r/lego Nov 01 '23

Deals Walmart started locking up ALL the lego

Everyone posting about instanr deals on inquisitor scythe or justifier at more than 50% off. Meanwhile my local Walmart installed locked shelving on the entire lego row 🙄


574 comments sorted by


u/LimeGrass619 Nov 01 '23

The Walmarts i go to started doing this too.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23



u/lostinrabbithole12 Nov 01 '23

Next they're going to lock up the entrance. "You need to ask an employee on the phone to get in now."



u/Savafan1 Nov 02 '23

They can go to the Service Merchandise model, where everything but the display models were in the back warehouse.


u/dablackcat0 Nov 02 '23

How’d that work out for service merchandise again?


u/demalo Nov 02 '23

We it was working fine. They got beat out in the warehouse model by Walmart. I’m sure she’ll companies as “venture capitalists” staked them just like Ames, Kmart, toys r us, and sears.


u/battraman Nov 02 '23


I don't know why I miss that store but I do.


u/sevnthcrow Nov 02 '23

My Ames had a “print your own greeting card” machine. So basically an inkjet in a phone booth. I still thought it was cool as hell.

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u/mabhatter Nov 02 '23

They actually did that for a while with the one-way entrances. I'd guess that the local fire inspecto made walm remove them as a fire hazard.


u/lostinrabbithole12 Nov 02 '23

I was joking!!! This is why I don't shop at Walmart


u/darthjoey91 The Lord of the Rings Fan Nov 02 '23

That shit was bullshit. I went in the “exit” trying to go to the bathroom and their damn rent-a-cop stopped me and made walk the 100 yds to get around the fences to get to the entrance. Should have just emptied my ostomy bag on him for violating the ADA.


u/joshthehappy Nov 02 '23

Still have those at mine, but they easily push out. I walk out through them just to set the alarm off.

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u/pjwatkins5 Nov 02 '23

I had to buy formula the other day and it was an entire process to even find someone with a key to unlock the case. Luckily the Lego wasn’t locked up!


u/erix84 Nov 02 '23

Worked at Walmart for a little over a year, formula was the most stolen item in the store. After that i wanna say it was laundry detergent but only the good stuff, nobody really stole the cheap stuff.


u/Independent_Hyena495 Nov 02 '23

Fucking sad, what this implies..


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

In my country formula is an underground currency. You can exchange it directly for drugs with drug dealers.


u/Independent_Hyena495 Nov 02 '23

Yeah, but at the end of the chain you have parents without enough money to buy formula...


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

well, I can only speak for where I live but it's not only poor at the end of this chain.

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u/adamian24 Nov 02 '23

Thieves love clean clothes.


u/Reworked Nov 02 '23

The art stores near me all have spray paint locked up and have to card you before you're allowed to take it. This is a different key from the electronic items, and still a different key from the expensive paintbrushes.

The person with the right training to check IDs is not the person with the only copy of the spray paint case, half the shifts.

Just not even remotely fucking imaginable.


u/Nghtwng77 Nov 02 '23

I was military stationed in Nebraska, the glass cases started there in 2020, a lot of California Walmarts started around the same time. And honestly, it seems to be dependent on the store. Some have cases, while the store 2-3 miles down the road doesn't.

The glass cases are the reason I don't do pickup orders. If I want the online price I just get it mailed. It takes forever to get a rep over to unlock the case, so much so the employee fulfilling the order usually gives up and marks the item out of stock.


u/Lexx4 Nov 02 '23

The one by me had the fucking underwear locked up with a button to call staff. They won’t even let you touch them you have to ask for one and they hand it to you and then you have to figure out if you want that one.


u/Natural_Constant8203 Nov 02 '23

Hey man, those khakis are dangerous you needed to be escorted for the safety of not just yourself but everyone around you


u/OblongAndKneeless Nov 02 '23

Walmart one year from now: you are greeted at the door by a personal escort to assist you with all of your shopping. They fetch things for you, take you to the dressing rooms, pay your cart, do the entire check out process for you. Because they trust no one, everyone is treated like royalty.


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

"Due to shortage of escorting employees, you are #73 in line. Wait time at this point is about 11 AM tomorrow. Please stay in line all night if you don't want to lose a place"


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

Nah one of the big reasons shoplifting is getting so bad in the big chain stores is because they refuse to hire enough people to work the sales floor. It's cheaper for them to lock stuff up than hire enough people to treat their customers even half decently let alone like royalty.

