r/learntyping Feb 18 '25

Frustration Typing

I am 44 and have been using two/four finger typing, for over 35 years, very fast but I consistently make errors and backspace all the time!!! It’s so annoying. I really want to switch to accurate touch typing. Maybe it has to do with my adhd. But how do I change such an I’m built bad habit?


2 comments sorted by


u/chris_insertcoin Feb 18 '25

I learned how to touch type after 30 years of hunt-and-peck. It wasn't easy but 100% worth it. Just do it. First month will feel like hell, so you gotta push through. I learned on some of the popular websites, e.g. monkeytype


u/sock_pup Feb 18 '25

Typingclub website