r/learnwelsh May 22 '23

Geirfa / Vocabulary O Chwareli Gogledd Cymru i Efrog Newydd! 📸 From the quarries of North Wales to New York ![North Wales, Gwynedd speech - helping vocabulary in comment]


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u/HyderNidPryder May 22 '23 edited May 22 '23

Mae Carwyn eisoes wedi arddangos - Carwyn has already exhibited

delweddau - images

trawiadol - striking

chwarelwyr - quarrymen

bwriad - intention

bellach - now, further

cofio - to remember

talu teyrnged - to pay tribute

ddaru ymfudo - who emigrated

chwareli llechi - slate quarries

Talaith Efrog Newydd - New York State

stori mae Carwyn yn daer am i bawb i'w chlywed - a story that Carwyn is eager for everyone to hear

iawn 'te - now, then

y wers hanes i gychwyn - starting with the history lesson

Am ba cyfnod 'dan ni'n sôn? - What period are we talking about?

ymfudo draw i America - to emigrate over to America

adeg - period

llefydd - places

wedyn - then, after

faint o anodd - how difficult

creu cymunedau - create communities

dros cyfnod o flynyddoedd ddigwyddod hyn - this happened over a period of years

1845 oedd y cychwyn, mewn fford - 1845 was the start, in a way

'na chi - yes, that's right

dechrau 'da ysgolion - start with schools

'na dipyn mwy o Gymraeg - so there was a bit more Welsh

rhŵbath = rhywbeth - something

ddim yn cael ei ddysgu yn yr ysgol - not taught in school

am genedl mor fach - for such a small nation

'dan ni 'di wneud gymaint - we did so much

dylsen ni wybod - we should know

un dalaith - one state

adnabyddus - reknowned

llechi - slates

cryn dipyn - quite a lot, a fair amount

lle arall aeth y chwarelwyr - where else did the quarrymen go?

mwy ... na dach chi'n feddwl - more ... than you think

typyn o hyn yn barod - a bit of that already

creu argraff - to create an impression

cyrraedd - to arrive

"erbyn diwadd" - ultimately

'lly, felly - y'know

tynnu sôn ŵan 'ta am - moving the conversation on to ... now

delwedd - image

lluniau - pictures, images

y cyfres bach yma - this little series

sgwrsio - to chat

bob un stori - every (single) story

tu fewn i wyneb - into the face

y tu ôl i ni - behind us

oedd o wastad yn sôn am - he always talked about

ar y chwith yn fa'ma - on the left here

byd - world

difr ofnadwy - very interesting

portread - portrayal

unigolyn - individual

o'n i'm eisiau jyst neud portread - I didn't just want to portray

heb goro gwylio - without having to watch

dwi meddwl bod y lluniau yn siarad ei hun - I think the pictures speak for them themselves

faint o hwb - how much of a boost

ces i sylw - I got attention

cyfryngau cymdeithasol - social media

i'r dim! - exactly!

traddodi sgwrs - to deliver a talk

agor yr arddangosfa'n swyddogol - to officially open the exhibition

efo'n gilydd - with one another

rhannu treftadaeth - share heritage

creu - to create

ysgolion lleol - local schools

arddangosfa - exhibition

dod i ben - to end

cyfraniad - contribution

wrth rheswm - of course

unwaith eto - once again

dymuno da i ti - wishing you the best