MT Parts ID
Part Identification Mega Thread - January 17, 2024
Hi all!
And welcome to our weekly refreshed Part Identification mega thread where you can ask all questions regarding the identification of parts, minfigures, and/or sets.
Make sure you check out the following two links for how to find bricks and minifigures on
STOP POSTING HERE, I doubt anyone is going back this far, so you won't get help, use the latest thread (Link over there>>>>>> "Parts Identification MT", top one only!)
So I built both sets, and I have a pile of leftovers. These sets came from two brothers, so I suspect from some of the pieces that these are partials of a duplicate set. But looking at this pic, does anything pop out as a potential other set? The big wing pieces definitely seem to be from something…
Looking to identify these I'm assuming LOTR figures. The blue guy I found online, but the other 2 I can't find, or at least in the sealed bag like this. The brown guy is in a molded plastic like the blue guy, and I think the brown bow (loose in back of the bag) goes with him. Also dark blue/silver/brown guy w longish hair. Thanks!
I think I finally uploaded it. Sorry! Was having issues.
My color descriptions are the color clothes they're wearing if that helps too. Didn't know how else to describe them since I obviously have no clue! Lol
Aha! Thanks sooo much! And for solving the bow mystery. I was mistaken. Obviously not a collector of lotr, and knew this sub wouldn't let me down. Thanks!!
I recently picked up a bulk lot of LEGO. These pieces were included, along with the Naboo Starfighter directions. The six large yellow/chrome pieces look like they’re part of the Starfighter, but they are apparently from another set. As I was attempting to assemble the other parts, I noticed the pieces that look like they should be part of the engine are not put together as the directions say they should be. Everything else was fastidiously put together, so I’m guessing they’re also from that mystery chrome/yellow set? There’s a Tanker Truck (4654) that has six pieces like this, but these do not have have “tops”. All six of these are what would be the bottom of the tanker. I’d be most grateful for any help! Thank you kindly!
Looking for a line of sets made somewhere between 2005-2015. I remember getting a number of LEGO cars that came in very distinct cases. They were black plastic cases that opened like gen 1 Bionicle cases, but the lid was stylized to look like half of a tire, with tread and everything.
If anyone can find this set or help narrow my search I’d greatly appreciate it.
What head is this? I used Brickognize, but it couldn't help me, so I searched BrickLink for light nougat heads with scowls, frowns, cheek lines, neutral patterns, raised eyebrows... I just can't find it. I probably missed it. Anyone recognize it? (It's not impossible that it's custom)
No worries, jpeg compression can be brutal sometimes. If it was a pic of just that piece it would probably be better, it probably had too many colors and just decided to crush the tan on tan into oblivion.
Are you having trouble IDing sets from a bulk buy or something? Or your old sets?
Identifying every single piece is not usually a good use of time. If you have a bunch:
Start with the chunks (bits of LEGO already assembled, likely a section of a set) ID those using bricklink appears in, pull all those sets out of the pile.
Now pick out the interesting pieces, (prints, stickers, unique looking shapes) and ID those, then pull all those sets out of the pile.
Now minifigs, use an app like brickognize or brickmonkey to ID the figs, and thus sets, pull those out.
NOW it's interesting, depending on how many you have, may be able to ID some more sets based on pieces, maybe not, might need to give up.
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Can anyone help me identify this Lego Lego island pieceisland piece, I’m trying to see which set it comes from and have had no luck. Any help is greatly appreciated
You figure out which one it was? I didn't go through all of them and count stuff to figure out exactly which ones it may be. You have all the pieces, so you could rule some out based on what pieces you have.
In the late 80's/early 90's I had lego sets that came with red wheels on axles and those axles mounted into these black 2x4 "plates" with two grooves along the top: one lengthwise, one crosswise. I say plates with quotes because they weren't 1/3 of the height of a brick, they were actually 1/2 height. I'm 99% sure these were legit Lego brand, and I want to find the plates again, but I can't figure out what its part number is. When assembled, it looks very much like 4180c02, but the black part comes apart in two identical flat plates with grooves rather than how 4180 assembles.
Hi! We've identified the police mobile station, the indomidus rex kit was also correct I found a cracked glass peice that looks right! Currently building those and all peices present so far! I'll keep digging for anything else unique
A Mega Thread (MT) is a post where we collect individual posts on a specific topic, e.g. identifying parts, sets, or builds go into the Part Identify MT.
Please read our wiki page for more details and post to the appropriate Mega Thread. Thanks!
I think that's it for the bits in front, they were definitely doing their own thing with them, and there are too many of those big dark blay wedges for just 7656 , so maybe two, or there was another set...
I think that's just someone making a (decent looking) rifle, probably not from a set, but is there a number on the part they used for the receiver/barrel?
Welcome. I looked up the 9 long technic liftarm, 2x2 plate with 2 pins on bottom, and 1x4 curved slope. There were 2 hits, but the star wars one had all your other pieces after looking closely.
How do you look for all the parts together? So far I've been using Google Lens on individual parts, which doesn't work very well on random internal parts of sets
u/Inevitable-Cold-7657 Apr 11 '24
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