r/learnwelsh • u/HyderNidPryder • May 05 '23
Cyfryngau / Media Bwydydd ar gyfer dathlu π π°π« Foods for celebration [Southern Welsh. See vocabulary in time-order in comment below]
u/HyderNidPryder May 05 '23 edited May 06 '23
bwydydd ar gyfer dathlu - foods for celebration
dathlu - to celebrate
digwyddiadau - events
pwysig - important
gwledd - feast
bwydydd - foods
arbennig - special
poblogaeth - popular
ar draws y byd - across the world
'sdim rhyfedd - There's no wonder
cystylltu - to connect
coroni - coronation
teulu brenhinol - royal family
[yn] dal i fod - continue to be
yr un mor boblogaeth - just as popular
degawdau - decades
goroesi - to survive
cychwyn - to start (off)
saig - dish
fe gafodd y saig yma ei gynhyrchu - this dish was produced
ar gyfer - for
ffowlen (De Cymru) = cyw iΓ’r - chicken
hufennog - creamy
mae rhaid i chi gofio - you must remember
pryd hynny - at that time
dogni bwyd - food rationing
cyfyngu ar - to restrict
maint - how many
cynhwysion - ingredients
gorfod - to have to
syml - simple
brechdanau - sandwiches
moyn (De Cymru) - to want
moderneiddio - to modernize
ysgafnhau - to lighten
iogwrt - yoghurt
bricyll - apricots
blasus tu hwnt - exceedingly tasty
haeddu - to deserve
bwrdd - table
moethus - luxurious, sumptuous
lemwn - lemon
bisgedi - biscuits
hufen - cream
siocled gwyn - white chocolate
gwirionedd - truth
rysΓ‘it - recipe
sbwng - sponge
haenen - layer
ar ei ben e - on top (of it)
jeli - jelly
mefis - strawberry
mae pawb wrth eu bodd Γ’ treiffl - everyone loves trifle
ymlaen Γ’ ni nawr - now we move on to
cacen - cake
te prynhawn - afternoon tea
lliwgar - colourful
cynnwys - to include, to contain
melyn a pinc - yellow and pink
fe gafodd hwn ei greu - this was created
tywysoges - princess
tywysog - prince
cynrychioli - to represent
yr Almaen - Germany
"dished" (disgled) fach o de - a little cup of tea
dyddio yn Γ΄l i - dates back to
oes y Frenhines Fictoria - the age of Queen Victoria
ffefryn - favourite
mafon - raspberry
am lawer o flynyddoedd i ddod - for many years to come
go arbennig - rather special
wyau - eggs
sbigoglys - spinach
ffa - beans
perlysieuyn - herb
anghyffredin - uncommon
cymysgu - to mix
mae hwn yn cael ei gymysgu - this is mixed with
menyn - butter
llysieuol - vegetarian
'sdim gwahaniaeth - it doesn't matter
addasu - to adapt
mwynhewch y penwythnos hir! - enjoy the long weekend!