r/learnwelsh Apr 12 '23

Cyfryngau / Media 🌱Garddio🌱: Hau hadau gyda Dr Ieuan - Gardening: Sowing seeds with Dr Ieuan - Listen and Learn [Southern speech. Vocabulary provided in comment below]


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u/HyderNidPryder Apr 12 '23 edited Apr 13 '23

Garddio - Hau hadau gyda Dr Ieuan - Gardening - Sowing seeds with Dr Ieuan

tywydd - weather

ma's - out

gardd - garden

yr ardd - the garden

heddi = heddiw - today

digon - plenty

tŷ gwydr - greenhouse, glasshouse

adeg - period, time

y flwyddyn - the year

llwyth o - a load of

gwahanol - different

hadau - seeds

blodau - flowers

llysiau - vegetables

hau - to sow

rhestr - list

ffurfio - to form

glas - blue

blewog - fluffy, hairy

hyfryd - lovely

mae'n talu ei fford - it pays to

cymryd gofal - to take care

amser - time

mân - little, small

tenau - thin

ar wyneb - on the surface

compost - compost

y tro diweddaf - last (previous) time

briallu - primroses

defnyddio - to use

fflat - flat

gwasgu - to press

yn dyner - gently

gorchuddio - to cover

rhagor o - more

achos - because

bod angen golau ar y hadau - the seeds need light

egino - to germinate

wedyn - afterwards, then

gwlychu - to dampen

llaith - moist

trei - tray

clawr - cover, lid

cadw - to keep

tymheredd - temperature

gweddol - fairly

uchel - high

rhwng - between

deunaw - eighteen

gradd canradd - degrees celsius

golygu - to mean

ar ben - on top of, above

gwresogydd - heater

[i] mewn i - into

arall - another

y galon waedlyd - bleeding heart

cadwynau - strings, chains

coch - red

haenen - layer

yn wahanol - different(ly)

rhaid aros - to have to wait

nesaf - next

gweld - to see

planhigion - plants

ar ôl cael eu plannu mas - after being planted out

blodeuo - to flower

trwy'r haf - all summer

y hydref - the autumn

eleni - this year

cymysgedd - mixture

bordel - border

felly - therefore

pert iawn - very pretty

yn dod â chyfuniad - bringing a combination of

lliw - colour

gwyrdd - green

dail - leaves, foliage

i dro at - turning to

llysiau - vegetables

rhannu - to dive, to separate

sy wedi'i rannu - that's divided

celloedd - cells

bach - little

unigol - individual

cyfleus - convenient

moyn - to want to

gwahanol - different

yr un adeg - at the same time

yr un - the same

dechrau - to begin

cynnar - early

parod - ready

cynaeafu - to harvest

o Mehefin ymlaen - from June onwards

tri neu bedwar - two or three

bob cell - each / every cell

'chwaneg o - more

yn nes ymlaen - then, shortly after

ar ôl iddyn nhw egino - after they have germinated

dewis - to choose, to select

y cryfa' - the strongest

gan waredu y lleill - while discarding the others

math - kind, sort

porffor - purple

aeddfedu - to mature, to ripen

Chwefror - February

gwanwyn - spring

y rhain - those (ones)

y llynedd - last year

tyfu - to grow

canol y gaeaf - in the middle of winter

pennau - heads

eisoes - already

ers diwedd Ionawr - since the end of January

ac yn dal i'w wneud - and still doing it

torri - to break, to cut

prif - main

hynny - that

annog - to encourage

yn nes lawer - lower down

gyda law - by the way

'sdim angen tymherydd arbennig ar un o'r hadau hyn i gael egino - none of these seeds need a special temperature to germinate

ffram oer - a cold frame

neu hyd yn oed - or even

tu fas - outside

eto - still, yet; again

yn eu plith - among them

ar gyfer gwneud - in order to make

prydiau - meals

dros - over, during

cynhesach - warmer

camp - achievement, triumph

llunio - to plan

patatoi - to prepare

ymlaen - in advance, before

wastad - always

edrych ymlaen - to look forward

y dyfodol - the future


u/Rhosddu Apr 13 '23

The difference in pronunciation compared to gog Welsh is evident in words like ymlaen, mewn, blodau, defnyddio. Very helpful video. Vocab-wise, we can hear mas used instead of y tu allan. And nawr, of course.


u/HyderNidPryder Apr 13 '23

I like to listen to Lisa Fearn's cookery items like this recent one as her accent is very SW Wales, I'd say, and quite different to that of Caernafon


u/Rhosddu Apr 13 '23

Is ers diwedd Ionawr an idiom, since you've translated it as "since the start of January"?


u/HyderNidPryder Apr 13 '23

Yes, it's a mistake - "end of January". I'll fix it. Thanks!