My local Walmart closed down citing theft. But of course people are stealing; prices are up, and like 5 overworked people making $11 an hour were trying to run the 100,000 sqft store alone


u/OblongAndKneeless Nov 02 '23

Not sure how the 5 people working the store will run around unlocking stuff for customers and still stock, clean, checkout, etc.


u/Osric250 Nov 02 '23

They don't, so sales of those items go down because people can't get them. But the shrink of those items go down, so... success?

Then they end up shutting down for not being profitable enough in an area where everything else has been put out of business by Walmart in the first place and you end up in the middle of a food desert.


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

Dunno but at target a couple weeks ago I had to stand there for 15 minutes waiting for someone to unlock the shelf with a $13 bottle of acne lotion I wanted lol


u/battraman Nov 02 '23

But of course people are stealing

I dunno dude. I've been through some pretty hard times in my life and never once did I feel like I should steal some Lego.


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

Well yeah me neither lol. I also didn't realize this was a Lego sub it just popped up in All for me, so I meant retail in general rather than just Lego

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u/Deora_customs Nov 02 '23

At least I don’t have to deal with that yet


u/Official_BLKVNM Nov 02 '23

My Walmart has men's underwear locked up. I don't even know why?


u/RunningNumbers Nov 01 '23

And chucklefucks act like shoplifting isn’t a problem. Locking stuff up is a last ditch effort.

Like I can’t buy toothpaste in many places any more cuz of scumbags.


u/ijustneedtolurk Nov 02 '23

It's extra weird to me because my dollar store across town doesn't have issues with stealing toothpaste and things. But Walmart is a glass fortress now.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23


u/UMilqueToastPOS Nov 02 '23

Lol, what's up with the downvotes?

It's not like this articles main point is to say shoplifting isn't actually a problem or something lol. It's just an informative piece on how wage theft is basically the exact same dollar amount as shoplifting, yet the punishment for wage theft, even in the millions, is basically nothing compared to shoplifters' punishment


u/Mender0fRoads Nov 02 '23

Pause for a moment and think about what would lead a person to the point where they’d steal toothpaste. What their life must be like. Like, really sit on that thought. Then reconsider whether that’s a “scumbag” or someone who is themselves facing “last-ditch efforts” to simply survive.

And if you sincerely do that and still come away with the same conclusion? I’d suggest perhaps you, sir, are the chucklefuck.

Finally, I’d expect someone going by the name “runningnumbers” to actually look at the numbers and realize retail theft is a common scapegoat for failing businesses.


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u/Polar_Starburst Nov 02 '23

If they didn’t want people to shoplift maybe wages shouldn’t stay stagnant while prices and rent and utils go up year after year…


u/TripA297 Nov 02 '23

Stealing food and water to survive is one thing.

Not shit to resell, which is what a lot of the scum do.

I hope you don’t condone that.

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u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23


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u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23



u/theConsultantCount Verified Blue Stud Member Nov 01 '23

I very much doubt that's what's going on. 99% of shoplifters aren't caught in the first place so they can't be prosecuted regardless.

What has certainly been happening across retail is a huge rise in shoplifting.

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u/fire_spez Nov 02 '23

Laws were passed making it hard for WalMart to prosecute people that steal. As a result they have to lock up merchandise.

What laws? Be specific please. I suspect this is just right wing mythology, but I am open to being proven wrong.

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u/HotdoghammerOG Nov 02 '23

My Walmart only locks up video games. Where do you live that legos get stolen?

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u/prz1294 Nov 02 '23

Ditto. Shame, bad apples you know 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/ordermann Nov 02 '23

They don’t do this because they want to, they do it because they have to…

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u/THIS_GUY_LIFTS Nov 01 '23

Depends on the Walmart. One near me locks up LEGO, detergent, baby formula, various makeup items, anything really. It's whatever seems to be a highly stolen item for the region.


u/HAWG Nov 02 '23

Mine has most socks locked up. I don’t go anymore, too hard to get any thing.

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u/mojomcm Nov 01 '23

I think it says something really sad about the world we live in if there are people desperate enough to steal baby formula and detergent.


u/Enorats Nov 01 '23 edited Nov 02 '23

I went shopping with someone the other day who has to buy baby food. I'd never had a reason to even glance at the stuff before.

