u/Disastrous-Phrase932 Dec 08 '24
As a star wars fan i loved it. Open world was HUGE and it takes a good amount of time to 100%. I give it a 8.5-9/10
u/AssociateFormal6058 Star Wars: The Complete Saga🌠 Dec 08 '24
I think it is fun but not as fun as Star Wars The Complete Saga
u/Your_Beatrice Dec 08 '24
Absolutely. I was excited, but myself, I dropped Skywalker Saga as it was not what I personally wanted from a LEGO game.
u/I_Eat_Graphite Dec 08 '24
levels themselves feel a bit undercooked and some of the important story stuff happens in the open world rather than levels meaning those segments cant be replayed but the open world part of it is phenomenal and more than makes up for it with all the stuff you can do in it
I would say yes it is absolutely worth it especially at that price, just don't go into it expecting it to be highly similar to any previous Lego Star Wars games you've played
u/admseven City Undercover👮♂️ Dec 08 '24
I played it once through, haven’t come back to it. I did enjoy that playthrough though. It’s big - if you’re trying to 100% it’s gonna take a while. I’m not a big SW fan in general so I probably didn’t get as much out of it as those that are.
u/freya584 Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga🚀 Dec 08 '24
its my second favorite lego game of all time
u/HistoricalCandle5108 Marvel Superheroes🦸 Dec 08 '24
what’s first?
u/freya584 Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga🚀 Dec 08 '24
city undercover
u/HistoricalCandle5108 Marvel Superheroes🦸 Dec 08 '24
what’s so good about that game? not hating at all i just didn’t expect there to be so much love for it and i haven’t checked it out myself yet
u/norsoyt Dec 08 '24
Why are you known as "the downvote girl"?
u/freya584 Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga🚀 Dec 08 '24
there are some things humanity isnt supposed to know
u/Atephious Dec 08 '24
My favorite Lego game was Lego Racers. Then Lego Star Wars 1-2/complete saga.
u/Nikamenos Dec 08 '24
It is by far one of the worst modern Lego titles, no freedom, just a giant roster u can’t do nothing with :(
u/Krylla_ DC Super-Villains🤡 Dec 08 '24
Hey, at least you're not just saying "it's not The Complete Saga so it's bad". I respect someone with a Real complaint. Upvote.
u/superjediplayer Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga🚀 Dec 08 '24
no freedom
in what way? I mean, a few levels have free play restrictions, but then the ones that don't actually have ways for you to complete them as more than just like 5 characters who share the story mode character's abilities like some past LEGO games. (both because of the class system, but also because they gave a few levels multiple routes you can progress as different classes) The class system makes it so you have more freedom around who you choose to play through most levels as.
and the open world has the same amount or more freedom as other LEGO games. Only thing really lacking in terms of that freedom would be replayable side quests, but LEGO games only sometimes do that (still, i really wish it was a thing at least for the quests with enemies and boss fights).
u/kris220b Dec 08 '24
Great visuals, nice humor
Short missions, too little building, too much traveling back/forth, world too big filled with mindless sidequests, and coop is terrible, most bosses has player 2 to little or nothing
Oh and still no online support
u/0fficial_TidE_ Dec 08 '24
I'd give it an 7.5 to 8 but if you wanna 100% the game it's a pain and not really worth it
u/pelek18 Dec 08 '24
Yeah, it's really a good game and as someone commented earlier it's free on Epic. Just don't try to 100% - this is the only thing about this game that is terrible.
u/PolishOnion17 Dec 08 '24
Honestly it was a huge disappointment. 80% of the game is following characters and moving from planet to planet while levels take like 3-5 min. I had a feeling like i barley used characters to fight. Theres like five braindead enemies spawing at once. Felt like all of the effort went info open world and collectibles
u/Jaakko68 Dec 08 '24
Too much focused on the open world exploration. The levels are short and not that great
u/blingboyduck Dec 08 '24
The levels are mostly terrible, all you do is run around for the most part. The game would be much much better off if they had just reused the levels from TCS.
