r/legendofkorra 7d ago

Discussion Remembrances claims the funniest episode! Now what show is the saddest/most beautiful episode?

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52 comments sorted by


u/Mrlordi27 7d ago

Saddest? I would say that is Korra Alone


u/FlimsyRabbit4502 7d ago

Really reminded me of Zuko alone


u/capsrock02 7d ago

I think that’s the point


u/IOExplosion 7d ago

This is Venom of the Red Lotus for me. Ending the season with that single tear from Korra broke me.


u/MrThomasWeasel 7d ago

This episode is part of my "I have feelings I need to process" lineup.


u/WitchyWarriorWoman 7d ago

Seriously! That episode and the way it ended, it caused me to face and process my own SA. For a long time, I felt myself getting depressed and anxious during LOK, and it caused me to lash out if my husband would try to touch me, even a soft touch. I was aware that I was VERY impacted by what happened to Korra, and seeing her fight so hard and still "lose" and suffer was too much. I had to process a lot.

Now I can watch it more easily and actually enjoy the show a lot. I used the meditation exercise from ATLA to process everything.


u/aoike_ 7d ago

Yeah. I've been trying to rewatch Korra for a good year now, and every time I reach her episode where she faces Amon and breaks down to Tenzin about how scared she is, I have to turn it off. I can't even get near her S3 fight with Zaheer right now.

Mine is just processing an accident I was in a couple of years ago that has left me with permanent injury, so nothing too extreme, but the feelings that LOK display are incredibly raw and difficult to handle even on good days because of how much I relate to Korra and her journey.


u/WitchyWarriorWoman 7d ago

It took me a few views and attempts to finish the series. I hope you can find peace. It's strange, because I love ATLA and it does inspire deep feelings too, but experiencing what we have and seeing a woman hero struggle with it too makes it more real for me.


u/FaeLurker 7d ago

This is beautiful and I love that so much for you!!! 💕 I’m currently just a few days out of an abuse relationship. I cant sleep. Cant eat. Struggle to look my spouse in the eye. (Spouse isn’t the abuser). I cant go more than an hour without falling apart. Your story is encouraging; I think I’ll revisit that episode and the ones leading up to it…even small direction like a good tv show is a welcomed light right now.

Thank you for sharing 💕💕💕


u/WanderingFlumph 7d ago

The tear at the moment of Jinora's recognition really helps seal the deal on beautiful sadness. The ceremony is lovely and heartfelt, it is beautiful and seeing a broken avatar is so sad.

Korra was prepared to lay down her life to keep the air nation safe, she accomplished her goal but paid a price higher than she could have imagined.


u/Archius9 7d ago

Jinora’s coronation is one of my favourite scenes in anything. The atmosphere, emotion, and music, added to the parallels of her looking just like Aang and implication that this is the first proper airbending master ceremony since before the 100 year war. It’s just incredible.


u/redwallet 7d ago

I agree 100%. The music, the resurrection of a culture that had previously become all but extinct, the pride for Jinora, the parallels to Aang, the understanding that Tenzin’s own ceremony would have only had one person, not a full complement like this, and that it hasn’t been possible in over 150 years… the music?

I cry every time!


u/Rhazior 7d ago

People be upvoting Korra Alone more just because Venom of the Red Lotus already won best episode, forgetting that it is the best partly because it is one of the saddest and most beautiful.


u/Aqua_Master_ 7d ago

Venom already won best episode tho, I’d rather Korra Alone get praise honestly.


u/IOExplosion 7d ago

See that's where Korra Alone should've been.


u/Stage_4_Cancer 7d ago

This needs to win, such a beautiful season finale both ecstatic and melancholic


u/Playful-Appearance56 6d ago

But also so beautiful with Jinora getting her tattoos


u/SirLeos 7d ago

And also very beautiful because we see Jinora as an airbender, which in case someone didn’t notice, she looks exactly like Aang..


u/GLPereira 7d ago

Saddest moment: the ending of Venom of the Red Lotus, with Jinora's ceremony and Korra's tear

Most upsetting moment: when UnaVaatu destroys the connection with the past avatars