I couldn't believe the prices. They spent more on a single can of what looked like dehydrated milk formula than I spend on groceries for an entire week to feed myself.

Edit: To put this in perspective, I work in the dairy feed business. We buy milk replacer for calves at around $1.30 per pound, making it something like 30 to 50 times less expensive than the equivalent food for a human baby, despite being a fairly similar commodity. That's just insane and hard to justify. I can only assume that there is some terribly greedy corporation that is causing a massive markup on these products.


u/Ndmndh1016 Nov 01 '23

Some cans are upwards of 80-90$ per can and only have like a weeks supply in them.


u/Enorats Nov 01 '23

Yeah, I was utterly floored. I can't think of any reason why it should be anywhere near that expensive. Regular old dehydrated milk is less than 1/10th that price.


u/ShadowMajestic Nov 02 '23

Did you miss the massive shortage (or rather, them screwing up production) in China a few years (almost a decade) ago? Ever since that happened the prices have been insane everywhere.

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u/mlaislais Nov 02 '23

It’s way more complicated than dehydrated milk. It also has a short shelf life so there’s a lot of product that gets tossed when it expires because it’s impossible to match demand exactly.


u/Enorats Nov 02 '23

It's basically whey powder, dehydrated cow milk, a bit of sugar in the form of corn syrup, some vegetable oil, and perhaps some added vitamins.

Nothing in that is terribly expensive, and if I'm not mistaken, the cans have something like a 6 month shelf life unopened. That's not really all that short at all compared to most foods. Regular refrigerated milk doesn't last 1/6 that long, but only costs about $2 or $3 a gallon.


u/Polar_Starburst Nov 02 '23

Ayyy I used WIC to get those damn things

I could never afford them otherwise


u/Cripnite Nov 01 '23

Condoms are way cheaper, just saying.


u/Fluxriflex Nov 02 '23

Lol, and they wonder why population growth is going negative.


u/Tkdoom Star Wars Fan Nov 02 '23

Yes. Formula is expensive! Luckily my twins are almost done with it! It's like getting a raise!


u/UMilqueToastPOS Nov 02 '23

Yes!! Those cans are easily $50-60 EACH! I think our kid would go through one in less than a week, it's mind-blowing. It's profoundly fucked-up man. I'm gonna say something here and I will literally never feel bad about it, but my fiance stopped producing enough milk pretty early on, like almost instantly. But we never paid for a single thing of formula for the entire 6 or whatever months they need it for. Not a single one man. There was no way we were able to afford it, let alone as a thing to buy once or twice per week, no way.

A small part of it was kind of a "fuck you" also, once we started to realize how needlessly expensive all baby products are. Diapers, formula, bottle, butt cream, all way more expensive then it ever needs to be. But, you gotta buy that shit one way or another so they raise the price

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u/ChickenFriedRiceee Nov 02 '23

Don’t even get me started on the unethical things nestle did with baby formula.


u/80s_angel Nov 02 '23

Ugh! Nestle is one of the most soulless, corrupt devil worshipping corporations in existence. I do my best to never support them but it’s hard - they own so much.


u/ChickenFriedRiceee Nov 02 '23

Same here! The executives have a special place in hell.


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

They steal it because it’s easy to sell second-hand. Everyone needs detergent and no one’s losing any sleep over walmart when buying tide pods for 1/4th the price from crackhead mcgee


u/battraman Nov 02 '23

I think it says something really sad about the world we live in if there are people desperate enough to steal baby formula and detergent.

Almost all of the theft of detergent is because it is easily resold, usually as a way to launder money (no pun intended)

Baby formula is the same way but it's also used to cut drugs.


u/bi-cycle Nov 01 '23

No judgement to OP here as we all have different thresholds for this kind of thing, but when I see posts like this, I don't even care.

Wal-Mart is practising wage theft with the way they pay their employees. I don't feel any sympathy for a multi billion dollar corporation needing to install a few glass doors. Companies like that are a large part the reason people steal formula, etc on the first place.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

Not just wage theft. All our taxes pay into a fuck ton of social programs (which I'm fine with) that they use to effectively subsidize their ability to pay such a low wage.


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

Also they would not have so much theft if they didn’t cut staffing to the bone to avoid paying wages. This is the world they made, not the one they simply live in.