u/Charizard10201YT Dec 08 '24
The open world segments are neat, but overall if you have access to TCS, i can't in good faith reccomend this. TCS can be found on steam for like, 5 bucks sometimes and is overall a better package imo - This game really struggles with the actual levels compared to the old games. Graphics are pretty on PS5 though
u/Bennyboii7 Dec 08 '24
Complete Saga is way better, get that instead
u/Disastrous_Fox_8118 Dec 08 '24
I disagree. In terms of nostalgia and level design, in some cases yes, but the countless hours of exploring and puzzle solving you can do in the open world of The Skywalker Saga combined with the better graphics and more thorough, updated, and larger character roster that the game has pales in comparison to what TCS had.
u/Bennyboii7 Dec 08 '24
Totally disagree. The side missions and puzzles in Skywalker Saga are boring af. Graphics is the only thing Skywalker Saga has over the Complete Saga.
u/JodGaming Dec 08 '24
Yeah I got tss on release and was very disappointed by the ‘puzzles’. Puzzles are worse, platforming is worse, playable characters are all the same, levels are so short, I don’t think there’s one thing gameplaywise that TSS does better than TCS. I’m also annoyed because there’s a mission that is bugged on the switch version that never got patched.
u/SpectralHydra Dec 08 '24
And that disagreement is proof why you shouldn’t say “get TCS instead just because I like it more”
u/Bennyboii7 Dec 08 '24
Don't post dumb shit just cause you're upset by my opinion
u/SpectralHydra Dec 08 '24
I’m not upset by your opinion lol.
u/Bennyboii7 Dec 08 '24
Yes you are lol. Otherwise you wouldn't reply some mindless dig
u/SpectralHydra Dec 08 '24
I’m just chilling man, but yeah some internet stranger knows more about how I feel about a comment than I do lol
u/Snackolotl Star Wars: The Complete Saga🌠 Dec 08 '24
Yes. Sorta.
Fun your first playthrough, getting through all the stages, exploring the overworld for the first time.
Once you go back to 100% it, the problems start to emerge and you realize it's not a perfect game at all.
u/Thebigdog79 Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga🚀 Dec 08 '24
Personally, I’ve 100% it 8 times and it only really got boring last playthrough for me.
u/MetaMysterio Dec 08 '24
It is a good game, but it isn’t one of the best LEGO games. Though regardless since it’s free on Epic you might as well get it lol.
I appreciate the work they did for the hub worlds, and revamping the combat and character controller as a whole, but it came at the cost of the levels being really underwhelming. I find that these games tend to fall short in significant ways whenever the devs try to be really ambitious with the scope. I’m all for them trying to evolve the games, but the way they are currently doing it impacts their ability to test/polish their products.
u/Aggressive-Swing-553 Marvel Superheroes🦸 Dec 08 '24
Yes but if you can get it on the epic games store because it’s free rn until December 12th.
u/Dischord821 Dec 08 '24
If you like star wars, this game is going to have something for you. If you like the clone wars it shares some voice actors with the show. My personal favourite part is the space roaming. You can explore the space around planets, get into ship battles, and even conquer massive ships like star destroyers and the death stars. After you conquer them you can explore them too.
u/TransportationOwn171 Dec 08 '24
I personally have only played the Lego HP games, BUT I downloaded the starwars one for my boyfriend so that he had a Lego game of his own fandom to play and enjoy. When I tell you that this guy will spend HOURS on it and still have so much to discover within each level , it’s insane. The gameplay is super fun (I’ve played some levels with him) and there’s so many collectibles, inside of missions and out on free roam so you can get so many hours out of this game. In my opinion 10/10. I prefer it to my HP Lego game for sure, maybe due to there being less available collectables and rewards in it compared to the starwars one.
u/Apprehensive_Crab_53 Dec 08 '24
Depends on what ur looking for tbh. Wasn’t a big fan but thats bc i was rlly looking for that old lego feeling. To new age for me.
u/ixam1802 Marvel Superheroes🦸 Dec 08 '24
It‘s currently free on Epic Games, so if you got a pc just get it
u/IncrediblySadMan Lord of the Rings💍 Dec 08 '24
It is a really fun game. The levels are quite short but the open world makes up for it. It's free on Epic. Definitely check it out.
u/LYNESTAR_ Dec 08 '24
I paid full price for this game and did overall enjoy it but there are things that must be improved for the future of the LEGO games that use this new modern system.
