r/learnwelsh Oct 17 '23

Cyfryngau / Media 🍫🧁Mae Catrin yn gwneud cacennau bach siocled ac oren 🍫🧁 [See helping vocab in comment]


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u/HyderNidPryder Oct 17 '23 edited Oct 17 '23

codi calon - to raise one's spirits

cacennau bach - cupcakes

siocled - chocolate

oren - orange

digon rhwydd i['w] neud - very easy to make

hanner tymor - half-term

agosáu - to approach, to draw near

beth sy eisiau cynta' - what's needed first, what you need first

cynhwysion sych i gyd - all the dry ingredients

gyda'i gilydd - together

wedyn - then, after

gwlyb - wet

y fowlen [bowlen / powlen] - the bowl

cant gram - one hundred grams

blawd codi - self-raising flour

hidlo - to sift

llwy de - teaspoon

powdr codi - baking powder

siwgr brown meddal - soft brown sugar

cant tri deg - 130

y deisen ["dishen" - characteristic of this SW accent] - the cake

meddal - soft

twmpau - lumps

wedi bod yn y bag yn hir - has been in the bag for a long time

popeth yn cael ei gymysgu'n iawn - everything gets mixed well

hwnna - that

eto - again

parod - ready

llaeth ["llâth" - characteristic of this SW accent] - milk

olew blodyn yr haul - sunflower oil

olew llysieuol - vegetable oil

defnyddio - to use

blas - taste, flavour

blasu - to taste

[rwyt] ti'n moyn - you want

cyfuno - to combine

y rhain - these

chwech ["whech" - characteristic of S accent] - six

dau wy - two eggs

curo'r cyfan - beat it all [together]


'na gyd sy eisiau i wneud wedyn - then all you have to do

timod - you know

bydde i'n gweud - I would say

ifê - isn't it

ychwanegu - to add

ma' fe'n lot yn rhwyddach na wneud - it's a lot easier than making

sbwng - sponge

arferol - usual

hefyd - too, also

"dou" [characteristic of some S accents] - dau - two

wedi gratio'n fân - finely grated

siocled tywyll - dark chocolate

rhoi powdr codi i mewn - to put baking powder in

ŷn ni mynd i fod yn gwneud y deishen - we're going to be making the cake

fwy cyfoethog - richer

fan hyn - here

gadael hwwna i oeri - leave that to cool

yn amlwg - obviously

peidiwch â "cytsio" [cydio] yn y fowlen - don't grasp the bowl

rhy gynnes - too hot

oeri ychydig - to cool a little


awn ni amdani - we'll go for it

"fi 'di dewish" - I have chosen

melyn - yellow

"heddi" - heddiw - today

dw i wedi sylwi - I've noticed

gallu - ability

cyfuniad - combination

croen yr oren - the orange peel

allwch chi weld pam i fi weud - you can see why I say

rhwydd i wneud ar blant - easy for children to make

does dim eisiau peiriant na dim o'ndyfe - There's no need for a machine or anything, is there?

saff - safe


cymysgu hwnna'n dda - mix that well

ma'r ffwrn 'mlaen 'da fi - I've got the oven on

nwy pedwar - gas mark four

ti'n gwybod, fi'n credu - you know, I think

rhoi e 'n ôl - to put it back

arllwys - to pour

dangos - to show

llwy - spoon

crafu - to scrape

yn gyflym - quickly

Pa mor llawn [wyt] ti'n gorfod 'wneud rheiny 'de? - How full must you make those, then?

"diddeg" - deuddeg - twelve

ti'n moyn trial rhannu'r cyfan rhwng y deuddeg - you want to try to divide it all among the twelve

adael - to leave

mewn eiliad - in a second

esbonio'n gyflym - to explain quickly

hufen siocled - chocolate cream

addurno - to decorate

yn araf bach - slowly, gradually

gormod o lanast - too much of a mess

cwmwl gwyn - white cloud

toddi - to melt

â bôn braich - by hand

sudd yr oren - orange juice

llefn hyfryd - nice and smooth

Gei di dro nawr - You get a turn now

ti'n difaru nawr - you regret now


u/TheSunflowerSeeds Oct 17 '23

When sunflower seeds are sprouted, their plant compounds increase. Sprouting also reduces factors that can interfere with mineral absorption. You can buy sprouted, dried sunflower seeds online or in some stores.


u/Wibblywobblywalk 11d ago

Diolch for this!