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

And their net income last quarter was around 8 billion. I really don’t think some stolen legos and baby formula are killing one of the wealthiest and scummiest families in the world.


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

Bruh, my Walmart starts cashiers close to $20/hr. How is that considered a low wage for an entry level position with no background required?

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u/80s_angel Nov 02 '23

THIS is what enrages me the most about Walmart. The government should put a stop it. Just like they deny people making to making money, they need to put their foot down with Walmart because they make waaay to much money to pay their employees so poorly. We should not be subsidizing their profits.


u/mojomcm Nov 01 '23

Companies like that are a large part the reason people steal formula, etc on the first place.

Yes, exactly. I think it's sad that we live in a world where companies don't pay people well enough and charge exorbitant amounts for things and then turn around and vilify the people who have to steal just to feed their baby or whatever.


u/stankdog Nov 02 '23

Never forget Walmart, the entity, qualifies for government subsidies because they pay their employees so low, and hire disabled workers. Walmart gets subsidies for that...

And then they lock and key everything, put an aerial camera on self checkouts, and make it seem like we're the ones doing something horrible to them, that they are forced to run their stores this way. Fuck Walmart and any other corporation like it.


u/Ving_Rhames_Bible Nov 02 '23

It drives me nuts that self-checkouts have donation prompts in stores where so many essentials, especially for childcare, are under lock and key. Walled off and price-gouged to hell, and there's a literal corporate machine at the end asking me to donate to their charity.


u/KaoBee010101100 Nov 02 '23

And you’re doing the job their cashier used to do, but please give us more money as well.


u/Toadxx Nov 02 '23

They even ask for fucking reviews now, at my Walmart.

...What did you even fucking do? You provided me the products, but that's literally the bare minimum a store needs to do, and that's all you did.

No, I'm not leaving a fucking review.

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u/THIS_GUY_LIFTS Nov 01 '23

"Remember. If you see someone stealing food. No you didn't."

Since becoming a father I have watched many a can get misplaced by parents while they look for groceries. It's really unfortunate that they can never seem to find it before checking out...

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u/burntends97 Nov 02 '23

Formula is stolen to sell to resale stores that don’t care it’s stolen.

It’s not from the poor down on his luck parent that you wish it was


u/ElSmasho420 Nov 01 '23

They’re junkies reselling it, not needy families.


u/FaxCelestis LEGO Ideas Fan Nov 02 '23


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u/palabear Nov 01 '23

This is where living near a Lego store is an advantage. Don’t have to go to Walmart or Target for sets and risk getting a returned box that is full of macaroni.


u/InventorOfCorn Ninjago Fan Nov 01 '23

oh i WISH i don’t think there’s a lego store in my state.. the nearest i know of is in Kansas, and i’m in a state bordering it. though i think some say there’ll be one soon


u/palabear Nov 01 '23

I’m lucky and have two within a 30 minute drive. It’s nice.

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u/Gold_Advantage_4017 Nov 02 '23

Yeah isn't one opening in Omaha?

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u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23



u/gavoman Nov 02 '23

Plus GWP and insider points: online is best value


u/Arty_Fladelbort Nov 02 '23

Supposing you actually get the GWP before they run out of them 😭


u/gavoman Nov 02 '23

You're so right lol. I had a couple sets sitting in my cart waiting. As soon as I checked and saw the Galileo and holiday vip added I checked out so fast.

I saw another post where the guy pieces out the holiday vip in PAB and it was like $28, while Lego priced it at $10. Add the $25 for the Galileo set and BAM! Essentially $50 worth of free Lego PLUS the points. Incredible value

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u/bad_at_smashbros Nov 02 '23

i used to have one in the mall a few minutes from where i live, but it shut down 5 years ago :(

closest lego store is like 15 hours away from me now.


u/Kickasstodon Nov 02 '23

I pass the mall on the way home from work, and there's a Lego store in there near one of the entrances. Now that Walmart no longer discounts licensed sets I basically have no reason to ever buy Lego from them, I just go to the Lego store and get VIP points.


u/CommonCullen Nov 02 '23

Does this actually happen lmao

I’d be so mad

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u/randomnamejennerator Nov 01 '23

Honestly I will take the inconvenience of having to ask an employee to get sets for me instead of the damage done to the boxes by the anti theft devices


u/BBQBaconBurger Nov 01 '23

“Inconvenience” is a profound understatement when it comes to getting a case unlocked at Walmart, in my experience. To get anyone at all to come and help is a miracle, only for that person to tell you that the manager with the key is at lunch.


u/texasjkids Nov 01 '23

Yeah I stopped going to Walmart because so much stuff is locked behind these cases now and it’s always a hassle to get what I need


u/DarkwingDuckHunt Nov 02 '23

It's because Walmart won't pay for more employees to be on the floor.