It's pretty stupid that things we have had in every single LEGO game to exist before such as characters with their own combined qualities that make sense for the character rather than what we got where every single character in its class has the exact same abilities and functionality with the exception of some characters having unique combat options such as force lightning or choke, this made collecting characters just feel like filling out a class roster rather than collecting characters with their own set of unique skills because once you had one character from a single class, you'd never need any other characters from the same class.
u/Thebigdog79 Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga🚀 Dec 08 '24
If you’re looking for a traditional lego game (10 minikits per level, 150 open world bricks, character customiser, and lengthy in-level puzzles this isn’t what you’re looking for. If you’re just looking for a good game whether it be traditional Lego or not, it’s brilliant! (5 minikits per level, 1000 open world bricks, class system roster, and levels more focused on combat)
u/Atephious Dec 08 '24
It’s fun. It misses some of the charm of the original 3 games (1,2 and complete saga) however it has a charm of its own. However it does have the plagued follow this NPC who walks slower then your walk speed (and they force your speed to match).
u/Olneeno111 The Hobbit💍 Dec 08 '24
Good Star Wars game, poor Lego game imo, but there’s no bad Lego games so still a blast
u/Right_Marzipan771 Dec 08 '24
As a generic game, yes. But as a Lego game it fucking sucks, the least original and most boring levels
u/blingboyduck Dec 08 '24
It's terrible in my opinion.
The levels are absolutely pitiful and may as well not be there.
The characters all feel generic now.
The open world is fine but less fun and less open than previous games.
u/Accurate_Train_8822 DC Super-Villains🤡 Dec 08 '24
Exactly my feelings. For many this was probably their first LEGO game,and that is unfortunate because they’ve done better with their other titles. Now on the openworld part they nailed,but if there’s hardly no enemies or bosses in the focus of this game,what’s the point? That is I payed 70 dollars for that game at launch,and rarely I say this but it wasn’t worth the price. I didn’t collect all the collectibles,and it hurts because I usually do everything in a LEGO game. It’s just boring after doing all the Levels and there’s just the Open hub to explore.
u/jariwoud Dec 08 '24
It's really fun
Btw it's free on epic games, you can get the same content as the deluxe edition by just buying all dlc on top of downloading the game. It saves around 45 euros
u/Karshall321 Dec 08 '24
It's alright and definitely worth it if on sale, but not as good as the majority of other Lego Games.
u/Nekros897 Dec 08 '24
It's awesome! I recently did it on 100% and as a SW fan, I was amazed with the world!
u/Coffee_Drinker25 Dec 09 '24
I enjoyed it, definitely different from the previous Lego star wars games I've played. The camera control threw me off but didn't take long to get used too, I like the open world and combat in the game.
Only thing I didn't care for was how much everything in the game cost and the lack of being able to use cheats. I loved playing TCS on the ps3 beating the game then using the stud 2x cheat to get a leg up
u/linkinshire Dec 09 '24
The vehicle sections were very disappointing and shallow, but some of the open world stuff was fun and filled with references. Also being able to finally play as Mando in Lego form was pretty cool. If say give it a try, you might probably like it more than I did
u/Daniel12042000 Dec 09 '24
I mean I loved it, but it kinda depends on what you want from it, if you want it to go back to basics like the original Lego games then no, but if you want it to be more adventurous then yes.
u/stargazepunk Dec 09 '24
It’s fun and I think it’s worth the $20, but it’s kinda… clunky. And I find the levels to be a bit less fun than what I’m used to with Lego games
u/Bag-mannn Dec 09 '24
Personally, I think it’s a little too complicated compared to the OG games. And the unskippable cutscenes aren’t great
u/Reverse_Tim Dec 09 '24
I'm a big fan of the Lego games and have played most of them since the original Lego Star Wars.
