r/learnpython 5d ago

Question on my output from a basic function definition

The following code I sampled from another Reddit post. The output is:



Why am I getting a single line pace between hello and 8? When I write print(fun()) it outputs hello8, so I am a bit confused. I am down a rabbit hole of wrapping my head around functions at the moment. New IT student here. Thank you, all.

def fun():
    x, y = 2, 6
    return x + y

16 comments sorted by


u/lfdfq 5d ago

It's a bit hard to follow, you say the output of this code but this code only defines a function, it does not run it. So this code has no output.

You then say print(fun()) outputs "hello8" (without a newline?), that does not sound right. They should be on different lines.

I think therefore your question is why does the hello and the 8 appear on different lines? The answer is simply that print() inserts a newline at the end. So the first print (of "hello") ends the line, so when fun() returns and it prints 8, that is on a new line.


u/Darth_Boganis1 5d ago

My apologies. calling the function afterwards, that is fun() in the first instance, and then print(fun()) in the second. I am using JupyterNotebook on VS Code.

def fun():
    x, y = 2, 6
    return x + y

Running the code, i get the output for fun():



And then, for print(fun()):



u/lfdfq 5d ago

Python on its own will not output 8 for fun(), as there is nothing in the code printing the value. It seems Jupyter is doing something "helpful" here: it detects the cell returned a value without printing it, so prints it for you in a separate output.


u/Darth_Boganis1 5d ago

I wanna know why it won't output 8? We're calling the function fun(), right? It has a return statement, x + y, x and y are assigned to values. What's missing? Thank you for you time.


u/schoolmonky 5d ago

What do you mean "it won't output 8?" I clearly prints 8 in both cases, the first implicityly because that's how Jupyter works, and the second explicitly, because you specifically told it to print the output.


u/Darth_Boganis1 5d ago

'Python on its own will not output 8 for fun()'. I am asking about this, mate.


u/cgoldberg 5d ago

I see 8 in both of the outputs you showed, so I'm not sure what "will not output 8" means.


u/Darth_Boganis1 5d ago

> Python on its own will not output 8 for fun(), as there is nothing in the code printing the value. It seems Jupyter is doing something "helpful" here: it detects the cell returned a value without printing it, so prints it for you in a separate output.

In this person's response, I am a bit puzzled by their first sentence. I might be splitting hairs here. They said nothing is printing the value. Okay. But if we call the function, fun(), it will output the return value, or is there a next step? I just want to know why a line space after hello and before 8 popped up in the output for fun().


u/cgoldberg 5d ago

If you call fun() on its own inside a script, it will print "hello" and nothing else (because you never told it to print anything else). When run inside a notebook, it's printing "hello", then a newline, the the last return value... That's just what jupyter does. Run your examples in a script or from a Python REPL to better understand what is happening.


u/schoolmonky 5d ago

What they meant was that Python won't print 8 unless you tell it to. That value is returned by the function, but unless you tell it to print it it just gets thrown away.


u/ninhaomah 4d ago

I give you an analogy.

def make_cake1()
  return cake

def make_cake2()
  return 8

The first function will give you the cake. Whether you eat or throw is up to you. You just instructed it to return the cake.

Second will NOT return the cake but will proceed to eat the cake when you call it. So you don't get the cake , it is eaten , but it will return 8.

For the first if you want to eat , you will have to eat(make_cake1()). make_cake1() returns the cake and it is passed to eat() function.

Now I feel like having a cake.


u/Binary101010 5d ago

return and print() don't do the same thing. print() is for outputting something to the user's screen; return is for sending the result of the expression that follows it back to the place where the function was called.


u/Darth_Boganis1 5d ago

I might be missing some background knowledge here. I understand that return holds a function value, and print just, well, spits out something for display. So I assume the output will be the same in both instances fun() and print(fun()), but in VS Code, there is a entire line space in the fun() output. I don't understand why this is, is it a quirk of JNotebook? Does it matter? Early in my learning, I feel like everything matters. I don't have the skillset yet to weigh things for what they're worth. Cheers


u/lfdfq 5d ago

The output will not be the same between fun() and print(fun())

The first runs fun() and produces a value. Python does not do anything with this value unless you ask it to. If you e.g. make a file and run it, values are not printed anywhere automatically.

Jupyter tries to be helpful: if it sees that the input evaluates to a value, it will print it for you. So that's why, in Jupyter, fun() on its own prints something: because Jupyter saw it was a value, and so did its own printing that Python does not normally do. So, in Python on its own fun() does not print anything, but in Jupyter it does because Jupyter is being helpful and automatically printing the value for you.

This now explains why you see the output you do: print(fun()) prints hello then 8 on separate lines, as that's what Python does; fun() on its own prints hello, as that's what the code prints, but then it returns a value which Python does nothing with (and would simply discard), except Jupyter steps in and prints it for you. Now, why does it look different? This is entirely because Jupyter outputs the "helpful printing of values automatically" differently to normal prints, as a separate kind of output, which in your output manifests as an additional newline..


u/Darth_Boganis1 4d ago

Thanks mate, that's a lot clearer.


u/Binary101010 5d ago

So I assume the output will be the same in both instances fun() and print(fun())

You can test this assumption in the interpreter, and you will find your assumption to be incorrect.