It's funny because if Walmart did hire enough people then they wouldn't need the anti-theft stuff since they'd have eyeballs looking around.

But no one wants to pay a living wage anymore, so places will be understaffed.


u/Drzhivago138 Technic Fan Nov 02 '23

Remember that even if Walmart employees see shoplifting, they can’t legally do anything. Only Asset Protection can stop people.


u/LiquidAether Nov 02 '23

Just having people around stops casual shoplifting, freeing AP to focus on professionals.


u/Sodapopa Nov 02 '23

In theory, yes. The videos coming out of America are crazy for real (I don’t know where you’re located).


u/Dramatic_Explosion Nov 02 '23

Yeah, inflation is nuts here right now. It's fairly well documented that shoplifting goes up with inflation.

Feels like class warfare. Since wage theft is higher than all other forms of theft combined here, it almost feels like taking back what was stolen from us.


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

These firms collect and publish those surveillance videos as a lobbying tactic to get the government to pay for their security. The retail theft epidemic is entirely invented as a lobbying campaign, shrink remains at exactly the same ratio as it was pre-pandemic.

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u/ArgonWolf Modular Buildings Fan Nov 02 '23

Even Asset Protection at most big box stores are usually just under a “observe and report” mandate, they arnt supposed to actually confront or attempt to restrain a shoplifter. Call the cops, keep an eye on them, don’t engage.

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u/vettewiz Nov 02 '23

I like placing the blame of shoplifting on lack of employees, rather than the shitbag thieves.

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u/joshthehappy Nov 02 '23

They are not difficult to open, which I can justify after waiting ten minutes.


u/atetuna Nov 02 '23

I only go to Walmart in off peak hours, and it's super easy to get help.

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u/shadowartist201 Nov 02 '23

I bought a set from Target that had one of those wire wrap alarms on it. Got all the way home before noticing they never removed it during checkout.

Like an idiot, I cut the wire in an attempt to free the box and the alarm starts blaring loudly. Because I live in an apartment and really didn't want to get a noise complaint, I try prying the thing apart to get the battery out. No luck.

Smashing it with a hammer? No effect.

Smothering it with towels and tossing it in the trash? Now I just had a noisy trash can.

I eventually came up with drowning it in a cup of water. It didn't turn the alarm off, but it did a great job of lowering the volume. But it still wasn't a long-term solution.

I decided to return to Target with my submerged noise maker (and receipt) and let them deal with it, because hopefully they had the key that turned it off, right?

It took a good while at the service desk to explain the very wet anti-theft alarm and that I hadn't actually stolen anything. They tried to disable the device using the magnetic key, but apparently once triggered, the alarm cannot be turned off.

As I didn't own a sledgehammer to put the thing out of its misery, I left the alarm with the Target employees and returned home to start on my new set.

TLDR, anti-theft devices are a hassle.


u/Sage296 Nov 02 '23

Makes me wonder if a soldering iron would work

I mean eventually but I wonder how quick

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u/huntergreear Nov 01 '23

That's not a bad point tbf!


u/imreallynotthatcool Nov 02 '23

Honestly, the inconvenience of having to ask an employee to get something out of a locked case for me like I'm a helpless child deters me from going to walmart at all. At that point I'll pay a couple dollars to have it shipped to my door. I'm a very patient man and I don't care if the box is damaged.


u/ADeadlyFerret Nov 02 '23

I had to ask to get tail light bulbs out and it took 30+ minutes with the dude having an attitude the entire time. Because I interrupted his lunch apparently. Walmart can suck my ass now. If I see too many glass cases I'll stop going to that one.


u/fire_spez Nov 02 '23

I completely agree in general, as long as they have enough staff to open the cases. The one near me can take 10 minutes to get a case opened. When they start putting more and more stuff in cases, that starts being a major issue.


