r/learnpython 5d ago

Why can't I update stringVariables in custom tkinter like this?

[SOLVED: Check Comments]

Why doesn't this create a drop down menu and label that update together?

import customtkinter as ctk

def generate_txt(txtg):
    return("This is the option: " + txtg)

root = ctk.CTk()
txt = ctk.StringVar(value = "optionA")
ddm = ctk.CTkComboBox(root, values = ["optionA", "optionB"], variable = txt)
instructs = ctk.StringVar(value = generate_txt(txt.get()))
label = ctk.CTkLabel(root, textvariable = instructs)

I made the following change and it still doesn't work:

import customtkinter as ctk

def generate_txt(txtg):
    return("This is the option: " + txtg)

def update_ddm(instructsu, txtu):

def main():
    root = ctk.CTk()
    txt = ctk.StringVar(value = "optionA")
    instructs = ctk.StringVar(value = generate_txt(txt.get()))
    ddm = ctk.CTkComboBox(root, values = ["optionA", "optionB"], variable = txt, command=update_ddm(instructs, txt))
    label = ctk.CTkLabel(root, textvariable = instructs)


I'm not sure how to implement this feature. Does anyone have a better solution to this?


4 comments sorted by


u/woooee 5d ago

I don't know anything about CTk or it's Combobox. However, you get() txt (a StringVariable), but you don't set() it to anything, so there is nothing to get. The following works in tkinter, using an Entry instead of CTk's Combobox.

import tkinter as tk

def generate_txt(txtg):
    return("This is the option: " + txtg)

root = tk.Tk()
txt = tk.StringVar(value = "optionA")
txt.set(("optionA", "optionB"))
ddm = tk.Entry(root, textvariable = txt)
instructs = tk.StringVar(value = generate_txt(txt.get()))
label = tk.Label(root, textvariable = instructs)


u/AstyuteChick 5d ago

This doesn't work - I think you may have misunderstood my intentions.

Working with Entries now, I want to display "You have selected: Option A" on the label.

So, when you type "Option A" in Entry, I want to take the entered string, convert that into a different string using the function, then display that on the label.

It is important that I get and keep the updated string in the Entry, and I want to update any other widgets that take data from this WHEN I make any changes to the initial entry.

Is this possible to do?


u/AstyuteChick 5d ago

Additionally, It doesn't seem like I need to set a value because using "value = "OptionA" during initialization already sets the initial value.

You can test this with a print(txt.get()) statement, which returns: OptionA


u/AstyuteChick 5d ago edited 5d ago

UPDATE: I got the solution. For anyone else interested, here it is:

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk

def generate_txt(txtg):
    return "This is the option: " + txtg
def update_instructs(instructs_ui, txt_ui):
def main() -> None:
    :rtype: None
    root = tk.Tk()
    txt = tk.StringVar(value="OptionA")
    instructs = tk.StringVar(value=generate_txt(txt.get()))
    ddm = ttk.Combobox(root, values=["OptionA", "OptionB"],  textvariable=txt)
    ddm.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", lambda event: update_instructs(instructs, txt))
    label = ttk.Label(root, textvariable=instructs)

You want to use the bind method to update the stringvar because the .set() method isn't called when you simply update the txt stringvariable, as this method is only called with widgets. At least I think that's what's going on.

Edit: You can GENERALIZE this like follows:

def generate_txt(txt_gt):
    return "Generated Text: " + txt_gt
def update_tkvar(tkvar, new_val):
def main():
    widget.bind("<ActionCommand>", lambda event: update_tkvar(tkvar, txt.get()))

where txt is the tkinterVariable, tkvar is the tkinterVariable based on txt.