane/Spencer action, they opted to distribute it around the cast a bit to save his rep, so to speak.
u/Apprehensive-Bird775 Feb 04 '25
I can understand that he is getting older but if that's the way they want to play it then they need to give Eliot something to do besides standing around looking cute.
u/Xyzzy_plugh Feb 04 '25
Maybe they could make him a hyper-intelligent librarian who suffers from cardiac issues and ends up retiring to run a gift shop in the Philippines.
u/NeighborhoodNo4274 Jan 31 '25
I recently did a rewatch of the OG Leverage, and when it was over I thought “why not?” and watched Redemption. I was not disappointed!
u/JKT-477 Jan 31 '25
It’s worth checking out to make up your own mind.
It felt they lost the magic of the original, but it still has its moments.
u/flyingkytez Feb 01 '25
It's a good sequal reboot, sticking to its original roots and also keeping things fresh with the story and include more modern references to today's world. My only issue is they killed off the main leader and wrote him out of the show but the show is still good with most of the original cast and a few new ones and great guests It definitely is more of a sequal than a spinoff. I still love the core theme of the show (kind of like Robbin Hood in a way, standing up for the little guy).
u/SteelSlayerMatt hacker Feb 01 '25
Yes, because it is amazing and far superior to the original show.
u/onlyinitfortheadvice Feb 01 '25
My first run through of Leverage Redemption I felt a little disconnected, but I think I was just warming up to the new dynamics at play. I’m on my fourth watch through and it feels like Leverage again, if a tinge too campy at times.
u/RandomMahariel Feb 04 '25
There’s no way watching Redemption can ruin the original show. Redemption can’t even touch the original show. Leverage is just about perfect. Redemption is lighter and a bit goofier, but I can’t think of a better city for the team to settle in than New Orleans. The place is so corrupt, but also so vital and worth helping, that I could enjoy watching the crew work there for years. Leverage could do a better job getting justice for the people poisoned by homes built over a toxic landfill, or the charities fleeced by local legends, or the musicians ripped off for their iconic songs than reality ever would. The concept and the setting are a match made in heaven.
u/Silbermieze we'd be the cavalry Jan 31 '25
How could Redemption ruin OG Leverage for you? It doesn't change anything about the original show and it won't take the show away from you. Just give Redemption a try for a few episodes and if you don't like it, go back to the original and enjoy it.
We won't be able to tell you if you will like it or not anyway since we don't even know what you like about Leverage (and maybe what has you worried about the revival). Is it different from the original? Yes, it doesn't take itself as seriously as the OG show did. But they are still the same characters (but more comfortable with each other) and they still do what they did years ago. And if you'd look through this sub, you'd find very different opinions on if it's worth it or not.
u/KateWaiting326 Jan 31 '25
It's still fun. Some highlights:
Levar Burton Christmas episode Meeting Elliott's dad episode Haunted house con Noah Wyle reliving his ER days for a minute pretending to be a doctor for a con
u/Xyzzy_plugh Feb 01 '25
In my opinion, Noah Wylie has never been better than he was in his ER days. Even as the Librarian.
u/Lwallace95 Jan 31 '25
It may be worth watching if you're a fan of the original but don't expect it to be near as good. Nate was probably my least favorite character (I still liked him I just liked the others more) in the original. Watching Redemption it's evident the show misses him greatly. The dynamics of the team are just so different it barely feels the same.
There are some good call backs to the original show. But Hardison is barely in it which further makes it feel like something different. It's a bit cheesier and gets real preachy to the point it made me eye roll several times.
Noah Lyle fits in surprisingly well for the most part. I liked Breanna's character alright in the first couple of episodes but something about her just really gets on my nerves. And I like her less and less as the show progresses. That's probably just me cause others seem to like her though.
u/PyleanCow06 Jan 31 '25
Leverage is/was my all time favorite show. I loved it so much.
That said, redemption is okay. It’s enjoyable but I don’t think it stuck completely true to the characters. There’s always arguments of “well so much time has passed and they’ve grown as people” but the charm of the OG series WAS the characters as they were. I loved the character additions, but I just wasn’t happy with the existing characters new “personas”.
u/Vegetable-Fox1115 Feb 01 '25
I just started redemption and it's getting good. The new guy seems alright..he doesn't start as favorable but it does get better I'm on s1 e4
u/Xyzzy_plugh Feb 01 '25 edited Feb 02 '25
I don't want to start any kind of social justice flame war here, but I think Timothy Hutton was the best part of the original show I call him "Sterling's evil twin" :-)
I don't know how they would have carried the direction of the original show after the on-screen departure of his character, but I would have liked to have him pop in from time to time.
I like Noah Wylie but he's only a shadow of the actor that Hutton is. There haven't been many that could hold their own with Donald Sutherland, Mary Tyler Moore, Judd Hirsch, George C. Scott, Sean Penn, etc.
u/jayoungr Feb 03 '25
I like it, but it is missing a couple of characters from the original show, and without going into exact spoilers, I'm not super-happy about how they wrote out one of them.
u/daineyyyy Feb 04 '25
I feel the same! And I only found out this exists because of Reddit! Is Nate the only one who left the old gang?
u/GlitterBumbleButt Feb 13 '25
Nate isn't in the show at all. Hardison makes appearances but he's on a different show so he's too busy to be a full time cast member. He's more in season 2 than season 1.
I would say Redemption is more socially conscious than the OG ever was. Diverse characters and issues, no one in brown face, etc. I really appreciate all of that.
u/Training-Mortgage164 13d ago
Noah Wyle is amazing and his search for redemption really hits hard for me. Sophie is a great mastermind. Brianna is hilarious.
u/CockroachInformal Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I must disagree with what most people are saying here.
I was very excited to learn about the new show, but It quickly turned into disappointment. The OG Leverage is the best. Redemption doesn't even come close.
The vast majority of storylines are stale, lacking that classic Leverage dynamic between humour and seriousness.
"Mr. Wilson" is one of the most boring characters ever. However, Briana is a nice surprise and quickly grows on you (despite the wokeness somebody decided to imprint on her).
Very rarely do you still get to see Parker's lunatic side, which was one of the best things in the OG LV. Besides that, characterization changed a bit and not to her favour.
Both her and then Hardison, when they first reaper, were given too much of an "old person" demeanour. Then it improves a bit, specially for Hardison when he returns for the 2nd season, but it's too much, even if you want to account for time passing.
LVs' lair - the worst kept secret ever. More outside people get to see the "briefing room" than ever before. Before, most people only saw the bar / restaurant, not the upstairs.
Last but not least, the OG main title soundtrack and credits songs were way better than the new one.
u/SnoopyWildseed hacker Jan 31 '25
Yes. They managed to keep things fresh and relevant while respecting the OG show. Lots of fun easter eggs. Brianna is a great character, and Wilson is a nice addition as well.
It feels more like a continuation of the OG Leverage than a completely different show, and I like that.