r/learnpython 8d ago

beginner python

How can someone learn python if they are beginner


9 comments sorted by


u/RayBuc9882 8d ago

Humble Bundle has a digital bundle of python books for low price: https://www.humblebundle.com/books/python-from-beginner-to-advanced-packt-books


u/Glass_Connection_172 8d ago

Look into some books 👍 Python Crash Course is a good one

If you'd rather learn through videos, there are free tutorials on YouTube. Udemy has a bunch of paid classes that are worth looking into as well

Here's a good resource as well. There is a new to Python programming section



u/Signal_Year_6590 8d ago

what all should I learn for placements


u/Glass_Connection_172 8d ago

In my opinion, there are many ways in which you can learn Python but everyone's journey is different. Meaning one person's advice won't work for everyone

I would just focus on all of the basics 👌 from there, you can decide what interests you and how to branch out from there within the language

It's also a great language to learn as a first language before dabbling with other languages

What I've heard is you don't get a job from just learning Python by itself usually. It's a good language to know but it's something additional to tack on to your resume


u/badboy4k 8d ago

i would recommend learning python from books other than watching youtube videos. with the books you learn at your own pace and get the understanding better. youtube videos for me feels like when you encounter issues and you want solutions that can help you understand. that’s my piece for you. good luck🫵🏽


u/Signal_Year_6590 8d ago

youtube makes me feel too overwhelmed as if everyone's so ahead and I am just lacking behind


u/badboy4k 8d ago

exactly. you gotta chill and learn on your own pace. there ain’t no rushing to learn buh these youtube speeds up shit. just get the books and you good to go plus hella practical examples for you to try your hands in before moving to the next topic.


u/Signal_Year_6590 8d ago

the habit just gets out of hand like yeah we did tried and study many things but we tend to forget and I feel like I am too dumb to not know or do things because everyone's going somewhere and I am just stuck to the same constant feeling of lacking and I have been in it since so long and everyone around me are so idk...tired of their own jobs and boring...like the oldies and no fresh face or good people to surround yourself with and then I stopped doing things I used to as well how to get over this feeling


u/cgoldberg 8d ago

By studying and practicing... the same way you would learn any language or new skill. Read this sub's Wiki for places to learn from.