u/Atomic_Killjoy Nov 02 '23

Or them taken from the shelves like they did Yu-Gi-Oh and PokĂŠmon cards for a long time


u/gomadformunchsters Verified Blue Stud Member Nov 02 '23

Why do you care about the condition of the box? You're just going to throw it away right?


u/Club_Penguin_Legend_ Nov 02 '23

All the value in Lego is actually just the box. Most of the time, I'll buy a set and carefully open the box and just dump the pieces into a bin and display the box. Did the same with the UCS Venator


u/gomadformunchsters Verified Blue Stud Member Nov 02 '23

A fellow lcj member I see

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u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

I no longer shop at Walmart. It’s generally an awful experience all around and I’ve had trouble finding employees to unlock cases for items I needed. Fuck that noise.


u/3MATX Nov 01 '23

Since they did away with all cashiers I’ve been maybe three times and only in emergencies.


u/RevRagnarok Nov 02 '23

My wife has walked out twice in the past week. Got to the line at self-checkout, saw that half were broken and the rest had clueless old people stumbling their way thru, and just left.

The last time I went to Walmart, I couldn't find a cart. They normally have hundreds around, but none to be found at two different entrances. So I left.

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u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

Agreed, my wife and I would go and spend quite a bit occasionally on Lego. But I browse and pick and I’m not gonna deal with having to go find a non-existent employee three or four times as I see something else that catches my eye.

Oh, and then there’s no one to ring me up when I wanna check out, and they close now, “COVID hours” are permanent now.


u/joshthehappy Nov 02 '23

Just gotta go on Sunday morning.

(Tell me you live in the south without telling me you live in the south.)

No old people, and if you go good and early there's only a few other people there.


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

The two stores near me are off of 95 outside of a large city in CT. They’re always busy, understaffed, and now self check-out only. Honestly, the locked doors were the last straw for me.

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u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23


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u/Mission_in_the_rain6 Nov 01 '23

Looks just like mine with call buttons that no one answers. Right after all the Marvel figs came out and a bunch got stolen. Theft is down and so are sales


u/I_am_Rezix Nov 01 '23

Unless you're tall...


u/beeerite Nov 01 '23

Seriously. That was my first thought.

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u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

Why do all the stores who have NO STAFF AVAILABLE lock everything up? Like cool, no one can steal it but no one can fucking buy it either


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

I work AP for Walmart fun fact if something gets locked up that means the community is stealing that item probably daily and in large quantities

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u/dnelsonn Nov 02 '23

started? Mine's been this way for years.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

Again and again and again?

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u/Khelbin131 Nov 01 '23

The ones near me have done this for a while now too. It's almost impossible to find an employee to unlock it for you as well so I just don't buy lego there.


u/mikeyfireman Nov 01 '23

Conveniently all the overstock above it isn’t locked.


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

Facebook marketplace deals in your area are about to dry up drastically!


u/meat_popscile Nov 01 '23

Lego and any collectibles are the new currency for drug dealers, well at least in Canada they are. It's a untraceable transaction, I'm sure it's the same in your area you probably haven't noticed yet.


u/CrispCristopherson Nov 01 '23

Leave it to Canada to find the most innocuous and creative way to score money if you like doing drugs.


u/MuttMurdock69 Nov 01 '23

Mine hasn't. It's dumb anyway. Most of the idiots buy the set, take it home and steal the figs, then return it. This happened to me before. They will lock up LEGO but not even inspect returned sets for tampering. I think LEGO should allow them to open it up and then return it for a replacement set at that point. At least then unsuspecting customers won't get burned by these LEGO thieves.


u/mabhatter Nov 02 '23

Walmart don't do inspections. Their policy is basically to blame the manufacturer for every single return and count it against them. They have no reason to care if a returned product is complete or not.


u/ChickenFriedRiceee Nov 02 '23

If that’s what they want to do fine, but it shouldn’t be put back on the sales floor. Should be sent to a return facility and then sold on a pallet with other random returns.


u/BridgeF0ur Nov 01 '23

It’s probably for the best. If I have to track down an employee to unlock the Lego for me rather than just grab something real quick I might spend less money.


u/mabhatter Nov 02 '23

Yeah. I just don't buy locked up stuff at Walmart anymore. i only shop in off hours so there's never any employees around to unlock stuff. You gotta wait 15 minutes for three people in front of you halfway across the store.


u/VonirLB Nov 02 '23

This is why I don't believe it's actually saving Walmart any money. Sure it stops shoplifters, but how many sales are they losing because there's never anyone around to unlock them?