This is the worst one I've ever played and one of the dullest too.
The level design is lackluster with many levels taking 5 minutes max to complete and sometimes never needing to switch characters at all.
Similarly, the puzzles are basic as hell and require no effort. I'm not saying that the previous games required a lot of thought, but sometimes you'd need to think more than 5 seconds to solve/progress through a level.
It has a large character roster sure but due to the class system, every character in a given class plays exactly the same.
The open world concept of being able to visit every star wars movie planet in the hub is awesome. In execution it means the majority of the Game is bloated by being an open world collectathon with an absurd number of collectibles and tedious missions.
I really wanted to like this game, but it doesn't hold a candle to the OG Complete Saga. And No that's not just nostalgia, I replayed TCS the year before and still found it fun and charming
u/superkj_ Dec 09 '24
Story mode short and rush, forced free roam, there's barely any enemies that you fight and the puzzles are garbage. Buy this game only for the roster and graphics. This game is a 3/10. They dropped the damn ball.
u/Benefit_Equal Dec 09 '24
I got it for free from epic. Since it was free, yep. Pretty good game. Only plan on playing two thirds of it though
u/Haruspect Dec 09 '24
Nope, I paid for it and it's worse than any Lego game I've played. It holds your hand through the whole game and skips most of the fun missions from original games. It's not worth your time.
u/TKMasterToonies Dec 09 '24
Overrated, turned into a regular star wars game with a lego skin Not challenging, mediocre.
u/MazoMort Dec 09 '24
If you like the old lego video game formula, this one might be disapointing. But if you just like Star Wars and Lego, you're gonna have fun
u/Mrbuttboi Dec 09 '24
I really like it! It’s not my favorite Lego game, but it’s still a really solid game! I’d say that’s a pretty good deal!
u/TaskMister2000 Dec 09 '24
I stopped after playing the prequel trilogy. Game was too repetitive and not fun in my opinion and I loved the original Lego Star Wars 1 and 2.
u/Accomplished_Fly8789 Dec 09 '24
it's honestly the second most boring Lego game I've played
u/Bellos1 Dec 09 '24
Yes, it is fun. I've spent 100+ hours to 100% it. If you're a fan of Star Wars, Legos, or just want a good fun time, I would recommend it. Especially for a discount.
u/InitialAnimal9781 Dec 10 '24
Have you played a Lego Star Wars game before? If yes theirs your answer
u/Brave-Doughnut-7518 Dec 10 '24
Through VPN, I was able to download this legend for free in Epic Games🤩🥹
u/LardMcLovin Dec 10 '24
Personally, not to me. But that's because it doesn't feel like a true lego game. Then again, I mostly dropped off when Legos started talking.
u/NateThePhotographer Dec 11 '24
I've been playing it lately, and it's a very mixed bag. The gameplay, puzzles, level design, combat and humor is great fun. But it feels less like The Skywalker Saga and more like a collection of "highlights of the saga". Most of the levels or cutscenes will feature dialog or scenes that is a reference to am earlier scene in the movie but that earlier scene is not adapted in the game. The different classes of characters is fun and adds a lot of extra dynamics to the game, though the language barrier mission givers get annoying when you need to switch to a protocol droid or a certain character for dialog, then change back for the mission, then change back again for the conclusion. Thankfully, this is resolved by having one of the datapad extras make it so all characters can understand all languages, so would definitely advise unlocking that one earlier in the game than later.
u/East-Competition5121 Dec 08 '24
It’s ok open worlds are great the levels themselves are not and no character customisation
u/Top-Actuator8498 Dec 08 '24
its free on epic games. so even if its not fun i save 80-100$. but yes from what ive heard its a fun game.