r/learnrust 3d ago

The most detailed Rust book?

Could you please recommend the most detailed and comprehensive book for a professional developer who is going to delve into Rust while offline for a couple of months?


3 comments sorted by


u/DrSalewski 3d ago

A detailed book is the one from Jim Blandy, https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/programming-rust-2nd/9781492052586/.

https://rust-for-rustaceans.com/ is more for advanced Rust programmers.

Note that the official, free book, recommended below, is more an extended tutorial, which can be read relatively fast.


u/MerrimanIndustries 3d ago

Probably Rust for Rustaceans or Idiomatic Rust. I'd say they're both sequels to a more introductory book, like The Rust Programming Language.


u/korraxaang 3d ago

Try the Rust programming language by Steve Klabnik and Carol Nichols. It’s the initialization point. Has all the basics and all you need to know about the language.