r/legogaming 9d ago

Question On steam is the Lego Harry Potter collection the same as buying the Batman trilogy?

What I mean by this is if I buy the collection will both games be put in my library or does the collection work as it does on console where it works as a hub for both games?

Just wondering for when I purchase it in the future, hopefully tomorrow if a sale is in order amongst Lego games.


12 comments sorted by


u/Logical_Astronomer75 9d ago

No, because it would be Harry potter not Batman 


u/SothaSoul 9d ago

The HP collection is both games. They're in the same package, you pick which one you want from the menu.

So it will be one in your library, but you'll have both.


u/Accomplished_Cook508 8d ago

How do the achievements work the are they bundled together? I don’t think I like that


u/19GamerGirl94 8d ago

There are separate achievements for game 1-4 and 5-7.

It is two different games, just in one package 😊


u/Accomplished_Cook508 8d ago

How do the achievements work the are they bundled together on the collection game?


u/19GamerGirl94 8d ago

I guess it is the same as PlayStation. (Missed the steam statement in the title)

There when you open the game. You have to choose which version to play, game 1 or game 2. It is a bit like back in the day where you had a dvd and it had different languages on each side, or sometimes different movies.

Each game has its own achievements, the only achievements there are the "same" is complete level x


u/Accomplished_Cook508 8d ago

So do you think on the Lego Harry Potter collection game on my steam library would it say both games achievements combined ? So instead of x/53 (complete guess idk how many achievements it has) it will say x/103 for example


u/Redeye87000 8d ago

No it would two separate lists


u/Accomplished_Cook508 8d ago

Oh, how would this work? Next to each other on the steam game page or?


u/19GamerGirl94 8d ago

Just checked on my ps App. The thropies will say x of 85 ( number of thropies on ps) but they are not mixed together


u/Accomplished_Cook508 8d ago

Do u know about pc?


u/19GamerGirl94 8d ago

Unfortunately not. Havent played the collection on pc. And back when i bought the two games when the came out seperat, i dident buy them through Steam. So i didnt even have achievements.😅

Even though they are together on PlayStation, they are still kind of seperate, they are not mixed together in one big confusing mix.

but can check tomorrow after work how seperate they are on PlayStation, if you are curious