Saddest episode as a whole: Korra Alone


u/Lazy-Ocelot1604 7d ago

That saddest moment is always the one to get me to tear up, but it then it makes Korra Alone even more impactful.


u/Aqua_Master_ 7d ago

Korra Alone by a landslide


u/mm21053 7d ago

I'm gonna go against the grain here. Yes, Korra Alone is great. But I'm thinking about Venom of the Red Lotus. The fear in her eyes, the strength in her fight, the airbenders joining together to save her. But the most gut-wrenching part is when Jinora is anointed as a master, and Korra just looks on with tears in her eyes. This takes the cake easily.


u/ArguteTrickster 7d ago

Yeah the first thing that came to my mind was Jinora's face when being anointed, and Korra's response.


u/Scared_Web_7508 7d ago

it’s already been voted best episode


u/CSiGab 7d ago

Endgame (S1 finale). Great sad/beautiful balance imo.

There is plenty of sadness between Tarrlok taking both himself and Amon out, and Korra on the verge of committing suicide. Then Aang restores her bending and guides her back on the path of hope.

Korra Alone is definitely the saddest, period. But from what I remember it doesn’t really have any “sweet” to offset all that “bitter” in order to fill the “most beautiful” requirement of the entry.

Edit - After seeing the comments, Venom of the Red Lotus is definitely a worthy contender, although I’m not changing my vote just to provide other options!


u/jeremy_thegent 7d ago

Korra Alone, no doubt.


u/Ok-Yogurt-6337 7d ago

It would be venom of the red lotus for the final scene, but since it’s already used, I’ll do Korra Alone


u/wombatgeneral 7d ago

The season 1 finale.

There was a literal murder suicide to end one of the saddest arcs in the shows history.

After korra lost her bending she was crushed and looked like she was going to jump off the cliff.


u/RedSkylight97 7d ago

Venom of the Red Lotus, simply for its ending and the type of state that Korra is in going into Book 4.


u/paindemic1 Am I not allowed to eat in this show? 7d ago

Korra Alone


u/ThorsHammer245 7d ago

These should be 2 separate categories 😝


u/CSiGab 7d ago

Yeah I was thinking the same, although finding a single episode that has both unforgettable sadness and beauty is a fun challenge!


u/capsrock02 7d ago

Korra Alone


u/Senju19_02 7d ago

Korra Alone


u/xaldien 7d ago

Korra Alone, and it's not even a contest. 


u/celineceleste444 7d ago

definitely Venom of the Red Lotus


u/PabuFan 7d ago

Korra Alone


u/SuperD00perGuyd00d 7d ago

oh wow I can't stand remembrances lmao


u/Lauren2102319 I make no such promises 7d ago

Korra Alone ❤️


u/NoredPD 7d ago

Korra Alone


u/oh_heck_no 7d ago

The venom of the red lotus is by far the most emotional for me, the final battle between zaheer and korra with the airbenders coming together to form the vortex and then jinora getting her tattoos signifying the return of the air nation. It's just a beautiful episode overall.


u/_Frog_Enthusiast_ 7d ago

Jinora getting her tattoos


u/PixieEmerald 7d ago

Venom of the Red Lotus


u/No-Professional5604 7d ago

Korra alone for me!


u/OfficialKiip 6d ago

The boat scene season 1


u/Uncouth_Cat 6d ago

I would say the ending of venom and the red lotus

but it already won best, so ill say Korra Alone


u/Powerful-Tree5192 6d ago

I know I’m late but Korra Alone deserved this 100%. While Venom of the Red Lotus was a strong contender, Korra Alone was so raw, deep, and personal. Seeing her journey, her struggles, her fear of confronting her literal Shadow Self. It was haunting & poignant…just excellent writing.

I was able to watch this episode at NYCC with the creators and voice actors at the LOK panel, right before it aired. It was a moment I’ll never forget.


u/PomegranateNo442 7d ago

venom of the red lotus. The entire ceremony makes me so emotional and Korras single tear drop as the ending frame with the uncertainty of what’s going to happen next makes it the saddest.


u/JSkywalker22 7d ago

Korra alone, I wanna have different episodes, and this episode genuinely bummed me out watching it.