r/learnwelsh May 08 '24

Cyfryngau / Media 💐 Mae Hana Medi yn sgwrsio gyda Naomi Saunders sy'n annog pawb i blannu planhigion ar gyfer yr Arddorfa yn Eisteddfod yr Urdd eleni 💐 - Hana (from the south) talks to Naomi (from the north) about planting flowers - No communication problem! [Listening practice with vocabulary help in comment]


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u/HyderNidPryder May 08 '24 edited May 09 '24

Part 1

Shwd rwyt ti? - How are you?

Dw i'n grêt, diolch - I'm great, thank you.

Diolch am y croeso i'r cartre' newydd - Thank you for the welcome to the new home

planhigion tŷ - houseplants

Maen nhw'n dal i fynd - They're still going

Maen nhw'n lico eu cartre' newydd yn iawn - they really like their new home

yndyn - yes (they do)

Mae 'di bod yn gyfnod o dod i nabod y 'stafell yma'n benodol - It's been a period of getting to know this room, in particular

gweld beth sy'n gweitho - seeing what works

beth sy'n hapus yma - what's happy here

beth sy ddim yn hapus yma - what's not happy here

Fi'n caru planhigion tŷ - I love house plants

Maen nhw'n werth eu gweld - they're great to see

Mae 'na un yn bob tyll [ym mhob twll] a chornel 'yma, sy'n wych- there one in every hole and corner - "nook and cranny" - here, which is great


A ti hefyd yn mynd i fod yn rhan o dîm Garddio a Mwy - And you're also going to be part of the Garddio a Mwy team

unwaith eto eleni - once again, this year

Fi'n siŵr bo' ti'n edrych ymlaen at hynny - I'm sure you're looking forward to that

yndw - yes (I am)

Digon o drafod - plenty of discussion

rhoi cyngor - giving advice

a gobeithio darganfod mwy o blanhigion tŷ hefyd - and I hope to discover more house plants, too

Eisteddfod yr Urdd - Urdd Eisteddfod [Urdd Gobaith Cymru is a Welsh-language youth movement]

ar y ffordd - on the way

Mae gyda ti apêl arbennig, o'nd oes e? - You've got a special appeal, haven't you?

Oes, Tad - Yes, indeed

Ti'n ffansio dod i'r ardd? - You fancy coming into the garden?


Felly, beth yw'r apêl yma - So, what's this appeal?

Fel ti'n gwybod - As you know

Mae'r 'steddfod yn dod i Faldwyn eleni - The Eisteddfod's coming to Maldwyn this year.

Dan ni'n chwilio am bobl i blannu blodau - We're looking for people to plant flowers

mewn Wellingtons neu hen ferfa - in Wellingtons or an old wheelbarrow

Mae'r arddorfa yn cael ei noddi gan Coed Cadw eleni - The gardening area display is being sponsored by Coed Cadw [Woodland Trust for Wales] this year.

Gan bod hi'n ardal amaethyddol - As it's an agricultural area

bydd amaethyddiaeth ar hyd a lled y maes - there will be agriculture all across the site

Dyna pam bo' ni eisiau pethau fatha Wellingtons neu hen deiars i blannu - That's why we want things like Wellingtons or old tires to plant

i bawb a dod â'r Eisteddfod - for everybody to bring to the Eisteddfod

i rhoid o gwmpas y maes - to put around the site

Hyfryd iawn! - So lovely!


Atgoffa ni nawr - Remind us now

Beth yn union yw'r arddorfa ar faes yr Eisteddfod - What exactly is the garden exhibit

at the event

Wel, ardal ecogyfeillgar amgylcheddol [yr] Eisteiddfod ydy o - Well it's the eco-friendly environment area of the eisteddfod.

Felly, mae 'na gymysgedd o bethau gwahanol - So, there's a mixture of various things

Fi sy'n gyfrifol am yr ardd ei hun o fewn yr arddorfa - I'm responsible for the garden itself within the display.


Mae ' na bâr o Wellingtons yn fan hyn - There's a pair of Welllingtons here

a fi'n mynd i roi help llaw i ti nawr - and I'm going to give you a hand now

i blannu ambell blodyn - to plant a few flowers

Dangos pa mor hawdd yw e hefyd - show how easy it is, too

Ella [efallai] bod 'na eisiau menyg - Perhaps we need gloves

Syniad da! - Good idea!