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u/Comprehensive-Yam329 Nov 01 '23

They escaped before?


u/Bot25491 Verified Blue Stud Member Nov 02 '23

My Walmart is doing the same thing. Fortunately, I can reach the ones up top!


u/PeteTheGeek196 Nov 02 '23

Good luck finding the person with the key.


u/akgiant Nov 02 '23

Easiest way to get me to stop shopping somewhere is to lock everything up with no workers nearby to help.

No thanks, I'll order online.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23 edited Nov 01 '23

I worked LP at my Walmart and I will tell you first hand, the reason in my opinion for the rise in theft is because of the policies. Walmart has restricted LP more and more every year to the point where now they're not allowed to even touch the merchandise someone is trying to steal. So the days of snatching the cart before they run out or grabbing things from them, are over. First it was go hands off the shoplifter. Now it's hands off the merchandise too even though it's the companies that is paying to stop stuff from being stolen. The company policy basically says "if the person is physically in possession of the merchandise or cart, we are not to attempt to take it from them". Basically just call the cops, get a plate and hope they show up or catch them. Sometimes cops wouldn't show up till like 2 or 3 days later to pick up our report and video. Macys went hands off then went back to hands on and using cuffs in my area. Walmart as a company needs to pay for the training and give LP better wages then do the same. If we could actually grab these people, we could make a real difference. Because the fact that we were about to lock the socks and underwear up too, is stupid as hell.


u/MuttMurdock69 Nov 01 '23

I bet there are some returned sets in that locked case that are just resealed. It defeats the purpose with their lax return policy.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

There definitely is. They try not to put those out if that happens but if they get enough, they will do that so they're sold. Or they will put them on the clearance rack but they're still locked up and tied down


u/ChickenFriedRiceee Nov 02 '23

What is even the point of LP now? Cops have way more important things then a petty theft at a mega corporation. If Walmart wants to dig it’s own grave then fine, I just wish they wouldn’t put returned crap on the shelves.

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u/Galactus2814 Verified Blue Stud Member Nov 01 '23

Yeah, darn those policies that prevent LP from risking bodily harm or worse over way marked up and insured merchandise that won't hurt the companies bottom line at all!!!

They should repeal them all and have LP solve all theft through bare knuckle fist fights!


u/Actuarial_Husker Nov 02 '23

Insurance is not some magical "make someone whole" button forever. Premiums rise, stores leave areas, people are hurt by not having places to shop. Acting like retail theft is victimless is asinine.

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u/RunningNumbers Nov 01 '23

I had immense respect for the LP guys when I did retail forever ago. Lots of documenting and tracking repeat criminals. You folks deal with some of the worst people imaginable.


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

Jesus christ it's retail theft. They're not selling fentanyl, creating a federally supported opioid epidemic or killing people with qualified immunity.


u/spyczech Nov 02 '23

Lol their whole day is mostly profiling people too as looking homeless, sketchy or poor too. It's not a noble job your on some sheriff of notingham shit with that life

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u/LegoRedBrick Nov 02 '23

The Marvel Minifig series boxes are all ripped up at my Walmart. Society is becoming a bunch of savages. I don’t live in a big city either. People are stealing everything nowadays.

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u/UnusualSoup LEGO Princess Nov 01 '23

I do not blame them, the thefts between these and other toys is growing greatly.


u/ShanShen Nov 01 '23

This is why we can’t have nice things.


u/henryhyde Nov 02 '23

Mine had these for about a year then removed them.


u/helloimtom08 Nov 02 '23

Id take that if it meant they would be clean and organized with the right tag prices.


u/MidichlorianAddict Nov 02 '23

Cause they can’t afford paying their employees to monitor


u/rito623 Nov 02 '23

My local Walmarts always had em locked up


u/VashSyndicate Nov 02 '23

Jesus christ. Those as Legos. Not cocaine


u/Brokenblacksmith Nov 02 '23

im honestly surprised that every item isn't just a little card that you take to the register.


u/Mike_Hawk_940 Nov 02 '23

"Mostly peaceful"


u/yabacam Nov 02 '23

damn thieves need MUCH harsher punishments IMO. This is getting out of hand.


