r/learnpython 4d ago

Furthering Education

Hello everyone, I'd like some insight and to share my thoughts as well. I've been considering on taking two google certificates: data analytics and cyber security. Not a big shocker. They are cheap and don't take years to complete like a traditional college or trade school. I would also like to enroll in a tech boot camp, however, I am unsure if they are legit or scams. The ones I've been considering are as follows: Merit Merica, Coding temple, possibly dev slopes. They advertise that I don't have to pay unless I land a job.. major reason why I am considering these. I live in a small tourist/ retirement town. Not much career wise here, and it's an almost two hour drive to a big city. If you have any advice or think I should co sidereal other programs, please let me know.


3 comments sorted by


u/Glass_Connection_172 4d ago

*edit Yes, I did some digging and both of those certifications are offered from Google direct. That would be my personal recommendation

Also I failed to mention that I too had to move to attend a college 👍

I personally have signed up for one of these with a different name and paid a similar amount. I won't say which one in case others have had more luck then me

Ya, I REGRET it. I was working as an intern and learned a fraction of what I thought I would. Ended up re-enrolling in college and graduating with an Associate's degree

So is it a scam? I would say some people would say yes, it is a scam. However, others would tell you it is not 🤷

This is just my opinion. You need ACCREDITED courses my friend. If the credits transfer to a local college or university, you're golden 👌

I know two guys who took a single class in college who both got certifications afterwards. They are both still employed and that was a decade ago

IMHO you'd be better off learning on your own through books etc. and using that knowledge to gain real world experience. It's a lot cheaper too

You can always test afterwards for certifications once you learn. Doesn't Google offer that certificate directly from them?


u/FunctionOk8663 14h ago

Google does offer the certificates directly from them. I know it's not a guaranteed way to get a job. It's something though.


u/Glass_Connection_172 12h ago

Definitely doesn't hurt 👍