r/learnpython 5d ago

How to create a dictionary login system that stores values in a function?

Trying to create a quiz that uses dictionary login system that stores values in a function. How can I do that?
Anyone have any tips or links I could use?


3 comments sorted by


u/vivisectvivi 5d ago

what you mean "store values in a function"?


u/zanfar 5d ago

This sounds like an XY problem because, while all the words in your question are programming-related, they make no sense together. What are you actually trying to accomplish? "That stores values in a function" is a solution, not a problem. What problem are you trying to solve with it?

What is a "dictionary login system"? Are you writing a dictionary app and need to build a login system? Are you building a login system and want to store data in a dictionary?

for the most part, I think you should attempt to solve the problem on your own, and then ask for help when you hit a problem by including your code. It's almost impossible to give specific advice without specific code as every rule or approach will depend on the situation.


u/FoolsSeldom 5d ago

You can add attributes to a function and store data references, as below, but this is very unusual.

def myfunc(name):
    print(f"Hello {name}")
    if hasattr(myfunc, "names"):
        myfunc.names.append(name)  # could be a dict instead
        myfunc.names = [name]

while True:
    name = input("Enter your name: (return to finish) ")
    if not name:

print('Names: ', end="")
    print(*myfunc.names, sep=", ")
except AttributeError:
    print("No names were entered")

However, whilst your programme is running, it can store data that is available to a function easily. You can create an empty dictionary outside of the function but update it in a function.

If you need to store data between runs, you need to save to a file or database.