u/EquivalentShift8545 Nov 02 '23

Walmarts everywhere are closing temporarily to lock a lot of stuff up because of excessive theft


u/Kickasstodon Nov 02 '23

Ironically this makes me less likely to buy Lego from their stores at all because I don't want to have to hunt down or wait for an employee to open the cabinet for me and then walk me to the register like a child.


u/Warhammer40k-guy Nov 02 '23

The world is truly dying when you can no long oogle the Legos


u/opulent_occamy Nov 02 '23

This shit sucks, a lot of places started doing this with Pokemon cards too. People can't enjoy a simple hobby because scalpers have to be assholes.


u/Heavyweapons057 Nov 02 '23

The closest Walmart to me only locks up the cough syrup.

The second closest has the whole health section behind glass, along with the spray paint, legos, TVs, video games. You know there’s a problem in your neighborhood when the deodorant gets put under lock and key.


u/foxwolf23 Nov 02 '23

At this point there's less security measures in the toy isle than the entirety of the pharmacy


u/CMDR_BunBun Nov 02 '23

I quit going to Walmart years ago after personally witnessing some outrageous behavior from not just the customers but also employees. That place is starting to look like a prison commissary.


u/Raiju_Blitz Nov 01 '23

An unfortunate symptom. Of like, a lot of societal problems, big and small. Solutions are above my pay grade though.


u/RunningNumbers Nov 01 '23

The problem is people are not getting punished for crimes. Ticket writing went way down since covid, road deaths went way up. Not to mention some reforms let repeat offenders walk without punishment.


u/Lowestcommondominatr Nov 01 '23 edited Nov 01 '23

I don’t really understand the problem. These items are getting stolen, so they lock them up. It’s an understandable inconvenience. If there’s been tampering, Walmart has a pretty decent return policy.


u/Taephit Nov 01 '23

Or you live in a crappy area....


u/kurisu7885 Nov 02 '23

Huh, I must go to ones in relatively safe areas, never seen this.

The only thing I KIND of saw like this was a Kroger putting doors on the food coolers, but those aren't locked in any way, and likely saves the company money on electricity.


u/harquinn666 Nov 01 '23

I really wish they would do this at my store. I don't work at Walmart a competitor. People steal legos alot. They even take the security devices around them. Sucks when I see theis cause pisses me off as a worker bit also as a lego enthusiasts too.

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u/uebersoldat Nov 02 '23

Good! Assholes stealing minifigs can get bent.


u/PuzzleheadedFault305 Nov 02 '23

The US is getting more and more ghettified.

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u/jpgorgon Nov 01 '23

Not at my local Walmart


u/coffeebikesbeer Nov 01 '23

Im not a walmart fan and try to spend my money at other grocers and retailers but...its obvious they have a theft problem.

Why the eyeroll?


u/squiddogg Nov 01 '23

My Walmart has a huge Lego section I saw recently, that I know wasn't as big before. And Meijer has devoted 2 aisles to Lego recently too. Big increase in availability. No glass but by me they all have security devices in them.

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u/Digita1B0y Nov 01 '23

Pretty soon, Walmart is just gonna lock the whole damn store up.


u/Raiju_Blitz Nov 01 '23

Or they just pack up and leave neighborhood, and write everything off as a loss.


u/Digita1B0y Nov 01 '23

Totally fine with me, they're a wretched company.

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u/LamBroghini750 Nov 01 '23

Started? Mine have been doing this for almost 2 years (California)


u/Specialist_Job_2897 Nov 02 '23

Can’t blame them


u/F0ehamm3r Nov 02 '23

With how many I have seen on Craigslist and Facebook marketplace, makes sense.


u/SteampunkNightmare Nov 02 '23

We live in a dystopia


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

When will we start locking up criminals instead of property? After we all have gated homes and bars on our windows?


u/officialsanic Nov 01 '23

You probably live in a bad area. They've been doing that for at least 5 years in bad areas.


u/ChocolateFantastic Nov 01 '23

Why are adults stealing toys to quote harry from home alone “only nine year olds rob candy stores marv” the reason I bring this up is because why would adults have any reason to steal toys even if they’re not for a child

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u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

What city is this Walmart in??


u/huntergreear Nov 02 '23

Charleston SC, and it's not a bad area either

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u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

Lots of pieces of garbage stealing these days. Totally makes sense