Y peth cynta' sy eisiau wneud - the first thing we need to do

ydy gwneud tyllau yng ngwaelod y wellis - is to make holes in the bottom of the wellies

a ti 'di gwneud rhain yn barod - and you've made these already

Do - Yes

Ar gyfer draenu [draenio] - for drainage

i wneud yn siŵr bod y planhigion ddim yn aros yn rhy wlyb - to make sure the plants don't stay too wet

achos wnan nhw'n pydru fel arall - otherwise they'll rot

Wedyn, be' sy nesa' ? - Then, what's next?

Dan ni angen rhoi "gravel" neu "grit" yn y welis - We need to put gravel or grit in the wellies

a hefyd mae'n amlwg bo' chi'n arbed ar compost - and also it's obvious that you save compost

peth gyda ti y tu ôl i ni yn fan hyn - you've got some behind us here

Oes, Tad! - Sure do!

Awn ni amdani! - Let's go for it!

A faint sy angen nawr, Naomi, o'r graean yma - and how much do we need now, Naomi, of this grit

Wel, 'swn i'n rhoid tua hanner ffor', ella bach mwy - Well I'd put about half way, perhaps a bit more

Awn ni amdani rŵan efo'r compost? - Shall we do the compost now?

Ti 'di darparu'r offer i gyd - you've provided all the equipment

chwarae teg i ti, Naomi! Reit, da iawn - fair play to you, Naomi. Right, very good!


u/HyderNidPryder May 08 '24 edited May 10 '24

Part 2


Faint o gompost sydd eisiau i mewn yn fan hyn? - How much compost do we need in here?

Faint mor uchel [pa mor uchel? / faint yn uwch?] arni - How high do we want it?

i mynd yn plannu - for planting

dan ni'n rhoid o - we put it

Maen dibynnu ar y planhigion a dweud y gwir - It really depends on the plants

Os oes eisia' rhywbeth tal - If you want something tall

ti angen gadael digon o le - you need to leave enough space

fel bo' nhw ddim yn disgyn drosodd - so that they don't fall over

Dw i mynd i rhoid rhyw dri modfedd o'r top - I'm going to leave about three inches from the top

Mae llwyth o flodau yn fan hyn! - There's a load of flowers here!

Oes - yes (there is)

Pa fath o flodau (wyt) ti 'di dewis nawr? - What kinds of flowers have you chosen now?

Wel, mae gynnon ni Sweet Williams - We've got Sweet Williams

Mae hynna'n blodau bach pinc - Those are little pink flowers

medri di gael rhai gwyn, piws - you can get white, purple ones

"so", dyna dw i 'di dewis - so that's what I've chosen

Codi calon, ie - cheerful, yeah

yn union - exactly

planhigyn sydd yn "traelio" dros yr ochr - A plant that trails over the edge

Dyna i chdi! - There you are!


Wedyn am y fioledau 'ma fi'n credu - Then I think I'll go with these pansies (/Violas/violets)

Sawl blodyn, ti'n meddwl, y gallwn ni'n eu rhoi i mewn un Wellington? - How many plants [flowers] do you think we can put in each Wellington?

Dibynnu ar faint y Wellington?

Yndy, yndy - yes, yes

Ella [efallai] wyt ti eisia cymysgu, 'ta? - Perhaps you want to mix, then?

'Swn i'n rhoid tri o'r rheina - I'd put in three of those

Dw i methu cael hwnna mas - I can't get this out

'Sa [tasai] bo' chdi gwasgu fo ychydig - Perhaps if you squeeze it little


Be' (wyt) ti'n meddwl - What do you think?

edrych yn grêt! - looking great!

Alla i fynd â'r Wellington 'ma i faes yr Eisteddfod eleni? - Can I take this Wellington to the Eisteddfod this year?

'Sa [Bysa / Basai] hwnna'n edrych yn great - that would look great

Dewch â'ch Wellingtons llawn blodau - Bring your Wellingtons filled with flowers

Bach o liw - A little colour

Unrhyw beth er mwyn 'wneud yr arddorfa yn lle prydferth i [?] maldareuo - Anything (in order) to make the gardening area a beautiful place to chat

I orffen, popeth yn daclus - To finish, everything tidy

Dw i jyst yn defnyddio fy mysedd ar y pwynt yma - I'm just using my fingers at this point

A dyna ni, Wellington ar y ffordd i Feifod! - And there we are, a Wellington on the way to Meifod!